FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAIE ) FRIDAY, 16 APRiL 1905 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Biggestros fdr Raid 0 Viet Con Support for Policy Given But No Aid Wilson, Brandt Voice Approval of Tactics WASHINGTON (R) - British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt both voiced support yesterday for President Lyndon B. Johnson's Viet Nam policy, but indicated that they could not increase pres- ent aid. The two were in Washington for talks with U.S. officials. Wilson said' his government was "heavily committed in Malaysia and in an important peacekeep- ing role in the Middle East." Wilson was in Washington for talks with Johnson, described the talks as cordial and fruitful. Wil- son commended Johnson's deter- mination to resist the Communist drive on South Viet Nam. German-U.S. Aid Brandt-speaking unofficially, since he is not a member of the Bonn government-said that West Germany will help in President Johnson's plan for economic de- velopment in Southeast Asia. In other action yesterday, Unit- ed Nations Secretary-General U Thant said he was heartened by recent developments in the Viet Nam crisis, particularly recent statements by Johnson and Com- munist North Viet Nam Premier Pham Van Dong. Thant said both seemed to agree on the need to recall the basics of the 1954 Geneva Agree- ments on Viet Nam. Thant also warmly welcomed the appeal of 17 non-aligned nations for uncon- ditional negotiations on a solu- tion. "I believe this to be a sound so- lution," he said yesterday. But Thant ruled out a trip by him- self to Southeast Asia at this time, mainly because of Communist China's firm objection to UN in- tervention in the problem. Indian Action Meanwhile, India's Communist Labor Movement announced yes- terday it will send thousands of volunteers to Viet Nam to fight alongside the Viet Cong guerrillas against "American aggression." p: F Y'r* CAM TAY NINH PROVINCE ('A' above) was the scene of the largest air attack of the Viet Nam war yesterday. Over 200 planes joined in a 'saturation attack' on what American officials said was a Viet Cong headquarters located in a forest area. For the first time in the conflict in Southeast Asia, United States planes from aircraft carriers joined in the massive raid that was reported "moderately successful" against Viet Cong ammunition deposits. World News Roundup War;Steel Union Rejects Extension PITTSBURGH (P)-The Steel- ject to reopening by either party them a preposterous assembly of workers Union rejected as com- on 60 days notice after May 1. proposals, obviously the result of pletely inadequate yesterday an Ultimatum a massive union force with divid- industry offer of limited contract Cooper told the union: ed leadership." improvements in exchange for an "We are willing to make a small Talks have been deadlocked for lie. willing to go no higher than two o answer union demands for con- j Steelmakers offered five cents per cent " tract improvements thatwould an hour. They asked for a limited cost one dollar an hour or more contract that would provide 60 The two per cent would be fig-cotnedlaanhuorme 'daextensionaor ould prun for6;ured on steelworkers' total pay, over a three-year term. days extension or could run for The possibility of a steel strike es ;six months. icu inge benefits, which has had many important effects In return, the million-member on the American economy. The union demanded at least 16 cents This would have come to about :Federal Reserve Board, in yester- an hour for an extension not to nine cents an hour under an orig- day's announcement, laid a part oin forces run more than 45 days. It would inal industry proposal of a year's of the cause of this month's 8.5 have accepted the 16 cents either interim agreement. It figures out per cent expansion of industrial in wages or fringe benefits. to about five cents for six months. production rates to fears of a steel For A ttack Unsuccessful Sessions Union Disunity strike. Union President David J. Mc- Cooper said the union's internalI The high industrial production Donald announced rejection of troubles have hampered negotia- reflected stockpiling of steel and 21 Jets Bomb Site the offer at a news conference tions. steel goods. jI North Viet Nam after emerging from one of sev- "We have encountered difficul--- eral sessions with two industry ne- ties in dealing with a house di- In Further Sorties gotiators. He said talks have been vided against itself," he said. recessed until sometime Monday. He referred to the union's pres- SAIGON (P)--The biggest Unit-. At a later news conference, R. 