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August 25, 1964 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-25

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Eight Come Before Hatcher





(Continued from Page 3)
South University. His successor,
Henry Burns Hutchins, refused
to have him evicted, preferring to
live elsewhere.
Angell died in 1916, in the
house where President Harlan
Hatcher lives today, almost a
half-century after coming to Ann
Arbor, and of him then his son
wrote: "He gave the University a
leadership which few men could
have offered.''
Under James Burrill Angell, the
University grew up.
President Harry Burns Hutch-
ins, the clean-shaven former dean
of the Law School, was the first
graduate of the University to be-
come its president. He went on a
series of speaking tours after be-
coming president to encourage
alumni support of the University.
Hill Auditorium stands today, a
gift to the University in the will
of Arthur Hill, as one result of
Hutchins' efforts.
Hutchins saw Yost Field House
erected in 1912, and he was Uni-
versity president in 1917 when 1,-
- A
000 students left the school to en-
list in World War I.
At the age of 73, Henry Burns
Hutchins, who had ascended t
the presidency with only a bach-
elor's degree, stepped down with
four doctorates of law-from the
Universities of Wisconsin, Califor-
nia, Wesleyan and Notre Dame.
The University had been so busy
with World War I that it had
neglected its own president. Some-
what belatedly it added its own
q doctorate to his list of honors.
Marion LeRoy Burton took of-
fice as president in 1925 after
serving as president of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. Burton was
regarded as a specialist in ex-
pansion, and this became his task
at the University.
He presented a program of con-
struction that included additions
to Waterman Gym, and erection
of Randall Laboratory, East Med-
ical and East Engineering Bldgs.
However, President Burton suf-
fered from a secret ailment -
heart disease, known only to him-
self and his closest friends. De-
spite this he continued at his
furious pace, planning for the fu-
ture University.
The University Hospital was
:nly partially finished, and $2.9

million was needed to complete
the building. Burton traveled to
Lansing to speak before the Leg-
islature. He asked for $19 million
for a long-range program and $5
million of that right away.
The Legislature, after visiting
Ann Arbor, voted President Bur-
ton the money. With it he built
Randall Lab, new steam tunnels,
completed the hospital and con-
structed the University High
Finally, in 1924, he wrested an
appropriation from the Legislature
for his prudent accomplishment,
and set about the construction of
Angell Hall, the beautiful memor-
ial to President Angell.
As Burton became more of an
invalid, his good friend, Regent
William L. Clements, negotiated
with several fraternities and ob-
tained a plot across the street
from the president's house on
which to erect the Cook Law
Quadrangle and Hutchins Hall, as
a memorial to the late University
president. Clements is remembered
for the historical library he do-
nated which bears his name.
Burton's remaining years were
spent gazing out the windows of
his home, watching the University
grow up around him. After a sud-
den heart attack while introduc-
ing a speaker in Hill Aud., Bur-
ton died, leaving the University
without the man who had given
his life hoping it would become the
greatest University of all.
Burton's efforts on behalf of
the University are symbolized by
the chimes of the carillon in the
tower dedicated as his memorial.
Clarence Cook Little, president
of the University of Maine and
researcher in cancer cures, accept-
ed the leadership of the Univer-
sity as an opportunity to test his
theories of education.
The New Englander planned to
institute a free-lance period dur-
ing the first two years of under-
graduate work, during which the
student could sample various
courses of learning. He felt that
the University's path to gradua-
tion looked too much like Henry
Ford's assembly line. It didn't
adapt itself to the individual needs
of each student. It was too rigid.
One day a reporter asked Pres-
ident Little how he thought the
modern generation could best be
whipped into line.
"I don't know," he retorted.
"Birth control, I guess."
And with that, all hell brooke
loose. In their inimicable fashion,
the newspapers got things twist-
ed around and had President Lit-
tleactually advocating birth con-
trol. The public was up in arms.
That was apparently the straw
which broke the camel's back, for
a -bit later that year-1929-Pres-
ident Little threw in the towel.
On October 4, 1929, the Re-
gents unanimously selected Alex-
ander Grant Ruthven, a man who
was to serve the University for
22 years as president.
Looking back over the Univer-
sity College controversy, Presi-
dent Ruthven, now 80 and living
on his farm just outside Ann Ar-
bor, notes that President Little's
proposal is "largely what we have
today" minus the stiff exams pro-
posed for the transition between
the sophomore and junior years.

