Clam Ed Seventy-Fifth Yea EDITED ANDMANAGEDBY STUDENTs Of THE UNVERSrTY OFMICHiGAN UNEX AUrTrORTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL( O STUDENT PIhLTCATIONS SAVING AN ELEPHANT: Bliss May Not Be Republican Answer B A"'e " 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AoRBoR, MICH. P revailr NEWS PHoNE: 764-0552 is printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 20 JANUARY 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JOHNSTON SGC Must.Schedule A Movie Theatre Sit-In By HAROLD WOLMAN REPUBLICANS of all ideological persuasions have greeted the appointment of Ray Bliss to re- place Dean Burch as national committee chairman with the hope and excitement characteris- tic of a drowning animal which has lust been thrown a lifesaver. Unfortunately, a lifesaver is not sufficient to save an elephant. The hopes of these Republicans -including conservatives dismay- ed by Golwwater's electoral ca- tastrophe--are based on the un- questioned ability of the new chairman. As state chairman in Ohio, Bliss built up the strongest GOP or- ganization in the country and was the chief architect of a series of stunning Republican victories. Re- publicans now hope (and some even predict) that he will be able to lead the party to national vic- tory just as he did on the state level. UNFORTUNATELY for these admirers of Bliss, their hero is now in no position to do much leading. The great clamor accompanying the battle to purge Dean Burch has obscured the fact that the post of national chairman is not, in itself, a position of power or particular importance in party affairs. The national committee's major) task is the largely mechanical one of organizing the national con- vention every four years. In ad- dition, the committee may help coordinate congressional and pres- idential campaigns (if the can- didates so desire-and many do not). The committee also raises funds, does research on issues (almost all of which is ignored), acts as a center for the distribution of party literature and, generally speaking, performs in the role of a service organization to the party. * * * , THE CHAIRMAN, however, does not make policy, nor does he de- termine electoral strategy, al- though if he is respected and per- suasive he may be able to con- vince candidates to" adopt his, strategy. But this would be true regardless of whether he was na- tional chairman or .not. The relative weakness of the chairman reflects rather well the nature of the American party system. In fact, he is not the chairman of one national party, but of 50 state parties, many of which are highly factionalized. At the same time he must deal ENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL is ng its last chance to be a meaning- ganization by urging a "boycott" than a sit-in,'to protest the 25 per crease at local movie theatres. ght the organization will take up a >int motion by Thomas Smithson, ants students "to refuse to attend eatres on Friday, Jan. 22." hson refuses to call his boycott a t because "it would draw attention University." again SGC is taking the wrong, ch, the one SGC has been taking ,r. Students should draw all the on they can to the fact that the Lovie monopoly-Butterfield Thea- partially owned by the University) y upped its prices 2,5 cents during n, when students weren't here to TIME to point out the exploita- of students by greedy merchants. xample, the book stores have sev- icks in their trade. One of the offers only a $1.65 paperback ver- Neustadt's "Presidential Power." ts who don't know that another iy publishes the same book for 60 ,re out $1.05. One student tells of )ffered $3.25 for history books in .ndition that were purchased at the' ;ore for $16 four months earlier. can go to five men's clothing stores' rn that they all have the same in- prices for umbrellas. there is no end in sight. The Ann :abs plan to raise their fares next; ENTS ARE MORE than willing to anel their disgust at being ex- into a demonstration indicative situation. And SGC already has quadrangle Council, the Student es Union and the Lawyers Club tee supporting any SGC plan of Council is throwing away its big if it merely calls for a non-boycott ycott will not work. Anyone inter- n seeing a movie will hardly re-, passive SGC protest action. More int, there is no way for the theatre, 3r to analyze the effect of a boy- ce he cannot anticipate with great accuracy how large a crowd he could normally expect. A 25 per cent sit-in would be the ideal student protest. SGC could concentrate~ its efforts on one good movie this Friday. "MARY POPPINS," which has been pop- ular all over the country, will start here Friday for $1.50 (25 cents extra for Walt Disney movies). The plan of action would be simple. Simply fill the theatre with students at 7 p.m. and refuse to leave until 25 per cent of the 9 p.m. show is over. Since few potential 9 p.m. customers will wait in the cold to see the last three-quarters of the movie, Butterfield stands to lose a minimum of several hundred dollars. Furthermore, far more students would join in a sit-in than would participate in a boycott. Instead of having to find some- where else to go if they wanted to demon- strate their protest of the price hikes-- hardly a very spectacular gesture --movie theatre patrons would have to sit for a short while longer than usual-something both easy and, if properly handled, ex- citing. Everyone sitting could feel his di- rect participation; if leaders could be found and literature distributed, it