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September 02, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-02

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rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
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The Dorm Rent Hike:
A Hard Second Look

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
The University Calendar: Something is Left Out
by H. Neil Berkson
THE UNIVERSITY CALENDAR seems to have no be- and everything will be fine. The answers flowed forth won't have to worry about judging people or people
ginning, no end. The first week blends into the almost as if there were no more questions. But there are. judging us.
second much as August becomes September. Students,
seond much ashgs bec etebe. tdents AS EDUCATION here becomes more and more pres- IF THE UNIVERSITY has any responsibility, it is
are Registered. Freshmen are Oriented. Now the Educa-
tional Process takes over, ready to struggle for men's sure-packed, the beauty of the University lies in the to expose this rat-race psychology to its students. In
minds in the midst of too many students, too few fa- fact that it is still a place to reflect, still a place to use this context, the most important verb in the English
cilities and a strangely mixed atmosphere of deep fears one's mind. The University's only premise is that all language is "relax." Number two might be "think."
and deadening apathy which would seem to erode premises must be questioned in order to come to some At a time when we desperately need to regain some
any value in education, sense of identity, and a university is one of the few
Students moved in and out of Hill Auditorium all. m places that can provide that sense, this university seems
last week, but the balconies had a faintly hollow ring. ships in society, hell-bent on putting its students in an institutional strait
Many welcomes, Much advice. We do not treat you as The trouble with schedules is that they Impose con- jacket. Already too many students merely suffer a four
numbers,- the University repeated again and again- formity, denying the basic individuality of each student. or five or six year ritual. Values remain unquestioned
usually right before the recital of some staggering We all have our own complex problems, and we must out of a reverence for the life-pattern.
statistic. be able to solve them at our own pace. THIS FAITH creates the most mechanical type of
SOMETHING WASN'T SAID to freshmen. They got There is nothing wrong, and much that is right, existence. The bounds of reality grow narrower and
list of "dos" and don't" calculated to hasten them with deviating from accepted norms, which, after all, nu.Ower. The lines of communication between men are
through the University toward that extra $100,000 per have no meaning in the context of a given individual, cut ur range of experiences becomes smaller, as more
lifetime that makes them prime targets for life insurance The important thing is not to be. frightened by failure, and more events are foreign to our comprehension.
companies. They heard of their triple "A" rating, their to realize that failure is not a static condition which Barbarity in Mississippi, death in Dallas, sickness in
90 per cent chance to stay here, the added competition defines one's worth throughout a lifetime. This terrible S anc co all have tremendous repercussions, yet
they'll be facing. fear of mistakes draws people into a closer and closer a-
The University was presented as if a degree were conformity-if everyone does the same things in the The University left much unsaid last week. Let's
part of some ordained life-pattern. Stay on schedule same way from the same frame of reference, then we hope it isn't silent for the rest of the year.



T FRIDAY, this writer advocated a
ent strike by students living in Uni-
ty residence halls. The purpose of
a strike would be to fight an in-
se in room-and-board charges enact-
i a manner which clearly violates a
nts' bylaw.
e strategy of the strike would be to
riize residents to refuse unanimously
at least in overwhelming numbers-
Ly the additional $34 which the Uni-
ty will try to get out of them this
If the University tried to withhold
transcripts of all the non-payers
oh it always does in individual cases
might inot do en masse), they could
their funds, take the whole matter
curt, and get the court to fore'the
ersity to release the credits. This, I
confident, a court would do in the
of the illegal way in which the dorm
ike was implemented.
ras wrong.
E-='RESIDENT for Business and Fi-
ante Wilbur K. Pierpont is empower-
y bylaw 30.02 to set the rates "sub-
to the approval of the Board of Gov-
rs." He never sought or received
approval of this faculty-student
. ut he did get the Regents to
>ve implicitly the rate increase by
ing their approval of the 1964-65
et. And since the Regents write the
os, the Regents apparently are le-
free to ignore them.
us it appears that the room-and-
i increase was not illegal. This seems
the case, not because the method of
iactment didn't violate the Regents'
is-there clearly was a violation-
because the Regents' bylaws aren't
r laws at all. When the Regents, or
one acting with their consent,
e to ignore the rules the bylaws
out, those affected by such actions
no legal recourse.-
SIDER WHAT, from the student's
rspective, this means. It has always
clear that to come and to remain
"Christianilty a n
HE BIBLE (John 8:7) we read of a
man whose activities were contrary
epted norms of her society and who
have been stoned to death had
not held back the crown and in-
, He that is without sin among
et him first cast a stone at her." Yet
ns that some Christians never learn.
it is over 19 centuries later, and we
ill stunned by stories of malicious
or being perpetrated by supposedly
Christian people upon a miscreant
er of their society. Only now it is
the place is Baltimore, and the
eant is Mrs. Madalyn Murray.
Murray, lest there still be some
Lo not know her name, may quite
ly be our nation's most vehement
t, a distinction which she seems to
von pretty much by default. In 1960,
tdifference to religion turned to a
hat more militant attitude when
n ran up against a brick wall trying
id participation in what were then
itory religious exercises in his1
. When the school superintendent
ed Mrs. Murray that her son could
excused while the rest of the class
ed a five-minute Scripture reading1
ord's Prayer recitation-or, to put
e bluntly, when Mrs. Murray was
ed that her son's inalienable right
dom from (as opposed to of) reli-
ould not be honored-she took the
to the Supreme Court. Through

