Y Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom E itj PARTLY CLOUDi High-60 Low-40 Cooler today wtith Tight southeasterly winds ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1964 SEVEN CENTS 7Schedule Merger c e*u Of Unon, League Combinaiton, Planned for Four Years, Hoped To Come in March By BARBARA SEYFRIED Final barriers have been removed to implementation of the Union-League merger. The merger, in the planning for four years, will be completed by March. The date was set Mt a Union-League merger meeting and reported to League Council last night by President Nancy Freitag, '65.' By October, both the Union and the League hope to be able to submit to their respective governing boards a formalized plan for the merger. The plan will be followed by the proposal in Novem- ber, of a constitution for the combined organization. If both are Aides Can:cel Goldwater's U S eech By ROGER RAPOPORT Michigan Republicans h a v e t burled plans for Sen. Barry:.Gold- water's- Sept. 26 visit to Ann Arbor. The decision was reached yes- terday in Detroit when top Mich- igan Republicans me with the candidate's advance men. Benton Harbor was chosen in preference to Ann Arbor. Goldwater will also speak in Midland and Detroit n the same date. Last Friday, Tyrone Gillespie, chairman of the Michigan Cam- paign Committee for Goldwater and Miller said, "the senator will definitely be in Ann Arbor." The desire to. give Goldwater more outside exposure and the :n- ability to provide suitable speak- ' ing facilities for Goldwater in Ann Arbor prompted the change. Ted Kennedy Jr., Republican chairman for the 2nd District, said that possible city sites for a Gold- water speech were either too small or unavailable. Kennedy also said that a Uni- versity policy statement last Thursday regarding a possible visit "made some. of us' a little skeptical as to the senator's re- ception among the student body and administration." He was referring to a statement made by President Harlan Hatch- er in which the possibility of Gold- water crossing the football field at half-time of the Air Force game was ruled out. Actually the Re- publicans never contacted the Uni- versity officially about the matter. Since it would be impossible to get good exposure for Goldwater at the game or any other place in the city the advantage of his coming disappears, Kennedy inm - plied. Gillespie had stated that the football game was a major factor in plans, for Goldwater's Ann Ar- bor visit. Last Friday, he said, "It will be band day which should bring a lot of parents down and give us a big crowd without much work." He said he felt another impor- tant factor in the change of plans, which had little to do with the University, was that the Michigan Campaign Committee felt that "interested Ann Arbor residents could see Goldwater in Detroit and was anxious to give him outside exposure." Zapproved, the Union. and League will work out the 'complexities of implementing the new constitu- tion in January and February. They hope to announce their of- ficers and start functioning as a merged unit by March. In all their past discussions on the merger, the League and Un- ion divided relevant problems into two areas--external (those relat- ting the merged unit to the Uni- versity) and internal (those in- volving the structure of the merg- ed unit). The external relations were discussed and agreed uponr in previous meetings, at the same time preliminary talks were start- ed on the internal relations. On the basis of these agree- ment on the merger, the Union andl League plan to write aecon- stitution. Barring any unforseen diffi- culties in this discussion of in- ternal relations--the most complex area to be discussed--it is hoped that the merger will go through this academic year. The merger has been in the planning since 1962. At that time: due to the growth of Assembly Association, Panhellenic Associa- tion and other organizations, the League redefined its role as a service organization. Previously it had served as a governmental body covering a variety of women's ac- tivities. After the redefinition of role. the League found that many of its activities overlapped those of the Union. The Robertson Study Com- mittee established at the time was instructed to look into the "feas- ibility and advisability of merg- ing the Union and League into one co-ed organization, to be called the University Center." The report was sent to the Re- gents, the League Board of Gov- ernors, and the Union Board of Directors for approval. The Un-, ion board endorsed the report without reservation and the League Board endorsed the report in prin- ciple. " The Regents, however, felt that it would be unwise at the time to establish a University Center and that it would be better to main- tain a "separateness of functions and responsibility" between the, student activities, faculty center conference center and other re- lated functions proposed for the center. In November of 1963, however: a Union-League Implementatior Committee was established, and after trying and failing to work out a plan to merge the board, of the two organizations, it was finally decided to concentrate on merging only the student activi- ties.. 