is likely that almost all of them would be- come a part of the demonstration. Organization of the sit-in would be simple: --Put up posters around campus; --Have IQC distribute notices in the residence halls; -Have the law students contact sym- pathetic professors, urging them to en-. courage students to take part; --Have the employes union be respon- sible for pickets Friday night. FRIDAY NIGHT'S SIT-IN will undoubt- edly attract several thousands stu- dents to Liberty St. Then, too, with a Life, photographer on campus right now, real demonstration might win nationwide publicity. But to arrange a sit-in would require more courage than SGC has thus far shown. Tonight's meeting gives Council members a perfect chance to demonstrate that they merit those attractive blue chairs they sit in every Wednesday. -ROGER RAPOPORT with individual senators and con- gressmen, some of whom operate independently of the state party, relying on their own personal popularity or personal organiza- tion. * * * THUS THE chairman's con- stituency consists of a variety of groups with different political, social and economic interests, ad- vocating widely varying and some- times opposing policies, and en- gaging in electoral competition in circumstances which are not likely to be at all similar. As a consequence, each of these interests looks to the national chairman for different reasons (if they look at all). It is no wonder that the chairman can determine neither policy nor strategy.t What the national chairman can do, however, is to act as a public relations man for the party. Because he is the official head of the party organization, the chair- man has the opportunity to set, to some extent, the image of the party through appearances on television, public speeches and newspaper interviews. He assumes importance to the extent that the general public pays attention to what he says. * * * THE National Chairman also acts as "hell-raiser," a term coin- ed by Cotter and Hennessy in their study aptly entitled "Politics Without Power - The National Party Committees." By this they mean that the chairman acts as the official critic of the opposing party, far exceeding through his partisan fervor the attacks of his congressional brethren, who, after all, must coexist with their op- ponents in the legislature. Cotter and Hennessy conclude that the major roles of the chair- man, in order of their importance, are: image-maker, "hell-raiser," fund-raiser, campaign, manager and administrator. They then sug- gest that the chairman of the party out of office must engage even more heavily in the roles of image-maker and "hell-raiser." This is exactly what, Bliss will not be able to do. Short and un- prepossessing, he does not project a good public image. Further- more, he is basically shy and in- clined to shun the public lime- light as much as possible. His con- siderable talents lie almost wholly in organization techniques and behind - the - scenes political ma- neuvering. WHETHER Dean Burch would have been able to perform theser functions more satisfactorily is somewhat academic. Burch, by his close identification with Gold- water, would have presented to the public an image of the party too tied to Goldwater as far as many Republicans were concerned.' Instead, however, Bliss is likely to present no image at all to the" general public. Thus, the appointment of Bliss to fill the national chairman's post will not mean an end to the power struggle among Re- publicans, nor will it mean they have found a national spokesman. It has merely eliminated the na- tional committee as much of a factor in either. * * * INSTEAD, as is generally the case with American parties, there will be multiple centers of power, each one with its own spokesmen. Everett Dirksen and Gerald Ford will represent the Republican congressional party, while John Lindsay will speak for the liberal "Wednesday group" in the House. At the same time, Barry Gold- water still will speak for a con- siderable faction, as will individual state governors such as George Romney, Nelson Rockefeller and William Scranton. Then too, Robert Smylie probably will uti- lize his position as chairman of the Governor's Conference as a platform to make known his views. It is clear, however, that the most effective leadership now rests in the hands of Dirksen and Ford. Leadership in terms of pol- icy naturally resides in Congress for the party which does not hold the presidency. The public looks to Congress for policy stands. Thus it is from Congress that the party policy inevitably emerges. BLISS, however, undoubtedly will bring' about some organiza- tional changes which many Re- publicans believe are badly need- ed. One of these is likely to be a greater emphasis on organizing Republican efforts in big cities- an effort which by all objective Standards is certainly necessary. Such organizational efforts are being viewed by Republicans as the answer to the party's prob- lems. They are not. Good organization enables a party to, get all their possible' supporters out tolthe polls. There- fore it is good to organize. None- theless, unless the GOP is able to find some 16 million supporters who forgot to show up at the polls on election day, they have still not found the answer. Any way you organize 27 million people, they still only come out to 27 million votes. THIS SORT of thinking by Re- publicans ignores the not very subtle but terribly unpleasant fact that if both parties were able to get all their voters to the polls, the Democrats would win every election with somewhere between 54 and 56 per cent of the vote. Therein lies the real problem of the GOP and all the organization in the world is not going to change it. In order to win elec- tions, the Republican Party must adopt an image and nominate candidates appealing to the broad center of the American public. Other solutions pr6posed by Re- publicans may be less painful, out they will not be very effective. i :a..T ? L FO WNIN-TEFORCE 5 of FREE~o 0OR THE EOKLE'S MO(~acOES? 