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September 13, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-13

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By A. F. MAHAN Feder
Associated Press Staff Writer have h
DETROIT -- Detroiters h a v cess in
been missing their regular daiy strikers
newspapers since Juy 13. a the me
- about u
It was then that 291 pressmen thing,
and 150 plate handlers walked out publishe
at the morning Detroit Free Press "It'.
and evening Detroit News in sup- that n
port of new contract demands. issues,"
Negotiations have been sporadic, chairmE
neither side in any apparent tion bo
hurry, and strike's end is not yet The
foreseeable. has bee
"Things have now become ri- million
diculous," a housewife said. "At of suba
first I was lost. But if you have born d
gone without this long, I guess Press a
you could go right on. You don't and by
miss them as much any more." radio ti
What's the' strike all about? correlat
Won't Discuss Publicly A ,sp
That now seems hard to pin advertis
down. Neither the publishers nor
the striking .pressmen or plate
handlers will discuss the issues
publicly. F r
Originally, one stumbling block
was a demand by Free Press press-
men for time-and-a-half pay for Franc
any work done Saturday night on educatic
Sunday's paper, even if this work ized lasi
fell within their normal 35-hour pare th
work week, for the
Later the pressmen said they and in
rescinded this demand, but the New Yo
publishers said the pressmen had The
added a demand for a paid lunch importa
hour and other fringes that out- Charles
weighed in costs their original Wednesc
de Uands. _ The t
Unionists Silent aminatit
Lawrence A. Wallace, secretary be espec
of the Detroit Newspaper Publish- reform..
ers Association, which bargains it in 18
for the Free Press and News with French
various craft unions, says it has T
been agreed "neither side will Part
comment at all publicly" on their usually c
t differences. Unionists agree and because
are keeping silent, , up with
In the early stages publishers seeking
' bought prime television time to The r
explain what they termed "a fair, series t
equitable and generous offer" and principa
laid blame for the ,news blackout termine
to the strikers, the only two un- and des
ions among several to refuse to can rece
settle for similar terms. best suit
The strikers proclaimed in a Becau,
news conference the "justice" of changes
their demands and argued for Fouchet,
more bargaining-table meeting in ister, ap
preference to television debate. vision la

Papers Remain Silent I Governorships: GOP Contro1?
By JACK BELL 7 >a,. f; ,. ,,,v r ga tmx>,x

al and state mediators
ad only now-and-then suc-
getting the publishers and
into joint meetings, and
diators are just as secretive
what is happening, if any-
in these meetings as the
ers 'r strikers.
was unanimously agreed
obody would discuss the
said Malcolm Lovell,
an of the Michigan media-
news and advertising void
en filled partially for 1.6
Detroiters and thousands
urbanites by two strike-
ailies, the Detroit Daily
nd the Emergency Press,
expanded television and
ime devoted to news and
ed advertising.
Business Good
okesman for the city's top
er a m o n g department

stores said "it has been surpris-
ing how good business has been,"
but he declined to give any per-
centage comparisons for before-
and after-strike periods.
Sports Special, a give-away
daily sponsored by the Detroit
Race Course, has supplemented
general news coverage given by
the Daily Press and Emergency
There have been many vexa-
Said one citizen: "One of your
close friends' dies and you don't
even know about it until after he's
Death Notices
A major funeral director agreed
this wasn't far fetched. He said
he suggested the Daily Press as a
medium for carrying paid orbitu-
ary notices, but insisted that half
those he phoned in hadn't ap-

One Daily Press staffer said the'
crush of advertising and a normal
10 p.m. close for a press run that
begins sometime between 6 a.m.
and 9 a.m. in a job shop were re-
sponsible. He explained the Daily
Press had to be sandwiched be-
tween the shop's normal commit-
Michigan just finished a state-
wide election, complicated by a
completely new alignment of both
congressional and legislative dis-
tricts. The strike came before reg-
ular newspapers could report new
congressional and legislative dis-
tricts. Some people went to the
polls without knowing who ,was
running for what in his immed-
iate district.
James Clark, news director of,
the Detroit News' WWJ Radio
and WWJ-TV stations, said spe-
cial programs were aired in at-
tempts to explain the various pro-

ance Revises School System

e's secondary and higherj
on systems were reorgan-'
t week in an effort to pre-
.e rising tide of students
ir increasingly technical
dustrialized country, the
rk Times has reported.
reforms, teemed "capital"
nce by French President
de Gaulle, were approved
day by the cabinet.
country's best-known ex-
on, the baccalaureate, will
ially affected by the major
Since Napoleon instituted
08, this exam has capped
secondary education.
oo Many Applicants
of the "bachet," as it is
tailed, was done away with
the system could not keep
the number of applicants
to pass it.
ecent reform is part of a
hat began in 1959. The
1 purpose has been to de-
the student's aptitudes
ires so that the student
eive the type of education
ted to him.
se of the controversy the.
have stirred up, Christian
, national education min-
peared on radio and tele-
ast week to defend them.

