)AY, SEPTEMBER 1,1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MARY POLLS OPEN U) I h. iJIlllliel By BRUCE BIGELOW and JULIE FITZGERALD Michigan voters will select can- didates for federal, state, court and township offices in today's primary election. When ballots are counted, the mass of more than 900 candidates will be reduced to a pair of foes for governor, two for U.S. sena- tor, 38 for bongress, 76 for state senator and 216 for the state House of Representatives. In the gubernatorial race, Gov. George Romney is expected to defeat easily former legislator George Higgins in the Republi- can primary. Romney is so confi- dent of renomination that he hasn't even campaigned or men- tioned Higgins publicly. Conservative Republican Higgins, a Ferndale auto dealer, has based his entire campaign on the theme that he is a conserva- tive Republican while Romney is more of a political independent. U.S. Rep. Neil Staebler (D-Ann Arbor) is unopposed for the De'm- ocratic gubernatorial nomination. On the national scene, the real battle is for the GOP senatorial nomination. The three combat- ants are James F. O'Neil, a mem- ber of the state Board of Educa- tion, Republican National Com- mitteewoman Elly Peterson and businessman Edward A. Meany, Jr. The victor will face unopposed a~aI~ 1't~t~U1 ea~ ut-of-stock Books Democratic incumbent Philip A. "The implementation of the Civi' dent Westron E. Vivian. Both art Hart. Rights Law and the rehabilita- from Ann Arbor. Incumbent Meader tion of the Negro population in Faye has said he "favors a con- Running for the Republican our urban areas should be a prim ception of national interest which congressional nomination from the objective." embraces the aim of social jus- second district are incumbent Rep, Thayer, who supports Romney tice." George Meader, attorney C. Ralph has emphasized that "In good con- Vivian has stressed that Unite' Kohn and Majority Leader of the science, I believe that I have nc States foreign aid policy should Michigan State Senate Stanley G other choice than to offer citi- without losing sight of immediate Thayer. zens of this district an alternative military security goals, look towers In summing up his political phi- to their present representative broader, humanitarian objectives. losophy, Meader has said that (Meader). Emerging in America Housewife, Lawyer, Professor "Government should do for etIday is a new and dynamic group Three Republiscansrayingo people those things which the of Republicans. They are eager t( the state House o Rae vying foi people cannot do so well or do listen to the minds and hearts of nomination from the 53rd District at all for themselves; in all other this nation." Carolyn Lewis, running on a plat- matters, government ought not tc Vice-President form in opposition to Sen. Barry interfere." Democrats running for the con- Goldwater (R-Ariz) is a house Kohn has been city attorney in gressional nomination are politi- wife. Practicing attorney John W Morence since 1952. In his cam- cal science teacher Gerald E. Fayc Rae was former Washtenaw Coun- paign he has stressed civil rights: and Conductron Corp. vice-presi- ty prosecuting attorney and Coun- ---- - ----- - - - -- ty Board of Supervisors member t Marvin L. Esch is an associate professor of speech at WayneU L R :,'C H. State University and a manage- ment consultant on organizationa j communications. n acia P bems Two Democrats are battling for Ann Arbor s Busy Book Store the state congressional nomina- In the area of housing one ing in a vaguely worded "home- tion. Albert J. Coundron has serv -ed.for six-years-o. the-Ann,.- __ Urban League official claims De- owners rights" proposal, scheduleC, bor Board of Eucation one Yea ' troit Negroes aren't as thoroughly for vote in Detroit's Sept. 1 pri- its Brd Rf E el Jn Va confined to overcrowded slums as as m M C gtresidant. Russel J. Vial they are in other major Northern mar. Mayor Cavanagh and twc currently an automobile agency cities. Urban renewal has replaced state Supreme Court judges con- sales manaoer in Vnsilanti. some inner-city Negro ghettos. tend the amendment is unconsti- Democratic nrimary em'ain 't 4 The Negro mobility to date has groups have attacked it as im. trict are Elwvn R. Fatchett andDCs produced "white backlash" result- moral. William Dannemiller.