The University will pour a
record $147 million from its cof-
fers this year to pay its teachers,
do its research, participate in ath-
letics-in short, to conduct its
But you can't pour more than
you accumulate. From the Uni-
versity's baby-bursting 29,000 stu-
dents will come a meager $15 mil-
lion. That's barely a drop in the
bucket. The University relies upon
the taxpayer of this state and the
49 others from whom will flow in
almost $90 million of this budget.
The remainder of the funds
come from private donations and
self-liquidating projects such as
the dormitories, athletic events
and the University hospital.
Federal funds are slated to swell
to $42 million designated for spe-
cific projects. From various state
funds will come the $48 million.
But with all due respects to the
taxpaying citizens of the country,
University officials know that
wringing out this money requires
a million worries for every dollar.
The focal point of exasperation
is the Michigan Legislature which
doles out the state's financial in-
vestment in the University. The
most controversial specific issue is
the general operations appropria-
tion which totals $44 million this
year. This money plus student

fees are stored in one section of
the University's coffers-the gen-
eral fund.
Teachers are paid and libraries
run from the money within the
portion, so in effect, the Univer-
sity must depend upon the state
for the quality of its teaching and
hence its quality as an institution.
One Small Problem
But there's a slight hitch-one
which amounts to millions of dol-
lars every year. That is, Univer-
sity officials and state legislators
don't see column-to-column on
what the University's appropria-
tion should be.
The legislators and governor
haven't quite been convinced that
the University is more important
than financing state highways or
raising state employe salaries or
aiding all the other thousand of
fund - requesting state agencies
and sub-agencies - or lowering
Thus, each year the University
goes to the Legislature with a re-
quest for operating funds. And
each year the Legislature approp-
riates significantly less than the
University asks for.
The discrepancies reached an
all-time high in 1958 when the
University requested $37 million
but received only $30 million. In
what have been classified as the
austerity years which followed,
University officials were forced to
ration what they had - making*


In 1935, Horace H. Rackham,
an early backer of Henry Ford,
died, leaving the University $4 mil-
lion for the construction of a
graduate school. The University
weathered the Depression years
well, continuing work on the Cook
Law Quadrangle, the Rackham
Building and several other capi-
tal outlay projects. Health Serv-
ice was constructed by the Works
Projects Administration as a fed-
eral project.
World War II brought another
,hange to the University: military
training programs were establish-
ed to aid the war effort. After
the war, enrollment boomed, ris-
ing to 22,000, as returning serv-
icemen took advantage of the
G. I. Bill.
As the century passed the half-
way mark, President Ruthven an-
nounced his plans for retirement.
The Regents found his replace-
ment in the vice-president of Ohio
State University, a novelist and
professor of English, Harlan Hent-
horne Hatcher.
Today the buildings - Haven
Hall, Angell Hall and all the
>thers-mark the changing Uni-
versity. They are the reminders'
of the presidents who have work-
ed to make the University what
it is in 1964.
Pierpont Heads'
Business Office

EXPANDED LIBRARY facilities were listed high among the
University's budget priorities this year. The University's three
million-volume library system has experienced heavy personnel
losses in recent years.

cuts where they would hurt least
and granting increases where they
were needed most.
But it was a painful period.
Other institutions such as the
University of California at Berke-
ley and the University of Chicago
as well as the Ivy schools were all
dangling larger salaries in front
of University professors. Somehow,

