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September 17, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-17

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High-7 2
A slight warming
trend this afternoon

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL 'LXXV, No.16



Establish Grievance Groups

Barry Is
'Hailed in

Of Viel



Student Government Council last night approved the formation
of committees to process alleged student grievances against the
A Council meeting in South Quadrangle also heard a presenta-
tion on an 18-story student apartment structure scheduled for
construction on South University Avenue and its lack of new parking
The decision to establish grievance committees followed intro-
duction of a detailed enumeration of student grievances accompanied



To Increase
SAGINAW '(i') -Competition to
get a seat in a college classroom
was keen this year and indica-
tions are it will be more so in
The year 1965 is crucial for
Michigan higher education. The
crest of the World .War II baby
crop graduates from high school
next June.
Registrars are advising high
school seniors to get their appli-
cations \ hdmission ip. early
as possile.
"Students must make up their
minds earlier next year in apply-
ing to a college," said George N.
Lauer, registrar at Central Mich-
igan University at Mount Pleas-
ant. "The later they wait the
more difficult it will be to get
into a college."'
Central Michigan had a 30 per
cent increase in applications this
year and expects another 25 per
cent next year.
Ferris State College at Big
Rapids had a 31 per cent increase
this year and expects a 40 per1
cent increase next year.
Prof. Victor Spathelf, school
president, said if Ferris can ac-
commodate the 500-student in-
crease it is planning for in 1965,
"It will be done with the greatest
Houdini act you've ever seen."
The University went up from
9,000 applications to 11,000 this
year, and expects another 13,000
next year. Gayle Wilson, assistant
registrar, said 80 per cent of all
applicants are admissible by the
University's standards of a B av-
erage in high school.
The term "qualified student for
college" is a misleading term, and
can be used only in connection
with a specific college. Ferris wll
admit students with a C average.
The University wants a C-plus
average aryd students in the top
half of the graduating class
Colleges recognize their selec-
tivity now is high, and don't want
to get more selective. They doint
out there are so many students
who qualify for admission that the
time is approaching when the
postmark on the letter will deter-
mine final placement. It is now at
a "first come first serve basis" at
CMU and Ferris, officials said.
SIes MSUPlan
As 'Consistent'
A recent grant of $1.25 million
for Michigan State University's
two-year medical program is con-
sistent with medical agreements
between MSU and the other state-
supported schools, according t,, an
official here.
Dean William Hubbard of the
Medical School explained that
the Kellogg Foundation gift will
support a two-year human medi-
cine program at MSU in accord-
ance with a pact initialed by MSU
and the University last year.'
This agreement called for MSU
to develop its two-year program
k nrx n a " ai -m~ipC.V' aA.Y u WR.Vw P

by a list of corresponding demands
that SGC should make upon the
University. The report, submitted
by Barry Bluestone, '66, separated;
student grievances into thirteen
categories, 'ranging from the cru-
cial student parking problem to
the need for academic reform in
some branches of the University.
Executive Vice-President Doug-
las Brook, '65, moved an amend-
ment to create a separate com-
mittee for each of the grievance
categories in order to facilitate
and improve the processing of the
complex Bluestone motion.
Following considerable debate,
Council passed the amendment-
and agreed to let the Executive
Committee set the number of
committees to be created and to
tentatively establish the mem-
bership of each committee. How-
ever, it was agreed that all Coun-
cil members would sit on a com-
mittee, and would be joined by
other student appointees.
Thed gExecutive Committee was
also delegated the authority to
establish deadlines for the final
reports of each committee. Coun-
cil members expressed the desire
to have these deadlines set within
the next two or three weeks so that
Council might act on the total
grievance motion before the up-
coming elections.
Council then moved into com-
mittee of the whole discussion on
the grievance report, investigating
the document section by section
and making -recommendations as
to each grievance area might best
be researched.
The apartment house project,
which does not provide for any
parking spaces for the building's
80 residents, was discussed by
Chester Roberts, a representative
of the South University merchants,
and by Robert Weaver of the
Towne Realty Corporation which
is planning the structure.
They said that they were fully
aware of the critical parking sit-
uation in the campus area, but
that it was not the sole responsi-
bility of the builder to solve any
local parking problem. They said
that whole topic of parking in
Ann Arbor, and specifically in the
campus area, is the joint concern
of the city government, and the
University as well as with the
merchants and realtors.
They added that the parking
roblem should be broadly inves-

An ad hoc committee for Stu-
dent Government Council will dis-
cuss the possibility of organizing-
a student employes' association to-t
The association would have
power to negotiate with adminis-
tration officials regarding the
wages, hours and working condi-
tions of student employes and
would not be affiliated with SGC.
The SGC committee has investi-
gated the working conditions of
students and says the University
is paying lower wages than other
universities in the Midwest.
Barry Bluestone, '66, chairman
of the committee, said he hopes
that students will voice their
opinions on the feasability and
possible structure of the associa-
tion. If enough interest is shown,
the students can then investigate
means by which an organization
could be set up, he added.
There are over 900 students
employed in the dormitories, the
Michigan Union, the Women's
League and the libraries.
In comparison with University
wages, the committee has found
that minimum wages at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin and Michigan
State University are $1.25 per
hour, and those at the University
of Minnesota are $1.37. Minimum
student wages at the University
are $1.