tions, the now-famous Murray vs.
t decision separating religion, and
pools was handed down.-s
4W APPEARS that many good
istians were reluctant to abide by
uling. Whether they realized the#
ging Editor Editorial Director
IRTZMAN ...........Personnel Directort
L SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
|NNY ............ Assistant Managing Editor
H BEATTIE.......Associate Editorial Director C
LIND ......Assistant Editorial Director int
Charge of the Magazine

at the University a student must abide
by rules set down by the Regents. But
the dorm fee increase shows that the Re-
gents' bylaw set no limits on what these
rules can be. Unhampered by their .by-
laws, the Regents can make any absurd
demand a condition of attendance at the
University-so long as that demand vio-
lates no state or national law. In short, a
University student must live, not under a
government of laws, but under a govern-
ment of men.
This is not to say that the Regents
have made tyrannical use of their poten-
tially tyrannical powers they obviously
have not. The point is that their powers
sometimes are misused.
If this were a government of laws, the
objects of this misuse could rectify it
through legal means. In a government of
men, the only way to rectify a misuse of
power-if argument and debate fail-is
to muster even more power against it.
THIS - albeit by a circuitous route -
brings us back to the rent strike. The
legal question in no way makes any less
outrageous the way in which the fee
hike was enacted. But the fact that the
strike must be a power play rather than
a legal maneuver does call for more radi-
cal tactics: residents must neglect to
pay, not merely the extra $34, but all
their residence halls fees. This would
quickly create a financial crisis - one
which would have to be resolved by nego-
tiation with the strike's leaders long be-
fore the threat of withheld transcripts'
could take effect.
Such a strike, obviously, is a radical ac-
tion, and one which may seem out of
proportion to the injustice it protests.
But small injustices are the blocks from
which larger ones are built-and at some
point men must draw a line and declare
that one particular small injustice will
not be tolerated. Perhaps this is the place
to draw that line.
Managing Editor
dA rs Murray
validity of the Court's decision is ques-.
tionable how many of them began to re-
instate the practice of religious educa-
tion where it should have been all along
-in the church and the home-is some-
thing else again. The fact remains that
Mrs. Murray and her family were imme-
diately subjected to a barrage of crank
calls and poison-pen letters-and all in
the name of Jesus Christ.
But one need not be surprised at the
content of the letters and phone calls;-
this was predictable enough. There were
the usual number of misguided souls
equating atheism and Communism, in
spite of Mrs. Murray's statements de-
nouncing Communism as "a bunch of
baloney." There were the usual number
of threats that Jesus Christ would "fix
her" for all the nasty things she said.
And, since. some good souls apparently
realized that Mrs. Murray would not be
particularly worried by threats from
someone she considered nonexistent, ac-
tual incidents of violence were carried out
against her, her family and her property.
At present Mrs. Murray is carrying on
her fight from a Hawaii refuge, claiming
that she feared for her life if she re-
mained in Baltimore.
ONE 'COULD ARGUE ad nauseam
whether or not the Supreme Court
should have delivered a ruling prohibiting
mandatory (and only mandatory, all

