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September 01, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-01

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'Y L



Diminishing winds, with hig
than normal temperature

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


VOL. LXXV, No. 3




Viet Nam
By The Associated Press looking
SAIGON-South Viet Nam's lat- tion o
est political upheaval and mob casion
violence has probably set back the ident
United States - supported war but h(
against the Communist Viet Cong draw f
by at least two months, American
military sources said yesterday. turned
At the same time, however, the a deed
U.S. reaffirmed its support for gon f
Gen. Nguyen Khanh as premier of yestero
that nation. Maxwe
State Department press officer of Bala
Robert J. McCloskey disputed pub-
lished statements quoting Khanl
to, the effect that the U.S. favored
Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh, fo- La
mer chief of state and One of the
key figures in the Vietnamese po- -
litical leadership along with ,
Two Coups
The two-month estimate of mili- A
tary set-back compared with a long, t
reckoning that six months' prog- is cur
ress was lost following the up- pressu
rising which overthrew Presiden, "I
Ngo Dinh Diem last November Of the
and that three months more went
down the drain after Khanh oust- Si
ed Minh, Diem's successor, Jan. 30, three
In the interval the U.S. has in-
creased its military manpower in
Viet Nam from 16,000 to about
20,000 and boosted expenditures
from $1.5 million to nearly $2
million a day.
Saigon shakeups tend to hit
provincial chiefs, the military of-
ficers who are key men in a pro-
gram of systematically restoring
government control in areas now
under varying degrees of Commu-
nist rule.
"As long as there is a big ques-
tion mark on how long these
men will stay in, they will tend
to be apathetic, sitting on their
hands and playing it "safe," an
American officer said.
May Be Knocked Off
Answering speculation that in-
stability, due to the fact a care- PR
taker government is in charge dur-
ing the two-month transition per-
iod that is supposed to lead to
more civilian rule, may open the O F
way for another military coup, an-
other U.S. official declared that
that the caretaker government
may be knocked off."
The tempo of Viet Cong mili- Z
tary activity has remained ten-
tatively low after the disturb-
ances. One American adviser re- WAr
marked, however, that "it alwayf neuver
takes the Viet Cong a week or so health
to react and exploit internal trou day me
ble on the government side." convert
U.S. officials feel that these dis- that Si
turbances were the primary rea- Mansfi
son for Khanh's statement about run to
where U.S. support lay in the Pend
Saigon government. They noted House
that they assume Khanh was backed:
and ex
P Rbenefit
e eSMan
UAR Pledge suMan
Sit AMprovidi
By The Associated Press This
NICOSIA-President Archbishop bate. E
Makarios completed his mission ate m
to the United Arab Republic yes- have t
terday with a pledge of support posed
for his Greek Cypriot cause from (D-Ar
President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Ways a
There were varying accounts as handle
to the kind of support Makarios But
got: Icare ft
-A communique in Alexandria, securit
Egypt, offered UAR moral support. version
-Makarios told a news confer- late ye
ence the pledge was for "all pos- The
sible assistance" in the event of these c
attack on Cyprus. -A
-A Greek Cypriot newspaper as com
correspondent close to Makarios in the
and the Egyptians reported Nas- -A

ser promised modern military the pl
hardware and the use of Egyptian House
air bases if Cyprus is attacked, -A
threatened or invaded. Inursing
Before Makarios returned to period,
Nicosia, a pro-Nasser Cypriot in th
newspaper also said that Makarios measur
assured Nasser that any Cypriot Teml
union with Greece would be con- day wa
ditioned on the demilitarization early
of the island and the removal of lion fo
British bases on Cyprus. . controi
At the same time, United States for ur
efforts at Geneva to work out a Court-
settlement on the Cyprus crisis both h
between Greece and Turkey have a popu
reached a stalemate.
Former Secretary of State Dean M A
Acheson is coming home for con- -itd
sultation with President Lyndon
B. Johnson on possible next moves.
A spokesman for the State De-,
partment said that as a result of
the Geneva talks' "both Greece
and Turkey have made substantial
progress toward an agreed solu- BILC
tion of the Cyprus problem, and South's
have narrowed the gap consider- regatio
ably. Negroe