By The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY - The major'
candidates of both parties hit the O4IPIHIIUI1S S
campaign trail hard yesterday, as
campaign promises and blister- "
ing accusations cluttered the land- A 11 at i ai s
Sen. Barry Goldwater received T
a roaring, flag-wavingrwelcome i 011 ndo hi
ia Montgomery as he carried h
vote-getting campaign to the
cradle of the Confederacy. Pathet Lao Leader
For the Republican presidentia'
nominee, it was a triumphant end Asks Conferences
for a day of campaigning in Ten- By The Associated Press
nessee, Georgia and Alabama.
The climax came before 25,0W' SAIGON-The Communists ap-
Alabamians in a football stadium parently view the confusion in
less than a mile from the first Viet Nam as a golden opportunity
capital of the Confederacy. to combine military efforts witlb
Absent from the gathering was a political offensive aimed at get-
Alabama Gov. George Wallace, ting the United States out of In-
Democrat who hasn't endorsed dochina for good. The instrument
either President Lyndon B. John- would be the conference table-.
son or Goldwater, but who i For instance, Prince Souphanou-
an avowed political foe of the vong, leader of the Laotian pro-
President. Communist Pathet Lao, changed
Throughout the day, Goldwatei his mind yesterday about desert-
hrouhoutthe aying deadlocked talks with two 0th-
hailed the announcement by an- er Laotian princes. He agreed tc
other Southern Democrat, Sen. cease-fire terms, ,looking toward
Strom Thurmond (D-SC), that he another effort at neutralizing Laos.
not only would support the An - Souphanouvong's move can pro-
zona senator .but planned to duce a new 14-nation Geneva con-
change his registration from Dem- ference like the 1962 meeting
ocrat to Republican. 'which temporarily neutralized
Proposal Viet Nam's neighbor. The Chinese
Goldwater proposed in hs and North Viet Nam Communists
speech that the federal govern- long have demanded a new con-
ment, instead of distributing ference, although both they anc
grants for highways, welfare the United States have .balked at
schools and. other projects, re- neutralist terms.
turn to the states a share of the Sounphanouvong's offer, pro-
income taxes collected in them posing a new cease-fire meetingI
plus a greater credit on real es- came after a month of futile bick-
tate taxes. ering in Paris. The meeting woulc
Speaking in the capital of r be on the terms of the Laotian
state which gets more in federa' neutralist prince, Souvanna Phou-
grants than it pays in taxes, he ma. That means that Souphanou-
said a system of unconditional vong would give up Pathet Lacj
grants "would give each state positions taken .over since June
needed resources for use within 1962, in the Plaine des Jarres.
the state, free of control by the From both North Viet Nam and!
federal bureaucracy." China have come blasts at the
In Seattle, President Jahnsor, Saigon regime and support for
said last night that from deci- Couphanuvonsprobably move.uo
' sion to destruction "every step in the conference as an opportunity
the use of American nuclear weap- to neutralize not only Laos, but
ons is under careful control and to ndrinotasnlywhos, Tey
the responsibility for the life of also Indochina as a, whole. They
civilization must rest on the pres- apparently then plan to eventu-
ident of the United States alone." ally control the whole area by
Goldate repately hs cll-gaining the support of the people
Goldwater repeatedly has call- and the military.'
ed for giving the supreme allied The Communist plan would be
"commander in Europe some con- to bring the question of South
trol over small, tactical nuclear Viet Nam before such a confer-
weapons, which the Arizona sen- ence, arguing (that the Laos ques-
ator calls conventional weapons. tion could not be discussed in iso-
Johnson has rejected this re- lation. This would be a prelude
peatedly and did so again last to seeking a formula to neutralize
night without naming Goldwate' South Viet Nam and require the
in his advance text. Americans to leave.