'Hatcher.. Discusses VP Choice I By ROBERT HIPPLER University President Harlan Hatcher last night termed "most helpful" a meeting held yesterday with 12 student leaders to discuss the appointment of a successor to Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis. Lewis announced two months ago that he will return to teach- ing as soon as a successor is named. He has held the top Office of Student Affairs Affairs post since it was created 10 years ago. Douglas Brook, '65, executive vice-president of Student Govern- ment Council, commented last night that most present at the meeting felt "a qualified person within the University would be the best choice" for a successor to Lewis., Familiar with Activities There was a consensus at the conference that a candidate fa- miliar with student activities at the University "would have an ad- vantage" over someone from out- 'side the :University, President Hatcher said last night. He added that there was also agreement that the next OSA chief should be "a respected member of the aca- demic community." Brook added that all felt Lewis' successor "should be a good ad- ministrator who defines sharply .the lines of authority in the OSA.' B ro ok and SGC President Thomas Smithson, '65, said last night that President Hatcher would probably choose a successor to Lewis during October. President Hatcher commented that he would make the decision "as fast as I can with time for consultation." Discuss with SACUA He noted he will discuss the matter today with members of the' Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs. Prof. Wal- lace Berry of the music school, head of the SACUA subcommittee on student activities, along with other interested faculty members, will attend the meeting, he added. President Hatcher said those present were pleased with the "general pattern and direction of OSA" since the reorganization of the office three years ago. The reorganization came as a result of the Reed report-a fac- ulty-student evaluation of the role and future of OSA which ad- vised many structural and philo- sophical changes.' Precedent There is precedent for President Hatcher meeting with student leaders for consultation before choosing a vice-president. He noted that when the Office of Student Affairs was established in 1954 he met "with a group of outstanding students on campus" and discussed the qualifications the candidate should have. Those who attended yesterday's meeting, besides Brook and Smith- son, were League President Nancy F r i e t a g, '65; Inter-Quadrangle Council President John Eadie, '65; Assembly Association President Maxine Loomis, '65; Panhellenic Association President Ann Wick- ins, '65; Daily Editor H. Neil B e r k s o n, '65; Inter-Fraternity Council President Lawrence Los- sing, '65; Student Government Council members Barry Bluestone, '66, and Sherry Miller, '65; Fred Lambert, '65, president of Druids honorary, and Stephen Idema, '65. Senate Kills Reapportionment MOtio 14-PAGE LIST: SGC To View Grievances on Foreign. Adj urn,1 By KAREN KENAH Student Government C o u n c il will review a 14-page enumeration of grievances against the Univer- sity at its meeting tonight. Council will also consider mo- tions concerning off-campus hoas- ing and an amendment to the resolution, passed last week, elim- inating the ex-officio seat of The Daily editor. The grievances motion, sponsor- ed by Barry Bluestone, '66; con- tends that "the welfare of the student in his role as a Univer- sity community citizen is being disregarded." The grievances center around the lack of communication be- tween students and the adminis- tration and University planning, especially with regard to the ratio of students to classroom space.. Bluestone charges in his motion that the University did not plan adequately for rate hikes and ad- mission .this semester, with the result that the life of many stu- dents has been upset and living conditions- made undesirable for others. - In addition, Bluestone states that the University has not com- municated the reasons for such action or what steps. it plans to take toward correcting existing! conditions.. Not only living space but ade-, quate facilities for parking, study- ing and learning are in short supply--due to lack of foresight on the part of the administration,. the motion continues. Bluestone recommends that the University limit admissions and investigate its policy concerning residence hall efficiency. The mo- tion further requests that students. be allowedto break their residence hall contracts and that one se- mester contracts be used, that study areas be expanded by open- ing classrooms in the evening and student wages increased. If the motion is passed it 1 ill go to the administration as an expression of student opinion. Also included in the motion is a clause demanding that the SGC president contact the governor of the state to discuss, "from the student's point of view, the griev- ances -that students have and the future of the University from the aspect of student concerns." In other action, Thomas Smith- son, '65, will sponsor a motion to establish an advisory board to deal with, off-campus housing. Smithson said he hopes the board vill facilitate commuriication be- tween students and their land- lords; make students aware of mediation