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January 17, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-17

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cl: r


:43 a t I

Snow today
and Monday

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Rainey, Price Returne
As U.S. Officials Apprel

l to jail,
LIh A I4

O'Brien to Burundi Premier Killed

Stay with

Seven Politicians Seized for Assassination

d 1 6 NAIROBI, Kenya (A') -Diplo-
res en t matsreported yesterday the arrest
of seven Burundi politicians in
"T connection with the assassination
Initiate N ew JOHNSON CITY (R) - Two of of that East African nation's
the late President John F. Ken- premier, appointed, only recently
nedy's associates are leaving, the in an apparent move to check Red
t t m PWhite House staff, but President Chinese influence. The assassin
A ttem pts A t Lyndon B. Johnson has talked a was reported still at large, how-
third into remaining. ever.
P os onJohnson announced at a news Premier Pierre Ngendandumwe,
Prosecution1 conference yesterday that P. Ken- was shot in the back Friday night
neth O'Donnell and David F. Po*- outside a maternity hospital
ers have resigned as presidential where his wife had just given
Twin Indictments assistants. birth to a baby. Ngendandumwe
But Johnson said Lawrence was 29 or 30.
Reveal New Charge O'Brien, another close associate of Western diplomats reached by
the assassinated President, has telephone in Burundi said the na-
MERIDIAN, Miss. (P)-United agreed to stay on at his urging tion's capital, Bujumbura (former-
States marshals yesterday arrested as presidential assistant for con-n ly Usumbura), was being patrolled
16 white men charged by the Jus- gressional relations. by troops and police led by'Bel-
tice Department with a Ku Klux And for the time being, at least, gian officers. Before independence
Klan-inspired plot that snuffed O'Brien at $30,000 will be the in 1962, Burundi was a UN trus-
out the lives of three civil rights highest. paid member of the teeship administered by Belgium.
workers last summer., White House staff._

- -- -. _ ._ ..,.......,.,...f. .._,. .... ...a., .v....a.



-Associated Press
INDONESIA'S PRESIDENT AHMED SUKARNO (left) conferred yesterday with Indonesian Com-
munist Party leader D. N. Aidit in Jakarta yesterday. Aidit requested Sukarno to arm Indonesian
peasants and workers to defend the country. Both Indonesia, with Communist aid, and Malaysia,
with the aid of Britain, are building up armed forces in border areas.
Britain Sukarno Step Up Forces

KUCHING, Malaysia (MP)-Brit- In some places howitzers haveI

ish transports flew another de-
tachment of Gurkha troops into
Malaysian Borneo yesterday amid
reports that Indonesia is rein-
forcing troops on its side of the
British intelligence sources said
there were indications the In-
donesians were building their force
on the western end of the border
with Malaysia to about 3000 men.
They said the arrival of the Gur-
khas - tough mountain people
from Nepal-boosted the strength
of the Malaysian defenders to
about that number. Two more
planeloads of Gurkhas are due
in Kuching within the next two
The newly arrived Gurkhas
stepped off their planes and were
taken immediately into the jungles
toward the western border with
Indonesia. Malaysia's states of
Sarawak and Sabah occupy al-
most all of Northern Borneo. In-
dependent Brunei forms the rest.
Most Malaysian troops are atj
the eastern end of the 900-mile
The 10,000 British, Gurkha and
Malaysian soldiers in North Bor-
neo are jungle fighters who havej
been through eight weeks of jun-
gle training in Malaya.1
British policy is to keep mov-
ing patrols from one place to an-
"We have sealed the front by
keeping it fluid," one officer said.,

been set up.
The British believe that if the
Indonesians cross the border the
British will be able to use heli-
copters to airlift small parties to
areas from which they would move
into the jungle and press the In-
donesians from all sides.
Patrols and forward gun em-
placements are supplied partly by
helicopter but mostly by para-
chute drops from airplanes.
These planes are operating in
the western area, dropping.food
and ammunition, including how-
itzer shells, at the rate of a half
a million pounds in weight a
"We drop them everything but
water," said one officer. "Even

live goats and live chickens for the
Gurkhas to slaughter. They have
plenty of water."
In Indonesia, President Sukar-
no told a cornerstone-laying cere-
mony for a Soviet-supplied atomic
reactor that Indonesia wants peace
and will not fight unless attacked.
This pretty much reiterated what
he said in a news conference at
Jakarta Thursday.
Malaysian officials said, how-
ever, they would not believe Su-
karno unless he showed through
deeds that he wanted peace.
Malaysian d e f e n s e officials,
shrugging off Sukarno's remarks,
watched war games designed to
test air defenses around Singapore.
home base for Britain's Far East

