Seventy-Fifth Year EDnED AND MANAGED BYSTUDENTS OF THE UNIVEKSr OF MCIGA UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL Ov STUDENT PUEUCArTOWS Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D. Trigon and a History of Discrimination by H. Neil Berkson a Pr 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBoR, MrcM. NEWS PnoNw: 764-0552 rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I } NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT HIPPLER The Sorority System: To Each Her Own' LITTLE WORDS with evocative wer equal to a minor atom bomb: EN'S RUSH. .ost everyone is thinking about it nonth - women who are rushing, a who aren't and wouldn't in a a years, women who dropped rush one mixer, men who know some t girls," me'n who don't and wouldn't lillion years. . there's much to be said for pledg- sorority. Like getting mono or hav- nior hours, pledging gets women out dorms. The food is apt to be better, >ors carpeted, the living rooms com-' le and charming. And there's npth- ong with living well! )RITIES ALSO CAN provide new ex- rences, unavailable to the non-af- . With a sorority pin comes a sweet of status: you belong. You walk a new way; instead of trudging past ons you trot down Hill' St. or South You can't help but increase your, contacts, with TG's, open houses, a eat in the UGLi and "big sisters" an fix you up. You eat out Sunday s with your old roommate from the -and ,have guests for brunch or' r. . live with a smaller number of girls, 50, and, as in the dorm, you find your core" of maybe two or three good is. However, a responsibility to be lly with the rest of the bunch is er because they not only live on your nd eat at your table, they are your rs," for two or three years. happiness is having a served din- very night and a sun porch in the THERE'S ANOTHER side to soror- life that often gets lost in the mo- um of rush: pledging means a re- ibility to the house you've prefer- projects, song practice, phone duty, four hours working on the Homecoming float, house meetings, initiation. Pledging means a responsibility to institutions which you may not condone. Rush is one. Obviously, a house must be selective, and girls must be eliminated. For a house to decide to pledge a cer- tain type of woman beforehand-the ac- tivity girl, the student, the "face" girl- leaves it no variety. But on the other hand, because there are no "criteria" for membership except feelings such as "I like her" or "I didn't like her," hash can be one of the most emotionally upset- ting and spiritually disillusioning exper-. lences ever encountered. AS A RUSHEE goes through rush she talks, she smiles, she hopes she is being interesting, interested, adorable. If the decision to pledge is hers, rare- ly does a freshman woman have a clear picture of the house she is joining. She knows its reputation. She's met some of the girls, none of whom will be grossly unpalatable and some of whom are in fact exceptional people. She's committed her- self to the System and trusted the girls, without knowing them, to choose for her a pledge class of potential friends. But if she leaves, the ladies of the mount vote on her, and if she is rejected she is deeply hurt. HOW EASY IT IS to forget that a soror- ity is always reducible to its parts. The girls are not automatically better or wiser; it is not the end of the world if you cannot join them. How easy it is to desire the idea as well as the material comforts of a sorority, without realizing you must also surrender part of yourself to it or without really evaluating this in- stant identity and'subtle loss of self. Sororities will work for some; for others they will work for a year or so; for others they won't do at all. --ANN GWIRTZMAN Personnel Director THE ATMOSPHERE which first evoked the fraternity- sorority discrimination issue has changed so markedly that Trigon's difficulties can pass virtually unnoticed. In the late forties and early fifties the University attracted national attention over student government attempts to eliminate bias clauses present in the con- stitutions of numerous affiliate chapters. In 1951 the old Student Legislature (since replaced by Student Gov- ernment Council) proposed a deadline whereby any fraternity or sorority with a bias clause as of 1965 would no longer receive University recognition. The ad- ministration of President Alexander G. Ruthven vetoed the move, but the idea, in effect on other campuses, is still known as the "Michigan Plan." A year later the Student Affairs Committee (a student-faculty group also out of existence now) sub- mitted a compromise proposal to President Hatcher, then in his first year of office. The time limit, was eliminated, but all groups with clauses were required to petition their annual national conventions until