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September 04, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-04

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Seventy-Fifth Year

aF . 420 MAYNARD ST ., ANN ARBoi, MicH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

4, 1964


Approval of Ordinance
Demonstrates Backlsh

1EAT DEAL of talk lately has cen-
ed around the existence and extent
so-called "white backlash" voting
nent in the 1964 elections. This
vent is the reaction of non-Negro
s who resent or fear recent civil
advances and the Civil Rights Bill
1 last Tuesday, the qualities, indeed
istence, of this movement were in
But now in the light of Tuesday's
ries the white backlash stands out
appalling clarity as the greatest
to reason and freedom in the
States today. For Tuesday's pri-
approved the Detroit Homeowner's
,nce and what is more, returned
nsor, Thomas J. Poindexter, to the
f Detroit Common Council by a
ealthy margin.
Detroit Homeowner's Ordinance is
y one of the most cynical and
t doubt the most absurd piece of
tion ever passed in the state of
an. According to its preface, it is'
empt "to define certain rights of
residents and residential property
." In reality, it is nothing more
in absurdly boldfaced attempt to
e segregation and bias.
[EF EXAMINATION of its five sec-
is illustrates this fact more clearly
fny argument. The first guarantees
ight of privacy .. ." A reasonable
ing, but it is only camouflage for
:otry which follows. For the second
guarantees "The right to freedom
terference with his (a homeown-
roperty by public authorities at-
ng to give special privileges to
Dup." Two points illustrate the true
of this section of the ordinance:
tatement clearly contradicts cur-
ining laws; it makes it impossible
e city of Detroit to prevent de-
on of its finer residential sections.
'U' Housing: Pa

by the business interests of small factor-
ies, gas stations and root beer stands;
and second, it clearly- conflicts with state
intentions in the civil rights field and will
therefore be declared unconstitutional as
soon as it is challenged.
Third article in Detroit's Bill of Hypoc-
risy is "The right (of the homeowner)
to maintain what in his opinion are con-
genial surroundings . ." What if a
homeowner disagrees with his neighbor's
definition of "congenial surroundings?"
The city could not try to control the
homeowner's neighbor, for, if it did, it
would be interfering with the neighbor's,
"right to freedom from interference with
his property by public authorities'" This
ordinance is inconsistent not only with
the rest of state law, but also within
itself. Its" articles involve an inherent
the ordinance guarantee Detroit home-
owners the right to sell their property to
whom they wish or, in other words, to re-.
fuse to sell their homes to Negro families
simply because they are Negro.
* It is often very comforting for those not
from the South to localize their thinking
regarding civil rights bigotry; it is nice
to be able to disassociate oneself from the
whole dirty business. But the passage of
the Homeowner's Ordinance illustrates
as well as anything possibly could that
no one is ever far. from the illogic and
hatred that accompany racial bigotry.
Of principal concern is not the ordi-
nance itself; it will be declared unconsti-
tutional soon enough. What is important
is that citizens and students regard its
passage as a lesson in how close we all
are to the racial problems we read of,
and of how far we are from the resolution
of those problems.
1 sing the Bunk
will they have any chance of forcing the
University to review its presentiplans.
THE UNIVERSITY must look elsewhere
to solve its housing problem. It must
provide more low cost student housing
immediately or grant apartment priv-
ileges to more freshman men and junior
women or find another equally legitimate
solution to the problem.
Given impetus by the students involved,
the University must reconsider its hous-
ing plans and modify them to meet re-
sponsibly the present critical situation.

