WAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY -TUESDAY'' 19 JA Ah -Il#At RAGE SIX THE MICHIE~AN IlAIIY TTIF~nAV 1Q JAJTTA~V 1ORI~ 111~1.a:/A7AAl"JL i, AV .0 Xil 91 tf ill AZPOJ I ALL-AMERICAN: Polonic Makes Defense Pay enfrew Pleased by Weekend Victories By BUD WKILINSON power play last year helped him to score a lot," elaborated Renfrew. What does it take to make an At the beginning of last season, All-American hockey defenseman? Michigan's sophomore-dominated "He has to let the opposing defensive corps was the team's player make the mistakes; he major weakness, but as the season can't commit himself too soon,' progressed, Polonic and the other was the answer given by Wolveri defensemen developed into a ine Coach Al Renfrew yesterday. smooth working unit which al- Another way to answer the ques- lowed opponents only 2.5 goals tion would be to watch Michigan's per game, one of the best averages Tom Polonic in action. Polonic in the country. was named to the select All- Improved Quickly America squad last year as a soph- "Polonic had good ability when omore and was also named to the he first came here and improved NCAA All-Tournament team and during the season. He's skating, selected as the "Sophomore of the better now than when he first Year" in the Western Collegiate came down here. He's much bet- Hockey Association. ter this year than last year," ex- .In speaking about Polonic, Ren- plained Renfrew. frew commented that "he is very Polonic, like most hockey play-! good on a one-on-one situation. ers, started skating at the age of Very few players can go -around five and played his first hockey him. He usually makes good plays in the Torotto Hockey League in his own end to start our offen- before coming to Michigan. . sive drives, too. You know, not The things he says he enjoys many sophomores make All-Amer- most about the sport are the hit-z ican." ting and the fast play. High Scorer "I like it, too, because it gives1 Polonic has also been an excep- you a chance to use your head. tional scorer for a defenseman. You have to think fast and learn Last year he was the highest scor- to create the plays," he explained. ing defenseman in the WCHA and Likes Defense was fourth in total points for the "I enjoy playing defense espe-3 Wolverines with eight goals and cially because of my size and the 38 assists. bigger chance for contact. Be- "He doesn't have great speed, sides, I've been playing defense allr but he is deceptive and is very my life." strong. He has a very good shot In speaking of the change fromt from the point, and playing on the Canadian hockey to play by Amer- I g3 By JIM TINDALL Michigan's hockey team picked up its first series sweep of the season last weekend, beating non- conference opponent Minnesota- Duluth, 6-5, in overtime, and 4-2. Coach Al Renfrew commented yesterday, "We simply got the breaks and took advantage of them. Any time you can come from behind two nights in a row, you are doing pretty well." In Friday night's game the Wol- verines forced Duluth goalie Bill Halbrehder to make 79 saves, 35 of them in the first period. All- America defenseman Tom Polon- ic said yesterday, "I knew that we shot a lot on Friday, but not that much. Thirty-five saves is good shooting for a game for some teams, yet we got that in a per- iod." 3 a f 1 i! of the season, the other coming at the expense of Denver. Sopho- more Mike Martilla scored the winning goal, unassisted, with 2:06 elapsed in the extra 10 minute period. Saturday night the Wolverines fell behind in the first period on two late goals by Duluth that came with only two minutes and 49 seconds separating them. The Wolverines fought back in the second period when they scored twice, also late in the period, on two goals by Alex Hood. Michi- gan iced the game when Pierre Dechaine beat Halbrehder on a de- 4 TOM POLONIC Forced into Overtime Despite that barrage of shots, ican rules he said that "the Amer- a "ve good D tam,"hac- ican rules make it easier for de- cordin to Renfrew force the fensemen, but I like the Canadian Blue to go into overtime. It was rules better. For one thing there Michigan's second overtime victory is more checking in Canadian hockey." WCHA flection shot, at 8:04 of the final stanza. Polonic Returns Saturday night marked the re- turn of Polonic to the lineup and Renfrew had high praise for the burly defenseman. Renfrew add- ed that he was also "pleased with the play of sophomore Mark Thompson." The coach explained that de- fenseman Barry MacDonald is still not "one hundred per cent, and Mel Wakabayashi hurt his shoulder and we are still not sure how seriously." He added that he has not de- cided on his three offensive lines but added that he would use Cap- tain Wilf Martin, Wakabayashi, and Dechaine as centers. Martin kept up his scoring pace last weekend, as he put in two goals and was credited with two assists. Wakabayashi had one goal and one assist while Dechaine tal- lied once. " { Team Spirit High Discussing the team's outlook, and comparing the team to last, year's, he said that, "the team is{ weakerthan it was last year. We lost the first _line of Wilkie, But- ler, and Cole which is a big loss. The team has a lot more spirit this year, however, and everyone is pulling together because we don't have the stars wehad last