'idential election in which Mc- j ed States-Vietnamese air raid of Conrad Cooper, chief company Donald reportedly was defeated by the war tore up a Viet Cong negotiator, said the companies of- I. W. Abel ,union secretary-treas- stronghold in jungles near the fered to grant wage or fringe ben- urer. The official results have not Cambodian frontier yesterday and efit increases, but did not give a been announced yet. ! walled the sky with smoke and specific amount. Cooper said, "We were handed flames. The headquarters area was He said the companies asked for a package of so-called wage and reportedly demolished. an extension beyond May 1 sub- benefit adjustments." He labeled ( ""Xx An armada of 230 planes joined"---- in a moderateely successful dawn- to-dusk attack on the Viet Cong\ k zone, about seven square miles in Tay Ninh province, 65 miles northlwest of Saigon. ° n a Quits Put LANSING tP) - Lynn Bartlett announced yesterday his resigna- tion as superintendent of public instruction. He will go to Wash- ington to become deputy assistant Secretary of Defense for educa- tion. Bartlett. a Democrat, had won four consecutive terms as state schools chief, but the new consti- tution abolished the elective post. He will leave June 30, at the end of his present term. Thomas Brennan, president of the new Board of Education, said the board is starting its search for an appointive superintendent, who will be the Department of Public Instruction's administrative head. By The Associated Press BOGALUSA, La.(P) - Negro pickets and white counterpickets marched yesterday in front of midtown stores that negroes charges with discriminatory hiring practices, bringing a stir of apprehension from the Louisiana state capitol. Negro signs read "We don't buy where we can't work." White picketers' signs read "White man, give this merchant your business" and "All these natives need is a witch doctor and drinks." * * * KOREA-Anti-government riots in Korea spread beyond Seoul yesterday as police and students clashed for the third consecutive day. Nearly 4,000 students protested alleged concessions to Japan at recent negotiations. Dozens were . A injured, and several hundred ar- In i. irested. Six secondary explosions during the methodical bombing and straf- ing suggested the demolition of Viet Cong ammunition caches. For the first time, U.S. Navy planes took part in a combat operation within South Viet Nam. Flying from the carriers Coral Sea and Midway, they teamed up with U.S. Army, Air Force and Marine aircraft and South Viet- namese fighter-bombers. Ground fire was light. Gen. William C. Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Viet Nam, had called for a maximum effort. The armada assembled for the job exceeded even the most massive used in the raids against North Viet Nam, a 220-plane strike force sent North last Friday. Meanwhile, a 21-plane force carried on attacks north of the 17th parallel. Have Your Term Papers typed by Experts ! LOW RATES ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED! Bring your rough drafts to- Kelly Girls Service, Inc. 522 E. William The Maynard House 662-5559 # ih Y. Lounge Coat 'A~ line coat R rlaiz sleeves joined to body with self pipinzg. Self fabric bias bound cardigan~ Bring joy into a neckline 5-button loved OflC S life with To Cease-Fire NEW DELHI R) - India agreed yesterday to a cease-fire with Pakistan over disputed marsh- land in\ the Rann of Kutch near the Arabian Sea. This announcement by Indian Foreign Minister Swaran Singh touched off an uproar in parlia- ment because Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri said four days ago there would be no peace talks until Pakistan vacated two border posts which India claims. WASHINGTON - The Federal Reserve Board reported yesterday that the nation's industrial pro- duction continued to expand in March. The Federal Reserve Index rose from 138.9 in February to 140.1 in March. Personal income rose $2.5 billion this month, and rose $9.4 billion for the last quarter. * * * LONDON-Railway police set up emergency squads to handle the latest juvenile delinquency kick - train-wrecking. I . i f t ) J fronzt cl osingi d 6' Side seam pocket. Smzall, MAedizium, Large Price $9.00 an Easter Greeting f rom Choite" ARoert 312 So. State 1203 So. University iheS Arc 8 NICKELS ARCADE Pburenl 662-2918 Read ana tse Daily Classifieds I it 1 1. "r~...r~a".a..rii' :ta...r .""a .ri~~r.... . . i.*..... .a...a".. . .. . "rra.. ra by, F'. * AiCA LIP SfELL Alluringly feminine,. . our Scallop Shell strapless shift and matching coat set. Coat has shirred cape collar and folded scallops on cape and hem. Shift has elasticized top with two nylon ribbon bows. Deb blue. P-S-M 17.00 The Gift That Will Be Cherished Long After GRADUATION by Archibald MakLesh Directedby Alan Schneider i "en"cr MENDELSSOHN THEATRE September 28-- November 14 I .- -r 'm ,.-. 1 f . or r ,,,w Fla I*TWA r,,r , Im. hRa t u.rst ? IVM tI , no., UI I' I G U i _ri student t"#Dier.