'I'SE MICRIGAN DAILY PAGI, TARE LITERARY MAGAZINE STARTS 16TH YEAR: Generatiotist Reader ,:. WHILE A FIVE-CENT Coke looks on approvingly, a business staffer (left) arranges advertising requisition slips. To the reader they will be magically transformed into the exciting ads which border each page of The Daily. But to the business staff, soliciting,r composing and publishing advertisements require hours of planning and brainwork (right). Daily Business Staff Makes Profits, By GEORGE WHITE Generation Editor, 1964-65 Generation, the University in- ter-arts magazine, begins its 16th year of continuous publication this fall. The scope of the magazine is broad, encompassing all creative areas of the University from sculpture, painting and etching to. photographic essays, architectural innovations and social and politi- cal criticism. Poetry, fiction, dra- ma, essays and art are the maga- zine's mainstays and areas in which constant interest is main- tained. Publishing 8000 copies four times a year, Generation aims at excellence and diversity;, it at- tempts to bridge the gap between artist and audience. and form a viable link of dialogue without which creation becomes sterile Generation is not composed of an "in group" of people interested in publishing their own material. Neither is it the receptacle for those who "think" they can write or paint or photograph. It pub- lishes quality material that de- serves presentation to the Univer- sity community, work that is fine- ly and forcefully crafted. Its struc- ture centers about 10 senior edi- tors: seniors and graduate stu- dents who formulate policy collec- tively and decide individually, in each area, what shall be publish- ed. Opportunities To the student interested in the broad area of publication, Genera- tion offers many things. Young writers and artists become ac- quainted with a senior staff that can provide individual assistance, people who can give concerned in- terest and valid criticism. Through its contacts, the magazine can ac- quaint them with other writers and artists, new materials, per- spectives and creative techniques. For the less "creative," Gen- eration is the means by which the organization and operation of a "little magazine" can be learn- Ad. Sharing the Student Publica- tions Bldg. physical facilities with! The Daily, the Michiganensian and Gargoyle, publishing is no vicar- ious experience. The physical plant includes five linotypes, an electric proof press and thousands of dol- lars worth of type and printing materials. Staff members learn the entire process of publishing, from the original copy through typeset- ting, "dummying-up," printing and binding. The mechanics' and aesthetics of ad composition, copy layout and cover design, and the less intricate but no less important tasks of proofreading, advertising and bookkeeping become familiar to each staff member, though each concentrates on one or perhaps two areas. Book Publishing This year, ,staff members will be able to learn the field of book publishing as Generation launch- es its new poet series. The hard- bound, four-volume series of con- ities in sponsoring poetry retdings, Ensures Paper' s Editorial Freedom r By ROBER'T HIPPLER The Daily, like every newspaper is a business. It is completely fi- nancially independent of the Uni- versity, and has . over 73 years, through advertisement and sub- scription income, built up assets of over $420,000. The Daily is probably as well equipped as any other paper -of its ,size in Michigan. It has a building all its own, and a gor- geous printing shop with excellent equipment; five modern linotype machines, two , monotype ma- chines, a hand-set headline ma- chine and a speedy 12-page press The Daily has almost $200,000 revenue during the school year, and pays $i7,000 yearly in stu- dent payrolls. It operates at a profit, and has,never been finan- cially dependent on the Univer- sity. Names Listed h Directory The 1964-65 Student Directory, a listing of every student in the University, is scheduled for pub- lication early in October. The directory is published through the facilities of the Board in Control of Student Publications and prepared by the campus chap- ter of Alpha Phi Omega, .the na- tional service fraternity. It contains the name, local and home address, local telephone number and class of everyone reg- istered at the University. The di- rectory is compiled from registra- tionnaires which Alpha Phi Omega receives from the administration shortly after school begins. Work has already begun in soli- citing advertising to finance the directory. About $3250 will be re- quired for publication of the fall and spring installments. LPUBLISHED FOUR TIMES A YEAR g 0 N, >0 F, -t Sales and advertising netted the , directory a $5000 profit last year. No Censorship ,This financial independence ' gives The Daily' membership in a privileged minority of college news- papers: it is one of the very few not controlled or censored by its school's adminisistration or jour- nalism department. The contin- ued solvency of 'The Daily is a prerequisite to its traditions of editorial freedom. The curators and managers of The Daily's financial matters - and those who must 'run The Daily as a business from day to day-are the members of its busi- ness staff. The business staff is built from I the bottom up-the people who join it this year will be running it in a very short time. Thus ac- quiring new personnel is of prime importance to the staff and to the entire Daily. , Training Program