the clauses were removed. PRESIPENT HATCHER followed President Ruth- yen's example. His veto received support-particularly in fraternity-sorority circles-but many students and faculty were dissatisfied. The Daily ran a front-page senior editorial which declared that "an imnense area of friction between students and University administra- tors has become increasingly apparent during the last year." Since then the issue has been a perennial source of controversy. It reached high points in 1958, when SGC tried to withdraw recognition from Sigma Kappa sorority but was reversed by former Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, in 1962, ,when SGC was on the verge of taking the same action with Sigma Nu fraternity (the chapter got a waiver from its na- tional), and in 1963, when the Regents finally granted SGC clear authority in this area and approved a set of anti-bias membership regulations. That action, coming far too late to have much meaning in terms of constitutional clauses, really marked the end of one chapter in the fight against bias. In preceding years most nationals found they could dis- criminate without clauses and so eliminated them at conventions. IN THE FALL of 1963, Interfraternity Council took its first strong action against bias clauses, putting a nondiscriminatory code in its own by-laws and establish- ing a membership committee to investigate possible violations. The spotlight immediately fell on Trigon, a local group which makes no secret of its membership restric- tions. Trigon is religiously oriented, conducts week-day services and limits membership to Christians. Their situation is rather different from those houses with White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant leanings. Much to their credit, however, IFC saw through to the proper issue: this group is not a social fraternity. It certainly has the right to exist in some other form, but not on the same basis with University facilities which are theoretically open to anyone. As far as Trigon is concerned, IFC has only made public its "guilty" finding; it has yet to take any action. If Trigon somehow remains within the fraternity system, as is rumored, then IFC's decision will have been mean- ingless. THE FRATERNITY - SORORITY bias question should continue to draw little attention, strange as that may seem to many past battlers in this arena. This is because the problem has become structured in legal terms when, as Regent Sorenson has clearly indicated, the real issue is whether or not the very nature of a fraternity or sorority is inherently dis- criminatory andtinherently antithetical to the goals of a university. The "personal merit" criterion is a screen for biases of the most irrational nature. The only way to eliminate them is to eliminate the system itself. * * * * E DAILY made one of its infrequent ventures into the land of error last week when it attributed a proposal to restructure the Residence Halls' Board of Governors to Inter-Quadrangle Council. Assembly House Council researched and developed the proposal, and as it has been doing all year, IQC responded with a "me too." As a matter of fact, AHC President Maxine Lo'omis has provided strong leadership to her organization all yer, making it one of the few bright spots on a campus filled with the rubble of dying student activities. .r :.. . . *...t.9 .'... Y{ .A...*~ Jr CONCERT PREVIEW: 'W,,ozzeck':-'The Tragedy of aC mon Man 4 I --Daily-Gerry Ahronheim The Week in Review a time commitment to y" activities: pledge ManyFeet in Housing Door Research Strikes Again E IS SOME NEW information pal- ated to add fuel to the research iucation debate. It is reported by Donald C. Pelz and Frank M. An- of the Institute for Social Research July 1964 issue of International" e and Technology. The article, en- "Diversity in Research," discusses kind of allocation of time by a re- zer makes him most productive. aring the effects of spare-time ng vs. spare-time administration in university research labs, Pelz ndrews state: C . . I .4 P I H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor , NETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN naging Editor Editorial Director WIRTZMAN ............... Personnel Director ULLARD ..................... Sports Editor L SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor ENNY . .. ........ Assistant Managing Editor, LH BEATTIE . Associate Editorial Director. AND .........Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine )WLAND............Associate Sports Edior, VINER ................ Associate Sports Editor 1 HALLER.Contribu ng Editor OU BUTCHER........... Contributing Editor KESON ................... -Chief Photographer *iption rates: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by 8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail). - class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. shed daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. Among nonsupervisors, some taught during their nonresearch time; oth- ers did some administering. Those who spent their off-time mainly in. administration were more productive in their research than those who spent their nonresearch time mainly in teaching. DOESN'T THIS SUGGEST that teach- ing is basically a very poor way for a highly trained person such as a pro- fessor to spend his time, at least as far as the professor is concerned? Doesn't it also suggest that the federal government, in handing out millions in research money, is actually draining re- sources away from education at a pre- .ipitous rate? Isn't it a little bit ridiculous, after all, to pay faculty to do what they really want to do anyway? And finally, isn't there at least a possi- bility that, given a little thought and ef- fort (thus far lacking), ways could be found of making teaching as well as learning a productive enterprise? Unless of course teaching as we now know it can be eliminated, which might actually aid learning.. -ROBERT JOHNSTON By JOHN KENNY Assistant Managing Editor and LOUISE LIND Assistant Editorial Director THE MAJOR University news this week emphasized the areas of academic reform and student housing, but an Interfraternity Council Executive Committee de- cision concerning Trigon frater- nity, brought back into the lime- light the issue of affiliate discrim- ination. The top news in the area of academic reform was the an- nouncement that eight major stu- dent organizations plan to. pub- lish a course description booklet. scheduled for publication in mid- February, before fall pre-registra- tion. Assembly House Council, The Daily, Graduate Student Council, IFC, Interquadrangle Council, the Michigan Union, Panhellenic As- sociation and the Women's League will combine forces to distribute, and evaluate about 10,000 ques- tionnaires. The questionnaires, to be dis- tributed this week in University, Greek and off-campus housing, will concentrate on course specif- ics to aid students in choosing courses. Neither the grapevine method nor the catalogue meth- od are dependable, leaders feel. R T* en REAC'TING to student prompt- ings, the literary college faculty approved the addition of a sec- ond study-day before the exami- nation period, to be scheduled around a 4-day weekend. The bus- iness administration and educa- tion school faculties approved sim- ilar plans. The proposal now hangs on a decision by Vice-Presidient for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns, pending a favorable reac- tion from other faculties. The ear- liest the 4-day study break could be implemented would be next fall, Heyns commented this week. Also in the academic area, the Regents at their Friday meeting accepted a major gift from Flint philanthropist Charles S. Mott. His $2.4 million will finance the Uni- versity's expansion of the Flint campus. The University decided last fall to expand the Flint campus, then a junior-senior college, into a full four-year college. The college's first freshmen will be admitted next fall. Another significant academic re- form was born Friday when Wash- tenaw CQunty voters approved plans to establish a community college. Voters approved the es- tablishment of the college, approv- ed a 1% mill tax levy to finance the school and elected a six-man board of trustees. E r S t EVERYONE from\ Student Gov- ernment Council and the Resi- dence Hall Board of Governors to City Council was involved in the housing area last week. SGC decided Wednesday to con- centrate on the specific areas of off-campus housing and student; economic welfare in an attempt to revive its sagging image' before the March 1 election. President; Douglas Brook and frequent critic of SGC inactivity Barry Bluestone urged action in these two areas. * * 'I' WORKING in similar fields, the Off-Campus Advisory Board met with officials of the Office of Stu- dent Affairs this week. SGC es- tablished this group last semester to work with OSA officials. A third housing group, President Hatcher's "blue ribbon" housing commission is also working in the same areas of concern. Comment: Who is sup- posed to do what? City Council also established a three-month extensive study of high-rise apartments in Ann Ar- bor and froze a 15-story morator- ium on apartment height, pending completion of the report. Assembly House Council this week urged, and IQC concurred, that the Residence Hall Board of Governors meet at least monthly, and that its chairman be the University housing director rath- er than the vice-president for stu- dent affairs. These groups also proposed establishing an executive committee to