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September 20, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-20

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.

,._ ..

Building Problems in More Ways Than One
by H. Neil Berkson


NEWs PHONE: 764-0552

chigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf f writers
ors. This must be noted in all reprints.




Lessor in Discrimi n1ation
augh t at Some Fratert11tes
E FRATERNITIES at Michi- iously enough, I received similar treat-
are despicable centers, even ment at another B house that I rushed.
tnds, for young bigots. Broth- A houses can be. criticized, also. "Well,
isely knit group whose unity we'd take them if they came, but they're
much from common .preju afraid and have no real interest in us;"
t common interests, says an A brother who obviously thinks
ne, primarily because all the religious understanding is a one-way
ted did, that. I am of reli-- street. If he would only realize what one
:anpus there are two types sentence, comparable to the one follow-
aose of religion A and those ing, inserted' in .the fraternity booklet
:n A which I shall refer to would do for the fraternal spirit, this
houses are the most disturb- would be a different campus. ". . . The
rushed B, I was given the members of this fraternity are predomi-
y a brother, but he winced nantly A but during rush we urge an'd
g the last i ames of myself welcome all B's to see the house and pos-
. I was tagen inside to meet sibly help establish the first real 'frater-
actives who treated me rath- fity' on campus."
a name tag was placed upon .
er which I received a rather J MENTIONED BIGOTRY earlier. Imag-
n. I was given a curt and ine a typical student who pledges .B.
rip around the house and In most eases he was raised without pre-
d an invitation to return udice if he had, anything resembling
eek. wise parents and clean-cut friends. Now
I walked into the docor for he finds himself among a group of :fel-
visit at B, a rather polite lows whose comnion denominator is anti-
I to see me privately, He had A. His instructions for interviewing;
en selected to .perform the rushees are probably similar to this: ".. .
.e and embarrassing, yet and if you see an A, try and be polite
crament inherent with his but get rid of him quickly. Invite him
was, so he said, voted down back and then come and see me." It is
eeting during the week and not unlikely that before long he will be
fore, look for another. fra- sharing their attitude.
:. ~The word "fraternity" m.eans brother-
hood; brotherhood inplies equality. What
)UT the front door, I passed kind of brotherhood can be learned in
>f brothers waiting for new a group based on bias and prejudice? Do
departure was greeted by respective members of A and B houses
owls and snickers. Since I think they can always live separate lives?
t a few of the brothers at If not, the college student is of the ma-
, and since I was not out- turity to start the association here at
:ious at that time, any legi- school. In all fraternities there are 'ath-
sion concerning my poten- letes and bookworms, social giants and
Lve to have been postponed hermits. Why not toleration?
after my second visit. Cur- ,--ROBERT LEDERER
Problems at the Piekricek
) FELT SORRY for Atlanta stole my liberty and property rights that
Ldester Maddox when' his were blessings of mine (and yours), prior
ie' Pickrick, was shut down to July 2, 1964." Surely there couldn't be
ment not so' long ago should a ry eye left in Atlanta after readipg
eer to know that his inita- this sob story.
t of free enterprise did not "
at fateful day. In. fact, like BUT THE BEST is yet to'- come. Now
r Phoenix, 'a new and evi- that Maddox has been banned by the
rous business has arisen for "Communists" from using the Pickrick.
figurative ashes of' his old as a restaurant, he has opened it again,
lishmnt. as a base of operations for the sale of{
anti-Johnson books and other inflamma-
s w hl recoll, got his pc- tory articles. Just look at the wide range
refusal o serve Negroes ihn of souvenirs the enterprising Maddox
brought about the closing now offers to the local bigots (and at
ant b overnment officials such reasonable prices, too!):
ant~ ivfialsh -For hi-fi enthusiasts who have tired
ing. the new Civil Rights of sports-car sounds and esoteric jazz,
from hisw restaurant cry- there is a long-playing record, "If -I Go.
C omunistresinthe United to Jail," by the new recording star Lester'
nent had'ruined his "child- Maddox ($2.95), which' he describes .as
n dr d sh -"A live reproduction of our news confer-
ence of July 10, 1964; 'a short time after
thave thopght that that being attacked by the Communist-in-
xnd of it, but they reckoned spired racial agitators and just before
erseverance. A recent issue being sued by little bobby (sic)."
a newspaper reveals that -For those who prefer curling up by
opened a new business in the burning cross with a good book, Mad-
building, a business which dox offers "A Texan Looks at Lyndon" by
igoted attitude even more Evetts Haley, "None Dare Call It Treason"
hi former actions did. by John Stormer, and "American Patri-,
ots" by. that dramatic new a'uthor Lester
|RTISEMENT, Maddox in- Maddox. Also available are various poll-

