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September 13, 1964 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-13

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Sunny today,
partly cloudy Monday

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Tuskegee Bonds Forged

Buddhists * *
Behind New'ITnseu-la
Rebel Units UfleU







The University's recently-
forged bonds of co-operation
with Tuskegee Institute in Ala-
bama are beginning already to
reap mutual benefits.
This is the gist of a progress
report recently sent to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs

changes and cultural enrich-
ment are already taking shape,
Miller writes.
The liaison in the social
sciences has led to the estab-
lishment of a race-relations in-
stitute, financed bythe Depart-
mnent of Health, Education'and
.Welfare, and geared to training
people in social science research
methodology at the University.
The project uses Tuskegee ma-
terials and its Alabama location
as a site for field study in race-
Mrs. Patricia Billingsley of
the Survey Research Center was
already engaged in studying
student attitudes inSouthern
Negro colleges when the joint,
program began. She is now
consulting extensively with the
Tuskegee social science staff in
the planning and actual im-
plementation of the program.
Until recently, most activity
in the area of faculty exchange
was in the engineering schools.
This spring, Professors Arthur
Hansen, J. Raymond Pearson
and Gordon Van Wylen of the'
mechanical engineering depart-
ment served as consultants to
Dean Dybczak of the engineer-
ing department at Tuskegee.
Prof. Thomas Piatkowski, for-
merly of the University, joined
the Tuskegee engineering de-
partment last year and will
continue teaching there this
Prof. C. S. R. Rao from Tus-
kegee is now teaching engineer-
ing graphics at the University.

In exchange, plans are under
way for a member of the Uni-
versity's engineering faculty to
teach at Tuskegee during the
spring semester.
Exchange Program
This first true.exchange of
faculty, Miller hopes, is the
beginning of a large exchange
program between the two, in-
stitutions which will bring
many Negro faculty members'
to the University.
Within the past year, the
Office of Academic Affairs has'
recruited six professors from
outside the University to serve
as faculty members at Tuske-
gee. Prof. Richard Wasser-
strom, a ,University alumnus,.
accepted the deanship of the
College of Liberal Arts at the
Institute in part because of the
association between the two
schools, Miller writes. 4
The first long-term exchange
of undergraduate students is
scheduled to take place in
January. Fiveor six..students
in their junior year at the Uni-
versity will enroll for the spring
semester at Tuskegee. They will
study in fields where Tuskegee
has special strength. At the
same time, an equal number of
Tuskegee juniors will enroll at
the University,
In the pastuyear, there have
been several impdrtant cultural
exchanges between the two in-
stitutionts. The Tuskegee In-
stitute Choir appeared in Ann
Arbor last spring, attracting
considerable public attention. A
See CITES, Page 2