Makarios Visits Greek King
ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS, president of Cyprus, inspects an
honor guard with King Constantine, left. The island leader arrived
. in Greece yesterday for the king's wedding. A lessening of ten-
sion on Cyprus is expected as a result of Makarios' lifting of a
ban on food shipments to Turkish villages.
A student has raised formal objection to the University's policy
requiring its employes to sign a loyalty oath.
But administrative officials replied yesterday that the oath is;
a state requirement which has drawn few objections in its thirty-
year history.
The oath, which is signed by both academic and non-academic
personnel, states'
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the:
Constitution of the United States of America and the constitu-
tion of the state of Michigan ""
and that I will faithfully dis-
charge the duties of my position
according to the best of my1
ability." s
Letter Of American
Mic.aelZwe.,- Grad._ , tlodge-, the

f : de Fears"'
I<Of Revolt

Say Seizures Will
Lead to Instability,
Harm War Effort
By The Associated Press
S 'A I G O N - Premier Nguyen
Khanh's government abandoned a
forgive-and-forget policy yester-
day and ' placed five leaders of
Sunday's abortive coup under
arrest. Prospects are that all will
be tried and punished. -.
} At the same time, Khanh and
the young generals who supported
him during the coup meted out
penalties and rewards in a sake-
up of 'South Viet Nam's Amercan-~
supported m i 1i t a r y command
The South Vietnamese govern-
ment had announced Monday that
none of the leaders' involved In 'the
rebellion would e punishe. ut.'°
the harmony apparentl aisnvan-
ished. Fears ,that rebel elements
might strike anew were apparent-
ly behind the disciplinary action.
Yestei'day Brig. Gen. Lam 'Van
Phat, the former interior minister
who organized the abortive coup,
and denounced Khanh as a traitor,
became the fifth leader of the
ex-rebel faction to give up.
The changes in command evi-
dently will mean further slippage
in the U.S. - Vietnames war
agkinst the Communist Viet Cong,
previously impeded by two mili-
tary coups and Buddhist-student
uprising in the last 10 months.
Regardless of his ability, it takes
a new commander time to pick
up the reins xf his predecessor.
And, in the tradition of Viet-
namese military politics, the
changes undoubtedly will be felt
far down the chain of command.
Usually reliable military lead-
ers indicated that Phat and Col.
Huyen Van Ton, another c up
leader arrested yesterday, had
planned to convert part , of the
Mekong Delta into an anutonG-
mous zone,dcutting off communi-
cations and the road to, Saigon.
However, physical evidence was
'lacking ,and both surrendered
Many officials who supported
Khanh during the coup have call-
ed for a further purge of the offi-
cers corps to weed out divisive,
corrupt officers, including gen-
erals. Sources said enine or ten
more senior officers 'might de'
The current crisis in Viet Nam .
began earlier this month with the
wholesale firing by Khanh of var-
ious officials and generals, all of
whom had been - blacklisted by
Buddhists, student dissidents, and
various political parties.
The- commanders were angry,
and .many of them charged .piv-,
ately that Khanh ws a "prisoner
of the Buddhists." The man ap-
parently most angered was Phat,
a Roman Catholic ousted as inter-
ior minister.
Phat initially led the forces
that entered Saigon. He turned
the command over to 'Brig. Gen.
Thaw Van Duc after loyalist offi-
cers made it plain they loathed
Phat and would not .bargain with
Duc felt that political factions,
religious leaders, students and
others were systematically pulling
Khanh's regime to pieces with no
resistance from the premier

Spark MV

Michael Zweig, Grad, lodged. the
protest in a letter to Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college
and Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Roger W. Heyns. He ex-
pressed "extreme distaste for em-
ploye oaths as a condition of acaa
demic employment since its only.
purpose must be to close the
academy to persons with certain
political and social beliefs."



,igated and not just studied in "The meeting tonight will sug- Distortions
respect to one housing project. gest to the students that some- Johnson's running mate. Sen. Hu-
They added that the construc- thing can and should be done bert HupWahi omeanwhile chanr-
tion of the apartment building about the poor working condi- e in shingtoth adis
would not significantly deepen the tions" Bluestone stressed. It will 'tortions with regard to the war ii
seriousness of the present parking be at 7:30 in the UGLI Multi- Viet Nam have been distortions '
situation: purpose Room. fact by Goldwater."
.___rpose___m._. No one, he declared, ever said
"it would be easy."
, , ppstIHe said that no American de-
'U'St udies S enate'sReque cision on South Viet Nam is be-
ing withheld until after the elec-
s " tion, adding that statements by
for R.c tVtenter " B Goldwater which have suggeste(
Fsuch a maneuver badly damage
the carrying out of Americar
By BRUCE BIGELOW foreign policy.
In Iowa, Goldwater's running
In response to a faculty petition urging construction of a faculty i mate, Rep. William E. Miller, de-
center, the administration is currently engaged in studying what dared that the Democratic na-
resources such a center should include. tional administration "has not
The study is being pursued along two courses: redeemed a single major pledge"
-Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-president for business and finance, made to farmers in the 1960 pres-
and Roger W. Heyns, vice-president for academic affairs, are con- idential campaign.
ferring with the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs on Instead, the Republican vice-
the'various services which should be provided for in such a center. tion's farm problems have been
Survey Opinions mishandled "by the confused and
-The administration will ask Prof. Rensis Likert, director of the inept agricultural czars of this ad-
Institute of Social Research, to survey faculty opinions. The study ministration."