102 Minus 70 Equals Failure LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: U.S. Involvement Goes Beyond Normal Diplomacy APPARENTLY Robert J. Loescher is un- ;perturbed by the fact that over 70' students have dropped his History of Art 102 course. Loescher explained that he has revised the course so that it requires, a great deal of work rather than a mere regurgitation of lecture material. The first reaction might be to blame the students for their attitude of getting by with as little work as possible and quitting when the going gets too rough. But 'the real villain in the story is dis- tribution requirements. The University, in its desire to pro- duce well,-rounded students, in effect often crams courses down people's throats. Most of the students enrolled in Loescher's course are not budding artists but math, English, physics and political science majors who are just, meeting the humanities requirement. Some chose the course because they wanted some quick culture. Others, be- cause it was supposed to be "cake," an easy way to get through one leg of the requirements. NOW THE WORD will get around that History of Art 102 is a bad choice to meet the humanities requirement, and students will search for some other kind- hearted professor who will help them dodge an area they're not interested in. The best solution would be for students not to have anything to dodge. --C. VETZNER UP with High-Rise Apartments ANN ARBOR CITY COUNCIL decided by a 6-5 vote at their meeting Monday that they won't stand in the way of the growth of the city by clamping a 15- story limit on all new buildings. There were several good reasons to op- pose such a limit, and really none to sup- port it. With the enrollment boom at the Uni- versity' is coming a greatly expanded market for apartments, which places land usable for apartment buildings at a pre- mium. Simple arithmetic will show that a 24-story building will hold more apart- ments of comparable size than a 15-story building. Thus more students will be hous- ed through this more efficient use of the H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director scarce land supply in the campus area. BUT WILL ALL the new high-rise struc- tures be apartment buildings? The an- swer almost has to be "yes." There is simply no need at present for an office building the size of the proposed high- rise structures, due to the lack of any real industry in Ann Arbor aside from the University. One problem involved in the building of sky - high "cash - register"' apartment buildings is that of parking tenants' cars in such a building. At present there is no easy way to handle the cars of the fen- ants in even a 15-story building, let alone one of 20 or 30 stories. But if a solution were ever found to the parking problem, it would apply just as easily to the taller buildings as the smaller. Those who favored a height limit con- tended that the size of the buildings would ruin the appearance of the city, im- n1vino that*their hpiirht a1n mxrl ml 1Qb k To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to congratulate Mr. Gethol on his January 19 letter, and The Daily for pub- lishing it. Although I, like most citizens of this nation, know only as much about the' machinations of United States foreign policy as I am allowed to learn through the reports of the mass news media, it is becoming more and more ap- parent that this nation is deeply involved in the internal affairs in many areas where, supposedly, the United States is merely carrying out normal diplomatic policies. Perhaps if the citizens of this country were better informed by their government as to its inter- national activities, such incidents as the U-2 affair and the Bay of Pigs Invasion would not result in waves of shock, indignation and distrust in the agencies responsi- ble for their instigation; and bet- ter plans for such actions could be laid as the actual performance would not have to be done with the added encumbrance of secrecy. I do not believe that the gov- ernment of this nation can con- tinue much longer to try to direct the course of world affairs in se- cret and still maintain the confi- dence of its citizens in itself. -Mark Lafer, '68 Theatres To the Editor: THE DAILY is a student news- paper and is representative of the student body of the Univer- sity in many ways. The ?Daily, prints articles about student af- fairs and issues, and draws on the student body' for not only its staff but the board which regu- lates the policies which govern the functioning of the paper. It is our opinion that The Daily as our representative possesses a certain responsibility to the stu- dent. The Daily is able to act in price increase has been justified by them and a public statement made to that effect. THE .ECONOMIC reasons for such action by The Daily are obvious. This move by The Daily would be taken either indepen- dently or in conjunction with a formal boycott of the three movie theaters, beginning with 'a sit-in on the nine