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September 19, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-19

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Cloudy with possible rain,
partly cloudy tomorrow


VOL. LXXV, No. 18



Look into Action
In Tonkin Gulf
Destroyer Action Near Viet Nam
Draws Communist Accusations
WASHINGTON (JP)-The United States government, operating
behind a secrecy screen, sought early this morning to determine
whether two U.S. desrtoyers patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin fired at
phantoms or at threatening Communist North Vietnamese torpedo
The North Vietnames foreign ministry claimed two destroyers
were in action yesterday near a place called Nghe An, that "heavy
explosions were heard and flashes of light and aircraft circling over
the spot were seen from the shore.'
A new China news agency report from Hanoi placed the scene 60
miles off Nghe An and spoke of two U.S. warships being "active"

Regents Name Spurr to Positio



of 'U'

Graduate Scho









rU' Gets $500,000 in Grants

Succeeds Sawyer;
Starts in October
Played Major Role in Tra
To Tri-Term; Heyns Praises


New Director
For Ho1nors
Prof. Adon Gordus of the chem-
istry department has 'recently
been appointed associate director
of the honors council. He fills' a
pisition created to aid the council.
,n handling increased enrollments.
and further expansion.
Gordus sees an increased effort
to inform prospective candidates
of the honors program as one of
his primary duties. "This is by no
means to be construed as a re-
cruitment effort," he notes, 'but
it is startling to learn that almost
90 per cent of the students pres-
ently in honors were not aware
of the program until they were
accepted into it."
Gordus is helping plane: a book-
let tentatively titled "The Honors
Program at Michigan." Its pur-
pose will be to inform students of
the types of honors courses and
programs available not ..only in
the literary college, but through-
out the University.
Gordus also expects to give talks
on the honors program to visiting
high school faculty, alumni and
Sother groups. Many reiuests for..
such information hive been made
recently in view of the highly pub-
licized honors program at Mich-
igan State University.
Gordus emphasizes, however,
that he wishes to give the major-
ity of his "time to the internal
workings of the honors program.
"The honors program itself is cer-
tainly not perfect now," he said.
"Though we must seriously con-
sider the difficulties of increasing
the effectiveness of the honors
council in view of present prob-
lems throughout the University,
we should be able to make some
Gordus wishes to discuss pos-
sible new course developments
directly with honors students. He
hopes to be of help in establishing
extra-curricular programs, though
he feels that these should be pri-
marily instigated by students
Another possible development,
Gordus suggests, might be research
tutorials in the humanities for
freshmen and sophomores. These
could be structured along the lines
of tutorials offered in the Unified
Science program. He notes that
work on these research projects,
have often led to student work on
sponsored research fund projects.
Approve Changes
In Election Rules
The, Regents at their monthly
meeting yesterday approved two
changes in Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics elections.
The new rules state that all
students may vote in the election

< Friday evening and at daybreak;
Communist Denial
*In a statement broadcast.. by
Red China's official news agency,'
the North Vietnamese mentioned
nothing about any of their units
being involved. The Communists1
denied they provoked the incident
and accused the U.S. of trying to
create an excuse for attacking
North Viet Nam..
Prior to the North Vietnamese
statement, U.S. sources had said
two destroyers steaming in the
darkened and overcast Gulf of
Tonkin had opened fire on what
they thought were Communist tor-
pedo boats closing to attack.
The destroyers did not report
seeing any craft, according to in-
formants, but .said they observed
what appeared to be hostile craft
on radar several miles away.
Vague Reports
The sources said that in reports
to the Pentagon-reports describ-
ed as garbled--the U.S. warships
did not say they: were fired on,
as were other U.S. destroyers in
clashes Aug. 2 and4.Those earlier
clashes brought down swift U.S.
rataliation on Red PT boat bases
and oil dumps.
The U.S. carrier-launched air
strikes were said to have destroy-
ed about half of Red Viet Nam's
50 torpedo boats.
The White House and State De-
partment remained silent, al-
though there was a notable lackt
of crisis atmosphere there and in
the Pentagon, too, as the day
wore on.
But in South Viet Nam, a mil-
itary spokesman said a special
alert had been ordered for Ameri-
can forces there.
U Pr ogram
rw, _

