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September 17, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-17

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Negroes Gain in Farm Program

Computers Study
Humanities Fields

Say Labor


WASHINGTON -One of the
most intimate contacts between
the federal government and the
race-conscious South is through
the federal farm program, the
Wall Street Journal reported re-
The Agriculture Department
which has previously toleratec
Southern segregation, is now
changing its doctrines to imple-
ment more integrated programs.
Agriculture Secretary Orville L
Freeman, however, faces a very
critical political situation as a re-
sult of the new Civil Rights Act.
The new Civil Rights Commis-

would be faced with a fight and groes" in the South, contended one
"we're going to get hit hard. official.
While we're trying to do some- The Agriculture Department's
thing about it, there are too many Extension Office provides one of
obstacles blocking any quick rights the closer contacts between the
action." I}federal government and farmers.

These obstacles become clearly
evident in the programs of the
Agriculture Department.
The Agriculture Stabilization
and Conservation Service manages
the giant $3 billion income sup-
port programs. In the South Ne-
groes comprise over one-fourth of
the population but no Negroes sit
on any of the 16 ASCS commit-
tees. Of the county committee
hired help, 3500 office managers.
clerks and stenographers, 46 are
The ASCS county committee
members are elected by local farm-
ers, and since the whites are in
majority they usually control this
vote. These officials are excludedf
from direct federal pressures, but
the Negroes could conceivably
mass their strength and elect Ne-
groes to these offices.
The state committee "appoint.
ments, however, are made directly
from Freeman's office and they
have in the past been patronage
The Farmers Home Administra-
tion earmarks improvement fund
to farmers and much of its $700
million goes deep into the South.
But this administration in 1961
had almost no Negroes on its
Few Negroes
Although it now employs some
105 full-time Negro employes, only
31 of these work in the South of
a total of 1,275 t'tal employes in
southern field offices.
The FHA claims that it has a
difficult time finding qualified
Negroes to employ. "FHA com-
mittee men are supposed to be
farm and community leaders of
wide acquaintancenthroughout the
county, men of influence who
know real estate values and how
to handle money. So far this kind
of individual has been hard to
find among farm oriented Ne-

Extension agents and homE
economists work in the communi-
ties stopping at farmer's homes
and speaking at local gatherings.
In 500 of the South's 1,385 com-
munities, Negroes are employed as
home economists and extension
service agents. But in half of these
county facilities, segregation is
still practiced,

from a Negro extension service
agent, try to picture a Negro
home economist demonstrating
new household hints to a group
of white housewives," says one
federal official.
At the present time Negro agent.
are employed to assist only Ne-
groes. Heavy criticism of this
practice is expected from the Civi?
Rights Commission.
Because of all this Freeman is
naturally moving slowly. But the
change is in the offing and the

NEW YORK-Computer tech-
niques are now available to
strengthen the power of literary
analysis and criticism enormous-
ly, but the humanities lack the
money to put these tools to work.
These conclusions were reachec,

puter science heard one anoth-
er's ideas. Their meeting ground
was in an attempt to develop com-
puter programs that can take some
of the fuzziness out of the ideas
and the language of literary cri-

To Prosper
(Continued from Page 1)
"To exemplify," he said, "a11
workers in a particular industry
like the steel industry would form
a. lame union, They would elect


s i LIxr7 t1II, II reU agriculture department
"If you can't imagine a white I making definitive plans
Southern farmer taking advice inate discrimination.

is now
to elim-

Detroit Builds Slu


sion maintains that the Agricul-
ture Department is "one of the
most backward in race relations."
Closed Doors
Although this judgment has
been made it has yet to be an-
nounced publicly and probably
won't be until after the November
elections. But Negro leaders have
been raising the same sort of
The Washington director of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancem nt of Colored People said,
"We feel some top administrators
are hostile to Negro advance-
One of Freeman's aides recently
admitted that the department

DETROIT {A)-Skid row has
survived the surgery of urban;
renewal, but now the city ap-
pears ready to try some unique
psychology on it.+
In the works is a plan to pro-
vide hotel-like accommodations-
not the flophouse type-for up-
wards of 200 men who've hit the
end of the line.
It's described as a first-in-the-
nation project and has the finan-
cial backing of Uncle Sam and the
support of a host of Detroit City
The program's purpose will be
the rehabilitation of many of the
denizens of skid row-men trap-.
ped at the bottom by such prob-
lems as alcoholism.
They would be housed in an
old, downtown area hotel and
would receive medical and psy-,
chiatric help, job counseling, spir-
itual guidance and the like.
The government, through the
Federal Housing Administration,
has granted some $250,000 to pay
for the two-year pilot project
said Rev. Clement H. Kern, a
member of the Mayor's Rehabali-
tation Commission.
Detroit would supply many of
the services, he said, with such
institutions as the city-operated
Receiving Hospital playing a de-
cisive role. Volunteers also would
help out.
"We're looking for the guy on
the bottom," Kern said, and then
he described the skid row man
this way:
"He is the mental inadequate,
thrown off the wheel, the hard-
core alcoholic, and the man who
gets trapped down there.