=F 32 PER CENT NEGROES Detroit 'Optimistic' DETROIT - Despite a Negro population of nearly 520,000, or 32 per cent, Detroit city officials are not as worried about the pos- sibility or racial violence as are some officials in some other North- ern cities. This guarded optimism stems from reasons which range from good communication between the races to responsible Negro leader- ship, the Wall Street Journal re- ported recently. The swift pace of the automo- bile industry, over which city lead- ers have little control, also adds to the brightening picture. Ingredients of Violence But, the Wall Street Journal re- ported, the ingredients which led to violence in Harlem and Roch- ester are present in the Motor City - discontent over schools, housing, jobs and charges of po- lice brutality. Yet both Negro and white lead- ers are confident they can ward off any major threat of violence before it spreads to the streets This summer three incidents - each of which could have set off a racial powder keg-were calm- ed without serious trouble. One of the reasons for the rela- tive ease in race relations is the number of formal and informal inter-racial committees working to cope with school, employment and housing problems. Besides forma community relations groups, there is a healthy, degree of informal conversation between police offi- cials and leaders of -.the Negro community. Top-level police offi- cials frequently are consulted on civil rights problems and precinct officers often meet with neighbor- hood groups. Police Commissioner and , for- mer Detroit police reporter Ray Girardin, who took over the top police post eight months ago, says "We're constantly talking to civil rights groups." f Before Cavanagh Tension between Negroes and the city administration existed as recently as 1960, before the elec- tion of 33-year-old Jerome P. Cav- anagh as mayor. One of Cavan- agh's first orders after election was to bar diAcrimination in city hir- ing and promotion. He also named Negroes to sev- eral important city posts. Cavan- agh picked Michigan Supreme Court Justice George Edwards as police commissioner. Edwards ordered an active ef- fort to recruit Negro policeman World News Roundup By The Associated Press DETROIT-Walter Reuther said yesterday that as things stand now in contract negotiations with Chrysler Corp. there will ,be a strike Sept.' 9. The United Auto Workers presi- dent, who assumed personal com- mand of UAW talks at Chrysler, told newsmen "there still is plen- ty of time for a settlement and we hope the company will make a move. But if you ask me as of now, I have to say there will be a strike.." * * * NEW YORK-Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, still refusing to endorse Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater for president, was nevertheless unani- mously nominated for re-election yesterday by the New York Repub- lican party as it mustered a show of unity. * * * NEW YORK-The New York Stock Exchange finished irregular- ly lower yesterday. The market had a good start, but declined gradually. The Dow-Jones 30 in- dustrials went down .61 to 838.48. 1,307 stocks were traded, 507 go- ing up, 517 declining and 283 re- maining the same. and curbed what he viewed as high-handed tactics against Ne- groes. He said "opening more channels of communications" be- tween Negroes and police was a nmajor achievement., School Problems Szhool problems are another area of continued communicatior,. between Negroes and whites. "Progress is not always satisfac- tory but there .yhas been move- ment," an NAACP official said. Citizen committees studying race and education problems have bee~n heavily used. Emphasizing physi- cal facilities in Negro areas, the school board in 1958 earmarked 70 per cent of its $90 million build- ing program for predominantly Negro areas. Perhaps the largest area of Ne- gro unrest is employment. But to- tal unemployment in Detroit, cur- rently hovering around the five per cent mark, is lower now than in recent years. While no figures are available on Negro' unemploy- ment, it is undoubtedly lower than the 25 per cent of unemnployed Ne, gro young men in 1960. Another factor in Negro em- ployment is the United Auto Workers andits president, Walter Reuther, who has fought for, equal job opportunities for Negroes. Despite unrest over employment practices, Rev. James Wadsworth Detroit NAACP president, feels the per-capita income among Detroit Negroes is probably the highest in the nation. "Negroes are eating better here; fat cats don't rebel as easily," he said. Negro labor leader Horace Shef- field, however, says Negroes with college degrees are working on the factory floors..Although companies are making efforts to upgrade Ne- gro job opportunities, "it's not the bold imaginativeness that is need- ed.'" Negro apprentices have quiet- ly entered some building trade un- ions. GIRLS ! r 1 THINKING OF BUYING A MOTORSCOOTER? THINK ABOUI HIS1 A VESPA IS NOT A MOTORCYCLE: you don't straddle the engine A BICYCLE: no large spokeo nheels rio chain A rOY no plastic (except or the key chain) H COPY' we invented the styling A VESPA IS AN ENGINEERED MARVEL trorr guaranteed transmis sior to testeo grease " WINNER we ven rag awards fto styling iool< :t the picture and see why! MONEY-SAVER: when you buy it when you drive it ALPHA PHI OMEGA