Bill Awaits
$500,000 Available
For Fall Semester
The University Office of Finan-
cial Aids announced yesterday that
it had received $500,000 for stu-
dent loans through the National
Defense Education Act.
However, a question has been
raised as to the authorization of
this money since President Lyn-
don B. Johnson has not as yet
signed the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare Appropri-
ations bill which would free this
"It is illegal to disperse any
money before the bill.has been
signed by the President," said Dr.
Martin Mayes, information direc-
tor of the Office of Education.
University ' officials said that
perhaps the explanation for the
pre-mature dispersement of funds
was due to the fact that the Uni-
versity began its fall semester
earlier than other schools and so
needed the money sooner..
The $500,000 available for loans
for the fall semester is part of
the $700,000 which the University
has been promised by the Office
of Education. The remaining
$200,0@00 will be available for loans
during the spring semester.
The Office of Financial Aids is
committed to loans for this se-
mester totaling $400,000. Due to
many delays in the passage of the
HEW bill, the University request-
ed $226,000 as tie-over fund from
the Office of Education.
The Office of Education com-
mitted itself to providing the tie-
over fund. This commitment was
based on the old NDEA program
which expired in 1963. The Uni-
versity then mysteriously received
the $500,000 check.
Despite the questioned pre-ma-
turity of the money, applications
are still available for student loans
for this semester. The loans will
average about $350 per student.
There are no restrictions on the
use of the loan. However, the Of-
fice of Financial Aids does keep
close control on the money. More
than 1000 students received loans
through NDEA last year amount-

Table Negro Scholarship Plan

The Regents set the stage for
a future clarification of their pol-
icy on discriminatory scholarships
yesterdayas they voted to delay
the acceptance of a stipend in-
tended exclusively for Negroes.
Following a rare public show of
disagreement, the Regents tabled
a motion which would have ac-
cepted a $500 Negro scholarship
annually for 10 years. The vote
was 6-1, with the lone dissenter
Regent Irene Murphy of Birming-
ham who had moved its accept-
ance. -;
COfficials reported after the
monthly public meeting it was
the first time in their recollection
that the governing officers here
had voted publicly to refuse a
Define Position
The Regents will resolve their
position privately and then define
it publicly during the next few
The issue arose yesterday after
the chairman, University Presi-
dent IHarlan Hatcher, presented
the scholarship offer, made by
an anonymous donor, for regenta'
Standard procedures would have
called for immediate approval
But, Regent Carl Brablec of Rose-
ville raised the "question of wheth-
er this scholarship is' compatible
with the regental policy of anti-
That policy is contained in By-
law 2.14 which prohibits discrim-
ination against persons "because
of race, religion, creed, national
origin or ancestry."
prom this guideline, the Re-
gents have established a genera?
policy which disallows "scholar-
ships with implied discrimination,'
President hatcher told the meet-
ing. He defined "implied discrimi-
nation" as a deliberate attempt
to exclude certain persons friom
receiving needed aid.
By contrast, the scholarship of-
fer "is well within the spirit of
the regental policy of non-dis-
crimination because it attempts tc
bring aid to an area which needs
help," he said.
Want Clarification
But several Regents, express-
ing the hope that the policy might
be clarified, strove to point out
the ambiguities in the president's
Brablec inquired whether the
poor Southern Appalachian coul
be endowed exclusively in a schol-

arship program. And Regent Al-
lan Sorenson of Midland pointed
to the Regents policy seeking to
strip discriminatory clauses from
scholarship bequests before they
are officially given.
There are currently scholar-
ships offered here which favor
students according to race, na-
tional origin and locale.
Table Motion
Regent Eugene Power of Ann
Arbor choked off debate with a
motion to table, which was adopt-
The implications of the partic-
ular scholarship were given by
Brablec. He observed the connec-

tion with the University's Op-
portunity Award Scholarship Pro-
gram, which is geared to the dis-
advantaged Negro in Detroit.
The $500 annual stipend would
be used to bolster this program
which receives matching assistance
from the University. Brablec con-
tended that such University mon-
ey would be offered in direct
violation of the anti-discrimina-
tion policy.
University officials have justi-
fied, as they did yesterday, the
allotment 9f funds for "disadvan-
taged youth" because of the soda'
responsibilities which the schoo
has to the immediate urban area.

