COMMENTARIES ON PLEDGING See Editorial Page YI e 0frr 4Iad33 PARTLY CLOUDY High-88 Low-64 Chanice of thundershowers in the afternoon Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom ........ 10 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1964 SEVEN CENTS Sets Goldwater Policy Revises Viet Nam Policies KIRSHBAUM comes here, Sen. Barry ter will be greeted by of- vith the same courtesy ac- all visiting dignitaries. he administratioh will not dm nor can it permit cam- g privileges which might rpreted as an official en- nt, University President Hatcher said last night. 'The President officially ruled out a proposal by state Republi- cans for the Presidential nominee, slated for a Sept. 26 visit to Michigan, to cross the football field at half-time- during the Air Force game here that day. 'U' Position President Hatcher's statement was given by phone to clarify the University's position on Gold- water's visit. However, adminis- trators stressed that the senator's aides have not officially sought an invitation. There has also been no official mention of a stadium appearence. S Daily loves THo Ei a Ex-Officio Seat But the University's executive SAIGON (JP-Maj. Gen. Nguyen officers, acting on the basis of Khanh took over the Defense published reports, yesterday dis- Min t er rhufDfed cussed their position on Goldwater. some other posts, lifted censorship The nominee is permitted to of the Vietnamese press and freed campaign on University premises five generals detained s e v e n under student sponsorship, but months for political reasons. Republican officials reportedly The 37-year-old soldier-premier, would like more official attention- for, their candidate. pointing toward a restoration of _ 4> Motion O akland Initiates Varsity Athletics, By BARBARA SEYFRIED In a move that critics claim will hurt the educational atmos- phere, Oakland University has decided to enter intercollegiate athletics. This is an apparent reversal of the policy articulated in 1959 when the Michigan State University branch first opened. At that time many Oakland publications emphasized the fact that there President Hatcher outlined the University's position this way: civilian rule by the end of 1965, made clear that he is still ri1n- ning South Viet Nam. -If the Senator is on campus, At the same time Khanh said j he will be invited to President military operations against the ' Hatcher's customary pre-football Communist Viet Cong, which in- luncheon-along with visiting mil- creased field activities last week, itary officials here for the game. are going well. Panel Urges Close Study Of. Values By BRIAN BEACH "The University shouldn't shape students' values, it should cause students to examine all their values," Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the philosophy department de- clared at the Newman Center panel discussion last night in- titled, "it is a function of the University to changenstudents' values?" .Get Cons Of Regen Editor Berks Conflict of T Evident in C .1 Goldwater ' ESees Crisis, Before Vote SEATTLE (P)-Sen. Barry Gold- water advised the nation yester- day to watch for a "crisis of some sort" just before the November election. He told a cheering crowd that packed Seattle's Coliseum that this is the way the Democrats operate.' Goldwater charged the Kennedy administration deliberately timed the October 1962 Cuban missile 1 crisis so it would come "at a time that would have maximum domes- tic political impact." He said that should be a warn- ing. "Americans must be prepared, under such an administration to be faced by a crisis of some sort just before an election," the Ari- zona senator said. Goldwater said in his prepared text that President Lyron B. Johnson's foreign policy adds up to "defeat, disaster, retreat, chaos, confusion." He dropped that line from his speech however. S"We do not intend to rubber stamp four years of mistake, re- treat and weakness in world af- fairs," the Republican Presidential nominee declared. Goldwater said a team of con- sultants headed by Richard Nixon will confer with free world lead- ers in "a serious and historically significant attempt to , regroup freedom's badly scattered forces while there is still time." His address was-prepared for a regional television audience. Harvard Gets 'U' Professor Prof. Enrique Anderson-Imbert of the romance languages depart- ment has been appointed Harvard University's first Victor Thomas Professor of Hispanic - American Literature. A University faculty member for 17 years, Prof. Anderson-Imbert's appointment is effective in July. iwould be no intercollegiate sports there. The absence of such spectator] events was seen at the time as a step toward establishing the rig-' orous intellectual life the Roches- ter, Mich., institution had plan- ned for itself. Begin Program Now Chancelor Durward B. Var- ner has asked Hollie Lepley, di- rector of intramural sports at Oakland, to institute such a pro- gram. Varner views the introduction of intercollegiate athletics "not as a launching of a program but the removal of a prohibition." He said that Oakland had gotten first things first. Oakland has estab- lished Itself academically and is now ready to move into other areas. But critics connected with Oak- land, who asked not to be identi- fied, argue that the introduction of spectator sports is an attempt to make Oakland better known at the expense of education. AAUP Rumors of the move sparked a response from the Oakland chap- ter of the American Association of University Professors last spring. In a letter to Varner, Maurice Brown, president of the Oakland AAUP, emphasized the AAUP posi- tion, that it is "strongly committed to the belief that. a university's athletic policy can exert a power- ful influence on the educational environment of the' institution," Brown pointed out that the Oakland faculty felt responsible for "creating and maintaining the best environment for education" and asked that "no changes be made in the current athletic pol- icy without the advice and consent of the Senate of the university." Commenting on expected oppo- sition from this quarter, Varner said, "There may be some opposi- tion" but doubted if it would be much. Varner added "I don't ex- pect any significant effect on the academic status of Oakland." In 1963 when Varner first re- activated a faculty committee on athletics to gain approval for the introduction of the sports pro- gram, Daniel Polsby and the Oak- land Observer polled students and faculty on the issue. They found an overwhelming ratio of those polled were against the introduc- tion of this form of athletics. No WalkE -A half-time walk across the gridiron would be impossible sinceI it has been permitted only twiceI in the past decade.' In the fifties, the then-Secre-1 tary of the Army Wilbur Brucker,c '16, was faced with divided loyal- ties between his school and his career at a Michigan-Army foot- ball game.I His walk across the field atI half-time was repeated by Gov.A George Romney last year. The gov-f ernor, appearing at a game against Michigan State University switch- ed from the University to the MSU1 sides amidst a mixed chorus of cheers and boos.X 'Highly Official' President Hatcher emphasizedt that these two appearances were highly official in nature, distinct from a campaign appearance. E Goldwater could come here un- der student auspices provided thatr sponsoring organizations obtainI the standard space and time per-t mission. The late John F. Ken-c nedy campaigned here in 1960 onc the steps of the Union, unveiling his Peace Corps plan. Republican student leaders, an-- xious to hold a rally for the Sena- tor, have, decided against the Union. Dale Warner, Grad, statef chairman of the Michigan Federa- tion of College Republicans, said1 that the surrounding area was damaged during the Kennedy ap- pearance. Warner favors a dem-f onstration in front of Angell HallI or the Diag.' 'Morning Rally The rally would be held in the morning and feature various Re- publican candidates. But Goldwater's plan for ther day, his first official campaignt visit to Michigan, have not beent finalized. Republican leaders are meeting today in Lansing to de-7 cide how to . apportion the Sena-t tor's time between Lansing, De-r troit and Ann Arbor visits. C Fund-Raising Goldwater aides tentatively I scheduled the Detroit phase for a fund-raising affair, but Romney is reportedly hesitant to assist him. Lansing sources reported that the governor wants to move into more rural areas where the iden- I tification with Goldwater will benefit him. The independent and moderate Republican voters of Wayne' County and suburbs are believed to be cool on Goldwater. But Romney made it clear that he will cooperate and campaign with the Senator despite schedul-t ing complications he will face on Sept. 26.I Triumvirate1 The ruling triumvirate-Khanh, Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh and Lt. Gen. Tran Thien Khiem-held a news conference to make pub- lic a series of decrees and answer questions on the promised new government. Admired by the Buddhist major- ity for his overthrow of the Ngo Dinh Diem regime last November Minh was commissioned to con- vene a national council of 10 to 20 leaders of religious and political groups by the end of this month. Meanwhile in Washington, Am- bassador Maxwell D. Taylor pre- sented a generally optimistic re- port on the Viet Nam war to Pres- ident Lyndon B. Johnson and to the congressional leadership. Upward Trend Taylor said military strength against the Red guerrillas is on "a general upward trend," the eco-' nomic situation is "relatively sta- ble," and "I have every hope . . that we can get over this political crisis without setback in the goals we have" for wiping out Commu- nist terrorists.j Taylor's appraisal climaxed a general review of the Viet Nam situation that has been under way since the ambassador returned from Saigon Monday in the wake of South Vietnamese political up- heavals. Today, he is to appear before the Senate and House Foreign Af- fairs Committees. Soon thereafter, perhaps as early as tonight, he intends to return to Saigon. Sufficient Interest Johnson said afterwards that Taylor's report "was of sufficient interest and importance" to war-, rant calling congressional leaders to the White House to meet with the ambassador in midafternoon. The President said he expected Taylor to come back at regular in- tervals in the future for further reports and reviews. Formerly chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Taylor went to the Saigon post two months ago. By DAVID BLOC The second speaker panelists, Kaufman felt versity's first obligation tablish a framework of in which students can tiate the opinions they the University. of three the Uni- is to es- "civility" substan- bring to "Civility is being dedicated to the life of -reason and refers to the idea of being a responsible person," Kaufman elucidated. The University should show students how to lead an examined life, he continued. Citing a study in the changes in students' values at one university, he noted that most students leave college without changing their be- liefs. Kaufman explained, "If values happen to change in the process of converting opinion into examined views, that is merely a by-product." I In contrast