Improve Hill Auitorium

U S. Aides Upset; f'
Had Pushed Khanh ,
SAIGON {QP - Four battallions'
of troops moved into Saigon early
this morning in a bloodless coup
The troops, ,spearheaded by
armored units, were led by Brig.
Gen. Lan Van Phat who was oust-
ed last week by Premier Khanh.
Khanh's whereabouts could not
be learned. .:: .>
Thetroops were supported y
dissident Buddhist elements: ;:s:
Phat, pausing at the gates to v- * .........
the city, told newsmen: '
"This is nothing to worry about; '
just a little operation against ':".: .,: .
some politicians." -'}.
The rebel t r o op s invaded x '.."
Khanh's office and arrested sev-
eral duty officers, but found noh
trace of the premier.
No shoting was reported.
Phat appeared to be in complete.
command of the situation.
Other Officers
With him were the commanders
of the Vietnamese Army IV Corps
other officers who had been fired
by Khanh.
The whole operation appeared
to be patterned after the bloodless:
coup last Jan. 30 when Khanh
ousted Ngo Dinh Diem.<
Administration officials in.
Washington heard the news of
the apparn t coup wituarysad ALL BUT FOUR or five women h
for U.S. strategists because they but a total of 65 girls are still ho
have been counting on Khanh to The women will be re-located by
lead South Vietnam into a more
stable political situation allowing INTERNATIONAL
mre effective prosecution against!I11 JN Ltj
the Red Viet Cong insurgents.I
When the weekend began, the,
government was a fairly broad-
under the stewardship of two gen-
erals whose antipathy for each
other nearly cost both their jobs Speeial To The Dailj
in the turmoil of recent weeks. NETCONG, N.J. - The United!
Pressure States Youth Council displayed an{
Prom the beginning of his re-
gIFrm theh beginning o hsry international outlook in its plen-
gime Khanh was under Heavy ary session last night.
American pressure to get the gov- Tesbonyofs prsghtie
ernment going quickly and get the he body of representatives
wa-r against the Viet Cong guer- from 33 national student and!
rillas back on the tracks youth organizations passed legis-
Gen. Maxwell Taylor, enroute lation which will send four ob-'
back to Vietnam from Washing- servers to the Moscow Interna-
ton, was in Honolulu when he tional Youth Forum for the first
learned of the reported coup. He time.,
said the development "certainly In addition, the USYC voted to
was u n a n n o u n c'e d and un- Join the Consultative Council on
heralded." South Africa and to create a Na-
Taylor testified before a Con- tional Commission on Govern-v
gressional committee last week on mental Affairs.
the Vietnam situation. "The Qualifier
United States is deeply committed In accepting the invitation to
in South Vietnam," he said. "U.S. attend the Moscow forum, the
withdrawal would, lose not only USYC attached a qualifying state-
that country but most of Soath ment to its resolution It declared.
Asia to the Communist camp." that the "meeting is essentially
The Johnson administration engineered by the Soviet Union
made plain last week during its (and) is not fully representative
reviews with Taylor that it regards or truly independent." But thec
political stability and central gov- council concluded that the ad-
ernment strength in South Viet- vantages of attendance outweighed,
nam to be of great importance in, the disadvantages.
carrying out a successful campaign "Heretofore, USYC has often
against the Viet Cong. been cast in the role of respond- 7.



Only Wo
R emain ir.
T emporar
Iiaun Expects T
To Sign by Tue
In RooIs by Fr
Barring unexpected c
tions, the final batch of
housed in temporary qua
be re-located by the end
week, Residence Halls Dirf
gene Haun promised yeste
The pledge came follow
of feverish work by his
transfer 33 students, inch
remainder of the men,
ular dormitory rooms.
One housing official e
that 65 women still rem:
tered throughout tempoa
ters in South Quad, Mark
Lloyd and Couzens. The
are expected to come to t'
ing office early this weel
transfer papers and th
into regular accommoda

-Daily-John Weiler
ave been moved out of South Quadrangle's.ninth floor study room,
used in other temporary housing throughout campus residence halls.
next Friday.



- I

'lans 1M1oscow ,Trip

Hill Auditorium is in the mids
of a remodeling and expansioi
The first phase of a remodeling
project on Hill Aud was completes
last semester prior to the Mai
Festival in an effort to meet thI
demands of a constantly expand"
Housing Law
Appeal Opens
City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner
will appeal in Circuit Court to-
morrow a decision handed down
last spring that the city's Fail
Housing Ordinance is invalid un-
der the state constitution.
Fahrner contends that Munici-
pal Court Judge Francis O'Brien',
ruling is invalid because the new
state constitution does not direct-
ly provide for fair housing, and,
therefore, a local ordinance is
Under the new constitution the
State Civil Rights Commission
was created to handle cases of dis-
crimination. The legal question is
whether or not the state preempts
the field on civil rights matters.
I Invalid
State Atty. Gen. Frank J. Kelley,
in an opinion issued last October,
said local fair housing ordinances
would be invalid when the new
constitution took effect Jan. 1.
If the Circuit Court decides
O'Brien's decision is valid, the
state will preempt local govern-
ments in -regard to discriminatory
practices in housing matters. This
would result in the State Civil
Rights Commission handling all
However, if the ordinance is
finally ruled constitutional and
O'Brien's decision invalid, the
ordinance would co-exist with the
Civil Rights Commission.
The question of the Fair Hous-
ing Ordinance's constitutionality
came up after an alleged case of
discrimination involving the Park-
hurst-Arbordale Apartments.
Bunyon Bryant, Grad, a Negro
social worker, claime'd that man-
ager C. Frank Hubble discriminat-
ed against him because of his race
when he applied there for an
The case was brought before
' ta y'c. in., an Rala l -4a nn flnm_