hin range of his words to tical cartoons (including one entitled
Pickrick, saying, "I can't "Bobby and The Gestapo at The Pickrick.
of the wonderful Pickrick Door"), American flags (50 cents apiece)
re free to do in the past, and Confederate Flag Auto Tags ("Mark-;
sent to show you through ed, 'I stand with Pickrick' "). Rounding
utiful Pickrick restaurant out the line of Maddox products ;are
d by the ungodly and un- "Pickrick Drumsticks" (in other words,
Civil ,Rights Act of 1964, axe handles) in three convenient sizes:_
sported by the bloody and Daddy Size ($2.00), Mama Size ($1.50) and
mists, .enacted by my U.S. Junior Size ($1.25). (Make clubbing Ne-'
igned into law by my Presi- groes over the head with axe handles a#
game the whole family can play!) .f
n take a look at the more
ired chairs and tables, tens WHETHER MADDOX'S new line of work
of dollars in equipment, is also marked by disc-iminatory prac-#
Les, building and property tices is not clear in the advertisement.3
r lifetime of toil and strug- Hopefully, if the local Negroes wish to
clared dead and rendered buy, the latest Lester Maddox record or
Civil Rights Act of 1964 a Confederate Flag Auto Tag, Maddoxz
w by my President) that will not bar their way. Perhaps he will,
even let them buy axe handles at his low #
discount rates so that they can hit eacht
f t1 J flj , other on the head if they want to.
It is sincerely to be hoped that Mad-
1L BERKSON, Editor dox will not hesitate to allow Negroes
R ARD HERSTEIN to buy his new line of hate merchandise.

AS AN 18-story building begins to rise over South"
University St. and Forest Ave., multiple housing in
Ann Arbor suddenly becomes an urgent problem.
It is disturbing that the project's developers have
tried to cover the problem with a public relations' gloss.
They have tried to establish the phony impression that
the University is thoroughly familiar with their plans
and hearily approves. They have tried, on the one hand,
to make us believe that. parking won't be a problem
because most of the building's tenants won't have cars,.
and, on the other hand, that the city, the University and
the chamber o"f "commerce are in .close commnunication
concerning this problem. Neither is true.
based firm is a reputable one, despite the dubious state-
ments of its Ann Arbor representative.They will prob-
ably build to standards above building code requirements.
Nevertheless, three issues are raised which the city of
Ann Arbor and the University must begin to consider or
they will invite pure chaos.
-The greatest of these is parking. A conservative
estimate provides the building's potential 800 occupants-
with .200 cars between them. Because the building has
Central Business District zoning, 'it does not have to"
provide off-street parking for these cars. This is an
intolerable situation in a commercial area which already
has heavy traffic. And every time another "highrise"
goes up (one'is already rumored for across the street)
the problem will get worse.
-The building's rents (estimated at $60-$70 per
person) and apartmentlayouts (efficiencies, one and
two bedrooms) will place it in the same catagory with
other housing in Ann Arbor. It will be primarily directed
at. undergraduates, doing nothing to solve the shortage
of low-cost housing for married couples and "graduate'
-This structure will not' be unique. If it succeeds
it will bring more and bigger buildings in its wake. While
I 'have nothing against "high-rise" housing per se. I
frankly wonder if the Central Campus area should be
dotted with such buildings.
SOME QUARTERS would like to condemn the Uni-
versity for not "using its influence" to stop this building-