,. 4,

Ilit po.-L OR


Lauds Washington Jobs
,Promoted ,by University


C 1 t s2''


The Congressional Headache

EN THE RUMORS became facts and
ie University residence hall systemI
i moving a bunk bed and another,
into each of the new ,triples in
1 Quadrangle, the critical housing
tion became painfully evident.
t fall when many freshmen were
: in temporary storage for a few
in the South Quad study hall, many
about the future housing situa-
but the University was silent. Plans
)using to be built on North Campus
lready been released, but they were
solution to a problem that was al-
the spring of last year the Univer-
eleased tentative lists of rooms that
be converted if increased enroll-
made it necessary. But South Quad-
e Council was assured that this was
e in a million chance."
rever, crowding became inevitable
the University admitted more stu-
than it now has room to house;
students must live somewhere. In
immer when the actual room as-
ents were made, there were no pro-
s for these extra students.
THE PROBLEM has been thrust
n the individual students who al-
have been assigned rooms in the
angles. These students will be living
ns that are not made for three, un-
nditions quite adverse to study. The
rsity has converted rooms and said
students involved, "Now's it's your
re is little students can do this year
the University's housing policy.
.ey must make their feelings known
'y to prevent a recurrence of the
t situation. They must keep the
*sity aware that the present dou-
and tripling is not a solution, but
it compounds the problem to in-
more students in temporary hous-
students involved must inform
niversity of their feelings, either
h the Council or through another:
zed group. Only in this manner
p Mid t *


Sleep, Sheep,.
MY ROOMMATE told me.
The corridor counselor told my room-
mate. The new resident advisor told the
corridor counselor. The manager of the
quadrangle told the resident advisor. A
housing officer told the manager. The di-
rector of housing told the housing offi-
cer. But who amidst this vast administra-
tive complex actually told the director of
housing to do it, I shall never know.
To be honest, I was forewarned. In
July the University sent me a mimeo-
graphed note stating the possibility that
a third person may be added to my room.
But I hadn't thought about it since
ACTUALLY, I'M NOT bitter at all. But
I've been spending the last few days
wondering where sa third person will live
in my doubl6 room.
Sure, he can sleep in a bunk bed. But
there won't be an extra desk or a new
closet. Oh well, I assume the administra-
tion will find a solution. They always do.
At the moment I'm waiting for my new
roommate to arrive. The thought of a
third man in the room makes me wonder
what is to be done in thl future, with
increased enrollment and no new rooms.
Perhaps I could best spend my efforts in
letting the head of this university know
what is happening.
YOU SEE, he was out of town when the
decision was made. But I was thinking


ALTHOUGH IT IS a bit awk-
ward and rather inconvenient
to make Congress deal with ap-
portionment-at the tail end of
the session, the importance of the
subect is overriding.
The real issue, as I see it, is
whether reapportionment of the
state legislatures, which is nec-
essary, but also a far-reaching
change of habit and custom.
should .be propelled by something
more than the federal courts alone
-whether, that is to" say, this
great change in the political bal-
ance of power should have alsc
the approval of Congress and be
subjected to the test of a consti-
tutional amendment. Taking this
to be the purpose of the Dirksen
proposal, it seems to me sound
and in the end desirable.'
The heart of the matter is that,
since about 1890, the United
States, which was. then composed
two-thirds of people from farms
and villages, has been transform-
ed. Two-thirds of the Americans
now live in cities or in the sub-
urbs. But the apportionment of at
least 44 of the state legislatures
does not represent'this change.
S * * ,
IN THESE 44 states, less than
10 per cent of the people elect a
controlling majority of the lAegis-
lature. In 13 of these states, one-
third or less of the people can
elect a controlling majority of the
While the statistics of this mis-
representation cry out for reform
it is nevertheless true that the
problem here, unlike that of the
civil rights bill a few months ago.
is not such a present danger that
delay is intolerable. It is essentia"
that the city and suburban peo-
ple be properly represented in
their state legislatures in order
that they may be better able to
deal with their pressing needs. But
there is no critical emergency
which makes the delay proposec
by Sen. Everett Dirksen intoler-
There are also positive advan-
tages in the Dirksen breather. It
involves Congress, not only the
Supreme Court, in the problem of
apportionment, and the pause pro-
vided by the Dirksen rider may
help to make the coming reap-
portionment seem less terrifying
to those who will lose by it.
For many of us this will help
to assuage a troubled conscience
about the dilemma posed by the
Supreme Court's decision in the
Alabama case and Mr. Justice
Harlan's dissenting opinion. The
dissenting opinion argued power-
fully against bringing the affair.'
of the state legislatures into the.
federal courts.
view, unanswerable, but for one
erroneous fact. That is that the'
unrepresentative state legislatures
selves. The underrepresented vot-
ers unwilling to reform them-
ers in the cities and suburbs have
little or no power to compel re-
form. In this situation, when there
is indubitable evil for which there
s no known legal remedy, the
ntervention of the Supreme Court