Capital Outlay Crisis Compounded
By Constitutional Autonomy Issue

in the words of one University
vice-president, "we managed toi
hold on. No professor left because
of salary alone."
But, even if the specific deter-
ioration was difficult to assess, a
general erosion was taking place.
In 1959 the University sought $37
million, it got only $33 million,
The early sixties were no more
luxurious, so that by 1962 the state
was appropriating some $37 mil-
lion when the Regents said they
required $44 million to properly
operate the University. Many of-
ficials privately admit that even
the $44 million was insufficient.
When they called for a $47 mil-
lion allotment for the 1964-65 ap-
propriation last fall, the Regents
bemoaned: "Our own studies
clearly demonstrate that since
1957-58 there has been a steady
erosion of strength of the Univer-
sity. The resultant deterioration
and demoralization, if permitted
to continue, seriously threaten to
endanger excellence in teaching,

competence in research and con-
tinued high proficiency in public
Along with their plea of des-
peration, a "blue ribbon" citizens
committee studying higher edu-
cation forecast the pressures
forced by the baby boom -- and
called for substantial increases in
higher education funds. Gov.
George Romney responded and
the University eventually eeked
out $44 million of the $47 million
it had originally sought.
Squeezing Through
Nonetheless, it was a long strug-
gle. The Senate pondered a mil-
lion dollar slash, but dropped the
prospect at the last moment. The
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee viewed the Senate's $44 mil-
lion proposal and promptly cut $2
million. But on the House floor
the $2 million was reinstated and
the University emerged with its
$44 million appropriation.
The prospects for the future are
considered an open-ended ques-
What the University gets is an
unpredictable mixture of politics,
the state's economic climate and
lastly, the school's needs.
But officials are already sound-
ing the theme that this year is
"only a beginning." They argue
that one good budget cannot re-
place the seven lean ones.
Pleasant Task
Nonetheless, administrators are
pouring the funds they did get in-
to the gaps with great relish. Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
announced at a recent Regents
meeting that first priority of the
$6 million increase was being given
to the faculty. He explained that
the additional funds were being
used to provide selective salary
and wage increases and recogni-
tion of professional advancement
for the faculty and staff.
The other increases will go to
provide for increasing enrollments
which include the transition into
a full-scale trimester program
with a 8-week and 15-week sum-
mer session.

When Charles Seward Mott re-
cently gave the University a $6
million gift to build a children's
hospital, he inadvertently pointed'
to the insufficency of the state's
building program.
For despite a robust state-wide
economy, the University is only
receiving $5.7 million for building
and remodelling purposes this
University officials, decrying the
need for more adequate facilities
to handle the rising influx of stu-
dents, have found legislators un-
sympathetic to higher education
building needs.
Take last year for instance. The
University submitted an elaborate
series of current and future build-
ing and remodelling projects. All
were documented as "necessary
for the well-being of the Univer-
sity's educational program." There
was a School of Music to be fin-
ished. There were engineering,
medical science and dental build-
ings barely started or partially
planned. The Legislature gave
about $5 million to begin or con-
tinue them. The allotment was
several million under what was

this year's appropriation) would
be necessary.
Further complicating the woes
of University administrators is a
constitutional question of auton-
omy in building which periodically
raises itself.
The issue stems from a contro-
versial part of the capital outlay
bill passed by the Legislature
which holds that the state con-
troller is "authorized and em-
powered to award . . . contracts
.. (for) all projects . . . for all
state agencies including four-year
colleges and universities."
At present, the University, Mich-
igan State University and Wayne
State University handle their own
construction contracts, while the
seven other state higher education
institutions have theirs handled by
the building division of the comp-
troller's office.

would be to "put a hole in the
dike protecting the program of
the University from unconstitu-
tional control by the executive
branch of government," Vice-
President for Business and Fi-
nance Wilbur K. Pierpont has
But State Comptroller Glenn
Allen observes that this wording
will not change his handling of
University contracts.
"The language of the bill says
we are 'authorized' to award con-
tracts," he said. But the big three
universities are set up so they can
run things themselves "
But Allen's remarks seem to
contradict those he has made in
the past. He has said that the new
bill "clarifies the language" of
the legislation that has been pass-
ed each of the last two years.
(Previous to 1961, the big three
universities had been specificalh,
exempted from the jurisdiction of
the comptroller.)

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(Continued from Page 4)



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