facilities and help in re-examination of leases. President of the Internationhal Students Association Yep. ';hen will present a motion to change Daily Editor H. Neil Berkson's motion removing the ex-officio position of Daily editor from Council. The motion would make participation of editors on SGC optional. SGC will hold its meeting in the East Main Lounge of South Quadrangle. Compromi Defeat Clears W For Liberal Filib On Dirksen's Ri( WASHINGTON ()-ThE headed into a deepening st over reapportionment o: legislatures -yesterday as jected both a tough and a ate stand on the issue. But the effects of th were even more far-reac also left in the lurch w administration's $3.3 billi eign aid bill and prospE final adjournment of Conk the November electipns. SEN. EVERETT DIRKSEN 0] - [3 - e CoucidSud Gru Bein Student overnrent Query By DAVID BLOCK The Student Government Council Study Committee sat in its first session Monday night and held a preliminary discussion of the purpose, problems, structure and areas of concern of student govern- ment at the University. The committee, originally proposed by the Student Government' Reform Union during last spring's"SGC election campaign, was estab- lished by Council last April. . SGC member Carl Cohen, '66, said that the first meeting of the group was "encouraging because we appear to have a gutsy committee capable of conducting a serious " and effective .investigation."/ All Possibilities_ "We discussed preliminary pos- sibilities, ranging from making no changes at all in SGC to making. it completely autonomous of the Furt her'G A i University structure. SEN. STROM THURMOND Thurmnond Gives Support To Goldwater NEW YORK (')-CBS News re- ported last night that Sen. Strom Thurmond (D-SC) will announce today his support of Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) for president and his switch to the Republican Party. Thurmond b e li e v e s strongly, CBS said, "that there should be a realignment in American politic -with all the liberals in one par- ty and all the conservatives in the other." -- Livingston Derocratic Unit onvention W ork By ROBERTA POLLACK" Special To The Daily HOWELL-Last night the Democratic Party convention for Livingston County completed its business after a recess of three days. The original convention, held Saturday night, had - been violently disrupted.' The party had been split Saturday over the seating of delegates to the county convention whose status was legally in question. These delegates were part of dissident elements which were apparently led by Harry Hopkins, head of a Teamsters local in "Detroit, Otto Wendell, leader of the Teamsters political organiza- tion in Michigan, and Brian and Shawn Lavan, sons of Martin Lavan, a former Livingston County m fl jchairman who had been displaced S lby Edward Rettinger, the present He said that various members of the committee differed greatly in their opinions of SGC. "Some commented that ours was the best student government in the coun- try while others said that Council has been purposefully sucked into' the University establishment, bur- dened with bookkeeping and never really given a chance to get under way at all.", The study committee instructed its executive secretary, Thomas Copi, '67, to do research on various other student governments across the country. According to Copi, the group is primarily concerned with those schools whose student governments "vary significantly from SGC in structure, purpose and endeavor.' Other Schools He said that he also planned to study those campuses which do I not have any form of student government, specifically to dis- cover how these schools handle the same fuctions which SGC car- ries out here.f ! The committee is composed of faculty representatives Prof. Arn- old Kaufman of the philosophy department, Prof. Richard Cutler of the psychology department and: Dean Charles Lehmann of the education school; SGC representa- tives Sherry Miller, '65; Diane Lebedoff, '65; Panhellenic presi- dent Ann Wickins, '65, Cohen and Copi, who as executive secretary is in a non-policy making admin- istrative position. Greek Cypriots Offer Peace NICOSIA ()-The governmen' of President Makarios agreed yes- terday to lift the economic block- ade against the Turkish Cypriot. as part of a five-point Greek Cypriot peace plan, which in- cludes: -Ending the economic block- ade immediately and allowing en- try of supplies from Turkey "through normal channels"; -Removing all Greek Cyprio# armed posts, if the Turkish Cyp- riots do the same,; - Providing financial aid for resettlement and protection of Turkish Cypriots who have been, forced to abandon their homes; --Granting a general amnesty By JULIE FITZGERALD ; The Ann Arbor Human Rela- tions Commission 1 a s t night voiced its desire to have friends. of complainants under the Fair Housing Ordinance protected by that law.. The commission unanimously instructed its director, David Cowley, to ask City Attorney Jacob Fahrner about a possible amendment to the ordinance with such provisions. Commission members expressed concern over what they termed "flagrant discrimination" in .the eviction of three families from the Parkhurst-Arbordale Apartments. They discussed the possibility of, informing