Can Appeal Decision
Within, 10 Day Limit
Fraternity Can Lose Recognition
If Given Maximum Punishment
In its first judicial action against discrimination in mem
ber fraternities, the Interfraternity Council Executive Com
mittee last night declared Trigon fraternity guilty of religiou
The decision was made Tuesday night but final publi
announcement was delayed until last night.
Trigon is a campus fraternity with no national affilia
tion. IFC Executive Vice-President Stephen Idema, '65, sail
that the Executive Committee will wait on the penalty unti
there is time for another meeting, which will be after rus]
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Ia i4
Fiscal Reform, 18-Year-Old Votel'
The Executive Committee of
the Interfraternity Council has
found religious discrimination
to exist in the requirement of
Trigon Fraternity that pros-
pective initiates repeat a vow
which may be repugnant to
persons of many religious
faiths. Such discrimination
stands in violation of Article
X, Section 1 of the Inter-
fraternity Council Bylaws. De-
spite the contention of Trigon
that Its mandatory vow is not
intended to be discriminatory
in nature, the Executive Con-
mittee has found that the
wording of the ritual required
commitment to religious con-
victions which are unaccept-1
able to many students attend-
ing the University of Michigan,
and thus has the effect of
discriminating on religious
The Executive Committee
recognizes that Trigon, in its
attempt to integrate a strong
religious background into a
social fraternity, does indeed
nurture a "spiritual ethical
development" which is not in-
compatible with the principles
of the Interfraternity Council
or of Michigan fraternities;
however, in this attempt Tri-
gon has violated an Interfra-
Sternity Council Bylaw which is
necessary to a fraternity sys-
tem operating within the
framework of a public univer-
i i
MSU Faes
Vote on NSA
Michigan State University is
now in the midst of a conflict
to decide whether or not to ter-
minate its membership in NSA.
The chain reaction concerning
membership in the National Stu-
dent Association began at the
University and was followed by
Wayne State University. Both
schools have retained their mem-
bership in the organization.
Petitions, requiring signatures,
of 10 per cent of the student body,
are now being circulated in the
dormitories at MSU. If the re-
quired number of signatures are
received, a referendum will be held
on March 2.,
The problem centers around the
relative usefulness of NSA dues.
"I feel that the $193 can be
used for services that will be more
beneficial to the student body,"
James Sink, president of Bailey
Hall, said yesterday.
"NSA provides valuable services
to students traveling abroad and
to students holding their dis-
count card. However, NSA does
not provide enough services to
the student body at large," Sink
"Another problem is that there
are so many small schools in-
volved in NSA that the large uni-
versities no longer have a voice
I in policy decisions," Sink said.
Sink pointed out that the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin and Purdue
g University have already with-
drawn from NSA.
He is confident that, with the
planned increase in publicity, the
required number of signatures will
be received and the students at
MSU will vote to withdraw from
However, other sources are more
doubtful. "I doubt that the stu-
dents at MSU will vote to with-
draw from NSA. The Student'
Congress has endorsed NSA,"
Josephine Bumberger of the Mich-
igan State News said.
The controversy concerning con-
tinued membership in NSA broke
out last fall. At that time, MSU
was behind in the payment of the
has ended. This decision doe
not affect Trigon's presen
status, leaving the fraternity
free to participate in rush anc
other IFC-organized activities
Idema said.
The penalty will necessarily af
fect Trigon's constitution and se
cret rituals since these violate IFC
by-law Article X, Section I:
"It shall be the policy of th
Interfraternity Council that mem
ber fraternities shall not discrim-
inate in the selection of mem-
bers on the basis of race, color
creed, religion, national origin o
Under IFC by-laws the execu
tive committee is empowered t(
apply any penalty ranging from
no penalty at all to withdrawa
of IFC recognition, Idema said.
IFC Membership Committee
Chairman David Miller, '65, said
that last summer Trigon's Grand
Council refused to alter the fra-
ternity's constitution and secre
procedures feeling any such
changes would destroy the pur-
pose and meaning of the frater-
Miller said Trigon believed its
procedures did not violate the in-
tent of the IFC by-law because
the fraternity's purpose was not
to discriminate but to provide a
fraternity which stimulates spiri-
tual and ethical development.
SGC Recognition
John Feldkamp, assistant dire-
tor of student organizations and
activities said that even if Trigon
loses IFC recognition, it would
still be recognized by the Student
Government Council as simply a
student organization.