Neshoba County Sheriff Law-
rence Rainey and his deputy, Cecil
Price were among those quietly
taken into custody at Philadel-
The arrests started a two-prong-
ed attempt by the federal gov-
ernment to prosecute the men ac-
cused of a conspiracy that brought
death to two white and one Ne-
gro civil rights workers.
A federal grand jury at Jack-
son indicted 18 persons in all.
But only 16 arrests could be con-
The other two men were believ-
ed to be somewhere outside Mis-
The twin indictments revealed
for the first time a government
charge that Price had held the vic-
tims in the Neshoba County jail
while the mob gathered.
The two indictments were bas-
ed on old laws enacted during re-
construction days.
One charges the 18 with con-
spiracy to violently deny civil
rights of the trio. The second
alleges the 18 men took part in a
coispiracy involving law enforce-
ment officers to illegally punish
the trio.
Only the state could bring mur-
der charges innthis case, since the
slayings did not occur on federal
property. In Mississippi, the max-
imum penalty for murder is death.
The Neshoba County grand jury
meets next month and could con-
sider the case.
If convicted on the first count
of the federal indictment, the 18
men could each be sentenced to
a maximum of ten years in prison
and fined $10,000. Conviction on
the four-count second indictment
carries a penalty of one year and
$1,000 fine on each count.

Personal Friends
O'Donnell, Powers, and O'Brien'
all were personal and political
friends of Kennedy long before
his presidential days. For exam-
ple, Powers helped with Kennedy's
first campaign for the House.
Johnson announced also that
Myer Feldman, White House spe-
cial counsel, has submitted his
resignation. Feldman will be suc-
ceeded by Lee White, a Nebraskan,
who has been Feldman's assistant.
Johnson also dealt with many
other domestic and foreign prob-
lems in a question-and-answer
period during the news confer-
ence. The President:
-Said there have been discus-
sions with some Soviet officials on
his bid for a visit by Soviet lead-
ers to this country. He said he
could not gohfurther nor would he
talk about his hopes of visiting
Europe or Latin America this
-Asked whether he expects any
changes in his cabinet within the
next few months, said "I don't
think I have the answer to that."
-Said about one-third of the
budget has been completed and
sent to the printer, but declined
to give any hint of his total money
requests and in particular whether
it willcall for spending more than
$100 billion.
-Reiterated strong support for
a multilateral nuclear - armed
naval force manned by various'
nationals within the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization.
-Declined to talk about any
military operations in Southeast
Asia beyond South Viet Nam on
the ground that it would not be
helpful or desirable.
-Issued a statistical report on
the growth of the nation's econ-
omy last year in which he de-
scribed the dip in unemployment
as most important of all.

ernmnt pesued Nendadum

Group Discusses


A uthorities on Poverty
To Attend Symposium
"Recently people have become aware of 'the invisible America,'
the slum-ridden areas the suburbanites never see, the poverty pockets
far off the main highways. Since the publication of Michael Harring-
ton's 'The Other America,' this awareness of the American poverty
problem has increased and is now most concretely evident in the
recent creation of the federal Office of Economic Opportunity," Jack
Warren, '65, chairman of the Special Projects Committee of the Union,
said recently.
In an effort to focus attention on this national problem the
Union and the League are co-sponsoring a symposium on poverty.

The diplomats said those seized
for questioning were a former
premier, a former justice minister,
a former cabinet chief and labor
union and youth leaders. None
was named.
Red China has a large embassy
in Bujumbura and officials in the

Congo claim the rebellion in the
northeast Congo against Premier
Moise Tshombe's government has
been supplied and financed, at
least in part, by Chinese diplo-
mats in Burundi.
In Brussels, a foreign ministry
spokesman said the Belgian gov-
ernment presumed Ngendandum-