the owners of the building of manager C. Frank. Hubble's alleged discrimination practices. The group decided in- stead to await action from the. State Civil Rights Commission, which has been informed of the charges. Cowley said it would be futile to bring the case of the faminies under the city's Fair Housing Or- dinance, since the law's constitu-' tionality is presently being de- cided in Circuit Court. He said the commission could, however, call Nubble before a closed session of its Housing" Committee or could hold a public hearing on the case. The commission expressed a de- sire that "the public know that we don't condone such activities." Some members said they felt more social pressure would bring the greatest results. hAlan Jones and' Daniel Gray, heads of two of the families- al- legedly evicted, feel their sym- pathies with. CORE were the cause of their eviction. The com- mission agreed. CORE was picketing the build- ing over the test case of the ordi- nance in which Hubble is alleged to have discriminated against Negro Bunyan Bryant. Don Miller, who was also evict- ed, claims he had no contact with CORE but that he was present when the group helped Jones and' Gray move., Jones .said recently' that Gray, is taking Hubble to court, and Jones will go along with Gray on the issues of damage deposits and. one week's rent.- In two quick votes the s turned down. --A; compromise "sense c1 gress" substitute for a ri the foreign aid bill proposec ly by Sen. Everett M. Dirl Illinois, the Republican lead vote was 42 to 40. Would Eliminate Powi -A much tougher substi Sen. Strom Thurmond that is identical with a s House-passed bill that wou federal courts of junisdictc reapportioning state leis It was defeated 56 to 21. The twin defeats cleared I for Senate liberals to re filibuster against Dirksen, which is designed n re1Y lay reapportionment orde the Supreme Court. Only one test vote has be so far, on Drksen'° rider to 38 decision against ta -last Thursday. And whi doesn't necessarily mean i pass l2Y that margin, t no indication its filibusteri Iponents are willing to ch ~vote. '.. Last Year's Aid LeveJ Unless an acceptable e mise to break toedealo be found, there is only a the foreign aid program ( new funds: passage of a res by Congress to permit the uation of fozelgn aid at th Congress approved' last year And the House would I originate such legislation. But despite the defeat compromise amendment, S bert H. Humphrey of M ta, the Democratic vice-pr tial nominee, told report effort to reach an a'greei not dead." He said opponents of th sen rider already are won new "sense of the Congres guage which might have a chance of adoption, and could be brought to a Va' week, possibly Tuesday. The compromise defeat4 terday would have declared is "the sense of Congres' (1) reasonable time should lowed states to comply w Supreme Court directives, in the event Congress shou mit a constitutional ame: on apportionment for rati: by the states,.the courts take that feat into consid in their rulings. ": Thiumna Lam: Term R'Le.g Associate .Dean of the.I College Burton D. Thuma ed Monday he will resign rector of the residential in five years, letting fac' that unit elect his successor This would go along wi ministrative rules for th dential college approved literary college faculty. these rules, the dean and tive conimittee of the literi lege will institute review STATE OF BECOMING:. Garg Re-Orients UFr By DAVID GARELICK Gargoyle, the University humor magazine, is ir a state of becom- ing, This is not a well-known fact, nor do the editors themselves know what became of their magazine, but to those of us who may see the magazine on the Diag today and mistake it for a freshman orientation folder, let us be consoled that the magazine is trying to be many things. It is part New Yorker, part Playboy and mostly harmless satire on everything from the "M" on the Diag to the presidential campaign. Little Known Facts Organized primarily as a true-to-life orientation folder-as op- posed to the University versions-Gargoyle presents the unsuspecting freshman with such little-known facts, and such a battery of them,. that even many faculty members could very well be re-oriented by them In "Garg Answers Freshman Questions" such obviously obscure facts as these have been unmasked for the first time: Barry Goldwater has been elected president of the class of 1893; Richard Nixon once worked for The Daily (it was his seventh crisis) and the much-feared "M" on the Diag has, by tradition, produced sterility. chairman. Legal Status Since the credentials coilmittee had ruled that no delegate would be seated whose legal status was in " doubt, the - dissident group's delegates were rejected by Ret- tinger because of a balloting ir- regularity. This group then physi- cally attacked officials when pro- ceedings began. Warrants of as- sault and battery are being held against them. After the disruption of the con- vention, Martin Lavan reconvened. a "rump" convention which select- ed nine of his own group's 'dele- gates for the state convention as well as candidates for the execu- tive committee, Monday night Rettinger claim- ed that a "rump convention does not exist" and proceeded to elect nine state convention delegates