_- ..
Selma Rights
Begins; Court Issues
' New Ruling
King Struck by Segregationist on Protests
King Safe,
Man Jailedk
preme Court put civil rights dem-
onstrators on notice yesterday
that "the right of peaceful pro-
test does not mean that everyone
with opinions or beliefs" to ex-
press may do so at any time and
any place.
-Associated Press
MARTIN LUTHER KING, winner of the 1964 Noble Peace Prize, led Negroes of Selma, Ala., in a
challenge to the segregationist policies long enforced in that Southern town. Negroes filed for
places in the line for voter registration and won the right to be served in previously "white" res-
Labor Law Blocks Strike Settlement
01 At the same time "there is an
equally plain requirement for laws
and regulations to be drawn so
as to give citizens fair warning
Negroes Form Line as to what is illegal," Justice
For Vote Registration Arthur J. Goldberg said, speaking
for the court.
SELMA, Ala. (P)-An angry seg- This formula was laid down in
regationist struck Dr. Martin reversing the conviction of the
Luther King, Jr. in the head with Rev. B. Elton Cox, field secretary
his fist yesterday, marring an oth- of the Conference of Racial
erwise peaceful and successful Equality, on charges growing out
challenge of Selma's historic seg- of a demonstration in Baton
regation barriers. Rouge, La. in 1961.
King, who escaped without seri- D
ous injury, was slugged while he Cox led a group of 2,000 dem-
and 11 other Negroes registered onstrators near the courthouse
for rooms at the Hotel Albert. protesting the jailing for trial of!
A short time earlier King had 23 of their companions.
led several hundred Negroes on a He was sentenced to nine4
quiet march to the courthouse months in jail and $700 fine for
where the Negroes lined up to reg- breach of peace and obstructing
ister as voters. the sidewalks. And he drew a year
Other Negroes pulled the as- in jail and a $5,000 fine for ii-
sailant off the 1964 Nobel Peace legally demonstrating in front of
Prize winner. Selma's public safe- a court house.I
ty director rushed across the lob- The high court's decision to re-
by, jerked the man off his feet, verse the conviction for demon-1
and sent him to jail on charges strating near the court house drew
of assault and disturbing the pe stinging dissents from three jus-
of assault and disturbing the tices-Byron R. White, Hugo L.
peace. Black and Tom C. Clark. Justice¢
Desegregation Test John M. Harlan joined with White{
The segregation pattern in Sel- who also disagreed with the re-
ma, population 29,000, began to versal of Cox's conviction for ob-
fall apart Sunday night when the structing public passage.
Selma Restaurant Association vot- Court Decisions
ed to serve Negroes.CorDeion
They were aware that King and After a five-week-long 1hrist-
his followers had promised a mas- mas recess from public sessions,
sive test of public accommodations the court handed down a flood of.
throughout the city yesterday. decisions and orders.
h c y. Included was a refusal to near
In two other visits to Selma in!a pelb e.Aa lyo
recent weeks, King ran into no Powell (D-NY) asking a reversal
Sdifficulty or violence. And no one of a $46,000 libel judgment won
attempted to interfere with the by a Negro domestic worker. Pow-
Negro public accommodations test eli contendshis remarks were an
yesterday until Robinson started extension of priviliged statements
swinging at King in the hotel lob- he made on the floor of Congress
by. and therefore exempt from libel
When Negroes tried to pene- claims.
trate the color barrier at restau- The court ruled also that seizure
rants and theatres following pass- by Texas authorities of about 2000
age of the civil rights law, they alleged pro-Communist books and
ran into violent resistance from pamphlets from a San Antonio
some white spectators, and several resident was done with an invalid,
Negroes were arrested by sheriff's search warrant.
deputies. Upheld Georgia Law
The Negroes, seeking to register The court upheld Georgia's 1962
as voters in a county where only law requiring county-wide election
a few percentage now vote, wereof many state senators whose dis-
given numbers and told to wait tricts are composed of only part
until their turn came. of some of the counties.
County authorities said that this Justice William O. Douglas, dis-
has been the practice in recent senting, agreed with the three-
years and that once a number is judge federal district, court that
given to an applicant, he retains 'voters in some senatorial dis-
his place on the waiting list until rc.aotetreaed different-
the number is called. This might dyifrom stitvoters in other senatorial
be days later.ditcs.
IRVING DUPREE, CENTER, discusses politics with his three non-paying guests. Left to right are
Alfred Sherer, 78 and penniless, deorge Gibson and Gene Gibson (no relation) in their 70's and on
Social Security. In announcing 88 new projects for the war on poverty Sunday, President Lyndon
B. Johnson lauded Dupree for taking in the men rent-free at his hotel. Johnson's announcement
included authorization of a grant for a depressed area near Ypsilanti.