War 'Set BHt Cuban




for some new demonstra-
f support. On one recent oc-
he proclaimed himself pres-
under a new constitution
e was compelled to with-
rom the position.
Withdrew for Rest
he end of last week, Khanh
executive authority over to
uty and withdrew from Sai-
or a rest. He was visited
day by U.S. Ambassador
ell D. Taylor at the town
"A Policy
) View Col
literary college committee
thoughtful look at the future
rently enjoying its opportu
res of deadlines.,
t's a delightful experience,"
Committee on Long Range
nce its inception in Februa
times in a "very free and

McCloskey said "there is no
evidence to support this reported
view" that the U.S. is not uphold-
ing Khanh's position. McCloskey
declared that "everything we said
here last week would make that PANAMA CITY () - Anti-
clear." Castro commandos destroyed a
McCloskey said U.S. policy or' radar station-commanded by three
this question was stated officially Russian officers and manned by
by Secretary of State Dean Rusks 150 Cuban soldiers on the eastern
in a television interview, when coast of Cuba Sunday, Cuban exile
Rusk said of Khanh: "We do ex- leader 'Manuel Artime said last
pect him back (from his rest) . . night.
He remains the prime minister." Artime, secretary of the Revo-
lutionary R e c o v er y Movement,
said the 55-minute attack was
carried out at 6 a.m. against the
Com m ittee installation at Cabo Cruz on the
south coast of Oriente Province.
lege Future He said he had no reports of
g casualties either among the at-
tackers or the defenders but that
the radar site was destroyed.
established specifically to take a Refugees
of the University and the college According to Artime, the radar
unity to brainstorm without the station was responsible for inter-
cepting many boats carrying refu-
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, chairman gees fleeing Cuba.
Policy and Planning, commented. Artime said the attackers travel-
ed in two boats and landed on a
ry, 1964, the committee has met reef one mile away from the radar
open survey" of all the topics site. He did not specify how many
relating to the quality and growth men were in the raiding party.
of the University, Kelly said. Some of the attackers walked a
The group will probably decide, mile to their objective while others
when it meets early this fall, to carried out a diversionary attack,
investigate three questionsTe Artime said. s '
depth. It should have reports and The exile leader spoke at a news
recommendations for the literary conference at the home of a
college faculty later in the semes- Cuban friend in Panama.
Russians .
ter. He said that Cuban exile intel-
Long-Term Thinking ligence sources had determined
"We'll be doing just the thing that three Russians were in com-
the executive committee of the mand of the radar site.
college has never had time to do: Artime declined to give details
think and investigate in terms of of the operation, including ques-
10 to 15 years from now," he tions on whether the attackers
noted. remained in Cuba or made their
As originally mandated by col- way back to the unspecified place
lege Dean William Haber, the from which the raid was launched.
long-range policy committee will Artime arrived here yesterday,
be concerned with: declining to say where he came
-The place of liberal arts edu- from. He said he does not want to
cation in the University today; embarrass governments that are
-The impact of the University's friendly to his organization. He
growth upon the college and the also said he has to be careful
college's growth upon the nature about his movements because he
and quality of education; has been marked for elimination
-The exploration of alternative by the Castro regime.
organizational patterns for the
college, ad
-The developing problems and Arotests

'Report Enrollment Cris


among its other disadvantages,
bats. This specimen, now being ""
kept alive- in a jar, was found
and captured by five courageous
freshmen living in the base-
ment of Prescott House in East
'' Neutral' ' r
On Candidates,;
i gDespite recent adveitisements
giving favorable University opin-
ions of one of the two Republican
congressional candidates, the Uni
versity reported yesterday it takes
no official stand on candidates for
public office.
The statement was issued in re
sponse to advertisements for in
cumbent U.S. Rep. George Meade
in which Vice-President for Re-
search Ralph Sawyer is quoted as
tnking Meader for his help to
hiher education.
"Both Meader and Stanley Is
Thayer '(currently state senatori.
and Meader's opponent in today's
primary for the GOP congressional
nomination) h a v e been good'r
friends of the University," yester
day's statement said.
"University officials have par
ticipated in testimonial programs
for both these men this summeri
This was because of the Univer-
sity's wish to acknowledge pub-
licly the services rendered . . by
both and should not be miscon
strued, as an endorsement of the
cand idacyof either of them."

