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September 06, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-06

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Ia it1

Clear and cool,
with light winds

VOL. LXXV, No. 8




Johnson Views Draft,
Advances at Press Co

Nu clear


Sn o~nnr



WASHINGTON (R) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson said yesterday
that a quick end to the military
draft might cost several billion
dollars, but he didn't rule out the
possibility that the draft may be
halted next year.

This was the highlight of a 35-
minute news conference in which
Johnson also announced some
notable military and nuclear ad-
vances and, in a statement of
philosophy, urged that all Ameri-
cans resist "the spiritual cancer
of hate."

nference Sees War l
In discussing the draft, John-$D
son took a more cautious position
than the one voiced earlier last
the Republican presidential candi- WASHINGTON (M-Dean Ach-
date, who made a campaign prom- eson said he will tell President ~
ise to end the draft "as soon asLyndon B. Johnson next week that
Joson o using the Selctie while the Cyprus crisis can be,
hnson of using the SeService System for "political and permanently settled in time, as
seil schemfs." imatters stand now war could break
social scheme." o Hate out at almost any moment. Iffort
The former secretary of state
J o h n s o n also philosophized will see the President Tuesday. He
about "the spiritual cancer of returned recently from a negotia-n Vet Nm
former Vice President Richard M, I that "a great deal" of progress
Nixon's claim that the Democrats Iha a e ard elingres


V. v .a .J


REP. WILLIAM E. MILLER (left) opened his Republican cam-
paign for the vice-presidency in New York yesterday. He
vigorously attacked his Democratic opponent, Sen. Hubert H.
Humphrey (right) for his associations with the Americans for
Democratic Action.
Miller Attacks Humphrey's
Voting Record as ' Radical'
, LOCKPORT, N.Y. (RP)'-Rep. William E. Miller (R-NY) opened
his campaign for the vice-presidency yesterday with an all-out attack
on his Democratic opponent and an assist from presidential candidate
Sen. Barry Goldwater.
Miller lashed out at his Democratic opponent, Sen. Hubert
H. Humphrey (D-Minn) as a founder of an organization trying
to subvert the United States government into a foreign, socialist

