A Seventy-Fifth Year E DITE AND MANAGED NY STUDENTs OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHXGAM UNDER AUTHORtTY Ole BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS - Tm -er APS** 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARO, MIcH. Pm vau NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, 16 JANUARY 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN BRYANT Rose Bowl Trip Takes Students for a Ride $TUDENTS, like the football team, the band and alumni, are a part of the University. They are important too. This lesson, at least, should be drawn from the mistakes and confusion which have pre- vailed since Michigan accepted a Rose Bowl invitation in late November. The Rose Bowl trip was planned by a special committee appointed by the Pres- ident. To handle student arrangements, the Office of Student Affairs authorized a travel agency, Gibbs Tours, Inc., to es- tablish package plans including transpor- tation, accommodations and ticket reser- vations. The tours ran into snags before they could get off the ground. The chartered planes from little-known airlines often departed hours late and were slow in the air. In California one of the hotels, the Alexandria, was expected to house about half the group. Strictly second-rate and located in a third-rate neighborhood, it compounded matters by being unpre- pared. Students who had paid for dou- bles found themselves in triples and quad- ruples. Some were so dissatisfied they checked out. Over 150 others were relo- cated in another hotel. EVEN NOW, the students find tour de- tails dangling. Those tour members who had elected rail travel were prom- ised $15 rebates by Gibbs, Inc. Only some of them got the refunds as one of the railroads withdrew its promise to cut rates by the same figure. Gibbs did like- wise-a few days before the tour was to begin. Student Government Council has protested this action and is also seek- ing rebates for students who were tripled up or left the Alexandria. Where does the blame lie for these entanglements? No one could have for- seen some of the foul-ups. OSA officials did work feverishly to soothe problems before and during the tours. At the same time, however, there is evidence that the University was not as meticulous as it might have been-even on short notice. AS SPONSOR OF THE TOUR, Univer- sity officials should not have relied on Gibbs alone to inspect the hotel. Some officials had thought all accommodations would be personally inspected by the ad- vance team which the University sent to the coast. But the word was not passed along. In view of the later problems, the Uni- versity as sponsor might have kept a watch on the airline and railroad plans also. The successful accommodation of other groups reflects the University's ability to tie up the details where it so wanted. The football team, the band, the alumni, the official party-in short, the representa- tives of the University who had the most influence on public exposure were faced with a minimum of inconvenience. BUT AS SO OFTEN HAPPENS, when the machinery broke down the stu- dents were the first to suffer. With a little imagination. the Alexandria Hotel could be South Quadrangle. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM 4 ~ Whew" wn S *.'. 'n ~w.* - ft 1t llW%' , y R. 44 N A6TO$JPor7' EUROPEAN COMMENTARY: The Netherlands Today: State of the Nation EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of studies into the Neth- erlands' position in the world to- day. By ERIC KELLER Daily Correspondent THE NETHERLANDS today of- fers an image very different from that of windmills and cows. Certainly, windmills and cows still belong to it, but the coun- try's industrial features have now become its dominant elements. Factories, new apartment neigh- borhoods and, above all, throngs of automobiles have changed this country's appearances. And even underneath the most elementary statistics, appearances are not necessarily deceptive. Since World War II, the Nether- lands have gone through an in- dustrialization barely matched by any other country. Considering that it was still a predominantly agricultural country before World War II and the state in which it was left by the Nazis in 1945, the emergence of such powerful in- dustrial capacity is astonishing. * * * SUCH BRAND NAMES as Philips and Royal Shell have be- come world famous; KLM, the Dutch Airline, has an extensive network, considering that it is based in such a minute nation (one-third the size of Michigan, 11 million people). There have been many factors that made this development pos- sible. For one, the government's attitude has always been to en- courage free enterprise, although some definite guidelines were necessary to lead industrializa- tion onto the right tracks. The 1949 government guidelines pro- moted long-term human plan- N LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Congo Role in the Political Circus Coordination Conflicts I E FIRST MEETING between the Michigan Council of State College Presidents and Michigan's newly-elected State Board of Education has been ar- ranged for January 26. The meeting could, be one of the most important to take place in Michigan this year because po- tential jurisdictional conflicts could arise between the college presidents and the board. These conflicts are created by Michi- gau:'s new constitution which both grants autonomy to the state colleges and charges the board with "leadership and general supervision over all public edu- cation." Conflicts of interest have al- ready arisen regarding the question of a unified budget request. CERTAINLY, these difficulties will not be resolved in the course of a single meeting. But the meeting will aid both groups because it will provide a mutual basis