o'clock show by the seven o'clock patrons on Friday and Saturday nights, the 22nd and 23rd of January. Such action is presently under discussion by several campus groups.; While we recognize the contro- versial nature of our proposal, we hope that The Daily will print this letter so that it may serve to initiate discussion on viable alternatives to action on the price increase issue and so that The Daily may serve as a forum for this discussion. -Matt Ash, '65 Jay Gans, '65 Elliott Hochman, '65 David Wallace, Staff EDITOR'S NOTE: Your letter raises several issues, two of which seem especially important: 1) The Daily is responsible to no particular group or faction but,' above all, to its own sense of ethics and standards. At a minimum, The, Daily directs itself to the entire community-it is a University news- paper and beyond. While, for in- stance, there are three students on the Board in Control of Student Publications, there are also five faculty members, two alumni and two ex-officio administrators. 4) Regarding your specific pro- posal,,too often newspapers allow editorial policy to be affected by advertising considerations. The re- verse. would be equally reprehensi- ble. The Daily's open editorial policy precludes positions on the part of the newspaper anyway, but even if it didn't, we would be unjustified in accepting only "agreeable" adver- tising. Moreover, discussion has already been initiated concerning the movie price rise, and The Daily is al- ready serving as a forum through news stories, editorials and letters. The University discriminates against poor students. In choosing our friends and in .making pur- chases we discriminate all the time. WHOSE RIGHTS are infringed if a fraternity openly states that it has certain moral or religious requirements. Trigon is above board and admits what it stands" for. It could easily change its rules for show and continue its present policies but it is not will- ing to do this. What about the fraternities on campus that do discriminate in fact because of race or color whether or not their published rules require discrimination. This is the sort of thing which is harm- ful. It seems to me that Trigon has been prosecuted for infring- ing the letter of the present law rather than its spirit. -Ralph R. Stewart Professor of Botany To the Editor: SHOULD LIKE to inquire: 1) How many fraternities on campus (besides Trigon) have in fact pledged members of the white, Negro, and oriental races? 2) How . many fraternities on campus (besides Trigon) have in fact included in their membership a religious diversity encompassing, for example, Catholic, Mormon, and Unitarian as well as more traditional expressions of Protest- antism ? 3) Why IFC insists on making itself look ridiculous by prosecut- ing (or should I say persecuting?) a fraternity which has, in actual practice, probably been the least discriminatory one on campus? * * * IT IS COMMENDABLE that IFC should want to undertake its own policing of discrimination in the fraternity system. However, by starting where it has, it implies: a) That the University has been bers and not have membership controlled by outside organiza- tions. This has been the reason for the University action over the past several years against bias clauses." (Obviously, Trigon has full local autonomy!) HAVING HAD the opportunity. to observe fraternity situations on several campuses during 12 years of service as national officer of a, small, democratic,; fully non'-dis- criminatory fraternity, I find it al most amusing as well as sad to contemplate the evasion of real issues and the potential embar- rassment to the University which the harassment of _:Trigon indi- cates. -Edward G. Voss, Professor of Botany Pre-Registration To the Editor: SINCE I HAD classified for the fall semester through the sum- mer orientation program, I was' unprepared for the chaos and in- efficiency of the pre-registration program. It would be easy to believe that many sections were changed for no reason at all. What is the use of signing up for sections when there is little chance of getting them? Of my six time periods, only two were left unchanged. Many oth- ers had their schedules altered as much. Even more disturbing is the number of mistakes made by the University. I know of several stu- dents who were assigned to classes that did not exist. * * * I HOPE that the University will study this problem and try to bring some order into pre-regis- tration. Surely, with modern data processing a daily list of closed classes, and sections could be pub- lished A better system of checks could be used to eliminate mistakes..The University might consider having classes assigned by computers, likq some high schools do now. Some- thing should be done before con- ditions get worse as the result of increased enrollment. X -Leonard Mascara, '68 MISCONCEPTION : Books of Know lede THERE IS a widely spread misconception about the nature of books which contain knowledge. It is thought that such books are something the contents of which have to be crammed into our heads. I think the opposite is closer to the truth. Books are there to keep the knowledge in while we use our heads for something better. Books may also be a better place for such knowledge. In my own head any book-knowledge has a half-life of a few weeks. So I leave knowledge, for safe-keeping, to books and libraries and go fishing, sometimes for fish, sometimes for new knowledge. FURTHER, it is a widely spread opinion that memorizing will