have become "the party of big d k d n WASHINGTON (R) - President
business. ah eLyndon B. Johnson will meet with
prus. Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor
menas, Johnson raised the Navy's At the same time he said pub- and other top advisors early next
hopes for more nuclear-powered licly what officials have been say- week in a broad review of the big
aircraft carriers. He disclosed ing privately for weeks - that United States effort to help South
that a technological breakthrough the policy of Archbishop Makar- Viet Nam win the guerrilla war.
promises to permit a two-reactor los, the president of Cyprus, cre- Advance indications were that
power plant for carriers, . com- ated serious difficulty for Ache- the review would focus on pressing
pared with eight reactors aboard son's mediation efforts. existing military plans against the,
the carrier Enterprise. Stalled Red Viet Cong more effectively.
Johnson added that the A-3 His mediation efforts were stall- and possible broadening of eco-
Polaris missile will join the fleet ed early this week because, after nomic aid to include welfare for TUN ABDUL RAZAK, deputy prime minister and defense min-
this month when the submarine what officials iri Washington de- South Viet Nam's cities, which ister of Malaysia, yesterday hailed the king's proclamation as
Daniel Webster begins its first scribed as encouraging and very have been hotbeds of dissention a step in preserving vrder against Indonensian invader bands'and
patrol. considerable progress, the Greek against the government. race rioting in Singapore. Indonesia, under the leadership of
Greater Range and Turkish governments were Discussions. - President Sukarno (right) has put its military machine on alert.
He said the A-3 has a range of confronted with a need to make J n d n P-nf r- er
.2500 miles -- 1000 miles greater concessions neither was willing tc ence today that Henry Cabot
than that of the .A-2 and more make now. Lodge, Taylor's predecessor atSai- ?
than double that of the A-1. The Meanwhile, Premier George Pa- gon, also would be'in on the dis- f i]tta to Ts R f
greater range, he said, will give pandreou denounced the Turkish cussions - e gnna
million square miles of ocean in cNdry toaceadcaled onthe icy-makers are' hopeful that the
which to - hide, compared wit or tlat t gan fortnight of unrest and uncetan-
700,00squremies uchout o News
armed with the A-1 tion to stop what he called Turkish ty in the Southeast Asian country
arme wih te Ai. war threats inspired by the Cyprus will culminate in a stable govern-
Discussing his general approach crisis. ment able to concentrate effec- DETROIT (P-Negotiators suddenly imposed a news blackout
to the campaign, Johnson said, He served notice 'Greece woulc, tively on prosecuting the anti- on bargaining talks between the United Auto Workers Union and
" We will make as many appear- fight any Turkish attack and said guerrilla campaign. Chrysler Corp. yesterday amid expressed hopes of both that a sched-
neglecting theinte ests of the NATO should stand by Greece ir In the Saddle uled Wednesday strike might be avoided.
nationg. ense. U Premier Nguyen Khanh, again UAW President Walter Reuther and Chrysler Vice-President John
He added, UThe first consider-o- in the saddle of power, is seen Leary jointly announced the blackout as they emerged from a morn-
He aded,"Th firt cnsidra- Papandreou reiterated his view 3hr.stema etal odo'n eso t h agiig
tion is going to be running the, that the sole solution to the Cy- the mBut e t o tg Wit L e voic inge!
country and carrying out the du- prus problem is Enosis (union with the job. cBut the two weeks of table WithLeary voicing agree-
ties of the presidency." Greece)-"the only guarantee foi U.S. strategists the dissentions 1,vn, hr d sAersar
The President has announced peace." U. with the diet "We have jointly reviewed our
tha he wll ddresaLborDa within the country which divert 6
at he wi adress a Laor ay "The only su'oject which existE n r the effort nd situation, and both the company
rally in Detroit tomorrow, and is how union with Greece will set a background for possible over- and the UAW feel that while timee
he told his news conference he take place. On this subject we throw of an existing regime who- is short and the hour is late, it is p
thought -the sentiments he ex- have always taken a stand. A so- . . i still possible by hard, practical,
presses at that time "will be lution to the Cyprus problem, egive-and-take bargaining to reach The Central Sesquicentennial
acceptable to all Americans.' should be pursued only through In the space at a week, Gen. an agreement and avoid a strike;.Committee of"the University re-
The White House won't label peaceful means and we consider Khanh resignd an i-ene ge, "We therefore have jointly centlynamed the chairmen for the
the Detroit speech as a campaign these means through the UniteC and it was the fifth time since agreed to a blackout on further four major campus-wide celebra-
appearance but Johnson said the Nations General Assembly," he January that he had changed his discussions with the press." 'tions and conferences that will
Democratic Party will pay for his added. status in the South Vietnamese A news blackout at times is em- highlight the University's special
five-hour trip to and from the leadership. He seems to remain ployed in labor negotiations to150th anniversary year program
motor city. the nation's leader no maatter avoid leaks which might embar- in 1967.
Since the days of Franklin D. .; reece Seeps how he changes. rass one party or the other.
Roosevelt, Democratic presidential Back from the mountain resort The UAW has set 10 a m. George 0. Hackett, a Ford Mo-
c an d i d a t e s traditionally have ; of Dalat, he told newsmen that he Wednesday as the deadline for a tor Company executive, will head1
opened their campaigns with ;11 and all the other generals had strike against Chrysler unless an a committee which will direct
Labor Day talks in Detroit.T resigned their government jobs agreement on a new contract cov- alumni participation and execu-
Debates t UN CO cil but would continue to run the ering some 80,000 workers is tion of the first major event
He was asked, too, whether he country-for a little while anyway. reached. scheduled for March, 1967.
was .now prepared to debate Gold- UNITED NATIONS () Khanh also received assurances With the deadline just three Robert G. Forman, associate
water on regularly scheduled asked ATIONS f An Greece of most key-military officers that days away, Reuther 'reported no
television news programs. "I they would not engineer a coup progress on major demands b Association, will direct the con-
milbeoreet fte 16UnecuryCon against him-for the time being. said both sides nevertheless agreed terence and convocation aspects
-'cil before Sept. 16 "i n order to He got expressions of provisional [that "if we work at it, there is ofenhe andmnifai n apch s
No Issue consider the rapid deterioration of support from Buddhist and stu- still, a possibility of avoiding a of the alumn affair in March.
Greek-Turkish relations." dent leaders. strike." Algo D. Henderson, director;of
The Daily will not publish on Greek Ambassador Dimitri S. .the University Center for the
Tuesday, Sept. 8. because of the Bitsios, in a ltter to the Sovie'