ing University Musical Society
The improvements consisted of
.an enlarged loading zone 'area pro-
viding direct access to the stage
of the auditorium, one dressing
room completely modernized and
the installation of a new elevator.
According to Gail Rector, ex-
ecutive director of the Musical
Society, detailed s t u d i e s and
recommendations are now being
made for major remodeling in all
areas of Hill Aud, with particular
attention to the improvement of
the stage and backtage facilities.
The demand for tickets this,
year has been so great that the
Chamber Arts .Series was prac-,
tically sold out through mail order
series subscriptions. All seats are
now sold for this seven-concert
Special Performances -
There have been two additions
to the Musical. Society_ calendar,,
both special single prformances.
The first will be the: appearance '
of the .Ballets de Paris, in a "Re-,
vue Parisienne" featuring dancer-
singer Zizi Jeanmaire with cho-;
reography by Roland Petit on
Tuesday, Sept. 29.
The second will be an additional
performance by the New York City
Olera Company, "Die Fleder-
maus" by Strauss, under the direc-
tion of Julius Rudel on Friday,
Nov. 20.
Two special recitals for the
second semester on Jan. 26 and
April 14 will be announced at a
later date.

' Despite the change in University.
calendar, the May Festival will
remain as a May festival, being
held the first week of that month
both this year and in 1965-66,
according to Rector. '
In addition to the Choral Un-
ion, Extra and Chamber Arts
Series and the May Festival which
were previously announced, the
Society will present a Chamber
Dance and a Chamber Music Fes-
The Chamber Dance festival
will feature the Paul Taylor Dance
company, a modern dance group,
on Friday, Oct. 23; Jean-Leon
Destine, a Haitian Dance company,
on Saturday, Oct. 24; and the
First Chamber Dance Quartet at
2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 25.
Chamber Music
The Chamber Music Festival
will feature the Budapest String
Quartet playing the Beethoven
Cycle on Feb. 17-21.
Although single mail order re-
quests have been filled since Sept.
1, tickets for single counter sales
are still available for 20 of the
season's attractions at the So-
ciety's offices in Burton Memorial

ing negatively to initiatives from
the East, so that the impression
could be spread that USYC had
no interest in youth efforts to
further world peace.
"Attendance would help to dis-
pel this notion to prove that
USYC is willing to explore pos-
sibilities of concerted effort to
achieve worthwhile goals," the
resolution stated.
In becoming part of the Consul-
tative Council on South Africa
USYC will join a score of national
groups representing labor unions,
civil rights movements, and others
who meet primarily to discuss the
problems of apratheid. The South
Africa council is not a policy mak-
ing body.
First Steps'
USYC also took initial steps to-
ward establishing a summer train-
ing program in international
youth affairs and appointed a:
committee to work with the Can-
- e
P .
SGC Opens

adian Youth Council on a North
Am erican Young Workers
Major national legislation es-
tablished the commission on gov-
ernmental affairs which will op-
erate full time in Washington,.
D.C. It will disseminate informa-
tion concerning congressional and
executive branch action concern-
ing students and youth.
The passage of international
legislation ' fits into the youth
council's heritage. It was founded
in 1947 to represent the United

It was his first indication
the task of transferring temp
residents, progressing steadily
school opened, is nearing,
pletion. Other administrator
speculated that the end wE
sight asearly as a week ago.
The transfers this week
conclude arrangements for
dling the worst dormitory
crowding situation since the
fifties. The relief was provid
converting singles to doubles
doubles to triples.
Haun praised the cooperati
his staff and dorm resident
expediting the reassignment
500 men and women who
temporarily clustered in dorm
libraries, study halls, anid
dry rooms when school opene

