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January 15, 1965 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-15

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Seventy-Fifth Year
Where Opinions Are F 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AReOR, Micm. NEws PHONE: 764-0552
Truth Will Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

University Needs Student Cooperative Bookstore


Community College Is
Relevant to Un iversity

To the Editor:
WOULD like to know what it
would take to open a campus-
wide student cooperative book and
supply store.
Wayne State University has one.
Various high schools .in Detroit
have them, or something similar.
With the tremendous number of
students at the University it
would seem only reasonable that
they should be able to take ad-
vantage of wholesale rates offer-
ed by book publishers and supply
It could be run as a self-
supporting branch of the Univer-
sity, selling paper, pens, texts,
art and drafting supplies, etc.
That is if there are no regulations
against it, or if the local money-
mongers don't have control over
such University activities.
AS A SMALL example of the
savings possible Cass High's book

store in Detroit sells 'Bic' pens for
seven cents. What objections could
there be? I had to pay six dollars
for a third-hand book that cost
seven fifty new. I had to pay $2.41
to the Chem. store for a botany
lab kit which contained a manilla
envelope with three blank pieces
of paper in it, a section of cheap
cloth and an assortment of dime
store toys. In the zoology lab kit,
also purchased in the University's
Chem. store, there was a box of
half-sized facial tissues billed as
"Wipettes hospital sanitary tis-
sues" or some such bunk.
Because such material is sold
only in kits, and because the
University doesn't really try to
determine what is necessary for
lab courses (just what seems nice,
or so it appears), it is impossible
to avoid superfluous junk. With
a consientiously operated. Univer-
sity book store and book exchange
this might be avoided.

TODAY THE FATE of the proposed
Washtenaw Community College will bet
decided at the polls.
Although most members of the Univer-
sity community will not be directly affect-
ed by the outcome of the vote, the con-"
cept of community colleges is relevant to
Since the basic thesis of a community
college system is to provide education for
all who have learning ability, the prime
product of such a system is a skilled and
basically educated general populace. As
our society is governed in a quasi-demo-
cratic fashion, the ruling decisions of
the majority hence become more inform-
ed. As one immediately reluctant conse-
quence, the support of appropriations to
education would likely be stronger from a
more educated populace.
A community college further allows in-
dividuals who would otherwise join the
deprived grey mass of the unemployed to
develop skills in occupational, technical
and semiprofessional fields, aiding rather
than burdening society. It also provides a
low-cost, two-year liberal arts program in
a student's community.
Washtenaw County needs such a com-
munity college.

In July 1963 a survey was conducted by
a group of citizens to determine whether,
conditions in Washtenaw County war-
ranted the establishment of a two-year
public community college. They concluded
in their report that the need for such a
college is clear.
This conclusion was supported by sta-
tistical informations such as: "Of the
youth with no plans for college attend-
ance in Washtenaw County, only five per
cent would be interested in post-graduate
work at their local high school whereas
63 per cent would be interested in some
type of advanced business, technical or
trade training if it were available in
Washtenaw County."'
The report also noted that 32 per
cent of all seniors with "B" or higher
averages responded that they "probably
will not attend college." Of the seniors,
not planning on college, .however, 15 per
cent indicated that their plans would
probably change if they could afford it.
MEMBERS of the University communi-
ty are among the educationally priv-
ileged; today they have the opportunity
to help facilitate other people's access to
the same privileges and the responsibility
to help improve the quality of our society.

U.S., Russia at Odds
In UN Payments Crisis

Frustrating Trimester

LAST WEEK the University began its
fourth term on the trimester system.
It shouldn't have; it hinders the edu-
cational process.
But this week the literary college fac-
ulty passed a resolution to add another
study day before the exam period. This,
day, plus the study day already included
in the trimester calendar, would be sched-
uled to include a weekend in a total 4-
day package study deal.
The business administration school fac-
ulty approved a similar proposal .in De-
cember and the education school faculty
approved the idea of an extended read-
ing period Tuesday.,
BUT ADDING another day to the study
period before exams won't really help
the trimester system because it doesn't
help alleviate the tension and frustra-
tion students experience during the term.
The oft-heard arguments against the
trimester system have taken on grim
reality after three of these gigantic cram-
ming sessions.
Adding another reading day won't allow
more time for students to absorb the
course material; that extra day won't
help relieve the tension caused by the

