JARY 1965
Regents Announce Staff Appointments
r I
(Continued from Page 2) astronautical engineering depart-
RETIREMENT MEMOIRS ment for winter term 1964-65.
The Regents also adopted mem- Prof. Wilbur C. Nelson, chairman,
oirs for' retiring faculty members, will be on sabbatical leave at
each of whom was named profes- that time.
sor emeritus. They were: Richard M. Buxbaum has been
Norman F. Miller, M.D., for appointed visiting associate pro-
more than 30 years chairman of fessor of law for the 1965-66 fall
the department of obstetrics and term. He is an associate professor
gynecology. . of law at the University of Cali-
Philip O. Potts, engineering fornia at Berkeley.
graphics department, for 41 years Sydney Chapman will become
a faculty member. a senior research scientists at the
Melville B. Stout, who concluded Institute of Science and Tech-
42 years as a faculty member in nology and visiting lecturer of
the electrical engineering depart- physics and mathematics effective
ment at the end of the last term. Jan. 1. He is a member of the
William C. Trow, professor of research staff of the High Altitude
education in the education school Observatory at Boulder, Colo.
and of psychology in the literary William R. Farrand has been
college, who has been on the appointed assistant professor of
faculty since 1926. geology and minerology effective
OFF-CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS in the fall term, 1965. He is an
Off-campus assignments to fac- assistant professor of geology at
ulty members were approved as Columbia.
follows: John C. Georgian has been ap-
Donald R. G. Cowan, professor pointed professor of mechanical
of marketing, for the winter term engineering effective June 1, 1965.
1964-65, to assist in making an He will represent the University
energy study in Taiwan. under the AID-College of Engi-
Samuel J. Eldersveld, chairman neering Educational Program in
of the political science depart- Brazil. He -is a 'member of the
ment, Jan. 11 to Feb. 20. He has faculty at Washington University,
been invited to join an interna- St. Louis, Mo.
tional group of political scientists Charles Gibson has been ap-
to study the election in Kerla, In- pointed professor of history ef-
dia. fective in the 1965 fall term. At
David Gutmann, assistant pro- present he is on the faculty at
fessor of psychology, Dec. 20, 1964, the State University of Iowa.
to August. 31, 1965. A recent re- Jack P. Greene will become pro-
cipient of a Career Development fessor of history effective in the
Award from the National Insti- 1965 fall term. He now is visiting
tutes of Health, he is carrying on associate professor of history at
cross-cultural research in the psy- Johns Hopkins University.
chology of the aging process. His Bruce D. Greenshields will con-
work is taking him to a number tinue as lecturer in the engineer-
of Indian and Mexican provinces. ing college for the 1965 winter
Rogers McVaugh, professor of term. This is an extension of a
botany and curator of vascular present appointment.
plants, Jan. 15 to April 15. He is Yale Kamisar has been appoint-
continuing field work on the flora ed professor of law effective June,
of Jalisco, Mexico. Funds for the 1965. He now is a visiting profes-
trip have been made available by sor at Harvard Law School.
the National Science Foundation. John S. Mabon will become as-
Ziya Akcasu, assistant professor sociate director of the University
of nuclear engineering, Dec. 11, Press effective Jan. 1. He has
1964 to Jan. 6, 1965. He was in- been managing editor for the
vited to present a technical paper, David McKay Company, New York
which he co-authored with Prof. City.
Richard K. Osborn, at a scientific Arthur R. Miller has been ap-
symposium in Bombay, India. The pointed associate professor of law
National Science Foundation sup- effective July 1965. He now is
ported the trip. on the University of Minnesota
Miss Hope Chipman, teacher of faculty.
mathematics in the University Theodore M. Newcomb, profes-
School and instructor in the sor of sociology and psychology,
School of Education was granted will become associate director of
terminal leave of absence for the the Residential College effective
1965-66 University year. Miss Jan. 4. He will have jurisdiction
Chipman, who joined the Univer- over student affairs.
sity High School staff in 1926, F. K. Organski was appointed
thus completes a 39-year teaching visiting professor of political
career. science effective Jan. 1. He now Is
Emmet T. Hooper, professor of on the faculty at Brooklyn Col-
zoology and curator of mammals lege.
in the Museum of Zoology, Jan. 4 .Gordon E. Peterson was made
to June 30. This is an extension chairman of the newly founded
of a present leave of absense in communication sciences depart-
response to a request from the ment. He now' is professor of
National Science Foundation to speech and of electrical engineer-
permit him to stay on for an ing and director of the communi-
additional six months in the ca- cation sciences laboratory.
pacity of program director for Valentin Vitols was appointed
special projects in advanced assistant professor of industrial
science education. health effective Dec. 1. He is to
Robert C. Leestma, associate receive his doctorate from the
professor of education, and as- University this month.
sociate professor of dentistry, for Committee Appointments
the winter term, 1964-65 and the Appointed to the .Committee on
fall term 1965-66. This will enable University Scholarships was Kap
him to continue as deputy chief, L. Zinn of the Center for Research
education division, Office of In- on Teaching and Learning for a
stitutional Development, Bureau three-year term, beginning July 1,
for Africa, of the Agency for In- 1964.
ternational Development of the Reappointed to the Board of
U.S. Department of State. Scientific Directors of th Center
Oliver E. Overseth, assistant for Research in Diseases of the
professor of physics, for the 1964- Heart, Circulation and Related
65 winter term. He is to carry Disorders were Prof. Thomas
out experiments at the Princeton- Francis, Jr., of the pulic health
Penn Accelerator and with the school; Dr. Frederick H. Epstein.