impose Ru]
To Combat
'A itators'
Full-Scale Conflict
Looms as Indones:
Supports Guerril
The king of Malaysia proc
edthe entire country a pse
area yesterday to combat In
sia. invader bands and to
race rioting in Singapore be
fomented by Indonesian agit
The sweeping powers to ii
curfews ban assembly and
trol the movement of ci
went further than Friday's
of emef'gency, which provide
quick trials and death pen
for anyone found carrying ar
The king, the Raja of A
acted as new' riotingbe'
Chinese and Malays in Sing
forced police to use tear g
halt a rampage that left thre
in flames.
Guerrilla Units
Indonesia -- using a g e n
Singapore and 'guerrilla "uni
Malayap and Malaysia's B
states of Sarawak and Sab
threatened to touch off an
full-scale conflict in '-Sou:
Asia in its all-out campai
crush Malaysia.
A Malaya delegation lef
New York where the Unite
dions Security Council will
Wednesday to debate this
Communist country's compla
"blatant and inexcusable a
sion" by Indonesia.
Indonesia has responded ti
latest developments in the. di
by canceling all military n utngishg iltr
and putting its huge nli tar3
chine, equipped mainly by
Russians, on the alert. Pre
Sukarno has been meeting
his top advisers during the
two days.
'Colonialist Plot'
There was growing co
here that Sukarno, beset b
ious economic problems at
and fanatic in hishatred of
laysia as "°a British color
pl'ot against him, maya
gimultaneous guerrilla lncui
in Malaya, Sarawak and Sa
A tense truce was being r
tained in curfew-controlled
apore, where 10 persons have
in renewed rioting since
Steel-helmeted police and
laysian troops in battle gear-n
ed the streets of the huge
and commercial center arr
curfew breakers.
British and New Zealand t
have gone to Malaysia's aid I
this country's defense treaty
its Commonwealth partners.
are relieving Malaysian trod,
riot duty in Singapore.
U Instrumei
Aboard U.S.
OGO Satellit


Makes Pledge,
To Ask Annual
Tax Reduction
LOCKPORT, N.Y. W)-Sen. Bar-
ry Goldwater said yesterday that,
if he reaches the White House,,
he will ask Congress to enact a
program of automatic, yearly in-
come-tax cuts.
"This program could and would
be accomplished- free of political
manipulations," the Republican
presidential nominee declared.
He made the pledge in a Laboi
Day weekend statement issued at
he flew from Phoenix to Lockport
for tie campaign kickoff of the
GOP vice presidential candidate.
,1ep. William E. Miller, in Miller's
home town.
Praises Labor
Meanwhile, President Lyndon B
Johnson praised' highly yesterday
70 years of gains by the nation's
workers since the first Labor Day,
but declared "We still have far to
,At the same time, Goldwater
pledged himself "to the free cause
of free collective bargaining," and
"No one with eyes to see can
fail to be alarmed by the dark
cloud of compulsory arbitration
that is casting its shadow across
the rights of working men and
"The present administration ha,
shown itself quite willing tc
threaten such arbitrary interven-
tion. Unless stopped, it may prove
just as willing to carry out these
threats," he continued.
More Jobs
Johnson said that as Americanrs
observe Labor Day on Monday'
"our purpose and our policy must
be to create more jobs, open more
doors of opportunity, shelter and
safeguard the rights which have
been won adn seek to assure rights
not yet secure.'"
In a separate statement Gold-
water pledged also that "I will
not impose the iron fist of com-
pulsory arbitration on laboring
men," adding:
"Hand in hand with the threa
of coercive action in private mat-,
ters, goes the confiscation of the'
fruits of labor to feed the insa-
tiable appetite of a growing central
Goldwater's statement did not
mention the question of "right to
work" legislation. A critic of the
union shop system, Goldwater has
spoken out for what he calls "vol-
untary unionism.;"

f totalitarianism',
Later, in a news conference,
Humphrey said that Miller should
spend more time reading the Con-
gressional Record and "less timej
reading publicity handouts"
On a question about the adm.in-
istration's medicare program for
the aged, Humphrey said he ex-
pects lawmaxers to come up event-
ually with something he called
"medi-choice"-a system whereby
retired persons could choose be-
tween monthly Social Security
benefits in cash or partly in paid-
up hospital and nursing home
Miller had cited Humphrey's
connection with Americans for
Democratic Action as a founder
and current vice chairman.
Official Line
Humphrey nearly always "voted
the official ADA line" and his;
record was "one of the most rad-
ical in Congress," Miller said.
According to Miller, ADA advo-
cates "diplomatic recognition ofI
Red China, total abandonment of
the Panama Canal, a complete
hands-off policy towards Castre,
turning Berlin over to the United
Nations, sending continued aid to
our Communist enemy, and re-
pealing every single piece of in-
ternal security legislation."
Most - but not all - top New
York state Republicans were on
the platform. The most notable
absentees were Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller, who turned down an
invitation, and Senators Kenneth
B. Keating (R-NY) and Jacob K.
Javits (R-NY).