emotionalism notwithstanding) observ-
ance of religious exercises in public.
schools. In similar fashion one could ar-
gue on and on whether or not any other
given action of Mrs. Murray's is a good
one. But the fact remains that there are
far too many so-called Christians who
are a disgrace to their religion as well as
to society as a whole; and these persons
are making their religion look bad and
Mrs. Murray's cause look better with
every move they make.
It has become increasingly evident
that a significant percentage of the peo-
ple who call themselves Christians in this
country have no more business walking
the streets than they feel an atheist like


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Increasing Strength and
Decreasing Power

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THERE HAS BEEN some com-
plaint from,. the Goldwater
camp about the secretary of state
and the secretary of i defense
speaking out on the campaign is-
sues. According to tradition they
ought, it is said, to stand apart
from the party conflict.
There has indeed .been such a
tradition. But it has been based
on another tradition, which/ is
that politics stops at the water's
edge and that on the main lines
of foreign policy and national de-
fense the two parties are agreed.
Since the convention at the Cow
Palace, the Republican Party has
been challenging the basic prin-
ciples and objectives of American
foreign and defense policy. -That
being the case, the responsible
- Cabinet officers have not only the
right, but the duty, to explain and
defend the policies of which they
have the most detailed knowledge
and for which, next to the Presi-.
dent, they have the highest re-
FOR WORKING journalists,
whose first concern is to find out
what is going on, -these days are
Slike trying to.read and understand
a very difficult book in the midst
of a crowd of people blowing horns
and bangingon'tin pans. But we
must try.
What, for example, are we to
make of the fact that with our
present military power, which
Secretary ofiDefense McNamara
has been describing, we are not
"winning" the war in South Viet
Nam, we are in such trouble over
Cyprus, we face the prospect of
more trouble in the Congo, British
Guiana is. a worry and Castro does
not go away?
The Goldwater answer to these
questions is that all these troubles
are being promoted and controlled
from Moscow and Peking, and the
troubles would cease if we had a
President who had the nefve to
use our immense nuclear power to
command Moscow and Peking to
cease and desist. -
THIS SOUNDS simple and#
- gutsy. But if the Communists did
not cease and desist, the Hold-
water strategy would force us to
choose between admitting that we
had been bluffing and accepting
a war in which 100 million Ameri-
cans, might be burned up.
Either way, it would not be much
of a victory, and the simple solu-
tion, which has such incalculable
risks, is really no solution at all.-
The question remains: why, with
all our military power, can we not
make the outer world behave as
we think it should? It throws,
light on this question, I believe, to
notice that the second superpower,

namely the Soviet Union with its
formidable nuclear arsenal and its
immense army, is also finding that
it cannot make all its wishes pre-
The latest evidence of this is
that the' Soviet Union, which
stretches across Northern Asia to
the Pacific, finds itself blackballed
as a member - of the Afro-Asian
group of Communist parties. This
is as if the United States were ex-
cluded from the organization of
American States.
", * *
IF WE LOOK around some more,
we see that the other great powers
-Britain, France, Italy, Germany
and Japan-are also finding that
their military superiority is ob-
vious. The advanced nations of the
world seem 'to be in the grip of
a paradox: though their military
power increases, their political
power in large areas of the world
This paradox can, I believe, be
explained. While the great powers
have been making themselves in-
finitely stronger, the weak peoples
have invented and are perfecting
a method of warfare which en-
ables them to elude and circum-
vent 'thegreat warfare of the
great powers.
The weapons of the weak may
be the nonviolent civil disobedience
as Gandhi used it in India, or it
may be violent as Mao practiced
it in China and as General Giap
now practices it in Indo-China.
The point is that modern weapons,
convet ional or nuclear, cannot
find targets to hit which will de-
feat the guerrilla warfare of the
THE ONLY WAY to defeat the
guerrilla is to put much larger
numbers of men on/the ground,
in the jungles and in' the swamps,
on the plains and in the moun-
tains. As against Africans and
Asians, white men cannot win
such wars. Whatis more, white
men, including the Russians, will
not mobilize the large enough
masses of men required for this
kind of warfare. The experience
of the British and the French, the
Belgains and the Dutch is that
guerilla warfare in Africa and
Asia can have no victorious mili-
tary solution.
The plain fact is that the sup-
pression of guerrilla warfare is
primarily and predominantly a
job for the infantry and not for
the airmen. The essence of Gold-
water's military strategy is the
illusion of a major general in the
Air Force that wars can be won
by bombing, that the short and
simple way to victory is not
through the mud and the jungle,
but by air. The Navy and the
Army do not share this illusion.
(c) 1964, The Washington Post Co.