The business staff has a train- ing program for new members de- signed to familiarize them with all aspects of the business side of the paper's operation. For the work it does is allocated to many departments, each han- dling its part of the operation. Among these are layout and proof- reading, display accounts, sub- scription accounts, circulation, na- tional advertising, classified ad-, vertising, display advertising and promotions. The trainee spends several weeks observing and as- sisting operation in each depart- ment, thus gaining a working knowledge of the entire business staff. Those in the layout and proof- reading department are responsi- ble for arranging the ads into three pages, as well as checking for typographical errors in the ads of the next morning's paper. The display accounts depart- ment handles the financial as- pects of display advertising, -in- cluding checking ads that have run, billing and' contacting local merchants. In becoming person- ally acquainted with the mer- [chants, the members of the busi- ness staff have an opportunity to give the Ann Arbor community a better impression of the students, as well as to ring up sales and profits for The Daily. Financial Aspects The subscription accounts de- partment handles the financial as- pects of circulation. Most of the work is done during the first few weeks of the semester, but stu- dents are still, needed for bill- .ing and crediting subscribers dur- ing the rest of the term. To the circulation department falls the task of making sure that almost 7000 Dailies get to their purchasers. Students who begin a trainee period in this de- partment should plan to have their afternoons free and spend the 'irst few weeks of the se- mester on duty calling and an- swering the telephone. The national advertising de- partment has continuous contact with several national advertisers, including companies who con- stantly seek employes from among University graduates. National sompanies that are now not ad- vertising through The Daily are contacted from time to time by the department. This department is more flexible when it comes to hours for trainees; the work can be done at almost any time during the day. Pleasant Diversion Classified advertising involves handling the many classified ads phoned into The Daily every day. Members of this department, in- cluding trainees, must be free from 1 to 3 o'clock, since during that1 time the phones ring for place- ment of ads in the next day's paper. A pleasant and idiotic di-1 version for members of this de- partment as well as for the whole Daily staff is inserting clas- sified ads for free. Anybody on the staff can do it. -- The display advertising depart- ment requires all members to have their afternoons free, for this de-E partment is mainly responsibleX for meeting the deadline for put-c ting out the paper. Designing thec various display ads and deciding< how they are going to run calls for natural talent, interest and at lively imagination. The promotions department's main task is soliciting ads fromC advertisers for special features and supplements. It has direct re-1 lations with the display advertis-J ing department. Special innova- tions such as the "ApartmentE Appeal in Ann Arbor" sections that ran last spring are mostly the work of the promotions de- partment. Sophomore StaffI The associate business manager has several responsibilities: he or she is in charge of all personnel, including the trainee program, and is the "keeper of the payroll." In addition, the associate business manager often serves as a coordi- nator of activities and relations between the business and editorial staffs. The accounts manager worries about efficiency, costs, service and profits. This manager is in charge of the layout and proofreading, the display accounts, subscription ac- counts and circulation. The advertising manager con- trols the departments of nation- 3l advertising, classified advertis- ing, display advertising and pro- motions. folk concerts and other cultural activities in conjunction with oth- er student organizations, it in- creases the dialogue between ar- tist and community. Through its staff, it fosters a more personal, more rewarding dialogue with those directly involved in the crea- tive processes. Generation can be a reans of not only realizing creative desires, but also of acquiring knowledge of the whole field of publishing and its periphery areas. TRAINEES Student volunteers comr rise the entire staff of The Daily, cooperating on all of its staffs - editorial, sports, business and photography-to put out the paper six days a week. The editorial staff, besides giving students an opportunity to delve into affairs of the Uni- versity,-city,' state, nation and world, jserves as a training' ground for future journalists, a rewarding extracurricular ac- tivity and a sharpener of wits, critical abilities and general writing skill. Trainees partici- pate in story writing as well as working shifts on night desk, the center of activities for put- ting together each day's paper. The business staff gives prac- tical experience in all the fi- nancial, advertising, circulation and advertisement m a kt e u p skills necessaryto the paper's functioning. S t a f f members themselves solicit ads and man- age all accounts for The Daily. The photography staff is re- sponsible for taking and mak- ing prints of all local pictures run in the paper. It has its own darkroom facilities and oper- ates in close conjunction with editorial