for understanding. The voters of the state have no right to ask for more Sleep A TRUE STORY. The time: early yesterday morning. The occasion: some passersby had dfs- covered a burglar entering a store; one of them had seen the intruder inside the building. The police had arrived, and one officer was questioning the witness. HIS FIRST QUESTION: "Was he black?" A few minutes later a car drove past; a Negro at the wheel. The driver made some wisecrack to the policeman as he passed. "God-damn niggers," the police- man muttered. Another remark about the "coons in the car" ensued. South Africa? Mississippi? Nope: Ann Arbor, Michigan. -K. WINTER H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HRSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN OWIRTZMAN.... Personnel Director BILL SULL~ARD . ...........Sports Editor MICHAEL. SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY . .. ........ Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE..Associate Editorial Director LOUIS LIN.........Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND..............Associate Sports Editor GARY TWINER ............... Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER...............Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER ...........Contributing Editor JAMES NESON .,...............Chief Photographer than this understanding at such a pre- liminary meeting. But that preliminary understanding they do have a right to ask for; indeed, to demand. And it is the duty of those taking part in the meeting to achieve it simply because the worst thing that could happen to Michigan's higher education is that it should suffer because of a con- trolling board involved in constant strug- gle with the state universities.. AT THE SAME TIME, there are con- crete issues which should be covered at the meeting. If, as seems to be the case, budget coordination is to loom as the board's first major task in office, it is important that both the presidents and the board discuss how such coordina- tion should be achieved. If the coordination is to be voluntary, how will cooperation between the differ- ent schools be assured? If it is to be mandatory, who will enforce it and on what basis? What is to be the basis for a coordination plan? Is it to be the plan for voluntary coordination slowly being created by the college presidents or an- other plan drawn up by the board it- self? These questions require immediate an- swers, and the participants in the meet- ing must keep creation of answers fore- most in their minds. AN ISSUE somewhat divorced from co- ordination but also of immediate im- portance is the role of the board regard- ing appropriation requests this year. Ad- ministrators should leave the meeting knowing the position of the board on this issue; how strongly will the board stand up for the colleges' requests and under what conditions? Those participating in this meeting owe themselves prompt answers to these ques- tions. But even more, they owe them to the state of Michigan. -LEONARD PRATT Churchill WINSTON CHURCHILL suffered a strokej yesterday. He is dying at the time this editorial is being written. And no one at the University seems particularly con- cerned. It is not a topic for conversation for today. This man has had one of the finest minds of our time. And he used it. He was To the Editor: THERE IS inhumanity in the Congo, but Phyllis Koch does not know the half of it. She ap- parently can't reconcile the op- position of many African states to United States-Belgian inter- vention with the obvious nature of the mercy mission, nor can she forgive many of these same states aiding the rebels who are respon- sible for the massacres. Our news media do a poor job of reporting what happens in Africa and a worse one of telling us what Africa is thinking. This is at least partly the reason why Miss Koch is led to charge Afri- can nations with "callous inhu- manity." One reading only Time, Life and the World-Telegram will have seen many crumpled corpses, terrified nuns and shell-shocked orphans-all white. There have been pictures ofthe rebels, too, "cannibals" as Miss Koch puts it. We haven't seen the Congolese corpses and orphans, but we must not forget that they exist. The score in the Congo, in this mur- derous inhumanity, is thousands of black noncombatants as against a hundred or so white noncom- batants. What is happening in the Congo is not to be laid solely against the killers there, black or white. The Congo is an arena in the world political circus and, while the rebels may be killing with Com- munist arms, the ANC is killing with Western arms, and expatriot Cuban volunteers bomb villages. Major Hoare's mercenaries prob- ably are paid at least partly with American funds. The culpability for Congo blood- shed is widespread, and it goes without saying that we run the risk, when bandying about words like "inhumanity," of someone noticing our hands are red. WHY DID the African states condemn the Stanleyville opera- tion so vehemently? Were they unconcerned about white lives? In thefirst place, they should not be held to greater solicitude for white lives than Western nations seem to have for black lives. Even more important, the Congo is a sovereign state and Africa is hy- persensitive to the prerogatives of independence. Our intervention, however humanitarian may have been our motives, smacked of gun- boat diplomacy. The era is past when powerful states freely intervened in weaker ones' affairs to "restore order." If the operation had been under UN auspices, complaints would doubt- less have been few or none. How would this country react if an African nation sent troops to Mis- sissippi? The impossibility of the happening is of no consequence; as a comparison it may still help