THE MICHIGAN DAILY ichiganensian To Emphasize 'wenty-Year Look' in 1965' A HISTORY OF CONTROVERSY: Board in Control Oversees Student I- By ROBERT HIPPLER Robert J. Shenken, editor of the 1965 Michiganensian, has empha- sized one aim toward which he will direct his efforts on the year-. b:ook in the coming year. He hopes to stylize the book using a "20- year approach" whereby "it will evoke an accurate picture of Uni- versity life to the reader who picks it up 20 years from now." To accomplish this role, he said, the yeaibook "will not always picture the pleasureable side of! campus life." Above all, he con- tinued, it will try to avoid "cut- and-dried yearbook traits" such as group pictures- in order "to reflect most accurately the spirit of the University." Change has been the most sig- nificant aspect of the 'Ensian over the past two years. Most notice- able has been the "editorializa- tion" of the yearbook. The writers have . commented extensively on campus life and personalities, and tried to place them in a historical context. 'Ensian business manager Michael A. Galle, '64, emphasized this while advocating a "carica- ture , approach" which presents and intrprets the campus com- munity with "an eye to the future and an eye' to the pasty" Informal Tone Last year's 'Ensian, which start- ed with a full-page color picture of the late President John F. Ken- nedy, was informal in tone. It was not clearly divided into separate sections as are most yearbooks,, but had sections "phased" into one another. It was sold with a soft-cover supplement. Posed group pictures were elim- inated from the 'Ensian, with candid shots of students or dormi- tory or housing facilities taking their place. Last year's 'Ensian was 224 pages, 48 pages more than the, previous one. As in other years, the principal clients of the yearbook, were the seniors. Separate, individual pic- tures along with names and de- gree awarded, have, been and will continue to be a main feature of the yearbook. Attempt To Merge The informal format of the yearbook is intended, along with "phased" sections and unified edi- torial comment, to merge the book into a whole. Last year's yearbook began with a photographic color summary of the University. Its pictures ranged from traditional scenes to modern laboratories and included sports and' living unit shots. The next section dealt with the By KENNETH WINTER Managing Editor The student press isn't easy to, live with. Student journalists usually man- age-intentionally or otherwise- to create plenty of headaches for the university which harbors them. The best-laid plans of public- relations men find themselves violently derailed as a student editor insults a legislator, calls the administration dishonest, sur- veys coeds' sexual habits or ridi- cules J. Edgar Hoover before a conservative public. Fearing such rockings of the institutional boat, many schools' administrators take a direct ap- proach, simply censoring the pub- lications' contents. Others, more subtle, work through manipulable faculty advisors or by keeping their publications safely under the wings of the journalism depart- ment. The problem is that such con- trols generally yield an insipid product: shorn of their decision- making power, student journalists tend to feel less responsibility toward their publications and put less work into them-and the pub- lications show it. Generally speak- ing, the quality of a student pub- lication seems to be related pretty closely to the degree of freedom its student staff enjoys. Complexities There are further complexities in the relationship between a uni- versity and its student publica- tions. The fact that student writ- ers come and go every year creates problems of continuity: it's dif- ficult to maintain a competent staff from year to year, and some- times even getting out the next day's paper is an uphill struggle. Also, no matter how enthusias- tically they disclaim responsibility, university officials can't seem to succeed in getting the public to realize the distinction between what the student paper says and what is official policy. For the past half century, the University's answer to these and other student-press dilemmas has been the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Board is a non-profit cor- poration responsible to the Re- gents. The Regents' Bylaw which establishes it somewhat mislead- ingly gives it "authority and cn trol over all nontechnical news- papers,, magazines, periodicals, programs and other publications, edited, managed or promoted by students or student organizations of the University.. . for local sale or circulation." Actually, the Board's functioning is a bit more modest than its charge from the Regents indicates. It confines it- self largely to the publications emanating from 420 