deluge of term papers'all due within the
same week.
What would help alleviate the prob-
lems the trimester system caused and
increase the chance that students can
really learn something would be a read-
ing- period of 5-7 days before the exam
THIS EXTENDED reading period would
cut down the current necessity to cram
for many courses with large reading lists.
And a week of extensive study on a cou-
ple of courses becomes a much more ef-
fective learning process than two or three
days on the same amount of material.
A reading period of a week's length
would also cut down on the actual num-
ber of class days and force professors,
and in some cases departments, to re-
vamp the scope and aims of their courses.
It might even encourage total revision
of some courses and force a thoughtful
examination of current course structure.
If it did, such a revision of courses
would be the best thing a 5-7 day reading
period could accomplish.
Assistant Managing Editor

A SHOWDOWN between Russia
and the United States is
scheduled for January 18 in the
United Nations. When the Gen-
eral Assembly reconvenes on that
day, the two major world, powers
are expected to clash over the
arrears payments Russia owes the
The back payments would be
channeled into the peace-keeping
operations budget. They would
help pay for the United Nations
activities in the Congo-to which
the Russian policymakers have
violently objected.
The peacekeeping activities were
authorized by the General As-
sembly rather than by the more
appropriate Security Council,
where the Russian veto would be
effective. Russia contends that
the Security Council was circum-
vented, violating the spirit of the
UN Charter. For this reason the
USSR believes the refusal to pay
the arrears which it allegedly
owes the UN to be justified.
The United States, on the other
hand, refers to Article 19 of the
UN Charter, which states that a
nation loses its vote in the Gen-
eral Assembly when it accumu-
lates a debt exceeding two years'
payments. Its position was sup-
ported by the World Court. The
court ruled that the actions of
the General Assembly did not
violate the charter, and that Rus-
,sia therefore did owe the pay-
THREE FACTORS occlude the
battle lines. First, although Na-
tionalist China brought her pay-
ments up to date a few days ago,
France and other Western-
affiliated nations still have mark-
edly delinquent accounts. The
United States cannot effectively
press for Russia to lose her vote
in the General Assembly without
at the same time demanding the
withdrawal of the voting privi-
leges of France and 16 other na-
Second, there is validity to the
argument that the Security Coun-
cil was circumvented. Recognizing
the unconventional manner in
which the peace-keeping opera-
tions in the Congo were handled

and the reasons for circumvent-
ing the Security Council, the
United States cannot demand the
voting privileges of Russia with
either a clear conscience, or the
full force of justice.
Third, Russia has threatened
to withdraw from the United Na-
tions if this issue is pressed. To
the United States, this action
would be completely undesirable
since Russia would- then be re-
moved from the arena of nego-
tiation. Furthermore, the arrears
payments would then never be
INTO THIS MAZE of legal and
diplomatic considerations several
compromises have been extended.
They have varied in exact purpose,
but the spirit of the proposals
seems to be to allow Russia to
preserve her political policy
toward the peace-keeping opera-
tions ip the Congo by paying the
arrears to another organ of the
United Nations. In this manner
the debt could be paid and
Russia could save face.
A major fallacy with these pro-
posals is that although Russia
would not be contributing direct-
ly toward the peace-keeping oper-
ations, she would be contributing
indirectly because payments in
other areas would enable other
nations to allocate funds more
generously to the peace-keeping
But, most important, although
Russia would be permitted to save
face by paying into a branch of
the UN separate from the peace-
keeping operations, the basic ob-
jection would remain: Russia
would be supporting an organ of
the organization which had acted
in direct opposition to her own
political convictions.
* * *
THE QUESTION at hand is
whether Russia values more long-
term negotiation privileges offered
by the UN or the satisfaction of
having stuck with her policy and
saved money.' If she chooses the
latter, the United States will un-
doubtedly sound the alarm, but
-probably with enthusiasm some-
what short of that needed to ex-
pel Russia from the UN.