the rural voters. One reason, which
is as old as the nation, is that the
excitable working people in the
cities are not to ibe trusted as the
stable and virtuous farmers and
that the representative system
should be constructed so as to pre-
vent the urban masses from rul-
ing the state. This is the princi-
ple of the New York State consti-
tution which was framed before
the turn of phe century.
* , * :
THIS REASON could prevail
when the city people were still a'
minority. It cannot prevail much
longer now that they have be-
come a preponderant majority.
But there is another reason,
closely related in practice, but sep-
arate in theory. It is, as Madison
put it, that it is necessary. to "re-
fine the will of the people" and
that one of the best ways of do-
ing this is to have a legislature
with two houses in which the up-

per house is more stable and more
The real question which will
confront the states is how to con-
vstruct senates in which, though all
voters are equal, the senators will
check and balance the lower
It Is not an insoluble problem.
The states will have to deal with
the problem by making the. sen-
atorial districts larger and the
number of senators smaller. Each
senator will therefore represent a
much more varied constituency
than a member of the lower house.
The states can give the senators a
longer term and higher pay. Thif
will tend to give the senators a
broader view, a less hurried view.
more honor, a greater Independ-
ence and sense of responsibility.
These are ways to refine the
will of the people without obstruct-
ing it.
(c) 1964, The washington Post o .'

To the Editor:
THE UNIVERSITY is a little
better place, the educational
opportunities here a little greater,
because of a recently initiated
service to the students. This past,
summer marked the first time the
University has worked coopera-
tively with students seeking sum-
mer employment in Washington
D.C. This program has proven
itself to be worthwhile and suc-
cessful in its first year.
Early last spring semester a
notice of a meeting for all those
interested In summer jobs in
Washington appeared in the
D.O.B., At this meeting students
were given information as to what
the new coordinating service coud
do for those interested. They were
given experience resume forms to
fill out and personal appointments
were made with John Burton, the
very capable and thorough per-
son in charge of this new opera-
At the interviews, the students
turned in their resumes and in-
dicated the agencies with which
they would like to work. Over
spring vacation, Mr. Burton took
all these resumes wit him to
Washington, where he spoke with
the personnel departments of the
various executive agencies. He
found out what agencies were hir-
ing how many in each field and
showed the personnel officers
what people were available from
he University.
* * *'
furnished, to each .student: in-
dividually, information on the
probability of the student getting
a job in his field with each par-
ticular agency. Standard govern-
ment forms were furnished which
could be mailed quite selectively,
by the student to those agencies of
interest to him.
I do not know how many Uni-
versity students took advantage
of the service; how many made it
to Washington or how this figure
compares with earlier years. I do
know that for those who got a
job in Washington the experience
was worthwhile.
Ajob in Washington this sum-
mer was a thing of value for three
reasons. Students were able to
find a job in the field in which
they were studying. They were
able to attend the White House
Seminars, a program initiated by
President Kennedy and continued
by President Johnson, in which
such men as Senator Hubert'
Humphrey, Peace Corps Director
Sargent Shriver, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and President
Johnson himself addressed all the
students working in Washington
for the summer. Excellent ques-
tions were directed to these men
during the seminars on up-to-
Yeah, Yeah
At the State Theatre
IT MIGHT BE hard to take for
the budding campus intellec-
tual, but the Beatles' first pic-
ture "A Hard Days Night" is a
fun-filled film on one hand and
a fine piece- of cinema on the
Centering the. film about a
loose plot involving Paul's fiction-
al grandfather (Wilfred Bramble).
the real action involves a college
of slapstick, surrealism and song.
Scenes shift from one center to
another with precision; and
everything blends into a large
comical triumph.
But it's the Beatles themselves
that life "A Hard Days Night"
out of the humdrum English Com-
edy or the usual Star exploitation
film. For the four, John, Paul.
George and Ringo, demonstrate
aptly why they were able to be-
come an overnight phenomenon.
* * * ' ,

