THE MICHIGAN DAILY TM Y -..- -~...-M- a.aa.4A ' i* - _... .. .. _ :.. _ r.:.. rr aw~ na~ a erV kyT l 'lU 1 A 1041 9 . 3ANIZATION NOTICES 'his Column for Announce- available to officially recog- registered student organiza- Organizations who are plan- active for the fall term must ed by. Sept. 18, 1964. Forms e, in Rloom 1011 Student Ac- g. * * * Guild, Film showing: Satya- The World of Apu," Sept. 4, n., Architecture Aud. Outing Club, hiking and/or Sept. 6, 2 p.m., Rackham, entrance. * Students' Association, Pop- e from India with English ill be shown at Angell Hall >t. 5, 7 p.m. SChristian Fellowship, Lec- 4, 7:30.p.m., Michigan Un- er, Dr. Wilbur Norton. * * * , Auditions, Sept. 4 and 5 p.m., Michigan Union. Missed ng? Call 663-3693. * * * a Student:-Group, Organiza- eting. Program to follow ay Did I Go?-In Search of , Sept. 6, 7 p.m., 1917 Wash- Ride available at Michigar rkley. y of Michigan-Physical Ther- Mass meeting, tour of depart- eshments, Sept. 4, 7:15 p.m., Hospital Conference Rm. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin -is an official publication of, the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The .Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publica- tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur- day and Sunday. FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 DayCal endar University Choir, Prof. Maynard Klein director, Central Campus choir for non' School of Music', students. Open re- hearsals and auditions. Tues., Sept. 1 and Thurs., Set. 3, 4 p.m., 306 Bur-! ton Memorial Tower.' Doctoral Examination for William De- pue Drake, Industrial Engineering; thesis: "The Design and Implementa- tion of a Competitive :Bidding Strate- gy," Fri., Sept. 4, 12222 University Hos- pital, at 2 p.m. Chairman, IL C. Wil- son. General Noices Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Application blanks for the Admission Test for Graduate 'Study in Business are now available in 122 Rack- ham Bldg. The first adniitration of the test for 1964-65 will: be on, Sat., Nov, 7, and applications must e re- ceived in Princeton, N.J. by Oct. 24, 1964. The Mary Louisa Hinsdale Scholarship, amounting to $214.40 (interest on the endowment fund) is available to under- graduate single women who are whOlly or partially self-supporting and who do not live in University dormitories or. sorority houses. Residents of Hender- son House and Oxford Housing may apply. Girls with better than average scholarship and need will be considered.' The Lucile- B. Conger Scholarship and Margaret H. Waterman Scholarship are offered tQ. undergraduate women on the basis of academic performance, contri- bution to University life and financial need; the stipends are variable. The Julia Henning Conger Memorial Fund Scholarship to cover tuition costs, will be available to a resident of the Grand Rapids area, who is a woman student admitted for undergraduate study at thenUniversity. Equal weight shall be given to financial need, citi- zenship, and academic performance. The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship is announced by the Alumnae Council of the Alumni Association for 1964-65. The award is $210-and is open to. both graduateand undergraduate women. It is awarded, on the basis of scholarship, contribution to University life and fi- nancial need. * * * Application blanks are available at. the , Alumnae Council Office, Alumni Memorial Hall, and should be filed by' Nov. 1, 1964. Awards will be granted for use during the second semester, 1964-65 and will be announced Nov. 20, 1964. Dept. of Electrical Engineering Col- loquium: Prof., Archi Naylor will speak on: "European Engineering Education and Research: a' Fulbright Professor's View," Thurs., Sept. 3. Coffee: 3 p.m. Lecture:. 3:30 p.m. Room: 2084 East En- gineering. Staff and students invited. To 'Students Who Expect To Earn Graduate Degrees, at the end of the Fall and Winter Terms: Graduates may elect to receive'the large diploma (size 13" x 17") without additional cost, pro- vided written application is made to the Diploma;, Clerk no later than 60 days before the closing date of the term in which the degree is earned. Student Organizations: Registration of recognized student organizations plan- ning to be active during the fall term must be completed by Sept. 18, 1964. Forms are available in the Office of Student Affairs, 1011 Student Activities Bldg. Privileges such as the use of the Organizations Announcement col- umn in The Michigan Daily, use of, meeting rooms in University buildings, assignment