I BELIEVE that a store set up
to supply the students, rather
than grab their money through
greed; bureaucratic inefficiency, or
stupidity is a definite necessity.
Again, what objections could there
be? Please print a summary of
state, University, national or local
regulations which would prohibit
this, or might have some bearing
on it, if you have such material
-George Broccoli
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Regents is-
sued a policy statement in the
1920's saying that the University
would not establish any 'firms in
competition with private business.
In 1959, they specifically applied
this policy to a University-subsidit-
ed bookstore. Attempts to estab-
lish a co-op bookstore independently
of the University have failed.
Burch Story'
To the Editor:
SHOULD LIKE to call your
attention to the 'nterpreta-
tion" of the news evidenced in
your January 13, Page 3 headline
concerning the .resignation of
Dean Burch. The word "Belatedly"
demonstrates the usual "fair, im-
partial coverage" given by the
liberal press.
The fact that Mr. Burch was
elected by the Republican National
Committee for a term of four
years ending in 1968 seems to
have escaped recognition by your
writer. Is it not a fact that the
resignation is early rather than
belated, the "interpretation" of
your reported-would-be-editor not
Is the view expressed by this
headline by any standard a fac-
tual, impartial reporting of the
--Charles Y. Warner, Grad
To the Editor:
THE STUDENTS at the Univer-
sity are very fortunate in be-
longing to an institution of higher
learning which is characterized
by a modern progressive outlook.
Being farsighted, the Board of
Regents has, like the Three Magi,
come bearing gifts of gold, frank-
incense and the trimester.
But for most of us unknowing
students the trimester program
remains a mere abstraction. Only
upon furtherscrutiny can one
appreciate the challenging oppor-
tunities offered specifically by the
summer "mester." Like American
democracy, one can be subject to
the system but not appreciate its
finer points-or fail to realize
it even exists.
* * *

- - if sNt

democracy-exists. Here for the.
first time is tangible proof of a
"being's" existence. Mathmatics
has often tried to prove that
"nothing" is a special category
of 'something." The political
science department has gone one
step further and proved this con-
clusively. By offering nothing for
the full 15-week program, the de-
partment has proved that tri-
mester is "really something."
For those who have an asthetic
inclination, the History of Art
Department has a total of one
course to satiate your thirst for
culture. For budding sociology
majors, the department is offer-
ing two courses to enrich the
summer experience. (And philos-
ophy majors, don't despair. Your
department, in close competition
with sociology, has four courses
from which you may choose.)
However,tthe superior quality of
these selections can be topped by
the history department: out of a
vast resevoir of 114 courses, they
have skillfully selected four choice,
ones. And leave uniqueness to the
English department. They are sav-
ing their offerings for one gala'
premier showing. Suspense will
be the keynote until registration

NOT ONLY do we have this
wide selection of courses available,
we also have the concern of the
faculty. They have tried their best
to give us the fullest opportunity
-to revel in the long sunny summer
days: nine out of ten professors
offer their courses at 8-10 a.m.
Every group has at least one
radical instigator who is dissatis-
fied with the status quo. If the
superb quality of this program
leaves something to be desired,
there is still another alternative.
This summer for the first time,
rather than matriculating for the
15 week program, you may attend
both section A and section B.
With this innovation comes an
added attraction. In two short
days (June 24-25) you may rid
yourselves your two noxious tasks
-examinations for the A period
and registration for B. If you're
among the fortunate, your tough-
est final, wil coincide with your
registration time in order to allow
you a leisurely cigarette break in
the midst of that two-hour ordeal.
Never before has one had the
opportunity to pull an all-nighter
for Waterman Gym.
-Judith Hartman, '66
Maureen Mileski, '66





New Chapter in, Government


ident Lyndon Johnson is us-
ing the words, is much more
than a mere' collection of neces-
sary or desirable programs mak-
ing life more livable in this coun-
try. It is an attempt to open a
new chapter in the annals of
popular government.
Compressed into one sentence,
the basic idea is that an affluent

Congo Inhumanity

"That's My Boy"

NO LESS SHOCKING than the recent
savagery committed in the Congo has
been the response of governments and
leaders who side with the killers and
vilify the Belgian-American rescue opera-
tion, limited and unfinished though it
has been.
Howls of fury have come from Moscow,
Peking, Cairo, Eastern Europe, Algeria
and the black African "republics" - not
against the cannibals but against those
who have snatched some of the victims
from their grasp. These protests, as an
editorial in the New York World Tele-
gram put it, "exceeds the bounds of cyni-
cal brutality which might be expected
even from Communists."
AS FOR THE AFRICAN nations, they
seem determined to prove their callous
inhumanity. At an emergency meeting in
Nairobi on the day after the massacres,
the seven countries represented professed
to speak for all Africans. The opening
address by Jomo Kenyatta was a slash-
ing attack, not on the torturers and can-.
nibals, but on those who saved about 1500
of the innocents marked for death. Egyp-
tian, Ethiopian and other delegates fol-
lowed the Kenyatta lead.
Only one of the African statesmen, the
foreign minister of Nigeria, had the grace
to express approval of the humanitarian'
air lift of hostages. Yet even his delegate'