year. If we go all the way again this year it will be more of a team effort and everyone will appreci- ate it more." After graduation, Polonic would; like to go on to play professional hockey if possible. North Dakota 6 2 Minnesota 4 3 Michigan Tech 3 3 Michigan State 2 2 MICHIGAN 2 4 Denver 1 3 Colorado College 1 3 LAST WEEKEND) Friday MICHIGAN 6, Duluth 5 (ovt) Colorado 5, MSU 2 North Dakota 4, Denver 2 Michigan Tech 4, Minnesota 1 Saturday MICHIGAN 4, Duluth 2 MSU 10, Colorado 4 North Dakota 5, Denver 4 Minnesota 5, Michigan Tech 4 THIS WEEKEND MICHIGAN at Colorado Michigan Tech at Denver Minnesota at Michigan State et . .750 .675 .5001 .333 .250 .250 -Daily-Richard Cooper WOLVERINE SOPHOMORE MARK THOMPSON (18) skates hard to reach a skidding puck behind the Michigan cage in Saturday's 4-2 victory over Minnesota-Duluth. Bulldog Keith Christiansen (9) skates on the offensive, hoping to center the puck to his teammates in front of goalie Greg Page. Thompson was praised by Coach Al Renfrew for his good play in the weekend series. ' Sophomore goalie Greg Page mistakes that we made in our drew the attention of many fans own zone, but there are others' during the weekend, and Renfrew that he never had a chance on." 1 said that he was pleased with The team will work on decreas- ing the number of bad passes andt Page's improved play. He said, other mistakes made in their own "Page covered up a lot of the zone according to Renfrew. "This will be done in preparation for the Wolverines return to conference play this weekend against Colo- rado State. Colorado split a week- end series with Michigan State, winning on Friday, 4-2, but losing on Saturday, 10-4. ROUT ILLINI 23-7: Matmen No Match for Hoosier Snow Rent a TV This Semester NEW 19" G.E. PORTABLES only $10.00 per month FREE DELIVERY & MERVICE TV set on display at Follet t's Bookstore Cal! NEJAC TV (<'e.' ff1 phone : NO '2-5671 Michigan's-wrestling squad lost wrestlers had to open the hood to a snowstorm last weekend after and dig out with their hands the overwhelming Illinois, 23-7, there- snow which had been packed by chalking up their 25th consecu- around the engine block and then tive dual meet victory. dig the car out. After demolishing the Illini in their conference opener Friday night, the wrestlers left by car for Lafayette for the meet against Purdue on Saturday. After driving about 80 miles of the 100-mile trip without inci- dent, the team ran into heavy snow and five-foot drifts across the road. One of the cars, carry- ing Coach Cliff Keen and half the team, could not get through a drift and the engine stalled. In order to continue on their trip, the nil Dig? After futilely digging themselves out of two or three more drifts and being able to make absolute- ly no progress either forward or backward, the team abandoned their snowbound-car and trudged off through the drifted snow to- ward a light in the distance. The light turned out to be a farmhouse a mile and a half from the road. The wrestlers made it to the house at 5 a.m. and awak- ened the occupants who offered them lodging on assorted beds, sofas, and pallets for the rest of the night.f Snowplowed The matmen got up in the morn- ing to find their car covered with snow left by a snow plow which had gone by earlier in the morn-, ing. A second snowplow came along shortly and broke a chain trying to pull the car out. The team finally managed to reach Lafayette at 10 a.m., 12 hours after they started, but when a vote was taken it was decided not to wrestle and the meet was cancelled. "The boys were exhausted after digging the snow and staying up most of the night. They weren't in any condition to wrestle. Some serious injuries might have result- ed," explained Keen yesterday. M' Mauls Illini The Wolverines completely dom- inated the Illini in the Friday nightdcontest. The matmen drop- ped only one match, the 167- pound contest, in which Michi- gan's Tony Feiock was decisioned by Rich Callaghan, 6-2. Callaghan is also an end on the Illini foot- ball squad and an outfielder on the baseball team, and will prob- ably become Illinois' fifth nine- letter winner at the end of this year. The highlights of the meet were the two pins scored by the Wol- verines. Bob Fehrs at 123-pounds and Cal Jenkins at 147-pounds both took their opponents down for the count. These two pins brought the Wol- verines' total to seven for the first four dual meets of the year. "I think this 'is more pins than usual at this time of the year. We be- lieve in going for pins, and we hope we can keep getting more. Several championships have been A career for exceptional men, .Some notes about you, about us, and the advertising business About you. If you are the man we seek, you have an insatiable curiosity about people and the world around you. You're alert and responsive to new ideas, new ways of doing things. You like to take on new problems ... you see them as opportunities. You dig deep into the why of things. And the best answers you can come up with today are never good enough for you tomorrow. You're an individualist. Yet you thrive on team spirit. You have conviction about freedom of choice, consistent with the rights of others. You're the kind of man who could be successful in business for himself, but you see the greater challenge implicit in