Pill" PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 20 JANUARY 1965 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 20 JANUARY 1965 NOW AND IN THE '30'S: Assesses Berkeley's Effects Across Campus ECKERMAN ON EDUCATION: fI Discusses Social Advantages 0' EDITOR'S NOTE: David Boroff, associate professor of English at New York University, is author of the book, "Campus U.S.A.: Portrait ' of American Colleges in Action." By DAVID BOROFF The recent sit-in and demon- strations at the University of California, with their insurrec- tionist overtones, have focused at- tention on student movements. Quiescence in the nineteen-fif- ties has yielded to activism in the sixties as the timidities and inhi- bitions of the McCarthy era have receded from memory. How does campus activity today compare with that of the past? What proportion of students is in- volved? What effect will the Berkeley episode have on cam- puses elsewhere? A glance at some representative institutions enables one to offer a few cautious and highly tentative appraisals. Striking divergencies a p p e a r when one compares the sixties with the thirties, that golden age of student protest. In line with the general shift of the nation's center of gravity, the core of student activity has moved west. It is no accident that the most dramatic student eruption of the decade should have taken place in California and that such Mid- western schools as Oberlin and Antioch have emerged as centers of civil rights activity. Three decades ago the locus of; protest was in the East in prole-1 tarian schools like City College. I Moreover, the militiamen of dissent are no longer working- class students but middle-class young men and women in quest of a cause--even, one is tempted to add, in search of a working class. They have found their cause In the civil rights movement and a simulacrum of the working classj of the thirties in the Negro masses. Among the activists, something new has been added - graduate students. The exploited coolies of the academic hierarchy-at once disaffected yet highly sophisticat- ed-graduate students played a key role in the Berkeley drama. Add to their ranks, the colleg- iate dropouts and those strange underground men living at the fringe of any academic commun- ity, and you have a heady brew of the possessed and the dispos- sessed. Movement Nonideological Unlike the student movement of the thirties, campus protest today is essentially nonideological. That is to say, the factionalism of the thirties is absent, and various groups have coalesced around cer- tain issues, as at Berkeley, where even Goldwaterites participated in the Freedom of Speech Movement. Despite the youthful contribu- tion to the civil rights movement, however, the suspicion persists in some quarters that the insurgency of the young cuts deeper than in the thirties and is directed against the notion of society itself. Protest methods also provide points of departure from the past.' Although demonstrations were not unknown to earlier generations of students, and the sit-ins is a tra- ditional weapon of labor, civil dis- obedience on the student front is new. Certainly, the notion of par- alyzing a great university exceeded the audacity of students in the thirties. There is, of course, a poignant irony about the anxiety adults are now expressing about student po- litical activity. Some say omin- ously that Berkeley students are emulating a Latin-American style of political disruptiveness. How- ever, for at least a decade now, the elders of the academic com- munity have been encouraging students to commit themselves. Middle-aged disquietude is in excess of the facts. Though stu- dent militancy seems to be grow- ing, there is little of the virulence elsewhere that manifested itself at Berkeley. Stanford, less than 100 milesI from Berkeley, maintained its composure in recent weeks. Money was raised and petitions were signed for the embattled students at the University of California, but there was no flareup over local issues. And though Stanford sent a fair share of students to Missis- sippi last summer, there has been Prof. Robert W. Parry of the some speculation on campus that !chemistry department was elected Northern involvement perhaps '1965 chairman of the American does more harm than good. Chemical Society's Division of In- The Harvard Attitude organic Chemistry. Moral support without active Parry recently was named the winner of the first American involvement was reflected at Har- Chemical