handle day-to-day husiness. THE MOST DRAMATIC piepe of news this week at the Univer- sity was IFC's verdict in the Tri- gon case. The decision was made Tuesday, but not released until Thursday so that the rationale used in determining the verdict could be released in written form. Trigon, a local campus frater- nity without national affiliation, was accused of demanding a re- ligious vow of its members which IFC found to be "unacceptable to many students at the University." IFC's Executive Committee will wait until after rush to deter- mine Trigon's penalty. Trigon's "attempt to integrate a strong religious background into a social fraternity" is compati- ble with IFC's principles, but it does violate the IFC bylaw "neces- sary to a fraternity system oper- ating within the framework of a ALBAN BERG'S OPERA "Wozzeck," which the opera department of the music school will present tonight and tomorrow night, tells the story of a poor soldier, Wozzeck, and his girl Marie, who has been his mistress for a number of years and by whom he has had a child. Wozzeck continues to live in the army barracks since he is too poor to move in with Marie and live a regular family life. He brings her whatever money he makes, and even submits to medical experi- ments in order to earn a few extra pennies for her. Marie, meanwhile, has an affair with the drum-major of the regimental band. The second act shows Wozzeck undergoing the; crushing experience of discovering Marie's infidelity. His suspicion is first aroused when he catches her trying on some jewelry which she says she found. Then the doctor and the captain make a cruel joke of it with him. When Wozzeck accuses, Marie denies that she is responsible for the men who "stand by my door . . . one after the other." The same evening Wozzeck sees Marie dancing with the drum-major. Later the drum-major himself taunts Wozzeck with his conquest and beats him up. The act ends with Wozzeck repeating Marie's words, "one after the other." In the third act Wozzeck murders Marie and drowns himself. "WOZZECK" was first performed in 1925; It had taken Berg eight years (1914-1922) to compose the opera. He brought every musical resource he commanded to bear on it. The singers are required not only to sing and speak but also to master speech-song, ("sprechstimme"), a mode of expression half way between singing and speaking. An exceptionally large orchestra is called for Berg is unstinting in his demands on everybody, singers, orchestra and con- ductor alike-as if the very difficulty of the performance were' meant to intensify the expressive power of the work. In both the score and the libretto, which Berg adapted from a drama by Georg Buchner (1813-1837), a surface impression of violence and incoherence obscures the strictness and clarity of the underlying formal designs. The second act, for instance, could serve as a model of dramatic construction, no matter how confusing and unpredictable the details of wording and action may at first appear. The revelation of Marie's infidelity is born in upon Wozzeck with savage precision; and just at the turning point of the drama, when Wozzeck has seen Marie and the drum-major together with his own eyes, the only real comic relief in the entire opera is introduced. The music in turn expresses each nuance of the drama as it unfolds, and thus seems to be formed from moment to moment. It lacks the mutually reinforcing patterns and repetitions which produce the reassuring sense of recognition that marks classical style in music. YET BERG composed the opera as a series of abstract musical forms. The five scenes of the first act are cast in five separate designs, among which is a pasacaglia with twenty-one variations on a twelve- note theme. The five scenes of the second act form a five-movement symphony. The five scenes of the third act comprise a group of "inventions," or intensive developments on essential musical materials --a tone, a chord, a rhythm, and so forth. But these formal designs are too deeply buried to be heard except after long study. Berg never intended the audience to be directly conscious of the underlying forms, which simply served him as a means of organization. Through such workmanship, however, the commonplace story of Wozzeck is made into a drama of griping and prophetic power. -David A. Sutherland ,.. I '' Investigation in Mississippi "W MORE Iv ({Avg GANG CRA'Th' W~fl Ou "NI 140~t~ CAME T OF TI FAL-(. L460Pv. I SHIIf ABOUT LeOKIM, FOR? NEW 106T BST5- MV WIR W M 75- 91 #6 ERJOQ wO N. THE (76. so I YV 6a1TlWN SO HARDP- WHAT TO PO ING TrX$ 01K? WAL S - TAN04 OUR OAST 1A. l-fR~Ftt IM6TORY( OF -"6 Pep6(. TOJS- MWHA 1'UPSJ WI4SfeJ FMAFCTLO~'ITAPVW LUP A CHAIR OttOF OR? al , 1 1IWMK fDO St cOINsTh Lop T WJ w. I{,- I , KN . , a .. s. as _.....: _ ' .., x,