The Regents approved the appointment of Ste
Spurr as graduate school dean at their monthly meet
Spurr, dean of the natural resources school sin
and assistant to Vice-President for Academic Affair
W. Heyns, will succeed retiring Dean Ralph A. Sawyer.
In the Office of Academic Affairs, Spurr playe
nificant role in planning the University's transition
year operation. He served as executive secretary of t
versity's Commission on Year-Round Integrated O
which issued its report in May 1961 and was res
for coordinating the actual
shift to a full-year calendar. '

OSA Looks for A dvisor
After recently naming John Feldkamp as advisor to Student
Government Council, the Office of Student Affairs is looking for
someone to assume his old responsibilities as fraternity advisor.
Director of Student Activities and Organizations John Bingley
gave Feldkamp the duty of SGC advisor during the summer. Feld-.
kamp is now acting as both fraternity advisor and advisor to SGC.;
Until 1960, Mrs. Ruth Callahan, as administrative assistant in
the Office of Student Affairs, had performed duties similar to
those Feldkamp assumed this summer. She also served 'as adminis-
trative secretary to SGC.
In 1960, SGC hired a full-time administrative secretary, Mrs.
Callahan stayed on as SGC advisor until 1962, when she left the
From then until Feldkamp took over this summer, Bingley
advised SGC in addition to performing his other duties. These duties
center around student discipline and counseling for individual
students and organizations.
Feldkamp describes his main job now as "encouraging SGC'to
fulfill fully the functions for which it was created." He lists recog-
nition and regulation of student activities and approval of student
sponsored events among its main functions..
Last month, Feldkamp urged Council to exercise a power he felt
it had neglected in the past, that of giving final approval to the
scheduling of student-sponsored events.
SGC last year appointed a student-faculty-administration com-
mittee and" gave it the authority to schedule the events. Student
organizations and others thought the committee had the power of
final approval of events, Feldkamp explains. But he held that the
motion SGC passed gave only scheduling power to the committee,
and that SGC had reserved for itself the right to give final approval
to the scheduling.
As a result, all' student organizations with events planned fore
the fall were informed that SGC still had the authority to give
final approval. At its first meeting this fall, Council clarified the
matter by reserving the power for itself.
Until OSA finds a new man, Feldkamp will continue his old
job as fraternity advisor. His functions here include attending
officers individually and advising fraternities on finances, rushing
and acaderdiics. Officials are searching for a new man for the job
so that Feldkamp can devote full time to his new duties. "But we're
not close to finding anybody," Feldkamp comments.


1. 'o Promo t e
Operation Michigan, a program
dedicated to the better under-
standing .of .the University, be-
gins its 1964 venture on October
1, Vice-President for University
Relations Michael Radock an-
nounced yesterday.
"We want our alumni and
friends to see more of the Univer-
sity than a football game," Rad-
ock said, in detailing the third
year of the program that is de-
signed to give the public a view
of what is going on inside the
Beginning with the first of
eight two-day "U-M '64" semi-
nars, about 320 interested alumni
and friends will be on campus to
attend classes and talk with stu-
dents, faculty and administra-
tors to get a "broad view of the
Groups of 40 will stay overnight
in the Union and will be able
to see any aspect of the Univer-
sity that interests them.
In addition "Operation Michi-
gan '64" will irftlude five presi-.
dent's conference sessions held in
major urban centers and keynot-
sd by University President Har-
lan Hatcher.
Conferences are currently set
for Lansing, Traverse City, Birm-
ingham and Flint, with an addi-
tional site to be selected. Dates
for these conferences involving
alumni, "opinion leaders" and.
friends of the University will be
announced shortly.
Another phase of the program
is 'the briefing in which admin-
istrators will discuss such areas
as planning, faculty, admissions
and scholarship policy. These
meetings will be held in 10 Mich-
igan cities.
A fourth, somewhat smaller.
phase is the "Report from Ann
Arbor." Faculty members and ad-

