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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXV, No. 7
Block Negro Attempt
To Integrate Schools
COFO Threatens Legal Appeals
To Do Away With Racial Barriers
MERIDIAN, Miss. (A,-Two _dozen young Negroes-one of them
the brother of slain civil rights worker James Chaney-were blocked
yesterday in attempts to lower racial barriers at five of this city's
all-white elementary schools.
Public schools in this city of 50,000-second largest in Missis-
sippi-have not been ordered to desegregate by federal courts.
The Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), which rep-
resents the major civil rights groups active in this deep south state,
" said it would take legal action
Prep ares
Reveal Plan
To Buy Land'
On Ingall St. Set
Reduction in Fe
' Bombers'
Could Face
Court Action
Whatever person or persons
wer involved in setting off a bomb
at 'South Quad early yesterday
morning will probably face a stiff
penalty if caught and convicted,
an'Ann Arbor police officer said
Both the Ann Arbor, police and
South Quad personnel are looking
k for whoever threw the small bomb
from an upper floor of South
Quadrangle. It blew out eight din-
ing room windows and seaited the
sidewalk in front of the eastern
front entrance of the quad.
Lt. Louis Staudenmaier of the
police department anticipated yes-
terday that the department will
charge with a misdemeanor any
suspect in the case it believes
' guilty. A, misdemeanor carries a
maximum penalty of $100 or 90
days in jail-or both-for any-
body convicted.
On Watch
Staudenmaier noted that off-
icers have been informed of the
situation and are on watch for
any new information on the
Detective Greogry Catapoulas,
who is heading the department's
handling of tle case, sai4 that
South Quad Director Robert
Hughes is working with his resi-
dent advisors in looking for any
who might have been involved in
the incident.
Staudenmaier commented that
no student cases involving quad-
rangle stunts such as the bomb
have been serious enough to go
to the city's courts "as far as I
can remember" in the last several
Hughes was not sure whether
the case would go outside the
Joint Judiciary Council. He indi-
cated that whether the case would
go outside the quads would depend
on how many individuals were in-
volved and the range of their
The apparently homemade pack-
age of explosives was reportedly
dropped from a bathroom window
on the 5700 corridor of Gomberg
House. The time was about 12:30
a.m. yesterday. A fuse and a loos-
ened screen were discovered in
the bathroom.
A night watchman said he also
found pieces of the explosive's cas-
ing on the sidewalk below.
The explosion jarred scores of
people out of their sleep in the
quad and elsewhere. There were
several witnesses to the explosion,
but none were able to identify
whoever threw the bomb. There
was even some initial disagreement
on its origin before the evidence
was found in the 5700 corridor.
C'No Connection'
Hughes felt the bomb had no
connection, as some had thought.
with the current dorm housing
crisis. Most residents Of, South
Quad also dismissed any connec-
The bomb was dropped as two
students were passing by. The
amount of damage it caused led
Hughes to comment that the case
is a "very serious matter." He in-
dicated that loss of life or serious
injury could have resulted had the
r bomb landed much nearer any-
As it was, the bomb blasted out
one dining room window with its
initial explosion. Hughes said the
shock wave apparently travelled
across the room, bounced off the
opposite wall, and blew out seven
more windows as it came back. He
commented that if any students
had been studying in the room at
the time severe injury could have
Manager Louis Vogel of South1
Quad estimated the cost of re-
placing the eight broken windows
at under $35.
The, incident occurred while a
thranuad nrnty raid was gning
to desegregate the facilities.
Earlier Attempts
The integration move here was
similar to attempts earlier this
week by 19 Negroes to gain en-
trance into Canton junior-senior
high school in' rural Madison
county. Canton, like Meridian, is
not under court order to admit
Negroes to white schools.
Meanwhile, it was disclosed
that two Negroes had registered
without incident to attend first
grade classes at a Catholic paro-
chial school at Gulfport. It mark-
ed the first announced integra-
tion of Catholic schools in the.
state under a recent directive by
Bishop R. O. Gerow that they
should end operations on a segre-
gated basis this fall, beginning
with the first grade.
At Biloxi, 17 Negro children
finished the first week of inte-
grated classes in four previously
all-white elementary schools. A
lone Negro girl is attending school
with whites at Carthage in rural
Leake county.
Public schools at Jackson have
registered 43 Negro first graders
for desegregated classes which be-
gan Sept. 14 and the Clarksdale
public school system is under or-
ders to desegregate but has not
yet received any applications from
Police and federal agents kept
a close watch at Meridian. Officers
ordered two white men to leave
the grounds at Witherspoon ele-
mentary school. A COFO spokes-
man said three white men had
tried to block Negroes at High-
land school, but police said they
didn't know about it.
Each of the Negroes was met at
the school door by school author-
ities, who read a written state-
"I cannot accept you in this
They would not comment fur-
Proper Procedure
After being turned away, some
of them went to the office of
city school Supt. L. O. Todd, who
said he told them they must fol-
low proper procedure to transfer
to other schools.