THE FACT that the director
realized the potential of these
four personalities and refused tc
tamper with it offers opportunity
after opportunity for fresh bright
bits of humor. The scene on the
field where the four run amuck
and the dressing room humor were
all spontaneous bits and it is this
that fills "A Hard Days Night"
with its excitement.
Those cinema fans who remem-
ber with fond delight the classic
"Running, Jumping and Standing
Still" film of Peter Sellers, will
be interested to note that many of
the same people who produced
that gem are involved with "A
Hard Days Night" and the influ-
ence is highly advantageous. Thus
there are clever superimpositions
of scene upon scene, quick sgiht
gags and the constant chase se-
quences that both pace the film
and amuse.
The camerawork in "A Hard
Days Night" is as clean and deft.
as one has come to expect of
New British Cinema. The scenes
are swiftly caught, merged and
paced by the sharp maneuvers of
the camera, and the imaginative
angles and focus add to the gen-
eral freshness that pervades the
whole film.

the-minute issues in their respec.
tive departments.
* * *
FINALLY, and perhaps most
important, the tone of cooperation
and the urgency of utilizing the
educational potential of Wash-
ington D.C. which characterized
the program here in Ann Arbor,
manifested itself in action by Uni-
versity students in Wahiington to
organize their own special seminar.
Meetings were held for University
students at which Prof. Gardner
Ackley of the President's Council
of Economic Advisors, Congress-
man Neil Staebler, Democratic
candidate for Governor, and Sen-
ator Phillip Hart spoke.
this newt program does" make
employment in Washington more
probable for University students
than it has ben in the past. Be-
cause of the 'tremendous educa-'
tional value of a summer in Wash-
ington and the student Initiative
which it can spark once again
next summer, it should be con-
tinued, expande' and publicized
whenever possible.
-Thomas Draper, '5
To the Editor:
water has. °Prompted'me to
write. I shall begin a little off the
Social and corporate organiza-
tions do not function efficiently
when their members have strpng
personal differences. Such o gan-
izations become large "families"
whose memberships work toward
uniformity, although the "cor-
porate personalities" themselves
may differ markedly. Labor and
management groups, for example,
not; only reach different coclu-
sions, but find communication dif-
ficult because they hold different
premises. I contend that this is
a general personality difference.
It has always been the function
of a democratic government to
deal with organizational "person-
alities": trade unions, farmers'
groups, business, consumers' un-
ions, etc. Every such group tries
to elect its representatives to pub-
lic office, but, paradoxically, their
representatives must be tempera-
mntally different from their con-
stituents. They are required to
declare their causes publicly, to
persuade others, and to come in
" direct contact with opposed points
of view. They must be men of
But in the last two decades
unions and corporations have
merged or unified their represen-
tation, and government structure
has increased tremendously. All
this has served td smooth over
the differences that had existed
among formerly competing groups.
For the organization man this
means that he has little personal
contact with anyone who is very
different from himself. For the
public this means that open hos-
tility between the giant interests
has far-reaching consequences.
(Public opinion will no longer
tolerate a steel strike, for ex-
ample.) Our elected officials are
seldom champions of cause any-
more. Instead, they are arbitra-
* * *
I SEE a danger' In that fin-
tolerence. for' public disagreement
is undermining ourr political struc-
ture. The organization man and
the bureacrat are making friend-
ly working relations among' col-
legues an end in itself. This is
certainly not always the best way
to pass good legislation.
The public reaction to Sen.
Goldwater has been similar. In
urban areas where government,
labor unions, and businesses are
generally large, he is mostly de
spised. I wager to say that the
hatred is due to the fact that he
is very different from the average