Poverty Prog
A grant of $188,252 to help de-
velop a depressed arear near Ypsi-
lanti is included in President Lyn-
don B. Johnson's latest batch of!
projects to fight poverty in the
United States.
Johnson revealed 88 new proj -
ects for 33 states and Puerto Rico
in an announcement at his John-
son City ranch Sunday. The grant
for the Ypsilanti area was awarded
to Ann Arbor's Institute for La-
bor and Industrial Relations, a
joint organization of the Univer-
sity and Wayne State University.
The grant is to help the people
living in the former Willow Vil -
lage area, termed in 1960 a de-
pressed community of about 50001
persons with 30 per cent unem-!
ram To Reach Ypsilanti
--Associated Press
ployment in 1960, according to Hy-
man Gornbluh, who will serve as
a project director.
Kornbluh said that 12 persons
will be involved in the project. Its
aims will be to help the citizens
of the area achieve fuller employ-
ment, full-scale training programs
to obtain better jobs and a bet-
ter community life.
He said that one of the first
aims of the project will be to de-
termine the levels of unemploy-
ment and undertrained workers.
In the project proposal it sent to
the federal government, the In-
stitute proposed an attack on pov-
erty which would include educa-
tion programs to remecy deficien-
cies at all age levels; employment
programs to train people for exist-
ing jobs, to help create new jobs,
and to prepare them for jobs of
the future; and cultural programs
to help provide a framework of
social relations.
Since Congress last year author-
ized $784.2 million for Johnson's
anti-poverty program, the admin-
istration has approved nearly 400
projects in every state at a cost of
$221 million. Johnson has said he
will ask Congress to double anti-
poverty funds in the coming year.
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - The strike of
municipal welfare workers drag-,
ged into its third week yesterday
as a 17-year-old labor law pro-
vided a major block to settlement.
In the welfare strike, the un-
ionsndemand increases in the
present wage scale ranging from
$5,150 to $7,190 for trained in-
vestigators, and a cut in their
caseload from 60 to 50.
The city administration, al-
though critical of the law, has
insisted that its provisions requir-
ing dismissal or stiff financial
penalties against strikers cannot
be ignored.
Strike leaders say that the lack
of any guarantee against penal-
ties sabotaged a plan for return
to work this week.
Both the Chamber of Commerce
and the Commerce and Industry
Association insist on the law's
strict enforcement.
Welfare Commissioner James R.
Dumpson has termed it an "im-
possible" impasse. He says his de-
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Stag or Drag1
partment can't hope to function'
normally without taking most
strikers back on their jobs, and
the workers balk at the penalties.
University students of the So-
cial Work School have revealed a
plan to exert their influence in
support of the welfare workers.
The students have formed a
committee to circulate a resolu-
tion calling on students and fac-
ulty of the School of Social Work
to support the principles of the
strike, urge New York public offi-
cials to accept the demands of the
striking welfare workers and ask
the Huron Valley Chapter of the
National Association of Social
Workers to express support of the
The students feel that the
strikers' demands for reduced
case loads and better pay and
wvorking conditions will make wel-
fare recipients less dependent on
the dole by giving social workers
a better chance to enable those
recipients to support themselves.
Replacing them in substantial
force was considered highly un-
feasible, since case workers must
be college graduates, many of
them long-time specialists in so-
ciology and counselling.
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world News Roundup
By The Associated Pressj
WASHINGTON-President Lyndon B. Johnson told Congressa
yesterday about powerful weapons which can be added to what he
said was'the strongest peacetime military strength in the nation's
These include Polaris missiles with warheads twice the size of
present ones-and with eight times the killing wallop.
He wrote this into his message on "the state of our defenses,"
a forecast of programs to be spelled out in even greater detail in
the military budget scheduled for later this month.
That budget, he said, will propose a spending program in the
coming fiscal year of $49 billion-$2.3 billion less than fiscal 1964
year and $300 million less than is estimated for the current year.
* * * *
MEXICO CITY-A strike of doctors and nurses spread in Mexico
yesterday despite a government ultimatum saying it will not
negotiate until the "illegal wvalk-K___________________
RN G.t
Presented by Dep't of Near Eastern Languages and'
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation and
Beth Israel Congregation, co-sponsors.
4 ..5.'i. ' 'v.' }:-{ri: .v .aye?: {::.}:":":4
h,'tire :. ''ti'Ltis:'rv. -........?:ri .w:v;¢ :+: r'r: X4".:i
1 '
Z' V
. ti
f i1?-
; : .
:ti '
," 4
out" is ended.
The strike concerns pay for in-
terns and resident doctors in hos-
pitals but the strike organization
charged that all Mexican doctorsI
are underpaid because of govern-
ment schemes that provide medi-
cal care through social security
and other programs.
Dr. Luis Alvarez, speaking for
the newly organized association
of interns and resident doctors,
estimated that about 12,000 doc-
tors and nurses had joined the!
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