up to appreciate the outrage felt in Africa. Thirdly, there was no certainty that the white hostages could not have been released unharmed after negotiations. The killings came after intervention, not be- fore. Finally, the intervention not ernment? How can they back the rebels who are embroiling the Congo in new warfare after a costly UN peace-keeping opera- tior that put an end to Katanga's secession? Essentially, they don't like Tshombe. Neither did we, not so long ago. They regard him as an opportunist and a puppet of Belgium and the U.S. His reception in Cairo, truly un- precedented for a head of gov- ernment, was indicative of this dislike. Tshombe is an enemy of much that modern Africa stands for -- independence, nationalism. Since he is not, in the African view, a true nationalist leader, African countriesnare looking to the rebels for one. They antici- pate a Congo that will join a neutralist Africa, not one which is a Western satellite. All of these highly charged issues, remote here but dominant in Africa, put the Congo question in a different light for Africans. *~ * * AS FOR abetting Chinese and Russian intervention, the 'pro- gressive" African nations are aware of the Communists' ulterior motives but willing to use the help proferred in order to accomplish their purpose: Tshombe's ouster. They would say that since we are attempting to impose our solution on the Congo, theirs is the better right to intervene with whatever means are at hand, and that as we involvedaourselves first, let it be upon our heads. There is a powerful logic to this argument. Thus the inhumanity continues, a by-product of the cold war and a child of an ideology arising from a continent's struggle to shake off colonialism. And its victims are not only the dead. -R. M. Leed, '67L Theatre Prices To the Editor: IT IS my hope that SGC, or some other student group, can effectively carry the student body's discontent with the recent theatre price increase to the But- terfield chain. The principle prob- lem in such a protest would be to decide where the protest should be lodged. I suggest the protest be lodged with the controlling stock- holder. It may be of interest to those who undertake this project that last year a high-ranking Univer- sity administrator told me that the University owned the con- trolling interest in the Butter- field chain. -Michael D. Levin, '67 To the Editor: WE WERE very pleased to see the editorial "Revolt, Movie- Goers" in The Daily Thursday. Besides the interest shown by The Daily in this problem, we have had numerous calls backing up our January 13 letter, which leads us to believe that action tnka n Tni.gityc edntc could soon because of the present in- terest in the problem. If The Daily could publish a list of substitute activities for the weekends (i.e. Cinema Guild, concerts, dances, etc.), we feel that action could be effective. ** IF INTEREST were not great enough to make a boycott effec- tive, the idea of a sit-in might provide the needed stimuli for a price change. This would require only, half as much interest, but would only be half as effective since the theatres would be full for the first show. Whatever action is taken we hope The Daily will lead the way, for no single group could be as effective as a newspaper. -John Gleysteen, '68M James Ritchie, '68 Dale Flook, '68E Richard Morris, '68 Mark Putney, '68 Roger Ulrich, '68 EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily's "Across Campus" column every day carries a fairly complete listing of the next two days' events. "The Week To Come" each Sunday lists the events planned for the next week. The Daily will not ellead the way" by taking stands on this or other issues, since aileditorials are individual opinions. It will report this and other issues when their news value is sufficient, and staff members will continue to editorial- ize when they feel so moved. To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL which appear- ed in yesterday's Daily on the subject of the price increase at the Butterfield theatres was dis- appointing to both of us. It is obvious that no effective steps can be taken without lead- ership. Instead of printing a list of practical and impractical solu- tions The Daily should provide the necessary leadership. * * * WE SUGGEST that the Butter- field management be challenged to submit a written justification of the price increase for publica- tion in The Daily. If the theatres are losing money, we might begin a bucket drive to support the families of the management. Also, The Daily should back a specific plan of action against the price increase. Of the solu- tions listed, the boycott and the sit-in are the only practical ones. We would be willing to support either. -Richard Reynolds, '65 Gerald Lazarowitz, Grad Challenge To the Editor: HECHALLENGE of Commu- .nistChina is pleased to an- nounce the "slashing" success of its first week on campus. In a fit of obvious exuberance about the fine quality of our pub- licity program, some student has been so enthusiastic as to cut a ' h 8' naintiao nf adraon frnm We hope the thief will not be so cheap as to boast of any more than his vandalistic talent. Let the credit go where credit is due. The young lady awaits you every- day 3-5 in 2538 SAB. * * ' IN OTHER instances people have been anxious to get more than Challenge can afford to give. A number of our posters have disappeared from bulletin boards. Apparently people have wished to admire the craftsmanship of these posters in the peace and quiet of their rooms in order to compre- hend the full precision of these works. Actually Challenge wasn't con- ceived as a clearing house for ob- jects of art-though this is a possibility for next semester. Our avowed purpose is to discuss