to- day's major enterprises. About us. The J. Walter Thompson Company was formed 100 years ago and has long been one of the world's largest advertising firms. Its stock is owned by more than five hun- dred active staff members. WPh hon n rn'ra50 vnnonniin +hP TTVnifA Cf+co una In our experience, superior individuals from every graduate and undergraduate educational discipline find successful careers in a major agency such as the Thompson Company. Staff members in our New York Office alone represent nearly three hundred colleges and universities here and abroad. Your career with us. You may be surprised to learn that while an advertising company must have artistically cre- ative people, it depends just as much on people who are imagi- native and inventive in other ways. Our business is selling. Communicating through the written and spoken word is how we sell. You must possess the ability to speak and write well so your ideas may be shared and understood. We are looking for the kind of men who wish and are able to assume substantial responsibility early in their business lives. To such men we offer a remarkable chance to grow and develop -one seldom found in any firm. Previous advertising experience is not required. Basically, our interest is in the nature of a person rather than in his specialized knowledge and abilities. We offer you no standard starting salary, no cut-and-dried training program. Beginning salaries are individually con- sidered and compare favorably to those of other national firms. We help you tailor your own development program, based on your interests, your abilities, your goals. Your program will differ from other men's programs just as you differ from other men. When you join us you will work side by side with experi- enced advertising men. Your growth will be based on your own initiative, your own development. There are no age or senior- ity requirements to limit the responsibility you can earn. We encourage you to follow your curiosity into all phases of advertising, because we want you to become a well-rounded practitioner as rapidly as possible. Experienced advertising men are eager to coach yQu individually in your efforts to develop your capabilities. Additionally, you are free to delve into every nook and cranny of advertising through our annual series of professional seminars, workshops and classes. You learn from men who are experts in their fields. About men who join us. A remarkable number of college men who have joined us in the past decade have re- mained with us and are enjoying varied, exciting careers. Because of our emphasis on early growth, relatively young men commonly handle major responsibilities in many phases of our business-both in this country and abroad. All initial assignments are in New York City, Chicago or Detroit; but we have many other offices in the United States and throughout the world; and if you are interested, you may request a transfer later on. If you wish to be a candidate, you must graduate in 1965 and be able to join us by June of 1966. You may obtain further in- formation at the placement office. Please check there regard- ing the possibility of a personal interview. We shall be on campus February 8-9 and 10. won by the team which got the most pins," commented Keen., Undefeated Heavyweight Bob Spaly came very close to getting a pin as he trounced his opponent, 13-0, on the strength of three near falls. Spaly has yet to lose in four dual meets this season. He has scored three shutouts and a pin. Three wrestlers who had been out with injuries returned to ac- tion for the first time against the Illini. Bill Johannesen and, Lee Deitrick both wrestled to 1-1 draws in the 137- and 157-pound matches, respectively. Deitrick was wrestling against Clay Beattie, Il- linois' top wrestler, who finished fourth in the Big Ten last yea". In the 177-pound match, Chris Stowell won 7-1, almost scoring another pin for the Wolverines. Bay Returns Captain Rick Bay, who was al- so injured earlier in the season, has returned to practice and will probably be able to wrestle in Michigan's next meet on January 29, when it faces Wisconsin at home. Keen was satisfied with the per- formance of all the wrestlers in the Illinois meet. "There's not a guy I would cri- ticize. They have all been work- ing hard and should go quite fer. We've got a man in every weight who is a potential Big Ten cham- pion, but then again Iowa, Michi- gan State, Northwestern and some of the other schools all have some potential champions, too," Keen added. "We've got pretty good depth this year. Our depth has helped a lot, especially when some of our boys were injured." -Bud Wilkinson DEPENDABLE IMPORT SERVICE We have the MECHANICS and the PARTS. NEW CAR DEALER Triumph-Volvo-- Fiat-Checker H HERB ESTES A UTOMART 319 W. Huron 665-3688 Students Go Homne! and make sure you take your MIDAS MUFFLER GUARANTEE'with you! Yes, Midas Mufflers are Guaranteed* in over 400 Midas Shops, coast-to-coast, U.S. and Canada against rust-out blow-out . . . even normal wear out. Free, 15-minute installation by experts. *Replaced if necessary for only a service charge. i I I 1 SUBSCRIBE NOW TO Deliveries Start Jan. 18 and continue through April 17 excluding University recess !Please sign me up for subscription to the N.Y. Times i 4 i