A move for neutralization
Indochina would be backed
France and other countries,
see neutralization as the c.
long-range solution.
Goldwater Tr
Set for State


One official countered that 'the
oath is a state law, and one "which
p not the least bit offensive."
'Anotherspokesman added that a
tnore stringent oath, requiring a
disclaimer of Commu'nist activity
wvas abandoned here several years


Sen. Barry Goldwater's first
campaign trip into Michigan, set
for Sept. 26, will feature stops in
Niles, Midland and Detroit.
Creighton Holden, chairman of
Gfreat Lakes Citizens for Gold-
water-Miller, said that Goldwater
will appear in Niles in the morn-
ing, in Midland at noon and De-
troit's Cobo Hall for an evening
Goldwater was originally slated
for an appearance at the Univer-
sity but was reportedly cooled on
'the idea by the Univer'sity's un-
willingness to permit a half-time
crossing of the football field at the
Air Force game.

The' University has no inten-
tion of testing the oath, the of-
ficials said, because it matches
the requirements for all state em-'
ployes. Reportedly, one professor
has never signed the oath, which
is necessary only 'at the time of'
employment and does not re-
quire renewal.
Zweig complained that he hac
signed the oath "forced to do so
by my desire to continue my 'ed-
ucation here and to gain the edu-
cational benefits of being part.
of a research team in my field."

Capitalism has run its course
and industrial socialism is on the
verge of gaining powerful influ-
ence in the country, according to
Henning Blomen, candidate for
vice-president on the Socialist La-'
bor ticket.
Blomen's speech, sponsored by
the Socialist Labor party of Wash-
tenaw County, was presented last
night at the YM-YWCA.'
"It is evident that capitalism is
today lording itself 'over a sick
and insecure social structure, the
inevitable product of any system
governed by the dictation of the
few," Blomen said. /
"Humans, when placed in the
anti-human positions of poverty
are bound to blow up un'der the
stresses of mental breakdown. Ne-
gro have often been reduced tc
this state in order to serve the
capital interests of society."
"With these active forces work-
ing to control the society and with
-the great increases in industria'
automation," he said, "an even
greater by-product looms in the
uture to haunt the capitalistic
system-the growth of job inse-
Blomen emphasized that auto-
mation is displacing thousands o;
workers each day. He quoted
President Lyndon B. Johnson ae
saying, "By 1970 he will require.
22 million less laborers 'to do the,
same amount of work as we are
engaged in today."
This condition in his opinion
has the inevitable end oftrans-
forming the poor into a mort-
gaged clsas of citizens.
Escapes -:
"Our party's mission is to in-
form the American .people of the
escapes from such a system, sc

will investigate the general in-"
terests and expectations of the
faculty with regard to the center.
The petition initiating the
studies was sponsored by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political
science department. It was par-
ticularly different from previous
requests for action on the center
in that it was directed to the
Regents as well as the .adminis-
The present petition received
the unanimous consent of the
University Senate last spring.
The petition urged the Regents
"to take all, steps necessary to
bring the faculty center into be-
ing at the earliest possible late."
Referred by Regents
The Regents recently reviewed
the petition and immediately re-
f(rrd' it tn the dministratinn.

VoieSresses Action, Not Jst Protest
Three members of Voice, the University chapter of Students for a ;:
Democratic Society, last night urged "social change rather than just >
social protest" as a continued goal of their organization.,
Dick Horevitz, a member of Voice's Executive Council, called for}
increased student action in securing reform in both administrative
policies and in the classroom. He charged that the University is "fail-
ing in its responsibility to turn out- really broad-minded qualified f "
people with sociological imagination." He added it was time for the :<..,;.::..
University to "start producing intellectuals instead of specialists." I - >: :
Rennie Davis, director of the Society's Economic Research and [
Si otlinin p rams of
" ~and Action Project (ERAP) , joined Horevitz in outlnng progrmof r

udents To
Diseuss P lari
Student views on the resi
college will have their fire
cial hearing this afternc
Associate Dean of the litera
lege Burton D. Thuma mee
an 11-man advisory commi
the proposed liberal arts un
The committee, namec
spring, will meet with Thun
'iodically throughout the y
advise him on various n
connected with planning th
dential college.
According to Thuma, dis
at this first meeting will
i-rn hnWrsc,4 Hp T'ahnnae. to

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