Firings Stir eba-t
Second in a 8e6ies
"Violation of academic freedom," the critics cried 10 years
ago when the University dismissed two professors for refusing
to answer questions before the House Un-American Activties:
"Nobody's freedom has been invaded or abridged," Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher asserted. The professors hadl
an obligation- to the University to testify on their alleged
Communist affiliations and political beliefs.
And so the battle lines were drawn in what was the hottest]
controversy at the University during the tense era of the 1954
McCarthy investigations. The dismissals issue was still rever-
berating four years later, and some critics feel it is still
affecting the University.
The controversy began at the peak of the congressional
hunt for Communist Party members, when HUAC opened
hearings in Lansing in the spring of 1954.
Refused To Answer
At first the hearings were as remote from the University
as possible in those days. The explosion came when three pro-a
fessors were subpoenaed by the committee, refused to answer
questions and on the same day were suspended from their,
teaching duties.
Professors Mark Nickerson of the medical school andR
Clement Markert of the zoology department had claimed theirr
immunity under the Fifth Amendment, from having to testify
against themselves. H. Chandler Davis, mathematics instructor,
stuck to a First Amendment contention that the committee's
questions violated his freedom of speech.>
Hatcher immediately asked the executive committees of
the Medical School and literary college to investigate the cases
and recommend either reinstatement or dismissal.
In addition, he later appealed to a special faculty Senate
advisory committee for counsel. The committee was part of
a complex procedure which had' been established several months
before the hearings, at the faculty"s insistence, to handle
suspensions and firings.
Fitness To Teach
Critics of Hatcher's actions called it everything from un-
necessary to a violation of the professor's rights to withhold
possibly incriminating information. The President said the
three men had shown disloyalty to the University and had'
cast serious doubts on their fitness to teach.
The Congressional investigations finished quickly, but the
faculty deliberations dragged on into the summer.
Davis, who had followed the most dangerous course pos-
sible in invoking the First Amendment, continued refusing to
discuss his political beliefs and affiliations. When the literary
college executive committee, a mathematics department com-
mittee and the Senate advisory committee questioned him,"'he
would give only his reason for not speaking: "I will not talk
politics under duress.".
All three groups recommended that Davis be fired. x
In July, Hatcher notified the instructor that he would ask
the Regents for dismissal.>
Last Appeal
Davis at once appealed-as he was authorized to do under
the previously-established procedures-to another faculty group,M
the Committee on Intellectual Freedom and Integrity. Again,
however, he would not volunteer specifics. This group, too,
See CRITICS, Page 6
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yen Debate
[I M'edic'are
SHINGTON (A')-Senate ma-
ing over social security and
care for the aged yester-
arked the opening of a post-
ntion congressional session
enate Majority Leader Mike
ield (D-Mont) says could
Oct. 1.
ding in the Senate is a
- passed, administration-
1 bill which would increase
pand present social security
is and increase tax levies to
rt the nationwide system.
sfield and Sen. Hubert
hrey (D-Minn) had intro-
an amendment to this bill
ing for health care for the
under social security,
as the King-Anderson plan.
could cause lengthy de-
Even if approved by a Sen-
ajority, the House would
o concur: the plan is op-
by Rep. Wilbur D. Mills
k), chairman of the House
and Means Committee which
s social security legislation.
Senate sponsors of health
or the aged under social
y worked out a revised
to the King-Anderson plan
sterday after debate.,
revised version would make