we's death was a "political
"We are shocked," the spokes-
man said. "He was a man we knew
well. He was a deputy premier
when Burundi became independent
in 1962. We had many contacts
with him in Brussels, New York
and Bujumbura. He was a diffi-
cult but loyal partner. We pay
tribute to his loyalty."
Reports reaching Washington
said Ngendandumwe was shot by
an assassin who had been working
on the terrace of the hospital.
These reports said the assassin
had been recognized by someone
around the premier. Ngendandum-
we's death was reported instan-
Second to Die
Ngendandumwe was the second
Burundi premier to meet his end'
by assassination. Nine months be-
fore independence in 1962, Crown
Prince Louis Rwagasore was shot
dead as he sat in a cafe. Five
men were executed in 1963 for
complicity in his assassination. He
was a son of the king and the
nation's first premier.
This was Ngendandumwe's sec-
ond time around as premier. He
had been relieved of his post last
April by Mwami (king) Mwam-
butsa IV. Nevertheless, Mwam-
butsa chose Ngendandumwe to ac-
company him on a visit to Wash-
ington and meetings with Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson last May.
Eight days ago the king return-
ed Ngendandumwe to the pre-
miership, replacing Premier Albain
Belgian diplomatic sources said
the king regarded Niyamwaya as
pro-Chinese. Ngendandumwe has
been described as being opposed
to what he had called the growth
of Red Chinese influence in the
Belgian sources said there is in.-
tense political rivalry in Burundi
between pro - Chinese "feudal"
leaders of the Tutsi tribe and the
"Young Turks" of the Hutu tribe,
trained in Western universities.
The two tribes have a long history
of mutual hatred.

Course Evaluation
The coordinating committee compiling a course description1
booklet met yesterday to irqn out difficulties with the questionnaire
it will use.
The committee consists of representatives from eight major
student organizations. It announced that the questionnaire which
will supply the information for the booklet will be distributed this
week in all University housing units. It is still uncertain how to1
handle distribution to apartment dwellers, the eight representativesl
said. The questionnaires will concentrate on specific information.
- >Rating of courses and professors"
"A skAon a scale will be avoided since
U nions the survey will not be scientific.
nThe committee indicated that
graduate students will probably
Codo the evaluating of the estion-
U .S. Control naires and the final booklet will
be released within two weeks. It
WASHINGTON (P)-Rail labor is essential that the deadline be
union chiefs urged yesterday that met to allow students its use be-
the government buy and oper- fore preregistration for the fall
ate the country's railroads: A man- begins.
agement spokesman called the Student reaction has been var-
proposal a pressure tactic by frus- led. Some think it will be "a
trated men. great help to the grapevine" to
know the feelings of a great num-
G. E. Leighty, chairman of the ber of students concerning courses
Railway Executives' Association, and professors available during
announced the group's decision, preregistration. Others have in-
which came as a reversal of a 45- dicated that they "are in favor"
year-old union policy of opposition of the publication but believe it
to nationalization of the carriers. "really doesn't matter because you
-°-- can't get anything you want in
preregistration anyway because all
the good courses close in the first
three or four weeks."
Some of the faculty are optimis-
tic about the booklet, but for the
most part their attitude is "wait-
Assembly House Council, The
Daily, Graduate Student Council,
. Interfraternity Council, Inter-
quadrangle Council, the Union,
* Panhellenic Association and the
League are woiking together on
the publication. The final booklet
will be printed as a special supple-
ment in - The Daily.r
One of the big problems of the
questionnaire is its wording. It
was agreed at the meeting that
the wording be unambiguous toc
"illicit the correct response fromC
the student.'
One problem still exists. IQC
.J has voiced approval of the projects
-Daily-James Keson and indicated its willingness to
work with the other organizations
fuseum of Art but has yet to senda representa-
tive to any meetings.
" /iIf IQC doesn't lend its help itf
W ork s will make distribution of the ques-
7 7 EI tionnaires in the quadrangles very
difficult for it will force the com
mittee to deal directly with in,
necessarily obscure to weak dividual houses. This will create
men. That which can be made more work and confusion.
explicit to the Idiot is not The committee will meet againb
worth my care." Monday to approve the final drafte
Late Recognition of the questionnaire.c
Although his approach wast
unconventional, he was a mas- - kle
ter craftsman, having served an L eri
apprenticeship of seven years
to a master-engraver, followed Sets New Rules
by work at the Royal Academy,
However, the modern world special To The Dailya
has become increasingly aware By
of the relevance of his art. BERKELEY - The University
Combining poetry and art, of California's faculty has easedo
Blake's linear sensuality and exam time pressures on its stu-
organic movement influenced dents by voting for more liberalh
the pre-Raphaelite movement rules on "incompletes."''
and art nouveau. Students unable to' completea
fh ,. rni,,, wok , i,,, the nm.s