.big-city dweller, and to the dif-
ference itself-that he seems to
thrive on controversy, that he will
make enemies for a principle.
In the, coming campaign I will
give Sen. Goldwater a fair chance
to defend his principles. To judge
a man without giving serious at-
'tentioni to. what he has to say, is
showing a contempt for the pro-
cess of free debate that has
changed the tide of previous elec-
-Karl Martin,'64
Daily Press
To the Editor:
FROM ONE "student" editor to
another, let me express our ap-
preciation to you for, the fine
write-up you gave our modest
I'm afraid, however, that in the
confusion that always prevails
here I forgot to mention to Ken
Winter the fact that there are
many more students involved than
just those on the board of direc-
tors and the three of us putting
out the editorial page.
* * *
THERE ARE about a dozen and
a half students-or very recent
graduates-on the staff. Some of
them are serving as departmental

Ray's 'world of Apu':
A Well-Mastered Film


At Cinema Guild
QATYAJIT RAY'S first film de-
scribed the life of a young
Bengali village boy. It was called
"Pather Panchalli" (1952-1956)
and is the, first of a trilogy that
includes "Aparajito" (1957) and
"The World of Apu" (1958).
Of the crew of eight working on
his first film only one had ever
had professional experience in
making a film. From an intellec-
tually aristocratic family, Ray
had to scramble for money for
years to finish "Pather Pan-
challi." When he was done, he
showed that the traditional movie
musical blown up to DeMillian
proportions was not the only type
of film India could produce.
The Apu trilogy would be ample
evidence for saying that Ray is a
movie director'. of genius, and
probably the finest executor of
his art in the world today. He has
also made several other very fine
films. Those that have appeared
in this country are "Jalsaghar"
(The Music Room) (1958) and
"Two Daughters" (1961).
* * *'
"THE WORLD of Apu" con-
tinues the life of Apu Roy, who
has finished college and is now
trying to become an author. His
life is hard, but never fatally un-
realistic. One day he goes4vith a
friend to attend a wedding. The
bridegroom has gone insane and
rather than let the bride be con-
demned forever according to a
traditional Indian belief, he de-
cides, after some cajolery, to
marry the girl. After the marriage,
the two fall in love. But the wife
dies during childbirth and Apu,
lost to the world, wanders around

ness, love, childhood mischievous-
ness, death or irrevocable lassi-
tude. He can show man at his
most self-pitying depths of bore-
dom and irresponsibility more
movingly than an Antonioni.
"L'Avventura" seems like a silly
physical experience compared to
the scenes of Apu's five years of
aimless wandering.
* * *
Ray's technique is his depiction of
action or movement as what is not
seen or is only incompletely seen.
Traditionally, movement on the
screen is shown completely. Direc-
tors are under the impression that
anything less would not be under-
stood or would have much less of
an impact. But Ray proves other-;
wise with images that are ap-
pearances disappearing, like Emily
Dickenson's hummingbird that is
"a route of evanscence."
For instance, at the end of the
movie, when father and son rush,
into each other's arms, the fa-
ther's first movement forward al-
most is not seen at all. The cam-
era cuts to Apu just as he leaves
the frame of the picture. This is
cut into a longer shot of the boy
rushing to jump into Apu's arms.
We get'less the feeling of the two
joining each other than of the two,
leaving their separateness.
, * * * .
-RAY'S USE of sound is also im-
pressive. Emotional climaxes be-
come neither rushes of diatribe
from a character's mouth nor
splashes of harmonious music.
Drawn out simplification is Ray's
method of striking a sympathetic
chord. When Apu hears of his
wife's death, the persistent drone
of a single wind instrument breaks

4. 1






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