Foaur Arrested
.In Local.Riot.
A fight at Thompson's restau-
rant that apparently had racial
overtones sent one man to thne hos-
pital and caused the arrest of four
persons early yesterday morning.
No University student was in-
The brawl involved 11 persons
and required nine police to quell
the minor riot.
John Howard Bigham of Ypsi-
lanti was arrested for carrying's a
concealed weapon. He apparently
fired the gun during the disturb-
ance in order to quell the fighting.
Also arrested were Harold Bran-
ham of Whitmore Lake, Harold
W. Van Sickle of South Lyon and
Jesse L. Jones of Ann Arbor. All
three were arrested on a disorder-

Petitioning for the Student
Government Council election of
Oct. 14 starts tomorrow.
Petitions for six fall term seats
will be available in 1541, SAB. The'
terms of SGC President Tom.
Smithson, '65; Executive Vice-
President Doug Brook, '65; Ad-
ministrative Vice-President How-
ard Schecter, '66; Treasurer Gary
Cunningham, '66; Scott Crooks,
'65, and Don Filip, '65, are to be'
filled. Crooks and Filip will not
run for re-election, but Smithson
will. The remaining incumbents
have not yet .decided.
Each petition must ie submit-
ted with 250 names before 5 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 25. Solicitation of
names for the petitions will be
subject to specific rules. For in-
stance, they may not be circulated
in classrooms, libraries, the Mich-
igan Union or the Michigan
The limited vote system will re-
-llace the Hare system in the elec-
tion this year. Instead of num-
bering candidates according to
preference each voter will have
four votes, one-half the number

How o Vote
Out - of - state students who
meet their state's legal require-
ments for voting can vote in
the November election even if
stheyhave not established legal
residence in Michigan, accord-
ing to information released by
'the;' Ann Arbor - League of
Women Voters.
Regulations governing t h e
procedure for voting by absen-
tee ballot vary from state to
state, the League said.
The group advised students
to write immediately to their
city, township or county clerk
and state their desire to become
registered and to receive an
absentee ballot for the.Novem-
ber election.
States in the newly-formed World
Assembly of Youth.'
USYC is considered the official
representative of student and
youth groups in this country num-
bering among its membership the
YWCA and YMCA as well as
scores of national student groups.
British P lanes
Hit Guerrillas
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (k')
-British hunter jet fighters blast-
ed Indonesia paratrooper hideouts
south of Kuala Lumpur yester-
day and Britain warned of fur-
ther retaliatory blows at Indo-
British air defenses w e r e
strengthened around 'Singapore
Malaysia's major port and naval
ase. against the possibility of sud-
den air strikes from nearby In-
In Singapore, riot police and
troonn laid dawn a tear s: har-

It took more than f
last year to re-locate
porary residents. But thE
complished without <
Preparing for an unpr
wave of .freshmen this y
instructed his office and
hall directors to be prepa
the overflowing group
men arrived, the 500 ex
herded into temporary
and the housing office
crash program of convert
by adding beds and desks
Residents in converte
have been allowed a $70 d
"We're substantially d
the job," he said yesterd
mending his office's s'
in completing the papery
essary to move the 500 st
But he acknowledged
culties for the future i
the .predicted influx c
hundred more freshmen
Once the re-locations
ished, Haun as well as
ministrators have disclc
intention to examine
the crowding problems.
indicate concern since
central campus dormito
templated. Two residen
plexes are planned fo
Campus, however. There
that the proposed privat
apartment building on S
versity' St. will lure q
upperclassmen. Regenta
require freshmen to liv
Housing officials must
tend with a growing wal
dent protest over the exp
crowding involved in dorn
ing. Haun said he wou
"earnest attention" to
passed Friday by Inter-
gle Council. It asked for
explanation of the $34 r
board hike which went in


-Daily-James Keson.

THE SPACE RESEARCH BLDG. is shown here under construction on North Campus. It will provide
a consolidated laboratory for the University's many space research projects.


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