load. Starting next. year the twoI
parts of the exam will be replaced
by one. Only students getting
outstanding grades in the test will
be admitted to the universities.
Those with average grades will
be allowed to continue in special-
ized schools designed to train
them for secondary posts in busi-
ness, industry and the professions.
Those students who do poorly will
get a second chance at the test.
When a student has finished his
baccalaureate he is at about the
junior-college level in the United
Two years at a university, and
he will be able to obtain a "li-
cense," the equivalent of a bache-
lor's degree. A new diploma much
like the master's degree has been
instituted for two further years of
studies, while the "aggregation,"
corresponding to a doctorate of
philosophy, will be given for stud-
ies beyond that point.
Premier G e o r g e s Pompidou
stressed to the cabinet that no-,

posals. But Clark said such ex-
planations "were just not suited
to television, and on radio were
even less effective."
More than two-thirds of the
4,100 employes of the Free Press
and News have been laid off be-
cause of the strike.
The Free Press shut down tight,'
furloughing practically 100 per
cent below those rating rank of
editor or department head. The
News has kept bookkeeping, ad-
vertising and editorial employes
on the payroll, but began this
week paying for afour-day, in.-
stead of five-day, week.
Earlier the News had insisted
that anyone with accumulated
vacation time take it off.
Neither the striking pressmen
nor plate handlers have any
money left in their strike funds,
but Freeman Frazee, president of
the local pressmen's union, esti-
Imated his members are obtaining
an average of two days a week
voik in other shops around the
Added publications and expand-
ed shopper papers have made more
jobs for pressmen and plate han-
dlers. Normal crews in working
shops are now required to give up
at least one day's work so a striker
can take his place.
One pressman, who conceded
he averaged, with overtime, better
than $200 a week gross before the
strike, told a reporter: "I'm not
starving, but, let's face it, I've
seen better times."
150 Placed in Jobs
The Detroit Newspaper Guild
estimated it has been able to place
in jobs on the Daily Press and
elsewhere 150 of its 370 idled
members. Others are drawing ben-
efits ranging from $20j to X65 a:
The International Typograph-
ical Union is paying its members
$90 50 a week in benefits and al-+
lowing them to work one day a
week without penalty.'
Stereotyters are drawing $70 a
week from their union, but cur
every day of outside work they
pick up they must forfeit one-
fifth of their benefit.
Audit Bureau of Circulation fig-
ures for March 31 gave the News
a daily circulation of 710,622 and
a Sunday distribution of 941,614.
For the Free Press the figures are
513,410 and 577,489, respectively.

Associaied Press Political Writer
WASHINGTON-Some Republi-
can leaders who have stood apart
or joined reluctantly in Sen. Barry
Goldwater's presidential campaign
are going after governorships in
1965 and 1966 in an effort to re-
gain party control.
While they aren't saying so pub-
licly, prominent GOP figures who
opposed Goldwater's nomination
are almost all convinced that the
Arizona senator will be defeated
in November by Democratic Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson. ,
Even if he is, however, Gold-
water will remain in control of the
GOP national machinery which
he and his conservative associates
have taken over lock, stock and
barrel. The moderates thus will
face the problem of how to regain
the party command they held at
the presidential level intil Gold-
water swept all before him at
San Francisco.
Impossible Task
mm informnalconferences the
moderates have agreed that it
would be an almost impossible
task to try to overturn conserva-
tive control of the National Com-
mittee, members of which were
elected for four-year terms at the
July nominating convention.
But they see the possibility,
through the election of Repubbli-
can governors who share their,
views, of making their weight felt
in the direction of party affairs
in the next four years and in the
choice of a nominee in 1968.,
In line with this thinking, Sen.
Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) has held.
open the possibility that he might
make the race for governor of New
Jersey next year.
Although it is two years ahead,
Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (R-Calif)'
is reported considering the idea
of seeking the governorship in
The moderates have an ally in
New York Gov. Nelson A. Rocke-
feller or Sen. Jacob K. Javits I

Sen. Clifford Case (R-NJ), left, and Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (R-
Cal), have hinted they may seek governorships in their respective
states in 1965 and 1966. They aim to wrest control of the
Republican party machinery from Sen. Barry Goldwater, the
Republican presidential nominee.
In 1966 there are gubernatorial
races in 33 states, in which Re-
publicans now hold 13 offices.
Only a few of these GOP state
executives supported Goldwater
for the nomination, while several
openly opposed him.

Some of these governors can run
for re-election and some, like Gov.
William W. Scranton of Pennsyl-
vania who went down to the wire
against Goldwater at the conven-
tion, are barred by state law from
seeking further tenure.
The Republican moderates are
convinced that if Goldwater is
defeated in November, they can
sell the idea to state organizations
that their candidates for governor
will have to be more liberal than
the Arizona senator to win.,

TiCkets now on sale
at the
Disc Shop and
Discount Records

All education in France except
Roman Catholic and other private
schools is run by the government.
However, even the private schools
must meet government standards.
The baccalaureate has long been
a major status symbol of French
Iife and a key to success.

th rzn eao own

IHear afl Use Daily Classified Ads

.__ ___. . ...... _~ r




body could know all there was to
One Part know in any particular field. In
Last June 340,000 applied to addition to general education for
take the test, and there were not everyone, the country needs to
enough teachers to handle the train top-flight specialists, he said.


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Come in and see our
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the latest
They'll be in our
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7 P.M. 'til 9 P.M.
Come in and meet:
Alice Leach
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Fran Konapek
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tiny price!


':.._ .

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