N. Patrick Murray of the Office of Religious Affairs, hypothesized that the University does in fact change students' values. The choice, balance and emphasis of courses in the cur- riculum, the kind of people the University attracts and the atti- tudes of the members of the fac- ulty all have an inevitable influ- ence on values, he indicated. After establishing that modern weapons, transportation and com- munication have created a world xcommunity which is in a value crisis, Murray reasoned that since the University changes values, it should search "for the ground in human values which make it pos- sible for the world community to survive." All of the panelists agreed with Kaufman that it is imperative that values in all areas of thought be examined by university students whether they be English majors or engineers. j. T 1 I : I %I. i + i , . G . RUSHEES HAD A CHANCE to mingle with fraternity members last night at a mass rush meeting sponsored by Interfraternity Council. All campus fraternities sent representatives to the gathering to talk with interested students. Frate rnity Leaders Give Rush Advice By NELSON LANDE Representatives of. Inter-Fraternity Council explained rush pro- cedure and the nature of University fraternities to rushees at a mass rush meeting last night. Kelley Rea, '66, IFC rush chairman, advised students about rushing and pledging fraternities. He counseled rushees just to be themselves, while visiting fraternities. While noting that rushees Student Government C e last night approved a to eliminate The Daily ex-officico seat, The move, proposed b Editor H. Neil Berkson, alter the Council Plan anc ject to the approval of gents. It will reduce the of ex-officio members , c from eight to seven. Council also heard Inte rangle Council Presider Eadie, '65, report that a crease for certain staff cot in the residence halls wil nounced by the Universit near future. He said t salary hike partially acco the raise in dormitory rat( was announced d urit summer. HARD NIGHT'S DAY: Chaos Accompanies Bea By HUGH HOLLAND 'T'he British never could take a joke, and so this past Sunday they finally got even for the loss of Fort Detroit way back when. Chaos reigned as the Beatles in full dress were in Michigan for 24 hours and the effects may never end. The amount of energy expended in pure screaming could have powered entire nations and the glare from the tear-strained cameras and flashbulbs could have hid the sun, as over 32,000 teenagers surrendered to the foursome. Sixteen thousand girls between the ages of 12 and 15 could easily match the screams of a million horribly maimed dinosaurs without really trying. How such little girls can make so much noise over such small things as the appearance of an unshaven workman attempting to position microphones poses one of the burning ques- tions of our day. For those that were amazed at the Beatle movie that the four were not a hairy set of English Elvis's, and who further have yet to figure what in blazes is going on in John Lennon's "In His Own Write," may they further be shocked to discover that in person the Beatles are just as they were in the movie: human beings. The four are highly affable and enjoyable young men, the kind who make good drinking buddies, and usually command the center of attraction at a party (even without the hair). Yet the most amazing part of the entire phenomena (much akin s , .. c .t _ : __ y..T~...s .. .. 1' t- JU- . Candidate Vivian Urges Strong Rits aws to YD's By ROBERTA POLLACK Weston Vivian, candidate for Congress from the 2nd congressional district, last night' praised the accomplishments of the past four years of Democratic leadership and discussed his own candidacy for the House. Vivian, speaking before a meeting of the Young Democrats. em- phasized his support of civil rights legislation. "If we don't take action in the South, who will?" His op- ponent, Rep. George Meader, had voted against civil rights legisla- tion in 1960, 1961 and 1964. =Vivian also stressed the need for t i consumer protection and migrant worker laws. He also called for a medicare bill to "help those who have lost the ability to earn an income." On the question of redistricting he emphasized the principle of "one man, one vote," and decried Meader's position in Congress "He wants to keep the area Re- publican." Vivian cited the economic pros- perity of the past four years, but mentioned the problems of- unem- ployment caused by automation. "We must help these people find employment" He indicat ed the recent job retraining bill as an example of a Democrat's solution. Meader's opposition to the minimum wage laws also came under fire. "$1.25 is ridiculously low when you are trying to sup- port a family. The Poverty Bill is an example of Democratic moves to improve conditions." - -. - Vivian, who has a doctorate in electronics and who has worked -? > in dfense industrie. pnreed should be careful about their per-- sonal appearance, he emphasizedI that "it is the person and not' what he wears that is being rush- ed." Disappointment Rea cautioned rushees not to be disappointed if they are not 'invited back to a particular house. "The fraternity system in this re-I spect is not democratic; it isI selective. Fraternities were de- signed this way; but the rushee also is selective yin that he can drop a house." Lawrence Lossing, '65, IFC pres- ident, and John Feldkamp, ad- visor to fraternities, discussed the advantages of the fraternity way of life. "During your education at the University, you will become a pro- duct of your surroundings," Feld- kamp remarked. "While books are going to open new horizons, the deepest penetration