Society award for dis-' vard where students express sym - tinguished service in the advance- pathy with Mississippi activists ment of inorganic chemistry. He but questioned the motives of will receive the award, which con- and criticized the sanctf-sists of a certificate and $1,000, moniousness of others. at the society's 149th national It is difficult to say what the meeting in Detroit in April. future holds. Student militancy is . t A contagious, but there is still the' Two University graduate stu- heavy weight of more than a dec- dents took part in panel discus- ade of apathy to dislodge. More- sions at the Conference on Cana- over, more students are focused dian-American Relations conduct- on the conventional goals of job ed recently at the University of or graduate school. Windsor, Ontario. Still it would be a mistake to James McEvoy, a teaching assume that what happened at assistant and student in the Eng- Berkeley could not occur else- lish department, discussed "The where. Administrators who have Myth of the Right in American been taking their students for Politics." Curtis Wells of the po- granted will be watching them litical science department spoke with a new mixture of apprehen- on "Repercussions of United sion and respect. More important States Elections." yet, students will also be watching Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the po- their administrators. litical science department is a This, perhaps, is the most lmember of the advisory board of wholesome aspect of the recent the Canadian-American Institute imbroglio. At Berkeley, student which sponsored the seminar. anger had been simmering for * * , DE KALB, Ill.-Americans may, have been oversold on the in-1 dividual income and status value1 of college education without be- coming fully aware of the advan- tages to society in general, a Uni-I versity researcher said yesterday at a conference of the American College Public Relations Associa- tion. Prof. William C. Eckerman, as- sistant head of the field section of the Survey Research Center, said that "the all-important so- cietal advantages of a well-educat- ed populace have not been recog- nized by the majority of our citi- zens." As a result, he said, Americans may not be as ready as they should be to assume the financial burden which is sure to come with rapidly increasing college enroll- ments. critical importance for the society as a whole. Only five per cent of' the population mentioned these factors when asked about reasons for sending a boy or girl to col- lege." Values Among the values of education cited by Eckerman were: the broadening of the individual and development of such things as in- dependence of judgment, critical thinking, and creativity; the de- velopment of a highly trained work force that will raise the na- tional standard of living; the eas- ing of such serious social problems as juvenile delinquency, crime, and unemployment-prejudice; the safeguarding of our rights and institutions in a complex age and the fostering of successful inter- national economic competition both with communist countries and our allies. "Highly educated, higher in- come people are more aware of and concerned with the less tang- ible benefits to be derived from a college education," he reported. F .1I.. TONIGHT! iit 4 PROF. ROBERT PARRY some time as a result of growing depersonalization a n d bureau- cratic indifference on that cam- pus. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20 4 p.m. - Dr. Oleg E. Viazov, Chief of Dept. of Experimental During the next decade, the un-.Embryology at tne USSR Academy dergraduate population will grow of Medical Science, Moscow, will prodigiously. If attention can now speak on "Some Aspects of Ma- be focused on undergraduate edu- ternal-Foetal Interrelationships in cation and its shameful neglect, Growth Regulation of Foetal Or- then recent student militancy will gans" at 1400 Chem. Bldg. have served a most useful purpose. 4 p.m.