Maynard St. -the Student Publications Bldg. -the publications described in this section. Two Functions The Board, in practice, has two major functions. The first is rela- tively uncontroversial: keeping all the publications solvent and functioning. This involves review- ing budgets, providing for building maintenance and improvement and underwriting losses periodi- cally incurred by the Board's var- ious publications by drawing on its financial reserves, accumulated THE ENSIAN staff rushes around the yearbook's office prepar- ing the new edition. Their goals are the "twenty-year look," meaningful commentary on life' at the University, pictorial ex- cellence and a fitting tribute to the graduating seniors. academic units of the University. Formal pictures were here replaced by candid shots. Athletic pictures in last year's 'Ensian differed from those of previous years in that none were posed, 'and a greater number and variety were included. Types of Student Last year's yearbook featured a section of depicting. the several types of student on campus. This section was liked by some and de- plored by others, but it drew at- tention, along with a yfewletters to . the° editor of The Daily. This highlighted the "editorial- ization" of the yearbook. The types of student pictured and described were the popular "all-campus girl," knowing how to live life en- joyably but in possible danger of failing to adjust to the adult world; the "thinker," giving most of his efforts to studying; the "doer," a leader of radical stu- dent movements and protests; and the troubled person, having dif- ficulty emerging into the adult world as well as conflicts and worries in present student life. The University was the first large school to try the modern layout )and design plan, and be- cause of its success at its intro- duction three years ago, the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Michigan State University and Purdue Uni- versity are all considering changes in their yearbooks. Positions Open Work on the 'Ensian goes on on the second floor of the Student Publications Bldg. Many positions are open on the 'Ensian staff. Working on the yearbook, a student gets a broader view of campus life, an oppor- tunity to comment on and evalu- ate the performance of the Uni- versity, and often comes into con- tact with important people, Shen- kin noted. "Working on the 'Ensian is an important and valuable experience for anyone who is interested in photography, art, writing or busi- ness,' Shenkin added. Freshmen are needed to fill the places of members of the staff who were promoted last year. 1 Gargoyk Gargoyle-the campus humor magazine-is an ancient and hal- lowed tradition at the University, but the present version of the magazine is only two years old. The original version was banned from the campus several years ago, mainly for making fun of in- appropriate people in obscene ways The new version is distinguish- ed from the older in one big way-where the old was subtle and devious, the new has often been characterized as heavy- handed and forthright. As last year's editor commented, "I don't think that sophisticated humor would go on this campus because we still have undergraduates. You could print New Yorkers and you would not sell any more copies than Generation (the campus lit- erary magazine) does. Besides, the kids here don't know the people around who could be satirized." Well! Last year the Gargoyle was, as it has been since its re- birth, a financial success. In fact, some issues were exported to (and sold out at) Michigan State Uni- versity and Eastern Michigan Uni- versity. Strives for Humor from past publications profits. Finally, to provide the student manpower necessary to keep a daily newspaper, a yearbook, a literary magazine, a student direc- tory and (sometimes) a humor magazine going, the Board every year appoints the editors of each publication. This practice leads to the sec- ond - more controversial -func- tion: the Board's involvement in the content of the publications it oversees. In practice, the Board leaves the student staffs with vir- tually complete autonomy-but in theory, it can at any time step in and change whatever it wishes, since it is in effect the "pub- lisher." History of Relationship However, when the Board does step in-or when the student staffs think it's trying to do so- its action generally precipitates an avalanche ofrprotest. Particu larly with The Daily, its most controversy - prone organ, the Board's relationship is .delicate' and, as the following incidents in its history show, occasionally ex- plosive: -In 1937, possibly worried by the most pro-Communist period in The Daily's history, the Board decided that Daily editorials should thereafter be signed by their writers. The student staff declared that