USSPA's Legislative Errors

To the Editor:
T HE TROUBLE with legislation
of the recently - completed
United States. Student Press As-
sociation congress is its superficial
nature. Kenneth Winter and De-
borah Beattie in their scathing
account of the proceedings there
have mislaid the emphasis on the
causes of USSPA's errors.
As Winter and Miss Beattie
amply point out,. the legislaticin
was not well thought through. All
delegates had essentially the same
set of assumptions and the same
goals. They were ill-prepared to
deal with such complex matters
as a code of ethics in five days and
were rush when they did. Thus
the delegates chose pious plati-
tudes and ignored sticky ques-
The Code of Ethics-was the most
important document the conven-
tion produced. At the same time,
its history and wording is sym-
bolic of the problems of USSPA's
other legislation.
*, * *
THE PROBLEM with the Code
of Ethics is that it is superficial.
A code of ethics has to rise above
the practical matter of being en-
forcable. It has to set a standard
to which the student editor, the
university administration and the
general public can aspire, even
if it is partially unreachable now.
The professional press recog-
nizes this problem. The American
Society of Newspaper Editors in
its Canons of Journalism-the
basic code of ethics for the press,
professional and student alike-
Lacking authority to enforce

the student press. It must con-
vince the student press, univer-
sity administrators and the gen-
eral public to adhere to it.
The first' task calls for setting
high-minded goals. The second
demands that practical realities.
be understood. By failing to de-
lineate precisely the first, the US-
SPA code runs into to trouble try-
ing to do the second.
To impress university admin-
istrators and the general public,
the code must account for their
interests. It must build in stan-
dards that protect their legitimate
concern about responsibility, fair
play and extensive coverage so
that they will be. mollified when
the code demando hands off the
student press' operations.
BUT THE CODE is cliche-ridden
and papers over some basic ques-
The second paragraph of the
freedoms section reads: "The stu-
dent press must be free of all
forms of external interference de-
signed to regulate its content."
This statement would be clear .if
the .student newspaper took full
legal, financial and public-opinion
responsibility for what it does. But
it does not. The average college or
university is the paper's publisher
and guardian and is often con-
sidered by the public to reflect the
viewpoint of the university.
Furthermore, there are two
forms of the student press where
external regulation is implicit. One'
is papers at religious colleges and
universities where participation on
such a university-sponsored pub-

encourage more freedom of ex-
pression in them.
THIS SECTION of the code,-to-
gether with the sections stating
that a student press provides free-
dom of expression and debate
which is essential to a healthy
academic community, should also
incorporate a statement declaring
that a student paper is useful only
when responsible to the commun-
ity and to itself.
Once responsibility is declared,
the prerequisites to an effective,
free student press should be stated.
The code goes over them in sum-
mary fashion-too brief for use
in later judgments. The borrowed
Canadian University Press Code,
while w.ordy, was explicit on: pos-
sible infringements of freedom and
made a much better instrument.to
judge violations.
* .
ON THE WHOLE, the student
press' responsibilities are well de-
fined. But its injunction to re-
port news is weak. The code de-
clares: "It is the role of the stu-
dent press to report the news and
provide an outlet for campus
opinion and creative effort."
The Canons of Journalism says
it much better and should I'have
been adapted for the student
The primary function of
newspapers is to communicate to
the human race what its mem-
bers do, feel and think. Journal-
ism, therefore, demands of its
practicianers the widest range of
intelligence, of knowledge, and
of ,experience, as well as natural

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