will come from your associates. No other form of living unit has been so successful in shaping an individual as the fraternity." Opportunity Lossing cited the opportunity for social, academic and extra- curricular development as products of fraternity living. He pointed out that the fraternity is a way to make a large university more per- sonal through brotherhood within a selected group. "You give yourself a stable group of 'friends you can return to, people that you have selected and who have selected you," he said. Lossing further discussed the so- cial aspects of fraternities claim- ing that they "offer the best deal on this campus for social activi- ties at a cost of only four or five dollars a month." Social Organizations While calling fraternities "so- cial organizations," he added that the Greek system does not divorceI itself from the academic aspect of the University. He noted that IFC is trying to create a greater intellectual atmosphere within fra- ternities. Patterson Gets', Nod for HRC Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil O. Creal. has recommended the appointment of Ralph Patterson to the vacant position on the city's Human Re- lations Commission. The mayor's choice, who must be approved by the City Council, is a graduate of Eastern Michigan University and the social work school' and is currently assistant director of the Maxey Trainingj ' ehnni fer !dinnuent bnv sat 'y May FinishL Dorm Move Tomorrow By ROBERT HIPPLER II Administrators are keeping to- 1 morrow as their target date for completing the move of over 400 students from temporary housing to residence hall rooms, Assistant Director of Housing Robert Rau said yesterday. Rau set the date as a tentative goal last week, ,when all 400 stu- dents were still in temporary quarters. Since then the Univer- sity has been adding an extra student each to hundreds of single and double rooms. Administrative sources indicat- ed recently that the University has completed placing students' into the single rooms, leaving only the double rooms to be filled by tomorrow. Pledge Plan ! Meanwhile, Office of Student Affairs officials are still studying a proposal that would allow this fall's upperclass pledges - those above freshman level - to move from residence halls into their fraternity houses without delay. The plan would be aimed at allev- iating the residence hall jam-up. Lawrence Lossing, '65, president of Inter-Fraternity Council, offer- ed the plan Saturday to Director of Residence Halls Eugene Haun. Haun declined the plan at the, time, but Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs James A. Lewis said Tuesday that he would consider it as a possible partial remedy to the crowding. Sources said yesterday that Lewis will come to no decision on the matter until next week, when he can survey the conditions in the residence halls with all stu- dents out of temporary housing. Lossing said yesterday he plans to estimate the extra space now available in fraternities for pledges and show the results to Lewis by' next week. Freshman Level Lossing's proposal would let pledges above the freshman level out of their residence hall con- tracts' if they wished to be re- leased. The Residence Hall Board of Governors 'has the power to re-' lease the students from their con- tracts. If let out of their contracts, students could move into their fraternity houses as soon as they pledged, leaving vacant space in the residence halls, to help house the overflow 'of students more comfortably. Conflict Berkson's argument in of his, motion centered arou contention that a student at ing honestly and effectiv carry out the dual roles o: editor and SGC member fronted with an "irrevocab flict of interests." He said that an editor is to criticize objectively the of a student government i entangled by political an sonal relations with that Berkson said that he was sionally in a position wh role as a lIeilator "gavE knowledge of a news story he 'was unable to print . Daily because of his comm to SGC. On the other hand, he sai his position as Daily edit him an advantage in fur issues which he favored Council table. He said th column in the paper in th has not only swayed campus ion on certain topics, but t looks of fellow Council meml well. Resolution Berkson commented ths ing the past semester he h tempted to resolve this c but was unable to dos stressed that the complete tion of the two roles would only satisfactory resolution problem. He said that when Cot its present form was origin 1954, it was understood tI ex-officio seats given to thi of the leading campus or tions were 'primarily crea give the body some expe leadership in getting o ground. He said further that time there was some discus to whether or not The Da for should be included amo ex officios because of the d' as critic 'and legislator, tI would have to assume. Since then the Daily through the years has bee tinually perplexed by his of interests and, despite h. able contributions to SOC, only resolve this conflict b manently remaining aloo the governing body, Berkson Opposition Opposition. to the motio: from Panhellenic Presiden Wickins, '65, and Interr Student Association Preside Chen, '65. Miss Wickins contended t conflict of interests expe by the Daily editor differi in degree from those known other ex-officio members of cil, and that, therefore, Be motion should not be cor separately from the gene sue of whether or not ex- belong on SGC. Chen said that he did n sider the Daily editor's du with its conflict of intere be irrevocable. He suggeste future Daily ;editors be gi option to sit on Council believe they can perform b Sties effectively. ::