of Student Activities .Bldg. facilities, etc. are available to reg- istered organizations only. If you wish to be listed in the Stu- dent Directory, please supply the presi- dent's name, address and telephone number to Mrs. Friday, 1011 SAB by Sept. 11, 1964. Applications for Fulbright Awards for Grad Study during the 1965-66 academic year are now available. Countries in which study grants are offered are Ar- gentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium- Luxembourg, Brazil, Ceylon, Chile, Re- public of China, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ice- land, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Ja- pan, Korea, Malaysia, 'Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Republic, L'nited Kingdom and TUru- guay. Grants arranged jointly with the U.S. government and the follow- ing countries are also available: Bo- livia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Ro- mania and Venezuela. The grants are made for one academic year and in- elude round-trip transportation, tui- tion, a living allowance and a small stipend for books and equipment. All grants are made in foreifn currencies. Interested students who are U.S. citi- zens and hold an AB degree, or who will receive such a degree by June, 1964, and. who are presently enrolled in the University of Michigan,, should request, application 'forms for a Fulbright award at the Graduate Fellowship Office, Rm. 110 Rackham Bldg. The closing date for receipt of complete applications is Oct. 19, 1964. Persons not enrolled in a college orI university should direct inquiries and requests for applications to the Insti- tute of International . Education, U.S. Student Program, 809 United Nations. Plaza, New York, N.Y., 10017. The last date on which applications will be is- sued by the Institute is Oct. 19, 1964. Student Government Council Approval of the following student-sponsored events becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All pub- licity for these events must be with- held until the approval has become ef- fective. Approval request forms for student- sponsored events are available in Rm. 1011 of the SAB. Michigan Christian Fellowship,; week- ly meeting, Sept. 4, Sept. 18, Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m., Union. Summary of Action Taken by Student Governmeht Council at Its4Meeting of September 2r 1964 Adopted: Rall Election Timetable: Petitioning opens: 9 a.m.,: Mon., Sept. 14. Petitioning closes: $ p.m., Fri., Sept., 25. Deadline, petition complaints: 5 p.m., Fri., Sept. 25. Candidates' meeting: 11 a.m., Sat., Sept.26. Campaign opens: 12 noon, Sat., Sept 26. Petition validation Wand complaint. hearings: 2-5 p.m., Sun., Sept. 27. . Platforms due: 5 p.m., Oct. 2. Deadline for campaign complaints: 5 p.m., Tues., Oct. 13. C&R Complaint hearing: 7 p.m., Tues., Oct. 13. Election and Count night: Wed., Oct 14. Adopted: Changes in National Student Congress delegation. Delegates -- Yee Chen, Bob Bolle and Gene Dennis in place of H. Neil Berkson, Douglas Brook and John Eadie. Sue Orrin au- thorized to fill three vacant alternate positions from the following priority list: Larry Lossing, Ann Wickins, Jan Berris, Bart Foreman and Chuck Cooper. Approved: Revisions to IFC Rush By- laws. Appointed: Barry Bluestone, Carl Coh- en,- Diane Lebedeff, Sherry Miller, Eu- gene Won and Scott Crooks to the Credentials and Rules Committee. Approved: Women's League and Wom- en's. Honoraries sponsor the following event: .Four Freshmen Concert on Sept. 12 at 8 p.m. 'at Hill Aud. Approved: That Elaine Chapin, Gene Dennis, 'tee, Cheni and Evan< Wisner receive reimbursement for National Stu- dent Congress expenses at same rates as all delegates, Approved: That Tom Smithson re- ceive traveling expenses of $15 to the Student Body President's Conference. Appointed: Barry Bluestone, Carl Coh- en, Sherry Miller and Ann Wickins to the Student Government Council Study Committee. Adopted: That the Council 'recom- mend to the Regents of the University that Bylaw 29.08, Section 4 to be amended to read: Two undergraduate male students in at least their fourth. term in the University, one chosen each year by the student body from student candidates nominated by a petition signed by at least 300 students. Each student member so chosen, beginning with the term after his election shall hold office for two years. (Bd. Inter- collegiate Athletics.) Appointed: Larry Lossing to fill posi- tion of John Eadie on the Student Or- ganizations and Rules Committee. Adopted: That Student