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September 11, 1964 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-11

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oin SGC Study Group

Across Campus

FRIDAY, SEPT. 1Z ed should contact Prof. William
8-10:30 p.m.--Folk dancing with D. Revelli, 1314 music school, or
instruction begins regularly on call 764-0582.
Friday nights in the Women's,* * *
Athletic Bldg. Tonight's session is Prof. Thomas G. Gies of the
free and there is a $2 charge for business administration school ha.
the semester. Dancing is open to been named to a new 15-member
beginners and experienced dancers. Council of Financial Advisers to
* . , the Michigan Department of Eco-
4:15 p.m. - Prof. Sarnoff A. nomic Expansion. The council, an-
Mednick of the psychology de- nounced by Barnerd M. Conboy,
partment will speak on the "Chil- executive director of the state de-
dren with Schizophrenic Parents" partment, will make recommenda-
in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Coffee will flans on fmancing and legislation
be served at 3:45 p.m. in Room I designed to help the economic
3417 Mason Hall. growth of the state,
,4 p.m.-Prof. Stephen Parasko- ORGAN IZATION
vopoulos of the architecture de-
partment will speak on "Archi-
tectural Research in the Use of
Foam Plastics," in the Architec-
ture Aud. Use of This Column ror Announce-
His illustrated lecture is a re- ments is available to officially recog-
port of a current departmental nized and registered student organiza-
researh proramtions only. Organizations who.. are plan-
research program. Wing to be active for the fall term must
Prof. Paraskovopoulos has had be registered by Sept. 18, 1964. Forms
rchitectural practice and build- are available in Room 1011 Student Ac-
[ng studies in Athens, Greece, and tivities Bldg.
Ann Arbor. He acted as consultant Graduate outing club, hiking and/or
for the United Nations on social swimming, 'Sept. 13, 2 pam., Rackham,
and economic aspects of housing Huron st. entrance.
and as resident architect in In- India Students Association, Movie,
donesia. "Gumrah," a popular movie from In-
He is currently directing the dia with English subtitles, will be
project on "Foam Plastics for shown at Angell Hall A on Sat., Sept.
Housing in Underdeveloped Areas."! 1a7p"m. * *
* * * Unitarian Student Group, Discussion:
The University of Michigar "Foundations of Unitarianism," Dr. Er-
win A"'Gaede speaking, Sept. 13, 7 p.m.,
Marching Band is seeking an an- 1917 Washtenaw. Rideseat Michigan
nouncer to work at this season's Union and Markley.
ftbal games. Anyone interest- * *
' g AnWAA Folk Dance Club. Folk dance,
, t~with instruction suitable for beginners
Fri., Sept. 11, 8-10:30 p.m., Women's
E T Athletic Bldg. Free. Everyone welcome.
A Reminder: If you wish your orga-
fnization to be listed in' the "Student
. 11 Directory, please supply the: president's
::p".:s "" r: .r.: ., ,. , ' name, address and telephone number
to Mrs. Friday, 1011 SAB by Sept. 11.
Various openings for experienced engi-

New Apartment Buildin Site
This lot on South University, which used to be the site of Miller's Ice Cream Parlor, will' soon be
the scene of feverish activity as workmen hurry to complete Ann Arbor's tallest building before their
August deadline. The 18-story building will be an apartment house capable of housing some 850 room-
ers in two-land three-man apartments.


Department of Speech .:.::


;' i l

Paddy Chayefsky
Wednesday-Saturday, October? 7-0
Trueblood Audit~orium , Frieze Bldg.









:; .



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