Gabo Dayholiday Pblication president of the Security Coni
will resume with the Wednes- for September, said Turkey had
day issue. I been taking illegal and provocative
measures against Greeks in Tur-
haven't reached any decision on key
that," he replied. . Greece has been accusing Tur-
In one of his opening state- key of repressive 'steps against its
ments, Johnson announced that nationals in Turkey since the Cy-
bookstores soon will be stocking prus dispute flared in December..
a campaign document compiled Bitsios said that there has been
mostly from his earlier statements almost a mass deportation of
and speeches. Johnson said the Greek residents of Istanbul and
volume is still untitled but will that measures against the GreekF
appear later this month, and are certain to be intensified when
royalties will go to charitable the Greek-Turkish treaty of 193C
causes. expires Sept. 16.1

Two Georgians Acquitted,
Of Killing Negro Educao
DANIELSVILLE, Ga. (AP)-Two white men, Joseph Sims and
Cecil Myers, were acquitted Friday in the murder trial of Lemuel
Penn, a Negro educator.j
They still face federal conspiracy charges, and their attorney
says, "We stand ready to fight the federal government again."
The two men, both former Klansmen, were acquitted Friday
night after a jury of white men deliberated a little more than
three hours. Both men are still in custody under federal con-

IProblems Delay, Plans To Move WCIJN
Difficulties with money, its advisory board and space are keeping
WCBN, the student broadcasting station, from carrying out its plans.
to expand into the Student Activities Building..
The station was scheduled to begin renovation of the student
wing of the SAB early this semester, but several problems intervened:
University contract architects revised upward WCBN's cost estimates, .
leaving them without sufficient funds; they have not yet named their,
advisory board; and space for the displaced religious groups has. not
yet been found.:
In spite of the problems, chairman of the WCBN board Johnr
Evans, '66, says that. optimistically, the station will be broadcasting
from SAB by Jan. 1.
Plans for the new station include production control room, master
control room, studio production room, combo room, record and equip-
ment rooms, business and reception offices, executive offices and a
17-man newsroom. The station hopes eventually to expand sufficiently
to get an AM license, though that is in the future. An AM licensef
would enable the station to broadcast like a regular radio station.
Money is the primary problem facing the group, Evans said. Al-:
though WCBN had access to sufficient funds to support the costs as
estimated by their own architects, University architects revised thet
figure upward to about $31,000.
- ~ A1r1%N1RTR &T1VFi IN~AN~CIAL an'd yn ~ee nrolm r

spiracy charges of violating
Penn',s civil rights, under the
new Civil Rights Act. The maxi-
mum penalty under the charge
is a $5000 fine and 10 years im-
Their attorney, James Hudson,
and another defense attorney
hammered at the racial issue and
at the federal government in sum-
mation arguments.
When the verdict was announc-
ed, several spectators in the packed
courtroom cheered.
During the trial a group of
from 15 to 30 Negroes had been
sitting in the small balcony set
aside for them, but all Negroes
left the courthouse after the case
went to the jury.
Penn was killed by shotgun
blasts on a remote northeast Geor-
gia road near Colbert, by assail-
ants in a passing car. Prosecution
attorney Jeff Wayne, who asked
for the dealth penalty, warned the
jury that if the killing was con-
doned, human life was worth less
than a box of snuff.
Closing arguments culminated
three days of testimony, much of

Study of Higher Education, will
develop a special program for the
heads of distinguished colleges,
universities, and educational orga-
nizations around 'the world. This
group will be invited to Ann Ar-
bor 'to honor the University and
help celebrate its- anniversary. A
conference on the future of high-
er education will be a major fea-
ture of the program during 1967
Dean Fedele Fauri of the socia'
work school will direct a. similar
conference and celebration in mid-
summer 1967. Participants will be
educators, government leaders and
other noted public figures from
all over the world. They will con-
sider the relationships of gov-
ernment and higher education.
Again special ceremonies will be
planned to mark this observance.
Prof. Robert Angell of the so-
ciology department will heal the
concluding program scheduled for'
eai'ly October. Present plans call
for extending invitations to 20 or
more distinguished and eminent
scholars and leaders of thoughi
in the world. They will be brought
to Ann Arbor for at least a one-
week period for discussions, sym-
posia and informal visits with the
University's students and faculty
Formal discussions of this grour
will center around the theme
"Knowledge, Wisdom and the
Courage to Serve."
In announcing these appoint-
ments, Charles W. Joiner, associate,
dean of the Law School and chair-
man of the Central Sesquicenten-
nial Committee, noted that, "Thc
entire Sesquicentennial program
will be- a very major undertaking
for the University. We are now
moving from the planning stage,

Instrumentation d e s i g
University researchers is
the Orbiting Geophysica:
vatory (OGO) satellite :
late Thursday at Cape F
National Aeronautics am
Administration officials <
the launch as flawless, bu
in the satellite's radio antE
prevented scientists from
the 1,000 p o u n d obs
"locked" into its orbit.
Because of this, the exp
aboard, including the U
equipment, have not bee.
on. Scientists are waitir
Monday night when the
will be within 25,000 miles
on the return leg of its hi
'orbit before trying furth
The orbit ranges from 1
above the earth to 93,0(
This "street car" satel
ries 20 experiments from
ernment and university
tories. The University
Altitude Engineering La
aided in designing and

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