Government Council notify the Univedsity Commit- tee on Calendaring that the power tc approve or deny approval of student sponsored activities is reserved to the Council and that only the power tc calendar student sponsored activities has been delegated to the committee. Events The following student, sponsored events are approved for the coming; weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that- requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noonj on the Tuesday prior to the event. FRI., SEPT. 4--j Cooley & Hinsdale, Marshmallow Roast, Island Park; Greene, Open-Open, East Quad; Strauss/Mosher, Open-Open, East Quad; Trigon Fraternity, Hayride, 4100 Stone School Rd.1 SAT., SEPT. 5- Chicago, Mixer & Open-Open, West' Quad;.Lloyd House, House Party, West1 Quad; Phi Gamma Delta, Record Par- ty, 707 Oxford; Wenley, Lounge Date Party, West Quad. - SAT., SEPT. 5 (Registered late)- Theta Xi, Rock & Roll Party, 1345 Washtenaw. MON., SEPT. 7- Cooley. Blangdon, Jordan, Picnic, Lake Susterka; Frost & Mosher, Beach Party Silver Lake; Hinsdale, E.Q. & Hinsdale A.L., Labor Day Picnic, Island Park; Prescott-Little House, Picnic, Kensing- ton; Reeves, Picnic, Fresh Air Camp; Strauss / Couzens, Picnic; Thronson House/Gomberg, Picnic. Placement- POSITION OPENINGS: / B. F. Goodrich Co., Various plant lo- cations: Avon Lake, Breckville, & Akron, Ohio-1. Patent - Attorney (Chemical), practicing, with degree in Chem. 'eq. plus law degree. 4 yrs. exper. in patent work, 2. Physicist, BS or MS in Physics, strong math bkgd., exper. in physical optics & high vacuum. 3. Chemical Statistician, degree req. Prefer aMth. statistics, good bkgd.rn iChem .Exper. in design of experimental programs- Various positions for experienced men including 1. Engineers-Mech. & Prod- uct. 2. Systems Programmers. 3. Sales- men. 4. Chemists-Openinga for Train- ees: 1. Sales. 2. Auditors. 3. Mfg. Eng. Pfizer Laboratory, 'Livonia, Mich. - Medical Service Rep. Training in Phar- maceutical Sales for Greater Metro. Detroit Area to promote drug products. Will call on doctors, hosp., etc. BA or BS with some sciences. Age 25-35. * r a For further information, please call General Div., Bureau of Appointments, 3200 $AB, Ext. 764-7460. 4 320SB..t 6-40 ®. ,,fl~ l., >I3 INTERNATIONAL MIXER i + ;. SEPT. 5th 8:30PM UNION BALLROOM SHMENTS FREET DANCING 941 ifrligwn Pail OFFICE HOURS Circulation-764-0558 Call between 1 and 4 Classified-764-0557 Call between 1 and 3 fti stir ' . pS ; V. }0t J { S ii:'sau "a.. J 4 .:. 11 ........ ... .: "}1..,. .V .J" 1 L Y r " m "^. 4. '"J.L44.."5:V."44 Y:J' ::Y :" . '"..V: "J .tS..S ,S4S V .S.". . ^ ': :":4:.X. ::.X '4 VFW HALL 314 EAST FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 LIBERT 9-12 P.M. Stag or Dra .. . .. . ... 4 4 4 4 I I I ONE DOLLAR DONATION -REFRESHMENTS i g, r ARDEN MlESEN'S BAND Sponsored by Graduate Student Council .. 1 1 jJ r5 7 . " +'}' ...V'i.j 4 4."4 .. S} :". . ::...: .k'.::.. ,- ":{ ,', ' .YJs'i:: ty.....w1wA :....?..Rcvn.r :i}:~: '': f ..}. :f..VVJ"...h.:JJ"."':". :. .. ,s >V:.":.alJ:4. 'f"o ... .. - -- ------ - 1 I r r a a i v MOS" C r T O"MPLETE,,,RgCQ t SH X 1/1 1. ALL RECORDS ARE ON DISPLAY:IN OPEN BROWSERS. 2. ALL LP'S FACTORY FRESH AND GUARANTEED. 3. SALES MEN WHO KNOW RECORDS. 4. DISCOUNTS UP TO 50%. To introduce you to our vast stock of Classics, we are below our regular discount, the following labels RECENT . RELEASES RECENT RELEASES On COLUMBIA RECORDS MENDELSSOHN MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S reducIng CAPITOL, D.G.G, ARCHIVE, WESTMINSTER, RCA VICTOR, MERCURY, & LONDON OPERAS--SYMPHONIES-CHAMBER MUSIC-LIGHT CLASSICS, ETC. $3.99 5.98 LIST 3.33 4.98 LIST 2.65 3.98 LIST _Y_ ........_._..._.. } %K a D rrr .p;..; .WIgbL ? U S 7 . ,., . " "ltfirr r f i R +whir wuMpnaw yit' irfi DREAM AND ITALIAN SYMPHONY ORMANDY PHILADELPHIA ORCH. P' R.ESTRAUSS SYMPHONIA DOMESTICA, MOZART SINFONIA CONCERTANTE EXSULTATE, JUBILATE SZELL- CLEVELAND ORCH. 4 I I I BARGAIN HUNTERS! FACTORY FRESH DELETIONS & RE-ISSUES Allention-MusicLit. Students GEORGE SZELL- CLEVELAND ORCH. PERIOD ETERNA ASCO MONITOR DOVER NONESUCH EVEREST VICTROLAS M.G.M. MERCURY CAM DEN RICHMOND TELEFONKEN VOX BOXES KIMBERLEY HARMONY WING; V OCALLI ON SOMERSETI' JAZZ LAN D MUS HERIT, W.G.M.- WHITEHALL PAPERBACKS Register with us NOW, FOR SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on all pieces used in Music Lit. Courses BARTOK. CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA BACH THE'TWO-AND THREE- PART INVENTIONS GLENN GOULD 1.79-1.98-2.49-2.79 PHILADELPHIA DRCH. I a