from going up. This attitude is mired in wishfulness-
"high-rise" has hit the rest of the country and it's not
going to avoid us. 'But more important, the presumed
"influence" does not exist; initiative here must come
from the city. This is, first of all, Ann Arbor's problem.
The :city" council has .been curiously reluctant to
make any long-range study of multiple housing and,-
particularly, the parking question. If such studies were
initiated,' many things might be done. The-zoning code
could be changed to keep predominently residential units
out of commercial areas. The same requirement-to
provide off-street parking-which applies to multiple
housing in residential areas might be made to apply in
commercial areas as well.
Each of these suggestions involves complex issues.;
Tht point is that the city cannot wait any longer to
examine the effects of "high-rise" housing. Office of
Academic Affairs figures .predict 36,000 students here in
four years--an increase of 6000. Chamber of commerce'
figuers show that each thousand students brings double
that number of University and non-University personnel
and dependents to Ann Arbor. The time to examine the.
ramifications of these figures in terms of housing,
parking and traffic is now.
* * * *
S TEPHEN SPURR, the new graduate school dean, has
:been marked as a "comer" ever since he began work-
ing under the University's answer to the New Frontier
-Roger W. Heyns. Besides heading the natural resources
school, he has effectively coordinated the University's
move into full year operation.,
Mentioned as the new dean of the graduate school
as early as last year, Spurr later became rumored as
the next vice-president for student affairs. It was always
clear that he would move up in the administration.
WHILE Vice-President Heyns contends that there
will be no major changes in graduate school operations,
the fact remains that Spurr is assuming the job on a
full-time basis. His predecessor-Ralph Sawyer-was
only part-time. The school is an odd one-it has no
faculty or .curriculum of its own, existing as an admin-
istrative unit and funnelling Horace Rackham's generous

endowment to various other schools and departments of
the University.
There has been some talk of establishing University-
wide standards for graduate students and quotas for the
different departments, turning the graduate school into
an admissions office. Currently, each department sets
its own requirements, and while quotas. exist, they are
loosely administered.
Spurr may move in these areas; he may move in
others. He is certainly going to meet with opposition.
The graduate school might become an interesting

* 4. *, - *


LITTL. E NOTICED in President Hatcher's welcpme to
freshmen .last month was his first public endorse-
ment of the recent direction of the Office of Student
Affairs. The President was not just talking. As he seeks
a successor to the outgoing OSA vice-president, James
A. Lewis, it is obvious that he wants to underscore the
University's move away from the paternalism which
marked former years.
In this vein, President Hatcher met with both
students and faculty last week to discuss desirable
qualifications for Lewis' successor. The tenor of both
meetings was apparently the same: the OSA is structur-
ally adequate at the present time; what's needed is a
highly respected academic man who can check the grow-
ing split between classroom and extra-classroom life at
the University.
/ SINCE THE CANDIDATES most prominently men-
tioned for the OSA post all fit this criterion, and since
all of them-Deans Robertson and Lehmann and Prof.
Cutler-have worked actively and 'well with students
in the past, the University community should wind up
very satisfied with President Hatcher's selection.
One unfortunate footnote to the student meeting
involved the absence of such people as Union President
Kent Cartwright and International Student Association
President Yee Chen. For some inexplicable reason they
were not included on a list drawn up by SGC President
Thomas Smithson. The Union's involvement in campus
affairs far outweighs that of SGC, while the question of
better programming for foreign students should be one
of OSA's major concerns.

1 4

Balancing French Budget Doesn't Solve Problems

Associate Editorial Director
AST WEEK French Finance
Minister Girard d'Estaing
made the astounding announce-
ment that the French government
has achieved a balanced budget
for 1965--something that hasn't
happened for 35 years.
According to d'Estaing, it is a
"sincere" as well as a balanced
budget and is a continuation of
the economic stabilization plan be-
gun September 12, 1963.
Although a balanced budget may'
be pretty effective campaign ma-
terial for de Gaulle and his men,
about to face.municipal; and Sena-
torial elections in the spring and.
summer as well as the presicen-
tial election at the end of next.
year, it won't be a blessing, for
those: already oppressed by the
stabilization plan-mainly gov-
ernment-salaried workers and
*1 * *
IN THE BUDGEt presentation,
d'Estaing and Premier Georges
Pompidou stressed that social wel-,
fare would not be slighted, but
also announced that employes of
state-run concerns will not be
given wage increases equivalent to
those attained in private sectors.
Unfortunately social welfare ac-
tivities won't apply to state em-
ployes, whose incomes will be dis-
astrously low as the gap be-
tween government-paid and pri-
vate incomes widens.