Note Co

priorities of the college.
State of the College
Kelly said it had been under-
stood that the committee would
prepare of a "State of the College"
report once a year. But he didn't
think any such report was expect-
ed for about a year from the time
the committee was named.
A letter from Dean Haber to the
literary college faculty at that
time stated that "many members
of our faculty . . . raised serious
questions concerning trends, direc-
tion, alternatives and priorities.
Kelly said the committee has
already touched on such topics as
University size, the residential col-
lege, how the University can re-
main a great institution and grow
at the same time, how it can com-
pete for the funds needed by an
institution of this "magnitude and
quality," how it ought to relate to
the state and other state schools
and the effects of the new three-
semester calendar.
Named to the committee were
Professors Dorwin Cartwright, psy-
chology; Irving M. Copi, philos-
ophy; H. R. Crane, physics; Ron-
ald Freedman, sociology; Otto
Graf, Gerian; Shorey Peterson,
economics; Alfred Sussman, bot-
any; Frederick Wagman, library
science; Raymond Wilder, mathe-
matics; William Wilcox, history

Methods Used
For Rate Hike
Maxine Loomis, '65, president
Assembly Association, presented
motion to Assembly House Counc
yesterday expressing displeasua
with the methods employedi
increasing room and board rat
for residence halls.
Residence Hall Business Mar
ager Leonard Schaadt announc
this summer that the fee for roo
and board would be $34 above la
year's prices. This increase wE
approved by the Office of Bus
ness and Finance, but such actin
is also subject to the approval(
the residence hall Board of Go'
ernors, according to the Regent
by-laws. The Board of Governo
never approved the new charge.
"Although the increase has be
justified by the vice-president f
business and finance as necessar
this in no way releases his offi(
from the Regents' by-law," Mi
Loomis said.
"AHC plans to work for an e
fective revision of the Regent
by-law pertaining to the resident
halls and their Board of Gove:
nors, without protesting this pa
highly irregular proceeding of a
ministrative action," Miss Loom


For EffectsF
Of Crowing
Chairmen Authorize
More Recitations;-
Expand Class Limits.
The literary col.ege faces its
most serious enrollment crisis in
more than a decade, several of the
college's department chairmen re-
ported last night.
Introductory courses for fresh-
men and concentration oursesfor
upperclassmen are the most highly
overpopulated. H o w e v e r, t h e
chairmen stressed-that ka record
literary college enrollment of 9400
Is overcrowding courses "across.
the board."
Taking emergency remedial ac-
tions, chairmen have recently
authorized the expansion of course
limits from 5-10 per cent where
necessary. Some of the chairmen
interviewed complained that they.
a r e compromising educational
quality by these actions.
The situation was copared by
officials to the early 1950s when
the University also underwent an
admission boom.
All Major Divisions
Overcrowding has spread across
all major divisions of the college's
program. Social a n d natural
sciences and foreign languages,
the usually popular divisions, hif
suffered thegreatest rowng.a
However, the other divisions -
English and the humanities-are
also swamped.
The introductory English course,
123, closed early last week because
the college didn't want to over-
hire. The instructors no. longer
ate needed second semester since
English 124 has been dropped as a
Students ' closed out" will have
to take the course second semester.
Overcrowding difficulties were
not reported in some other schools
-including gthe nursing, music,
engineering and graduate schools.
These units all have students en-
rolled in literary college courses.
In a series of phone interviews
conducted last evening, depart-
mient chairmen saw "a general en-.
rollment problem' touched off by
an unexpectedly high freshman
class. Literary college officials
predicted a freshman enrollment
increase of from 400-500 students
last spring. The increase is re-
portedly at least 700 students, with
final figures not yet announced.
The total class is now about 2600.
Upperclass Totals High
Associate Dean of the Literary
College James H. Robertson also
pointed to unprecedented upper-
class totals, fostered in the enroll-
ment splurges of the past few
Dean William Haber of the
literary college was unavailable
for comment.
Prof. James C. O'Neil, chairman
of the romance language depart-
ment, reported the department
"has been turning away qualified
people at all levels since the first
day of registration." He added
that he has been forced to raise
recitation limits from 22 to 26
or 27.
"This may seem like a small
difference, but it's important for
the success of language instruc-
tion," he said. "This year's over-
enrollment wipes out all of our
efforts in the past few years to
keep recitation classes small."
Prof. Samuel Eldersveld, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, expressed concern over
jam-ups of 100-level (basic fresh-
man) courses,. as well as courses
in the 400-bracket. He attributed
part of the 'interest in political
science to the impetus of an elec-