that could formally indict not only the
Congolese leaders directly responsible but
all those who arm savages with murder
weapons and murder slogans.
At the very least, against the back-
ground of the savagery in the Congo, one
should notice the fact that the Kremlin
has made common cause with the rebels
and their Red Chinese mentors.
are in competition for dominance and
power in Africa. Red China outdid Rus-
sia by encouraging and aiding the Con-
golese rebels in their initial attempt to
overthrow the legal Congo government.
Therefore Russia must see a chance to
gain a few points in its race against
the Chinese Communists by making as-
sistance available to the rebels.
Russia, the United Arab Republic, Al-
geria and Ghana, which also has threat-
ened to intervene in the internal affairs
of Moise Tshombe's Congo government,
are all members of the United Nations.
Their offer to inject themselves into the
affairs of-a sovereign state, to commit ag-
gression against that state, is a direct vio-
lation of the UN charter.
It is a record that a number of other
African states should study with care,
especially those states which raised the
spurious cry of "colonialism" when the
United States and Belgium cooperated in

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society like the American can be
governed by consensus. Let us see
what this means. An affluent so-
ciety is not simply a rich society:,
it is one which has mastered the
new art of controlling and stimu-
lating its own economic growth.
TO BE SURE, we are as yet,
only students and apprentices in
the art. We have not yet fully
mastered it. But we have a suf-
ficiently promising start to jus-
tify our thinking that we have
seen a breakthrough-that we are
escaping from the immemorial
human predicament of the haves'
and the have-nots. This predica-
ment has been based on the as-
sumption that the size of the pie
to be divided is fixed and that,
therefore, if some have more,
others must take less.
The assumption that this pre-
dicament exists has been the cen-
tral idea of socialism and com-
munism. However, it has also been
the tacit assumption of recent
reformist and welfare programs.
We can see this in slogans' like
"the New Deal" and "the Fair
Deal." Both imply that there is
always the same pack to be dealt.
The scientific breakthrough in
modern economic theory was pre-
pared in the years between the
two world wars. But only recently,
not until President John Ken-
nedy's proposal of a tax cut as
part of a planned deficit, have
the modern economists in the
government service and in the
great financial institutions been
taken quite seriously.
* * *
I WILL NOT SAY 'that they
have moved into the driver's seat.
But certainly they are in the
seat next to the driver's, reading
the signs and following the maps
for him. The result of this change
is a benign revolution which
makes it possible that the costs
of improving schools and colleges,
of reducing poverty, of rebuilding
slums can be covered by calculat-
ed increases in the national out-
put of wealth.

ern society like ours need no
longer think of itself as irrecon-
cilably divided over the distribu-
tion of wealth, it has become
humanly possible to govern by
obtaining wide agreement among
the voters. It is a fortunate co-
incidence that Lyndon Johnson
happens to be a man who has
long practiced the art of healing
conflicts. But he would not be
able to make this skill the gov-
erning philosophy of an admin-
istration if the evolution of a
modern economic society did not
give him the opportunity.
When President Johnson talks
about seeking a consensus, he is
not saying that he expects every-
one to vote for him and to agree
with him. But he is saying that
the great internal problems can-
not be solved successfully and
satisfactorily until and unless they
have the support of a very big
In the American politicaltra-
dition, a very big majority is
taken to lie between 60 and 75
per cent. That is what is required
to amend the Constitution and to
ratify treaties. An American con-
sensus is more than a bare 51
per centsmajority; it is a majority
between three-fifths and three-
ed by such a consensus, and his
intention is to conserve the con-
sensus if he can. It is not only
that; as everyone else he likes to
be liked. It is because he has
realized from his large practical
experience that our really diffi-
cult and important internal prob-
lems cannot be solved in any
other way.
The American race problem is
the outstanding example. Unless
there is a wide and growing will-
ingless to observe civil rights laws,
enforcement alone will be a long
and bloody battle. The same prin-
ciple applies to relations between
capital and labor; only because
the Marxist idea of class struggle
nas been rendered obsolete in a
modern economy is it possible

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