-Dept. of Anatomy will Copyright, 1965, The New York Times sponsor "Shoulder Joint Systems," Soviet-China Struggle Splits JUS Conference SOFIA, Bulgaria -The Eighth The executive committee report, Congress of the Internatiotial presented on the second day of the Union of Students (IUS), the congress, affirmed support for Communist - dominated interna- I peaceful coexistence, national lib- tional student organization, was eration, the Test Ban Treaty, and the sight of the first open in- the World Youth Forum-where, dication of the Sino-Soviet con- interestingly enough, a similar flict since Khrushchev fell from dispute flared last September be- power in October. tween Soviet and Chinese dele- The Congress, which took place gates. in early December, was highlight- ed by a struggle for, control be-nsrj tween the pro-Soviet and pro- Mention of the Test Ban Treaty Chinese delegates, while the less led representatives from Nigeria committed delegations tried to and Japan to condemn the re- bridge the conflict, cent Chinese nuclear explosion. Principal points of disagree- The Chinese delegation said that ment were whether or not criti- its country's explosions were an ,ism of "imperialism" was to in- inspiration to peace-loving people. elude the phrase "imperialism When French National Union of headed by the United States, Students (UNEF) decided to join whether or not the Nuclear Test IUS, it was with the goal of unify- Ban Treaty was to be supported, ing the two major international and whether "peaceful coexist- student organizations on a basis ence between states with different of "education before politics" andj social systems" was the most im- also in the belief that the IUS was portant international problem, as becoming less dependent on the the Soviets argued, or "the Soviet Foreign Ministry. struggle against U.S. imperialism," as the Chinese argued. In a confidence vote, the lack Hard Lines of substantial strength for oppos- The Chinese took hard lines ing Chinese within the organiza- against "U.S. imperialism," the tion was again evident-as it had Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, and previously been in votes on reso- peaceful coexistence. lutions. In the vote, the leader- An ideological clash was evident ship of the IUS, which has been the first day of the congress. Dur- strongly pro-Soviet, carried the ing approval of the agenda, the majority of the participating or- Chinese objected to the phrasing ganizations. of the first point. They insisted that the phrase 'against imperial- ism, colonialism, and neo-colonial- ism," which was part of the title of the executive committee's re- port on its work and develop- DIAL 8-6416 ments in the international student < ENDS TONIGHT world since the last Congress, be amplified by adding "headed by S the .USA." Loren Mastrolanni Sharp Debate - a lecture by W. T. Dempster at Two Studies 2501 E. Med. Bldg. ! Eckerman discussed two studies, '7:34 p.m-Brice Carnahan will conducted with the support of the present the Ford Computer Lec- United States Office of Education ture in Natural Science Aud. and the Office of Institutional 8 pNm.-Joh sbone's A uthIResearch of the Association of , p.m.-John Osborne 's Luth- ,tt nvriisadLn rn er," the PTP Play of the Month,I State Universities and Land Grant will e prsentd inHillAud. Colleges.F will be presented in Hill Aud. Ninety per cent of -the people 8:30 p.m.-Chamber Arts Seriesfaosednbystclegad will present Andres Segovia, gui favor sending boys to college and tarist, in Rackham Aud. This con- 77 per cent favor sending girls, crtaissoldkamAd.Ths I-Eckerman reported. Virtually no cert is sold out. American feels one can get along THURSDAY, JAN. 21 without a high school education. 2:15 p.m.-The Mental Health But, he added, "the importance Research Institute Seminar with attached to higher education by Nicholas Rashevsky will discuss the vast majority of people is in "Some Possible Quantitative As- terms of individual opportunities pects of a Neurophysiological for high status occupations and Model of Schizophrenias" in 10571 income. There is little or no rec- MHRI. ognition of the more subtle ef- 3 p.m.-The Research Seminar fects on the individual nor the in Hospital and Medical Systems ------ will present Millard F. Long,' de- partment of economics, Vander- MIDWEST STUDENT bilt University, discussing "Plan- TOUR with ning Hospital Systems" at 69 Dr. Wm. Kleine-Ahlbrandt Business Administration Bldg. f Hi 4:15 p.m.