"There's a whole host of dif-
ferent kinds of people, including
the fast-buck guys."
The soft-spoken priest, pastoi
of Most Holy Trinity Roman Cath-
olic Church, didn't use the word
"research" in referring to the pro-
Whole Man
"We want to see what can be
done for the whole man," he ex-
If the project jells - and it
needs only Detroit City Council
approval now-the men would b
required to pay a nominal rental
charge for their rooms. Much o'
the other things they required
probably would be taken care of
by various city and state agen-
cies, Kern indicated.
A key factor here would be the
cooperation of state and federal
employment offices. Kern said
these agencies have expressed s
real desire to pitch in.
Physicians and psychiatrists al-
so would be important and in
some caseshhospitalization may bt
But the hotel is the pivot. spot.
the launching point for the re-
habilitation program.
"Maybe we can talk some of
these men into this kind of hous-
ing to get them started," Kern
About two years ago, he said, i
group of citizens conceived the ho-
tel idea. A year ago they step-
ped up their pace when skid row
was demolished.
The row - then mainly along
Michigan Ave. near downtown De-
troit-was torn down under an
urban hrenewal program.bAway
went the flophouses, the- blotter-


last w eek at a three-day m eeting M eanings their ow n a na a nd would
Meanin stheir own managers, and would
on literary data processing, held Critics, talking or writing about form a congressional unit of their
at International Business Ma- Swift, for example, speak of his own."
chine Corporation's research cen- style as "muscular" or "nervous." 'No Need'
ter in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. Literary people, however, do not Blomen continued, "There woulc
The meeting was one attempt agree what these words mean. be no need for the present politi-
to help bridge the gap between Computer specialists, aided by cal structure of government. The
the two talked about cultures computer minded critics, propose legislatures could be disbanded
sciences and humanities. Liter- to replace the old fuzzy terms immediately, and an industria?
ary men and specialists in com- with critical judgments that can council convened to begin the
--------be put into precise computer lan- process of industrial government."
For example, a computer pro-
grammed by Prof. Sally Sedelow
of the English department of St
Louis University, has been used
o tel' to search for the themes in Act
IV, scene 1 of "Hamlet." To her i
satisfaction, she reported, the ma-
like bars, and the ancient hall- chine found them.
ways and cluttered alleys where ,Other speakers told of the suc-
men often slept. cesses of computer analysis. Lit-
But skid row didn't die. It just }erary men, as an example, have
moved, Kern said. He pointed ou' long wondered 'whether one man!
that many skid row people shuf- or many wrote the "Iliad." A com-
fled to other nearby streets-stir puter search of the poem indi-.............
not far from the downtown sec- vates Homer had assistance.
tion-and now populate part o' Identification
a neighborhood. Instead of being An additional project, at the
a strip, the row has changed University of Rochester, will be
into a complex of streets which to identify those portions of Em
often overlap. erson's writings that he carried
from his notebooks to his essays
-t ht Keryal uh drem At the final session of the lit-
He said a hotel has been chase erary data processing session, i' ( .
by the siiahotelhasibeen s was suggested that government
e citizens committee. .. foundations, computer companie HENNING BLOMEN
The priest said the city counci and other institutions be ap- "ir
probably will be asked to act proached for support of compute The Socialist Labor Party can
later this monthapplications to humanistic stud- offer a system of peace and coop-
If the okay comes, "we'd be ies eration to all Americans," he said.
ready to buy the hotel the next Prof. Stephen M. Parrish of the "We call upon all laborers to vote
day," Kern said. English departmenmt of Cornel for our candidates and establish
Other cities will be watching University said, "No one asks an effective industrial society.
with interest since, according te computer to be a literary critic Blomen called upon all Amer-
Kern, the Detroit project will be but the computer can help make icans to end government in the
the first of its kind in the na- a better critic of a literary man.' U.S. "of the people, by the people,
--SbeXterucritice of a liyte.arySman,
tioni. Copyright, 1964, .The New York Times and fr the capitalists."
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# i ..' .'
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Pettios vaiabl i
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10 to 4:30

orld ews Roundu
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister Douglas-Home announced yesterday
that the British national election will be held Thursday, Oct. 15.
On that date an expected 25 million or more voters will elect a
new 630-seat House of Commons to legislate for this island kingdom
for a five-year term. The old parliament will be dissolved Sept. 25.
DETROIT-Faced with a strike deadline, negotiators yesterday
strove for a new contract agreement between Ford Motor Co. and
the United Auto Workers Union before time runs out. UAW Presi-
dent Walter P. Reuther announc-o
ed that the deadline had been
set for 10 a.m. Friday because, he
r said, the two sides still were far
apart on issues of wage inequities,
relief time .and production stan- A
dards for Ford's 125,000 production '
workers. I '

Socialist Workers' candidate for Vice-President
will speak on:
How to stop Goldater.


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PARIS-Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma, neutralist premier of Laos,
and Prince Souphanouvong, lead-
er of the pro-Communist, Pathet
Lao, will meet again today in an
effort to smooth the way for a
formal conference of the three po-
litical factions.. four-hour meet-
ing of representatives of left, right
and neutralist groups yesterday
failedto produce any substantial
General U Thant yesterday namedI
Gala Plaza Lasso, former president
of Ecuador, as the UN mediator ini
Cyprus, and gave him a free hand
to seek peace there. Plaza, now
serving as the secretary-general's
special representative in Cyprus,
replaces Finnish diplomat Sakari
S. Tuomioja, who died Sept. 9.
* * *
sources reported yesterday that
3000 former Katangan armed gen-
darmes have entered the Congo
mining town of Kolwezi from An-
gola, causing growing unrest.

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