the policy would be "contrary to all newspaper prac- tice . . . it makes the editorial page appear as a collection of personal essays rather than the, editorial page of a leading col- legiate journal." But the Board stood firm. The' "collection of personal essays" editorial page survived and became popular with; The Daily's staff, whose members now more flatteringly describe it° as the "open forum" editorial page. -In 1940, still disturbed by "radical"' editorials, the Regents quietly restructured the Board, cutting student voting power on it and adding more faculty mem- bers and alumni. The move was' kept secret until 1941, when it drew student staffers' charges that the Board was being "pack- ed" and a protest by the Student Senate of that day. But again "the establishment prevailed and the remodeled Board became a per-' manent institution. -In 1962, after a year marked by uneasy Board-Daily relations, the Board refused to,. accept the recommendations of the outgoing (1962-63) senior staff. The staff, charged that the Board's decision; was an attempt to impose a more moderate tone on The Daily's edi- torial page-and particula cool down the paper's atta the Office of Student . against which The Daily ha ed . a vigorous reform can The outgoing senior staff re in protest; the new app refused to accept their ar ments. They stayed on as a force' to put out the paper. in a month, a compromi, reached and the new finally accepted their positi Workable Despite the Board's occas stormy history, much evidei dicates that it is a workabl thesis of freedom and contrc Board acts as-a "buffer" b the student - publications would-be censors within th versity. Under it, the student sta in real, day-to-day control newspaper, with no adminis or faculty "advisor" keepin articles uncontroversial and ions within acceptable b During its lifetime-the abc cidents notwithstanding-thl versity's publications by anc have enjoyed -.what The front page proclaims ever3 "seventy-four years of ed freedom." Welc eo Back' Students "Your Hair Problems" are Our Care !" VISIT The Dascola Barbers (near Michigan Theatre) or The U of M Barbers (North U. near Kresge's) Many have claimed that the Gargoyle has fallen back into old habits of obscenity. Although there may have been undue em- phasis on such themes as nudity, homosexuality and vulgarity last year, it is evident that the in- fractions were not as serious as in the past. The evidence is that the Gargoyle is still around. Last year, Gargoyle's high points were satires on the University football team, a feature on the similarity of Michigan and Mich- igan State, and two humorous if offensive treatises on religious prejudice. Xts low points were sev- eral pointless cartoons resembling those of Jules Fieffer, an undue emphasis on sorority and frater- nity jokes, 'and many cases of exceedingly bad art work. The question around campus is whether the Garg can complete its comeback-whether it can ever come close to the humorous qual- ity of its banned antecedent. If it continues to have financial suc- cess, perhaps its editors can con- centrate on content instead of fi- nances, which have often been a concern in the past. Originality Whereas last year and the year before most jokes were common knowledge or stolen from other campus humor magazines, this year the Garg hopes to come up with more original material. In the past, often the most hilarious as- pect of the Garg has been its advertisements. These are almost always done in a humorous motif, and when contrasted against the normal advertisements of the same merchants, do crack the humor barrier occasionally. Ii i. ,J The most critical need of the Gargoyle this year will be for more personnel. Last year, for ex- ample, in one issue the five larg- est stories were done by one per- son. Thus, the Garg begs you to join the staff. There are several advantages: 1) meet people; 2) make 'some money; 3) see your name in print. The first issue of the Garg this year will appear in a few weeks. The office is on the first floor at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,j otherwise known as the Student Publications Bldg. It also houses The Daily. IWelcomne Freshmen 1. Let us UaS., introduce you to the college student's righthand man-THE TYPEWRITER. We SELL, SEVCand RENT all makes and models. Our complete stock includes-Remington, Olympia, Smith Corona, and Olivetti. Bank terms available on new machines. It Books and Supplies SMEDICINE SDENTISTRY NURSING o PUBLIC HEALTH Our store is specially equipped to fill your every need, and a well informed staff, including MEDICAL and DENTAL students, will serve you. I RENTALS ON Manual, Electric, and portable machines TRADE IN Your old machine on one of our new models Juiversity - w~ ~ wW - W Ilk. ~ W ~ -- ii L E I U r e 1':.