"All of his experience n teach-
ing and scholarly work provides an
excellent background for the work
of graduate dean, Heyns said.
"Dean Spurr has also demonstrat-
ed again and .again his compe-
tence as an administrator.
"His term as dean of the natur-
al resources school has been ex-
traordinarily productive of con-
structive change. As assistant to
the vice-president for academic af-
fairs, he has revealed remarkable
skills as a catalyst and as a de-
veloper of educational policy,'
Heyns said.
Heyns was chairman of the com-
mittee responsible for selecting a
new graduate dean. He reported
the committee's unanindus recom-
mendation of Spurr at yesterday's
Regents' meeting.
Heyns indicated there would be
no major reorganization of the
graduate school, since the dean-
ship selection committee approved
the role of the graduate school as
it now stands. He admitted prob-
lems exist letween certain depart-
ments and the Rackham adminis-
tration but said "none were insol-
Heyns, however, reported a re-
examination of present procedureE
would be forthcoming.
Spurr's appointment is effec-
tive October 1. In the interim he
intends to acquaint himself with
the present problems of the grad-
uate school and the duties fac-
ing its dean.
"My job is to learn as much
as possible about the position of
graduate school dean. I plan to
devote the next few weeks to in-
tensive consultation," Spurr said.
"I plan on making no policy
statements until I talk to admin-
istrators and the executive com-
mittee of the graduate school
They are much closer to the prob-
lem than I. I have no preconceiv-.
2d notions or objectives about what
I will do in my new capacity."
Before joining the University
faculty in 1952, Spurr held po-
sitions as assistant professor of
forestry at Harvard University,
acting director of the Harvard
Forest and associate professor of
forestry at the University of Min-
Spurr is the author of several
books and the use of aerial pho-
tography to inventory forest area
and inventor of several devices for
utilizing these photographs. He is
also founder and editor of "The
Journal of Forestry Sciences.
Federal Advisor
He has served as advisor to
private industry, several federa-
agencies and foreign government
in areas concerning forest man-
agement and conservation.
Presently, Spurr is a member
of the Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics and chair-
man. ofits plant expansion com-
mittee engaged, in planning of F
new basketball arena and other
athletic facilities.
University President H a r a n
Hatcher commented that "al-
though the graduate school dean
doesn't employ faculty or preside
over a specific discipline, his' po-


ing to a total of $500,000.

Priority for the loans
given to students working
masters degrees and to;
planning to enter the

will be
on their
field of

Is Postpone
The Regents have adopt
vately a record budget refi
portedly exceeding $50 milli
they have decided not to at
the figure until the bid hf
received in Lansing, a Un
spokesman said yesterday.
The announcement wil
within two \weeks.
Meeting in a working
the governing officers set i
proximate figure" yesterc
the request, he explained.
This is a customarypy
whereby the administrat
ficers are instructed o
amount but are left to fill
One reason given for hol
the request, due by the m:
September, is to enable
here to analyze enrollment
for the fall. They are red
around 29,000, several h
higher than the anticipate
The Regents had been e:
to announce their request
monthly meeting yesterda
The University's bid for
ing funds, which pays teach
maintains the facilities, w
the requests of the othe
state-supported schools.
State University announce
seeking $35 million while 1VI
State University is aski
In Lansing, the governor
will analyze the requests
rive at final totals for the
ary budget message to the
lature. The final higher ed
appropriation will emerg
the Legislature sometime
Requests of the 10 schc
expected to exceed $170
Lansing sources have prec
record appropriation fro
state of more than $150 mil
ACLU Infoi
Student VoL
The Ann Arbor - Was
county branch of the Ai
Civil Liberties Union recent

Regents Convene for ear's First Meeting
.: , .. . .

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