Loss of IFC recognition would
mean that Trigon could no longer
participate in IFC-organized rush
fraternity intramural athletics and
other privileges coexistent with
IFC memberships, Feldkamp said.
IFC and SGC have agreed that
IFC has first option in handling
cases involving fraternities. Once
IFC is finished with the case, SGC
can, begin action under its own
by-laws which also prohibit re-
ligious discrimination. The ulti-
mate penalty could force Trigon
to leave campus.
ORA Affiliation
Several years ago Trigon was
denied recognition by the Office
of Religious Affairs because it was
not a direct religious group, De-
Witt Baldwin, coordinator of re-
ligious affairs and chairman of
the board of religious conselors,
said recently.
Trigon has ten days in which
to notify IFC of an intent to
appeal the decision to the Fra-
ternity Presidents' Assembly. If
the FPA affirms the executive
committee's decision, there is no
further recourse for reversal with-
in IFC. If Trigon discovers sig-
nificant new evidence, a new
hearing before the executive com-
mittee may be granted.
. Sources for Trigon fraternity
refused comment at this time on
the IFC decision.
Regents To Hold
Monthly Meeting
The Regents will hold their
monthly meeting at 2 p.m. today
in the Regents Room of the Ad-
ministration Bldg. They may con-
sider a report for the merger of
the student activities wings of the
Michigan Union and Women's
As11ked. in
'State of
- anderLaan
e Confident of
Age Change
Bowman Sees Victory;
- Esch Not Confident
D Special To The Daily
1 LANSING--Senators John Bow-
man (D-Roseville), Robert
VanderLaan (R - Grand Rapids),
Joseph Mack (D-Ironwood) and
fSander Levin (D-Berkeley) intro-
duced a bill Wednesday calling
for a constitutional amendment
that would lower the voting age to
18. A similar bill was introduced
last year and passed the Senate
before it died in the House.
The question of lowering the
voting age in Michigan from 21
to 18 is raised almost every legis-
lative session, and has always
been answered negatively in the
past. This year promises to be dif-
ferent, however, according to some
Lansing sources.
Bowman said unequivocally that
this year the bill will pass. Van-
derLaen commented that he sup-
ported the similar bill last year,
and that this year there is much
more support for such a measure
in both parties.
Gubernatorial Support
"The governor took no stand on
this issue last year, but supports
it this year because he seems to
realize the great amount of po-
litical activity present in this age
group," VanderLaan said.
Gov. George Romney in his
state-of-the-state message yester-
day said that "more citizens
should be eligible to vote in our
elections, both through imple-
mentation of our new constitution
and through a proposed constitu-
tional amendment to grant voting
rights to those 18 years of age and
He added that "our young
people arrive at a peak of political
interest at this age and we must
avoid letting them lapse into in-
activity, for then they only regain
this active interest much later in
life." He emphasized that he is
"unqualifiedly in favor of giving
18-year-olds the right to vote."
Esch Hesitant
Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Ar-
bor) was not as confident as the
others that the bill will pass,
though he supports it. "It is dif-
ficult to say how much effect the
governor's support for the bill will
have on the legislature-the effect
probably won't be significant,
though," he said. "There is def-
initely opposition to the measure,"
Esch observed.
A bill such as the one in ques-
tion, proposing a constitutional
amendment, m u s t pass both
houses by a two-thirds majority,
then must be presented to the
people of the state in a general
election for referendum. This1
means that if the bill were to pass
this year, the referendum would
have to wait until 1966-the next
statewide election - unless the
legislature called a special elec-
tion, which it has the power to do.
Romney Sees Need
For New Tax Plan
Requests Action in Traffic Safety,
Education, Agriculture, Home Rule
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Outlining the state's economic needs as well
as the rest of his legislative program in his annual "State of
the-State" message, Gov. George Romney yesterday told the.
Democratically controlled Legislature that he stands "ready
now or at any time to work toward a bipartisan program of
fundamental tax reform."
Romney said that though the state has gone froWr an $85
million deficit in the general fund two years ago, to an ex-
pected surplus of nearly $100 million at the end of this fiscal
year, "we must not be lulled into complacency by our sizable
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY (right) discusses his "state of the state" message with House Speaker
Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit) after delivering it to a joint session of the Michigan legislature. Also
present to witness the address, in keeping with custom, were the justices of the Michigan Supreme
Court and the state's administrative board.