tion. year.
Natural Sciences
In the natural sciences, the
overcrowding was reportedly Just
as serious. Prof. David M. Den-
nison, chairman of the physics
department, disclosed "some prob-
lems, but not necessarily acute
ones." He explained that the ma-
jority of physics students are
sophomores and second semester

LQilill3UWV ' Vl V1VLa4i Va Vii4lai '

------------- -

Wallace Seeks Pledged Slate

-hanges:and James Wilson, geology. continued
$7 flat increase in benefit1
npared to the five per cent DINGBATS AND CRUP
House bill.
$5600 wage base to financey
an as against $5400 in the
provision for 60 days of F
g home care. in a benefil r s s
instead of the 180 days
e original King-Anderson +
porarily laid aside yester- .
as another major obstacle tc
adjournment, the $3.3 bil- *.
reign aid bill containing a
versial amendment to delay
p to two years Supreme
ordered reapportionment of
ouses of state legislatures on
lation basis.



f - MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP)-Gov. But his reported plans to ask
ts' George Wl the unpledged Democratic presi-
aace, appaiently hop- dential elector nominees to step
r- ing to prove President Lyndon B. aside so Alabama can vote for or
st Johnson is unpopular in Alabama against the President ran head-
d- set the stage yesterday for a pos- long into a loyalist Democratic
is sible Johnson-Goldwater show- challenge.
down. _Wallace called the uipledged
candidates to his office, presum-
ably to. urge them to resign as
nominees so a new elector slate.
pledged to Johnson, could be put
on the November ballot.
Roy Mayhall, state party chair-
f 0 @ man, announced in advance of the
meeting that he would refuse to
I A warm human plumpness set- accept any resignations.
tied down on his brain. His brain The unpledged nominees ran un-
yielded. He joined The Daily. der the Wallace banner in the
His life will be -a little more Democratic primary May 5 when
exciting, a little more challeng- the governor himself was a presi-
ing for his having joined. To- dential candidate. They have re-
night he will spend the whole fused to promise their electoral
! evening and morning with a girl votes to Johnson if the Democrats,
S--covering the primaries, that is. carry Alabama-as usual.
A trainee, after his first story But a somewhat-likely Repub-
can wave and yell "Hiya, dean" tc lican victory against the unpledg-
people whom most freshmen dc ed Democratic elector nominees
not even know. would, in a sense, be a defeat for
Daily staffers can impress their Wallace, because it was he whc
friends with the subtle mysterie, spearheaded the free elector cam-
of the DOB, s-lines, dingbats, the paign last spring.
m m-squad, refers, the Anaday, tur- With a 'slate of pro-Johnson
j ties, slugs, widows, dropdecks candidates on the ballot instead
W crup, three-quarter and Benday of the unpledged ticket, the gov-
Sboxes, the WNR, A-cuts. ernor could call it a repudiation
And there's -lways the chance of the President if Alabama went
they may take a visiting dean out Republican for the first time in
for a drink. almost a century.
I you're'an aert. inonived snrt nDemoevts wanting to vote foi

Racial unrest and passage of
the civil rights bill have contrib-'
uted to an upsurge in Republican
strength in this traditionally Dem-'
ocratic stronghold. GOP leaders-
and some Democrats-are sayinf
that Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-
Ariz) will carry Alabama.

Segre gate
By The Associated Press
OXI, Miss. - The deep
s last bastion of school seg-
on cracked yesterday when
s attended formerly white

Ends Today
Late registration will conclude
today in the Waterman Gymnas-
ium hasement from 9 a.m.-4 p.m..


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