At least three Negroes returned
to the school they attended last
year, received transfer papers and
went to an all-white school, only
to be rebuffed again.
COFO said if the denial was
based solely on race, it was ample
grounds for a federal court suit.
The civil rights group also said
that a Negro tried to enroll in the
fifth grade at St. Patrick's Cath-
olic school, but was told that only
the first grade had been ordered
to drop racial barriers.
Act Furthers College
Expansion Program
The University announced pre-
parations yesterday to purchase
17,000 square feet of land flanking
Burton Tower on South Ingalls St.
This site, plus adjacent University
land will hold a $4 million literary
college structure containing class-
rooms and faculty offices.
The building, slated for 1968f
completion will mark another
phase in the college's continuing
program of expansion.
University representatives have
notified the owners of two apart-
ment buildings and two private1
residences on the South Ingalls
St. block that the University wilr
purchase the properties, a business
office spokesman said.
The University, as a public in-
stitution, has the right of- eminent
domain over these properties. That'
means it can buy the properties
once. sufficient notice is given oni
them and a fair market price is
To pay for the $4 million struc-
ture, the University is asking the
Legislature for a first installment
of $1.9 million in 1965. The re-
quest being submitted this month
will be one of the high priority
items in a $14-million application
for state building funds.
The University can then seek
the remainder of the $4 million
over the next three years. Some
federal money might also be avail-
able by that time.
The structure is not the only
literary college building planned in
the near future. A complex of,
buildings, at least two in num-
ber, is being sought for the resi-
dential college, a related division.
This unit, its own integrated hous-
ing, studying and educational
school will be located at the gate-
way to North Campus.
In order to maximize planning
and construction flexibility, the
residential units and $4 million
literary structure will be funded
by the same state pool. Total cost:
$9 million.
The announcement yesterday of
the Ingalls preparations follows
an expansion program drawn up
in 1963.
Called the central campus plan,
it envisioned an entire remodelling
of the Hill Aud. area. The strip
north of Hill on Ingalls would go
to the literary building, offering
classrooms such as those in Haven
and Mason Halls. This structure,
the plan states, would face a
pedestrian promenade extending
from the Rackham Bldg. to the
General Library. North University
traffic would be permanently
closed off.
A parking plan for the central,
north and athletic campu goes
along with building plans for the
areas. It plans new parking struc-
tures and lots a decade into the
future. The furor on North Cam-
pus over parking regulations this
summer stemmed from new park-
ing rules - part of the parking1
For Crowd red Dorm
'Top VotingHUAC Hears Testimony
In Chile On Student Trip to Cuba
SANTIAGO (W)--Pro-American
Senator Eduardo Frei scored a
sweeping presidential victory yes-
terday and crushed Communist
hopes for a quick takeover of
"We have obtained a truly im-
mense victory," said Frei, a mod-
erate Christian Democrat, in a
radio broadcast after his Com-
munist-backed Socialist opponent
Salvador Allende conceded.
Frei's followers began victory
celebrations as Allende's enraged
supporters shouted "revolution!
revolution!" and charged that
President Lyndon B. Johnson and'
Pope Paul VI had supplied money
to beat their man.
Steel - helmeted police armed
with automatic rifles and teargas
bombs were on hand to prevent
riotous clashes between the rival
U.S. Reaction
Meanwhile, U.S. officials heard
Chile's election returns withun-
concealed delight, though neither
the White House nor the State
Department had any public mo-
ment pending the final count..
From a balcony Frei vowed to
"push forward greater changes to
obtain social justice, to build
houses and schools, to give all
Chileans stable work."
Although opposed to Commun-
ism, Frei is a left-of-center poli-
tician. His election marked the
first time a South American
country had returned a "demo-
cratic leftist" with a program
much like that of Europe's
Aboslute Majority
With four fifths of the 2.5 mil-
lion ballots counted, it was certain
Frei .had an absolute majority.
Consequently there would be no
need to throw the elections into
the House of Representatives as
many experts had predicted.
Allende, close friend an'd strong
supporter of Cuba's Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro, told his fol-
lowers he was not throug.
Victory for Democracy
The apparent landslide victory
for Frei was regarded by U.S.
policy makers as a victory for
democracy over Communism.
The impact of an Allende win
would have boosted Red influence
throughout much of Latin,
America and hurt the U.S. and
the Alliance for Progress Social-
Economic Development Program,
it was believed here.
WASHINGTON (I)-The leader of a summer trip to Cuba by
United States students freely admitted to the House Committee on.
Un-American Activities yesterday that he was a member of a Com-
munist organization.
The witness, Edward Lemansky, 21, of New York, told the com-
mittee he was a member of the Progressive Labor Movement, which
he then described as a Communist organization.