Wolverines Coast by
Wildcat Five, 90-68
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON-Overcoming a two-game Saturday night jinx Coach
Dave Strack's Wolverines slid along for 15 minutes, then broke loose
and coasted to a 90-68 victory against Northwestern here last night.'
The win put the Wolverines in undisputed possession of first
place in the Big Ten with a 2-0 mark and gave them a 10-2 record
for the season.
Cazzie Russell from Chicago's Carver High School, playing in
the Chicago area for the first time in his college career, delighted
the fans with a variety of skills and 36 points to lead all scorers.
Bill Buntin notched 17 for Michigan and captain Larry Tregoning
added 15 while leading everyone in rebounds with 16, including 10
in the second half.
The Wolverines were almost outrebounded by the smaller,
aggressive Wildcats, but wound up with a 55-53 edge in that depart-
Humble Beginnings
The shaky start, marred with turnovers and missed Michigan
layups, was overcome quickly, as a seven-point Wildcat lead was
quickly made invisible when Cazzie and the Michigan fast break
attack went to work.
With 6:02 remaining in the first half the score was 29-22,
Northwestern, but from that point the Wolverines notched 23 to
Just 6 by the host Wildcats. Russell had 10 points on a variety of
shots in the Michigan scoring splurge, gai'nering two layups, a
jumper from the corner, another from 22 feet out in front, and
a sweeping hook from the free-throw line.
Quick NU Lead

CEntitled "In the Midst of Plenty,"
it will be held from Feb. 16 to
March 2.
"We hope to present little-
known solutions for the elimina-
tion of poverty," Warren said.
The speakers list now includes
Michael Harrington, author of
"The Other America"; Mayor
Richard J. Daley of Chicago; Wil-
bur Cohen, assistant secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare;
Vernon R. Alden, president of
Ohio University; and Whitney
Young, director of the National
Urban League.
Each of the speeches will be
followed by a "reactor panel"
composed of three professors,
social workers, or welfare admin-
istrators who will react to the
'speechwith their own observations
and interpretations as well as
handle questions from the aud-
In addition, the panel will par-#
ticipate, with the speaker and se-
lected students, in a seminar on
the following day. The seminar
participants will be encouraged to
voice their own opinions and to
criticize the speaker's views.
The joint committee is still
waiting for replies from Sargent
Shriver, director of the Office of
Economic Opportunity, w h o m
they hope will keynote the sym-I
posium; Jack T. Conway, director
of the community action phase
of the war on poverty; Charles
Killingsworth, professor of eco-
nomics at Michigan State Univer-

Drawing from the Blake Exhibit at the M
Museum Shows Mysti

Churchill Still
Fights for Life;
Family Is Near
LONDON UP) -- Sir Winston
Churchill slumbered in a coma last
night, still clinging feebly to life'
after a stroke laid him low.
Little hope seemed left that the
90 - year - old warrior -,statesman
could survive this toughest battle
of his long career. His condi-
tion showed no change overnight,
when his doctors reported ilm
slipping peacefully and painlessly
into deeper sleep.
Churchill's' personal physician,
'Lord Moran, visited him Saturday,
The man who had steered his old
friend through other serious ill-
nesses stayed half an hour, then
issued this bulletin:
"Sir Winston had a peaceful
night. There is no material change
in his condition."
Churchill was stricken Friday
by a cerebral thrombosis--a clot
on the brain--and developed cir-
culatory trouble. 'The first sign
that he was not well came when it
was announced that he had a cold.
Then came medical bulletins tell-
ing a graver story of a brain clot.,
Commenting on these bulletins,
a. British Medical Association
spokesman said: "In a man of his
age it is a grave illness. In a
younger man, perhaps, the chance
of recovery might be greater.
"In spite of the fact that he
has been very robust and borne his
illnesses in a terrific way, at the
age of 90 this condition must be
regarded as a grave one.

He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as
it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise.
The words of the poet Wil-
liam Blake are familiar in their
mysticism. Yet Blake is a sen-
sual mystic as many of his
prints indicate, for he was first
an engraver.
A combination of these two
sides of Blake are found in
his Illuminated Books, a part
of which will be on view at the
University Museum of Art to-
morrow through February -4.
7- - - A 4-,, 4..- .,-' .-- - - -

ally by the Smithsonian Insti-,
The Illuminated Books and
manuscripts are lent by Lossing
J. Rosenwald through the Na-
tional Gallery of Art and the
Library of Congress and by
Paul Mellon.
The exhibition also includes
facsimile copies of Blake's books
made by the Trianon Press
in Paris for the Blake Trust.
New Approach
William Blake (1757-1827)
was interested in poetry and
visual art as a single artistic
expression. His approach, while
influenced by medieval manu-
scripts, differed from them in
that the text. engraving and il-

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