and sports personnel. The 'sports staff covers not, only University and inlra-mutal athletic activities but profes- sional sports as well. Oppor- tunities exist for travel to cover important away games and eventually for column writing. The sports staff has its own Associated, Press ' wire. Students at all class levels are encouraged to try out for positions on these staffs. An introductory meeting, for each one will be held at the begin- ning of the semester, with time and place announced in The Daily. No experience is required, and any student not on pro- bation for low grades in hip previous semester is eligible to join the four teams which co- operate in putting out an ex. citing daily newspaper. JERRY BADANES reads his work at a poetry reading sponsored by Generation, the University's inter-arts magazine. Several of these readings were held last year, as part of Generation editor George A. White's efforts to further campus interest in the arts. We're Great. "A large minority of college newspapers, among them The Michigan Daily, The Cornell Sun, The arvard Crimson and The Columbia Spectator, are truly professional t r a i n i n g grounds for future newspaper- men, often more effective than journalism departments," -The New York Times temporary poets will involve large-scale printing, promotion and distribution. Those concerned with this area will be introduced to an opportunity that is seldom available, even in the book .in- dustry-that of learning all the areas of such production: typog- raphy, binding, jacket design and advertising on a national basis. Generation offers a great deal more than its office or printing plant implies. Through its activ- REVIEWERS AND COUNTER-REVIEWERS: Invisible Writers Appraise U ultre By MICHAEL JULIAR A Against a background of char- I ically and without any mereyis I ion procedures. They vent f: heir All of these sections of the business staff become familiar to the trainees. The next step above trainee is a position on the sopho- more staff. Assistant manager, a sophomore position, pays a salary of $15 a month. Sophomores are usually in the building about six or ten hours a week. The next level of command in the businessastaff is the junior staff. They are the heads of the various departments and the principal decision-makers in those departments, enjoying a fair amount of autonomy. They earn $30 a month, and usually spend over ten hours a week in the Student Publications Bldg. Senior Positions At the end of their junior year, most business staff mem- bers petition for one of the four important senior staff positions: business manager, associate busi- ness manager, accounts manager and advertising manager. With the business manager lies the final responsibility for anything his staff does; he serves as coordina- tor between the staff and cam- pus activities, and often speaks for the staff. Within the confines of the ivy- covered building at 420 Maynard St. there is an unorganized con- glomeration of freeloaders called the Daily reviewers. red and splintered wooden desks covered with an alfalfa-like layer of paper, magazines and newspa- pers in a glass-enclosed cage on the second floor of the Student Publications Bldg. the following takes place: passed into the clutches of the Daily personnel director with ex- cellent chances of becoming a Daily staff reporter. Immunity The letter-writers are unfortu- nately immune to these qualifica- U1V1 IUX; 1Gi. . 1~y Y t - " IU spleens in isolation, hoping that the editorial director has enough perspicacity to realize he must print the literary gem that will arrive in the morrow's mail. But, then, they can't buy nickel Cokes, either. Photogs Use Darkest Room, Come Out Most Enlightened Though The Daily photograph- tures the night editor or assistant ers work in the darkest room of night"chooses to run. the Student Publications Bldg., Photographers get paid for the they are an enlightened and in- pictures they take. They have a tegral part of each day's news- choice of three payment plans. paper. Either they receive 65 cents for With an increasing emphasis each picture used; 45 cents for the on pictures in The Daily, the first picture assigned, used or not, photographer will play an impor- and 65 cents for 'the second pic- tant role in its production, going ture printed; or 65 cents for each out to gather most of the "art"-- photography assignment. as photographs are called in jour- Te Daily has equipment for nalistic jargon-used in the paper. use by photographers. It owns a The pictures he will shoot will 35 mm Cannon camera and strobe vary from single-column, head- for lighting. Many photographers and-shoulders shots of visiting use it rather than their own equip- lecturers to action-packed sports ment. The Daily will supply it to and special events scenes. any interested photographer who Two Shifts wants to work on the staff but A photographer works one or does not have his own camera. two afternoon or evening shifts a AP Circulation week. He gets his assignment As The Daily is a member of about 3:30 p.m., if he works after- the Associated Press, pictures noons, or 7 p.m., if he works eve- taken by staff photographers may nings, then journeys to various be supplied to it. These special in- parts of campus to take the pic- terest photographs may be cir- ture. An hour or so later, he re- culated by wirephoto across the turns with the film 'and the dark- state, nation or world. Usually, the room technician develops the pic- AP will pay a small commission