Arends To Remai GOP Whi
Newly elected House minority
leader Jerry Ford (R-Mich) plac-
ed his prestige on the line yester-
day and was defeated.
Ford endorsed New Jersey rep-
resentative Peter Frelinghuysen
for the GOP whipship, in an ap-
parent attempt to indicate the
breadth - of the Republican Party
by including an eastern moderate
in the House GOP leadership.
That Frelinghuysen was defeat-
ed by the incumbent party whip
Leslie Arends (R-Ill) 70-59 in
a secret ballot shows that House
Republicans felt there has been
"enough rocking of the boat,"
according to one of Frelinghuy-
sen's strong supporters.
Second Loss
This was Frelinghuysen's second
loss in two weeks to a midwestern
conservative Republican. He was
defeated by Melvin Laird (R-
Wis) for the caucus chairman-
ship Jan. 4.
Reconciliations after the vote
were swift to come. Arends in-
sisted that his re-election was not
a slap at Ford and pledged to
be as loyal to Ford as he had
been to two previous party lead-
ers. For his part, Ford declared
that he did not think that Fre-
linghuysen's defeat had all the
ramifications that have been read
into it. One of Ford's supporters,
Congressman Charles A. Mosher
(R-Ohio) agreed with Ford, stat-
ing, "It was all done in good
spirit." (The Associated Press
wrote that the defeat was a "stun-
ning jolt" to Ford.)
Against Change
Arends drew on a pool of friend-
ship and respect built up through
loyal service to three different
sen. According to Mosher, Ford's him" in terms of the practical-
main motive for choosing the New ities of the situation." The major-
Jersey representative was geo- ity seemed to feel that "they had
graphical. At present there are raised enough hell" and that the
four midwesterners and one Cali- Halleck forces should be placated.
fornian in the GOP House leader-
ship posts.
Eastern Representative
Had Frelinghuysen been elected,
the East would have gotten rep-
resentation for the first time since
Congressman Joe Martin (R-
Mass) was defeated for minority
leader in 1958 by Charles Halleck
When asked why Charles Good-
ell (R-NY), one of Ford's cam-
paign managers during the lead-
ership battle against Halleck, was
not chosen for the post, Mosher
conceded that ideology might have
been more relevant than apparent
on the surface. Frelinghuysen is
notably more moderate than
Still the basic reason for re-
taining Arends had little to do
with either geography or ideology.
The general consensus among the
members present at the caucus
was that Frelinghuysen could
hardly do a' better job as whip
than Arends has been doing. The
whip performs mainly a mechani-
cal job and is on the perifery of
the policy-making process.
Hence, proponents of Freling-
huysen found it difficult to "sell
Appeal for Arends
During the caucus, highly emo-
tional appeals were made for the
retention of Arends, one by Hal-
leck himself. This indicates that
Halleck still has a reservoir of
influence among his colleagues.
Frelinghuysen was chosen to
run against Arends not only be-
cause he represents the so-called
"eastern establishment," but also
because of his seniority and gen-
eral prestige among House Re-
publicans. It is known that con-
gressmen such'as Robert Stafford
of Vermont were passed over be-
cause of their relative lack of
seniority (three terms).
Wednesday Club
The Wednesday Club, an infor-
mal group of moderate and liberal
Republicans, favored Frelinghuy-
sen almost unanimously. This
gave conservative Republicans an-
other reason for voting, against
The importance of the vote is
indicated by the fact that several
members returned from the
beaches of the Virgin Islands and
one left his father's funeral in
California to participate.
surplus." He noted that "they
basic injustice of our existing
tax structure has not dimin-
The governor set the tone of
his address as one of cautious op-
timism when he said "the state of
the state is greatly improved, but
this very improvement conceals
the magnitude of the responsibili-
ties we face."
Deficiency or Progress
He said the state faces either a
period of "renewed deficiency and
difficulty, or one of unequaled
progress," depending only on the
action the Legislature takes.