-Rev. Roland de Vaux, Professor of story O.P., director of the French Bib- Purdue University lical and Archaeological School in Sailing June 18--55 days Jerusalem, will deliver the 1964-65 $1199 all-inclusive Zwerdling Lecture in Old Testa- Send for free itinerary ment Studies, "The Hebrew Patri- Box 514, W. Lafayette, Ind. archs a-nd History - Abram The Hebrew (Gen. 14:13)" in Aud. C. Name__ 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild Address- wrill present Satyajit Ray's "The;I Music Room" in the Architecture Aud. IQC-ASSEMBLY PRESENT '7Ig FITZGERALD and OSCAR PETERSON TRIO January 23, 8:30 P.M. Tickets on Sale Hill Auditorium 8:00-5:30 Daily Tickets-$3.50, 3.00 & 2.50 Hill Auditorium 1 ByJOHN OSBORNE (Author of the Oscar-Winning "Tom Jones") Staged by Scenery & Costumes Designed by Original Music by MITCHELL ERICKSON JOCELYN HERBERT JOHN ADDISON OriginaI Production Directed byRICHARDSON Produced on Broadway by the DAVID MERRICK FOUNDATION, Inc. PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM Wed., Jan. 20 Hill Aud. The School of Engineering at the Tuskegee Institute has an- nounced the addition of three persons to its computer center. Thomas F. Platkowski, who joined the engineering faculty in Febuary 1964, has been ap- pointed director of the computer center. He received his Ph.D. from the University. Tuskegee has a cooperative assistance program with the University. f t IIg jM * pI*I 'RE 10 FET TALL! _ . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN __.s __ 1 ate. l._ _..t..v ..y.<. .]w«i n nwn it _ The Daily Official Bulletin is an eering. All interested students are in- official publication of The Univer- vited to attend. Those students who sity of Michigan, for which The expect to graduatae this year are also Michigan Daily assumes no editor- urged to attend. ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Ge raj Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be- General Notices fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Regents' Meeting: Feb. 19. Communi- publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday cations for consideration at this meet- for Saturday and Sunday. General ing must be in the President's hands Notices may be published a maxi- not later than Feb. 5. mum of two times on request; Day Calendr items appear once only. Parking Notice-Restrictions on the Studentorganization notices are not new Staff Paid Permit Parking Lits M- accepted 128 and M-30 in the 1400 block of Wash- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 ington Heights will be effective Jan. 25. ________Restrictions on Staff Paid Permit Park- ing Lot E-7 on Wilmot Street are ef- Day Calendar fective immediately. For the benefit of those who cannot Department of Anatomy Seminar- find a seat in the UGLI, or would W, T, Dempster, Department of An- (Continued on Page 5) atomy, "Shoulder Joint System": 2501 -_-- E. Medical Building, 4:00 p.m. Ford Computer Lecture-Brice Carna- han, College of Engineering: Natural Science Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Professional Theatre Program Play of "Delightfully Funny I the Month-John Osborne's Luther: Hill9 Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. "ONE OF THE Chamber Arts Series Concert-Andres BEST Segovia, guitarist: Rackham Auditor- - . ium, 8:30 p.m. The Chinese proposal was de- feated after a sharp debate. The' Chinese then submitted an "emer- gency motion" against alleged U.S. aggression in the Congo. Argu- ment over the motion centered on the question of specifically naming the United States and its Presi- dent. DIAL 5-6290 Ending Thursday Movie"-Cosmopolitan Research Club: There will be a meet- ing for members of the Research Club of the University of Michigan Wed., Jan. 20, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Gordon Peterson will speak on: "The Analysis and Synthesis of Speech." Prof. Ross Lee Finney will speak on "Analysis and the Creative Process." The Council will meet at 7 p.m. in the East Council Room. Zoology Seminar-Dr. Oleg E. Viazov will speak on "Some Aspects of Ma- ternal - 'oetal Interrelationships in Growth Regulation of Foetal Organs," on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 4 p.m. in Room 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Vazov is chief of the Department of Experi- mental Embroyology of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Science in Moscow and is at present a Visiting Investigator in the Department of Zoology. Engineers: "The Employers' View- point" will be discussed by an experi- Weds., Jan. 20, 4:00 p.m., 311 W. Engin- De Si as Marriage Italian Style STARTS THURSDAY-- The BERGMAN TR I LOGY ! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! \Best Foreign Film." MGM AG "BRILLIANTLY DONE!" -Bosiey Crowther, N.Y . ineoe "I ASSURE YOU IT IS A BEAUTIFUL MOVIE!" -Aram!.. G,. VT. N- YYor c6tiGMAN.S FRIDAY JULIE ANDREWS DICK VAN DYKE in "MARY POPPINS" GOING OUR WAY? I DIAL 662-6264 pony, CUMt SHOWN AT 1:00-2:55 2nd 5:00-7:00 & 9:10 Week! 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