The French economy under the
s abilization plan was in some
ways too successful. Industry
flourished and the employment
rate was high. The buying power
of private salaries greatly, in-'
creased. But. to halt inflation,
which persists in spite of in-
numerable government precau-
tions both psychological and tech-
nical, the government inflicted its
economic severity on those whose
incomes are most easily controlled'
by the state. Prices of agricultural
products were limited and the an-
nual wage rise of state employes
was blocked..
CONSEQUENTLY the buying:
power of those with private sal-
aries became three times that of
government .employes-of which.
there are many in France. It ap-
pears that 'in 1965i the inequalities
of income wil continue to increase,
further injuring those who were
already economically disadvantag-
The government can insist over;
and over that wages in private in-
dustry, are rising unreasonably
and not according to the Plan,
but unhappy public employes will
not be assuaged with words.
After the prolonged miners'
strike in 1963, the government
agreed to give a catch-up pay to
close the gap between public and
private wages, but this is insuf-
ficient. France is still plagued by
periodic cessation of electricity
and gas supply, telephone and

postal' services and transportation.
All , of these are state-operated
concerns. As' the economic situa-
tion becomes increasingly grim
for public employes, strikes in vital
service areas will probably become"
longer and more frequent.
* * ,
NOT ONLY the public em-
ployes are hard-pressed, their'
children who want to continue
their education beyond the sec-
ondary level are suffering too.
Among the demands put forth
during the student strikes last fall
was a request for student salaries.
Although tuition costs are prac-
tically nonexistent in French'

higher educational institutions,
young people cannot afford to be
studying instead of working, 'be-
cause their families are unable to
support them. Unless public em-
ployes' salaries are increased the
hopelessness of the situation. will
be perpetuated .as many of their
children will be forced to abandon
their education .
Perhaps the situation would be
more understandable or forgivable
if the French economy absolutely
could not provide more money for
public emloyes. But this is not
exactly the problein. Essentially
the funds are there..-But Presi-;
dent de Gaulle has chosen. to di-

rect these funds into a ridiculous
atomic force which the economy
probably will not be able tomain-
tain, and into an unreasonably
large foreign aid program.
* * *
balanced budget has little value
'for the average Frenchman unless
government expenditures are re-
directed as well. A boom in private
industry, the prestige of nuclear
weapons and financial benevo-
lence 'for .Communist China are
lowering the living standards of
public employes. Wine and French
bread alone are not conducive to


The Week in Review
The Regents Bring a Bang


Carryi.ngth e Weig ht of
The Worl d'sProbl emrs..
THAT THE MANY-SIDED personality that is Bob Dylan remains an
enigma-perhaps even to himself-was amply; demonstrated last
night when this uncommonly hung-up kid played guitar and harmonica
and sang to an overflow crowd--estimated as being about half .high
school students at Ann Arbor High. Emphasizing that "I don't write
songs, y'know ... just write verse and set it to music and a tempo I
like . . .," Dylan dispensed liberal doses of his acidic and characteristic
gripes against mid-twentieth century society to a highly receptive
Nearly as random as some of his more esoteric "verses" was his.
delivery on this occasion-obvious to those who had heard the angry.
lad previously-certainly not at the peak of its potential. But some-
how, the unabashedly monotonous. guitar style--not always in tune,.
either-the unsophisticated and occasionally sloppy harmonica work,
and the pinched nasal voice (that only Bob Dylan could get away with.
consistently and still remain a popular performer) only served to throw
the weighty content of Dylan's musical polemics into shocking sharp
GRANTED, MOST OF us take issue with much in the course of
recent history and contemporary social and other trends, it is only too.
clear that Bob Dylan has concerned himself with these problems to
the extent that the burden may be about to knock him flat. Committed
to his grand sense as deeply as he is at thispoint, Dylan conveyed the
feeling through his material, his arrangements, his "technique," and
his strangely worn and tired appearance that he is ". . . tired of blow-
in' words at a stone wall... .," that he is frustrated at the reception oft
his "message," and that he doesn't give a damn about that flat G-
string, the missed chord, the monotonous chanting of familiar verses.