When Rep. August F. Johansen (R-Mich) asked if he was a
member of the U.S. Communist party, there was a spray of quiet
laughter from Lemansky's friends
and said, "no." The committee, in
its annual report, describes the
Progressive Labor Movement as an
offshoot of the Communist party,
and says it prefers the party line
of the Chinese Communists to
that of the Soviet Union.
Committee counsel Alfred M.
Nittle then asked Lemansky if he
had ever been a member of the
Communist party, and he replied,
Lemansky answered most ques-
tions about himself but took the
5th amendment and refused to an-
swer when asked any questions
that might involve others. The
amendment protects a witmss
from giving information that
might tend to incriminate him.
Once, when asked if members
of the Progressive Labor Move-
ment had asked him to serve as
head of the student travel group,.
Lemansky replied:
"There is a word in Yiddish-
chutzpah. That's what you people
have in asking me about other
people. Chutzpah.' That means!
Lemansky frequently embellish-
ed his replies with comments about
the committee and U.S. policy
toward Cuba.
George Lincoln Rockwell, head
of the American Nazi party, and
two of his followers sat in back
of the huge committee room to
hear Lemansky's testimony yes-
in the audience. Lemansky waited
U .S. Launches6
America's largest. scientific satel-
lite-a giant metal dragon fly
named OGO, soared into orbit
last night to make the most ex-
tensive study yet of space myster-
ies and to chart dangers to man's
space exploration.
The odd-shoped satellite rode
into space atop An Atlas Agena
rocket that blazed away from Cape
Kennedy at 8:23 p.m.
'U' Cuts Overhead Assessment
Final University assessments for
overhead costs of research have
been reduced on federal contracts
for 1963-64, Vice-President for"
Research A. Geoffrey Norman an-
nounced recently.
Dotson Defines Cause of Racial Crisis
Our current political, racial, and social problems stem from an
attitude in the individual man-one of selfishness and cruielty to
others, Rev. Paul Dotson, director of the Protestant Foundation for
International Students, said.
Addressing a luncheon at the Guild House yesterday, Rev. Dotson
said in regard to the racial problems, "I do not believe that the core
of this strife is the white man's hate -of the Negro; rather, I believe
that it is a deeper problem based upon man's tendency to be cruel
to himself."
On politics, Rev. Dotson asserted that men like Goldwater and
Meader lack the capability to size up the dimensions of the world we
live in. He added that a large amount of Goldwater support comes
from those who find in that candidate a, justification for discrim-
ination. This comfortable position is blind to social justice, he et-
plained. "Our objective is to seek out justice in our society, even if
love is not possible."
Northern Injustice
Rev. Dotson said that although the South is the racial whipping
horse, the North bears a comparable heritage. "You see racial and
political injustice in the South, but even when we come back to Ann
Arbor I don't believe that the real problem is any different in prin-
Rev. Dotson quoted one Southern lady as saying, "You can't take
two different men and force them together. It's a process of re-
demption and sanctification." The lady was an executive in a Pres-
byterian headquarters. Rev. Dotson agreed that the problem was one
of redemption and sanstification, but that the basic improvement
should come to- all men, and not, as the lady inferred, just to those
of the lower echelon.
Human Communication
According to Rev. Dotson the greatest hope is to be found in
communication between human beings, and not between political
factions, social interests or racial diplomats. He said that if major
differences in society could be reduced to a simple, common under-
standing, there would be promise for progress against some of our
current racial difficulties.
During the question and answer period one person commented
that when a relationship between parties is reduced to a simple,
amiable diversion, both persons or groups come dangerously close to
forgetting that they are diametrically opposed on more significant
issues. This effort would then turn into self-deception for both parties
and do mutual harm to both.
End Distrust
Uncertainty regarding overhead
rates on federal contracts may
also be eliminated, if a recent
agreement between University and
federal authorities can be im-
plemented, he said.
Approximately' half of the
money spent on research at the
University is held under federal
contracts that can be affected by
the agreement.
Rate Reduction
A retroactive reduction in the
tentative overhead rates charged
on the federal research contracts
during the fiscal year ending June
30 has been negotiated. The re-
duction is from 50-45 per cent on
the campus contracts and from
42-39 per cent at Willow Run.
Overhead, or indirect, costs in-
clude portions of salaries of people
related to a project but not direct-
ly employed by it. Under this
heading also falls building, ad-
ministration and library expenses
associated with research.
Indirect cost assessments are
set by negotiation between federal
and University authorities. They
are usually about 50 per cent of
the salaries and wages of people
directly employed on the project,
or 30 per cent of the total direct
costs of the project, as a general
Fixed Rates
In a d d i t i o n, predetermined,
fixedrrates for indirect costs of
research for contracts in effect
between July 1, 1964 and Dec. 31,
1965 are being set. The policy of
having advance agreement on
_ _- - . 1--1- .« t svnwll
Rev. Dotson answered that the most important objective in our
society is not to see the other man as opposition. He said that in our
- n-fas of mit andfid t rn-naes cannnt he made.