ob- jectively the phenomena of Com- munist China. We were pleased to see that well over 250 people attempted to come to Prof. Ken- neth Boulding's introductory lec- ture. This Sunday, in expectation of a larger crowd, we are moving to the Union Ballroom. Lindsey Grant, a spokesman of the State Department, will unveil U.S. China policy at 2 p.m. We close by saying that Chal- lenge really encourages one type of thief-the idea robber. Such thievery costs Challenge nothing, but the distinction of the Chal- lenge speakers will certainly add much value to the term papers and perhaps even to the minds of those who do beg, borrow or steal these men's ideas. Value created out of nothing; a new law of academia. Please help your- selves. -William K. Cummings, '65 The Minority To the Editor: I WAS quite amused by Cal Skin- ner's editorial in Tuesday's paper. He seems to think libertar- ianism is dead in American poli- tics. He did an average job on it but the New York Times has done better. He assumes that the Republican right wing will role over and die now that it has lost the big one. We don't plan to. Many of us would rather lose with a man we believe in (i.e. Goldwater) than win with a body we're ashamed of (i.e. Javits, Lindsay, and the Rock). Goldwater ran as good a race as he could under the cir- cumstances; in some ways it's a miracle he did as well as he did. * * * AS FOR NEXT TIME, don't get your hopes up. This country is a far cry from that one-party non- sense; we still have a disagreeing minority. Some day, 'with the trend as it is, this minority will be the majority. Then we will all rejoice in America's withdrawal from the United Nations, volun- tary social security, a flat-rate income tax, no tariffs and a host ning such as extended education and welfare. Foreign investment, notably American and British. was espe- cially encouraged through the creation of agencies to cut red tape and through special tax re- ductions for new industries. The country's limited size allowed faster international readaption than the Continent's industrial giants, France and Germany. - - * BUT probably most important of all, the country's unique his- tory of labor union-government relations has aided this boom de- velopment. This country's labor unions are dominated by quite a different set of personalities from the run-of-the-mill labor union leader. Labor union leaders cooperate' with the government planning commissions in working out work- er-management profits. Bargain- ing for benefits has become long term,sas unions express disdain for rash, new benefits. As late as 1962, the confedera- tion of labor unions emphasized that it would refrain from asking higher wages to free new funds for more investment. High pro- duction and full employment, it explained, were more interesting to the general welfare of the Dutch worker. In the first 15 to 20 years of industrialization, such cooperative attitudes were certainly laudable. But now, a great number of work- ers feel that the time has come to start enjoyingrthose long-term benef its. They are increasingly disgruntled with their own labor union management which, as they put it, collaborates with the capi- talists. THE RISE of .enormous indus- trial giants is felt to have been accomplished at the worker's ex- pense. And true, housing and sani- tary conditions are precarious in comparison with the average Ger- man or French worker. For in- stance, only nine per cent of all new houses are equipped with central heating. The comparable figures are 60 per cent in France, 70 per cent in Germany and 99 per cent in Sweden and Switzer- land. Furthermore, anti-trust regu- lations are still minute in this country. Rather, the formation of greater and bigger trusts is en- couraged. Moreover, there is even too much full employment-there is a shortage of labor. It is felt that instead of creating new jobs, in- dustry should rather let the woi'k- er enjoy some of the' funds that would be invested in more in- dustrialization. THUS, even if statistics don't necessarily reveal it, not all is well in the Dutch economy. The situation in this country suggests a greater social gap between low- est and highest wages than in comparable European countries. 'CONNECTION': The Cool World At the Cinema Guild 'T HE CONNECTION," Shirley Clarke's film of Jack Gelber's play, is the best film on campus this weekend. It combines an tm- portant subject and an excellent cast with good jazz and imagina- tive photography to produce a sensitive film that may be en- lightening as well as moving. The "beat" or "hip" world is to many an incomprehensible and perhaps ridiculous affectation practiced by "beardos"; to others it is the place, a way of life, natural, free and "real." "The Connection" shows something of this world-that of the dope ad- dict, the guy on pot, punk itching in his veins and flying high his sole object in life. The film is the result of an attempt to make a documentary on this world. It simply shows a "connection waiting for and fin- ally getting a shot of dope. "Noth- ing" happens. There is no real plot; the film is not dramatic. It takes place in a- single room-a large loft-and isn't even the documentary it "appears" to be. It does not frantically preach a Cause, but it remains interesting throughout. * * * THOUGH this interest begins as simple curiosity, it progresses through fascination to a feeling of concern. The film doesn't simply flirt with the fringe world of the dope addict as if it were a home movie taken at the zoo. It skillfully shears away the romantic visage of the "coolness" of the hip world and penetrates to its empty core. The loose and easy style of the cast and the naturalistic dialogue go over well and lend an air of naturalness to the conceit of t, 4 '\! E i