Iomney noted that he would
certainly disagree with the Legis-
lature from time to time-"it will
always be so under our system of
checks-and-balances," he said.But
he added that the legislators have
his "personal pledge" that he will
do. all in his power to aid them
in discharging their responsibili-
ties, and that he will not make
recommendations that are "moti-
vated primarily on a political bas-
He indicated the direction in
which he thinks the state should
move by outlining his legislative
program including such points as:
-General property tax relief as
well as specific property tax re-
lief for senior citizens;
--Spending reform through con-
tinued efficiency by the state;
-Home rule for Michigan's 83
-A constitutional amendment
lowering the voting age to 18;
-Increased state aid to edu-
cation and initiation of scholar-
ship and loan programs;
-Revamping of the state's men-
tal health programs through the
Community Mental Health Serv-
ices Act;
-Specific anti-poverty legisla-
tion to be named later;
-Promotion of the sale of Mich-
igan's agricultural products at
home and abroad; -
- Refinancing the Mackinac
Straits Bridge so that the tolls
on the bridge can be lowered'
through subsequent savings in in-
terest costs;
-Improvement of the state's
traffic safety program, including
the hiring of 200 additional state
IQC Moves
To Revitalize
Hlousinlg Unit
Charging that the Residence
Hall Board of Governors has not
been an effective force in solving
housing problems the Interquad-
rangle Council moved unanimous-
ly last night to recommend four
measures to revitalize the organi-
Key recommendations include
requiring r e g u I a r 1 y scheduled
monthly meetings of the Board,
making Director of Housing Eu-
gene Haun chairman of the Resi-
dence Hall Board and establish-
ing an executive committee for
the organization.
IQC President John Eadie, '65,
commented last night that the
Residence Hall Board of Gover-
nors has only met three times in
the past semester. "I don't think
we can cover problems of a system
that involves 7,000 students in
three meetings," he said.
Room and Board
In other action IQC moved that
all room and board increases be
made and announced previous to
issuing of contracts. They also
proposed setting up a commission
to make recommendations to
alleviate projected overcrowding
for next fall.
The changes contemplated for
the Regents By-Laws are:
--Adding the vice-president of
IQC and housing chairman of
The music school's produc-
tion of Alban Berg's opera
"Wozzeck" will not be present-
ed tonight as was indicated
in The Daily's "Across Cam-
pus" column. The performance
will be Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Aud.
Assembly to the Board member-
-,Requiring a regularly sched-
uled monthly meeting;
-Forming a standing commit-
tee composed of five Board mem-
bers to meet bi-monthly and de-
termine day-to-day operating and
procedural policy in the residence
halls and bring recommendations
to the Board; and
-Replacing vice - president for
student affairs by the director of
housing, as chairman of the Board
of Governors.
In explaining this last recom-
mendation Eadie said "most Uni-
versity board of governors are
.,..,r.n11v h, ~ihpiby . manin the~
County Voters To Decide
Community College Fate
GOP House leaders. In addition,
strong sentiment to keep some of Voters will go to the polls today to decide the fate of the
the established leadership in of- proposed Washtenaw County Community College. Polls will be
fice existed particularly among open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
conservative Midwesterners.
At first glance, ideology does The Community College ballot contains three propositions:
not seem to be a primary factor 1) Whether or not the college should be established;
in Ford's selection of Frelinghuy- 2) Whether or not a maximum annual millage rate of 1.25 mills1
__-----($1.25 on each $1,000 of assessed Population Explosion
FOUR-POINT MOTION: valuation as equalized) should be Romney said that the "roaring
authorized and population explosion will require a
3) The election of a six-man corresponding increase in job bp-
board of trustees. portunities and the huge invest-
ments necessary to supply them."
Board Members Thus, he said, the task of the 73rd
If the proposed college is estab- Legislature is to "prepare our state
By MICHAEL JULIAR -The International Students films, paying rent on the build- lished, the elected board mem- with efficient methods of meet-
support ing and paying the projectionists, bers would decide on its functions ing the people's needs adequately
There is a growing reaction to any SGC action. ushers and other workers, haveand final details and the tax structure to yield the
among students to the recent -Barry Bluestone, '66, said last gone up. He emphasized that ad- They would also set policy, de- revenue justly.
ticket price increase at the three night that the Student Employes vertising costs have substantially termine curricula, hire faculty, "It is clear we can improve serv-
2x motion picture theatres in Ann Union will "very possibly" sup- increased in the last few years. prepare budgets, levy taxage ac- ices where necessary in the com-
SArbor. port any action, but it is too busy He noted that other theatres cording to a set percentage of ing year only by spending a great
-The Lawyers Club Board of now to do anything "specifically" in Michigan owned by the Butter- the budget, obtain and construct deal more than our present tax
Directors called on Student Gov- about the situation. field chain which runs the three physical facilities for the college structure will produce. This means