Cosmotrom Accelerator at Brook- Dr. James V. Neel, Dr. Felix E.
haven Laboratories. Moore. All are effective Jan. 1.
James R. Breakey Jr. has been University Press Editorial Com-
appointed lecturer in law effective mittee-Professors Ronald Freed-
Dec. 1. He now is circuit court man, Anatol Rapoport and Abra'-
judge of the 22nd Judicial Dis- ham Kaplan. All are effective as
trict, Michigan. of Jan..
George J. Brewer, M.D., has Retirement Furlough
been appointed assistant professor Prof. Adam A. Christman og
of internal medicine effective Jan. the biological chemistry depart-
1. He has been a research assoti- # ment and a member of the fac-
ate in the human gentics depart-. ulty since 1922 will begin his re-
ment. tirement furlough effective Jan. 1.
Harm Buning was made acting j Prof. S. Chesterfield Oppenheim
chairman of the aeronautical and of the Law School will begin his
retirement furlough May 1965. He
has been a member of the faculty
since 1952.
Off-Campus Assignments
Prof. William W. Bishop, Jr. of
the Law School for the winter
term, 1964-65 will ,work in Rome
with the International Institute
for Unification in the preparation
of a general lecture course in pub-
lic international law he is to give
at the Hague Academy of Inter-
national Law next July and Au-
Prof. Alfred F. Conrad of the
Law School for the winter term,
1964-65, and the summer, 1965,
will work in Brussels gathering
Prof. Walter Spink of the his-
tory of art department is to carry
out research and a photographic
campaign in India under a travel
grant from the American Insti-
tute of Indian Studies. The work
is being supported jointly by the
University, the Bollingen Founda-
tion and the Foreign Area Ma-
terials Center,,New York City.
Prof. Arthur G. Hansen of the
mechanical engineering depart-
ment will serve as visiting profes-
sor at Tuskegee Institute, Tuske-
gee, Ala.
Allen L. Mayerson, professor of
insurance and of mathematics,
will continue to serve as Michi-
information on the problems of gan commissioner of insurance at
American enterprise in doing the request of the governor.
business abroad. This is made pos- Prof. Earl D. Rainville of the
sible by a Ford Foundation grant. mathematics department, effective
John H. Romani, assistant dean Jan. 1 to May 23, will pursue pri-
of the public health school, will vate scholarship and writing..
spend a month in India working Prof. Geraldine T. Scholl of the
with the National Institute of education school, for the winter
Health Administration and Edu- term, 1964-65, and the fall term,
catibn on the preparation of ma- 1965-66, is to become director,
terial in the field of family plan- Physical and Sensory Handicaps
ning and population control. The Branch, Division of Handicapped
Ford Foundation is assisting in the? Children and Youth, United States
work. Office of Education.
The new Botanical Gardens contain ample classroom and lab space as well as large display areas for the permanent collection of plants.
Univers ityBotanicalGardenS
The new Botanical Gardens
on Dixboro Road are now well
under way. Classroom space was
inadequate in the old Gardens
and equipment and facilities were
out of date, A. Geoffrey Norman,
vice-president for research and
director of the gardens said re-
The entire relocation project
will cost approxinately $1.6 mil-
lion. Some of this will come from
the University and some from
the National Science Foundation.
The buildings consist primarily
of laboratories and greenhouses.
They were planned as' a whole,
but constructed in a series of four
steps as funds became available,
Norman said. with the comple-
tion of the second segment in 1961,
the old Botanical Gardens, situat-
ed -on Iroquis Road since 1916,
The third segment is now under
construction. It will include a
large greenhouse to house the
permanent collection of plants, a
main lobby, a meeting room for
large classes or groups, and ad-
ministration office and additional
Alden Dow the designer has also
planned the Institute of Social
Research, the Women's Pool, the
Ann Arbor City Hall and the
Ann Arbor Public Library. The
buildings will be in a contem'por-
ary style, with features such as
low, wide windows and jade-
colored overhanging soffits.
Norman is especially proud of
the greenhouse which houses and
displays the permanent plant col-
lection. It will be used for both
students and visitors. The green-
house was designed with raised
galleries for an overview of the
plants. This feature, as well as
environmental control for tropical,
temperate and desert plants, "will
probably make it unique," Nor-
man added. The Gardens will have
close to an acre of greenhouse
area with the completion of this
One of the Gardens' main ac-
tivities is to prepare plants for
the Botany Dept. Orders for the
classroom come in, plantings are
timed to be ready on a certain
day and deliveries are made to
campus by truck. The University's
Botany Dept. uses as much living
material in its work and courses
as possible, Norman observed.
Norman said that as much of
the site as possible will be left
unchanged. Only the section sur-
rounding, the buildings has been
developed or altered to any great
extent. Changes such as removing
dead trees and building a few
service roads have been made
sparingly. The Dixboro site con-
tains over 600 varities of plants
growing in their natural environ-
Text by
Susan Nicholls
Photos by
Richard Steiner
Rigid control of temperature and humidity minimize experimental
The Garden's large collection of cacti receives meticulous care.
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