Assistant Managing Editor '
Assistant Editorial. Director,
in Charge of the Magazine
SLOW TO START, this week at
the University ended not with
a whimper but a bang.
The climax of the week came
with the appointmient oaf Stephen
Spurr to the graduate school dean-
ship at Friday's Regents meeting.'
The selection of Spurr should
mean closer cooperation between
the graduate school and the Of-
fice of Academic Affairs. Spurr
worked part-time in the academic:
affairs office, under Heyns, since
October, 1962. He was responsi-
ble for coordinating the shift to
the tri-term.:
This total academic perskective
should enable Spurr to understand
the difficulties and pressures ex-
isting between the graduate school
and the undergraduate colleges.
Some administrators contend the
current student-teacher ratio, in
the graduate school can be lower-
ed to benefit the ,quality of un-'
dergraduate education without
hurting graduate studies.-
It is interesting to note that.
. the dean of one of the Univer-
sity's smallest schools should be-
come head of one of the nation's'
largest graduate schools.
_ * * *
Spurr, only one important cam-
pus post remains to be filled--
the vice-presidency of student af-
fairs. After 10 years in the OSA
job. James A. Lewis is anxious to
retire and return to teaching in
the education school. s
Last Tuesday's discussion be-
tween student leaders and Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher over quali-
fications for the student, affairs.
vice-president is in itself signifi-
cant--the mere fact a meeting oc-
curred is encouraging. Those talkE
-and another President Hatcher

Another important student-fac-
-ulty discussion this week - this
time .on the residence college to
be built near. North Campus-cen-
tered on the'type of housing ac-
commodations this living-learning
unit should contain. Nothing. wa.:
decided at this first meeting-and
this is good. Thorough planning
requires the 11 students involved
to discuss and disagree frequent-
ly enough to arrive at a workable'
plan for . the college's housing
THE REGENTS met Friday with
.seven members instead of the
usual eight. The seat of the late
Regent William McInally, who
died Aug. 22, will be filled by
appointment - probably within a
few days. Gov. George Romney',
appointee will fill Regent McInal-
ly's term 'which expires Dec. 31,
.1968. .
19ansing sources predicted earl-
ier Romney would name McInal-
ly's successor before Friday's
meeting.; Now it is believed Rom-
ney waited until yesterday's Re-
publican state convention picked
a lieutenant'-governor candidate.
' The state convention last night
nominated Sen.., William Milliken
of Traverse City as the Republi-
can candidate for lieutenant gov-'
ernor, ruling him 'outof the race.
Allison Green, nominated for sec-
retary of state, was also elimi-
nated from the running.,'
Other contenders for the seat
include former Republican state
chairman Lawrence Lindemer; Ink
White, a Clinton County pub-
lisher who ran unsuccessfully for
the board in 1963, and Robert
Briggs of Jackson, a former Uni-,
versity business and finance vice-
* * *
cussion at the Regents meeting.
was sparked wheh Regent Gar'
Birablec of Roseville questioned the
acceptance of a $500 scholarship
for Negro students. Regent Brab-
lec wondered if such a scholar-

non-discrimination because it at-
tempts to bring aid to an area
which needs help." He defined
"implicit discrimination" as 'the
deliberate attempt to exclude cer-
tain persons from receiving aid.
* * *
THE TROUBLE with this defi-
nition is that it is, vague. The
first scholarship in 'the Univer-
sity's scholarship booklet is re-
served to "Caucasion, Protestant
women of American parentage
who need financialaassistance."
Other scholarships are available
only to Oriental women, Jewish
students, "needy Protestant stu-'
dents," and "worthy young white
men or women."
The University has attempted
to contact scholarship donors and
persuade them to change discrim-
inatory clauses i1 the scholar-
ships. Yet the clauses and the
scholarships still stand. Where is
\the line being drawn?
It is encouraging that Regent
Brablec publicly questioned the
nature of the Negro scholarship.
The unfortunate action was the
6-1 voteto table the motion. This
means the issue of discriminatory
scholarships will be discussed and
decided privately by the Regent:
and voted on in an upcoming
meeting. Custom apparently pre-
vents public disagreement among
the University's governing board.
DEVELOPERS 'of an 18-story
apartment building under con-
struction on South University
St. drew sharp criticism from
members of the Office of Stu-
dent Affair's off-campus housing
office this week. OSA housing per-
sonnel denied claims by Robert
Weaver, local representative of
the Milwaukee firm planning the
project, that the University was
"satisfied" with plans for the
Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie claimed
only "peripheral" contact with de-
velopers and expressed concern
over lack of parking facilities. At
Wednesday's SOC meeting Weaver
tried to brush off student con-



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