'U'-TUSKEGEE PROGRAM: CHALLENGE AND HOPE See Editorial Page Y 5k ua :4Ia itl PARTLY SUNNY High-54 Low-34 Winds from the northwest, 8-15 Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 165 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 SEVEN CENTS S EIGHT PAGEti Debating, Teach-In Focus on Viet Nam By BOB MOORE The issue of United States involvement in Viet Nam continues to be one of the biggest issues on campus. Four campus groups sponsored a debate last night between stu- dent representatives of both sides that was attended by about 150 people. The Faculty-Student Committee to Stop the War in Viet Nam will hold a meeting today that may decide its future as a protest and educaional group. Last night's debate was sponsored by the Faculty-Student Com- mittee, VOICE political party, the Young Democrats and the Young -Republicans in the Undergraduate "I Library multi-purpose room. B ill A im s 10 Three weeks ago, speakers came to the University to present posi- tions on the issues, but both th-e C~urb A etio n pro-involvement and the anti-in - volvement groups sponsored activi- ties that presented only one side. On March 24, the anti-involve- Cam pus ment Faculty-Student Committee held a teach-in that attacked gov- ernment policy; on March 25, a By MICHAEL BADAMO pro-involvement group called the A bill designed to curb the in- Conference on Viet Nam Steering cidence of troublemakers on Cali- Committee had two State Depart- fornia state universities will be meat officials present the admin- debated today on the floor of the on si California State Assembly. On the question of future pro-~ Chill , suppoAssemly. adir test action, the Faculty - Student The bill, supposedly a direct CmiteoSopheWrn outgrowth of last fall's riots on CViet Nam is meeting tonight andj the Berkeley campus of the Uni- will decide whether present plans Faculty Senate Approves Structural Reform Idea i 'x>=:° i i{ !' i}~ I N11SF Fin~ By BARBARA SEYFRIED versity of California, will give the board of regents of any state uni- versity the power to evict from university property any person or group of persons who are sus- pected of seeking to start trouble. Assemblyman Don Mulford, au- thor of the bill, said that the bill would "have the effect of author- izing the responsible administra- tion to effect the removal of any- one who intends to start trouble." Attempts Punishment Assemblyman William Stanton, one of the bill's few opponents, said the bill attempts to punish people for acts they have not yet committed. "There should be about 12 votes against it," he predicted. "There are 80 members in the Assembly and I expect about 100 votes for the measure," Stanton said. He was referring to Assembly voice votes which spectators frequent- ly participate in. Mulford predicted the bill would probably pass after some "vigor- ous debate." He said there is wide- spread support for the measure. 'Urgent' Asked when the bill would go into effect if passed, Mulford said it was introduced as "urgent" ! meaning it would be effective as soon as Gov. Edmund G. Brown signs it. University of California Dean of Education Relations Frank Kidner said that the administration has no official position on the bill be- cause it deals with state colleges as well as the University of Cali- fornia. Mulford noted that 20 per cent of the demonstrators arrested last December 3 in Sproul Hall on the Berkeley campus were not Uni- versity of California students and actually had no stake in the pro- ceedings. for a nation-wide protest are feas- ible in terms of costs and man- power, and to plan in more detail whatever sort of teach-in the committee decides it can handle. "It is virtual certainty," said Prof. William Gamson of the so- ciology department, chief spokes- man of the committee, "that some sort of major activity like a teach- in, involving a number of colleges, will be held." Gamson said last night that to- day's meeting will consider various proposals for the teach-in. Group -Meets' On Apartheid' A group of faculty, students, and administrators met Sunday in a closed session to study University investments in corporations which support apartheid. Members of the meeting decided not to release any information about the meeting. Neither Vice-President of Stu- dent Affairs Richard Cutler, nor Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur Pierpont, nor stu- dent leaders Susanne Orrin, '66, a n d Samuel Friedman, '65G, would make any comment. Sources indicate that all were present at the closed meeting. The meeting was first discussed less than a month ago, when Cut- ler announced that he had begun arrangements with a group of stu- dents and faculty who had con- tacted him to set up a fact-find- ing committee to determine the extent and morality of certain University investments in com- panies indirectly supporting apar- theid policies in South Africa. Congressman Weston E. Vivian .::.. announced recently that the Na-a tional Science Foundation has " ;awarded a grant of $11,080 to the University to promote an "In- service Institute of Mathematics -Daily-John Pollock for Elementary School Teachers, MAYOR WENDELL E. HULCHER yesterday asked the City Coun- Supervisors, and Principals." cil for a specific policy on high-rise buildings. He also indicated According to Prof. Phillip Jones the necessity for improving low-cost housing as well as recon- of the mathematics department stituting the Council's Housing Committee. and director of the program, the: purpose of this grant is to in- form teachers now teaching in /y A sk s elementary schools about new ap- r proaches to mathematics. In the past 10 to 12 years, e e Jones explained, considerable re- a 'F o r H ig -R isorganization has gone on within H t~g h R t~semathematics instruction. Material , which was, at one time, introduc- ed at junior high school level is now being introduced in the High-rise builders, low-cost housing, and "equal protection of elementary school, Jones said. Thej the laws" are current problems facing Ann Arbor that newly-sworn- approach to teaching this mater- in Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher presented to the Ann Arbor City ial ais well as teaching methods Council at last night's meeting. have changed, he explained. Field Growing Hulcher asked the Council, five of whom were making their This has come because the field debut following the April 5 city election, for a specific poicy on of mathematics has been growing high-rise buildings. at a tremendous rate making it Hulcher said the plan "should protect the desirable aesthetic necessary for more people to know' qualities of our city, provide for adequate parking and traffic flow, more about mathematics, Jones' and encourage continued private -- -- said. development and investment; it C;teHe added that education is also would thereby broaden the tax Cie D reaping the benefits of the re- base and meet the dramatic hous- L1L suits of numerous experimentalF sdstudies run on teaching in mathe-. ing and service needs of our citi- matics. The emphasis now is un- zens."uggested that the Council derstanding concepts rather than memorizing rules to work specific might conduct a committee study problems, Jones said. of the self-help program of Jack- Reaction to the proposed room For example, combinatorial ge- son, Mich., which has vastly im- and board increase in University ometry is now being introduced at proved the downtown area of that residence halls for next year has the elementary school level. This city. generally been unfavorable among type of geometry puts the child Considering the problem of bet- present residents, despite the rea- in the situation where he has ter housing for low income resi-|sons cited by Eugene Haun, direc- two lines and then lets him dis- dents, Hulcher had a two-part tor of residence halls, for such an cover what these two lines can do, solution: increase. Jones explained. This is an ex- -Short-run action-"I shall call Representatives from each of ample of one situation of one directly and immediately upon the the women's dormitories, report- type of problem. business community, individuals, ing the dissatisfaction at the As- New Emphasis churches, agencies, and other or- sembly House Council yesterday, Another example is a new em-: ganizations to help us muster our discussed possible suggestions for phasis on different schemes for! community resources to help the I lowering the proposed increase. writing numbers. Most people are needy families and persons to - used to using the number base t a it i ,. I tnces Mate Institute r elementary sch'ool loose with a Teachers also have to have an new concept and hope that he overall understanding of the theo- comes up with something; rather ries they are presenting so that he will structure the situation in they can direct the child's learn- such a way that conclusions can ing in the direction which will be drawn from what material is lead to further understanding of presented the subject, Jones explained. - - --This has become more and more necessary as mathematics has ex- tended its frontiers. It is now imperative that students be able to take old concepts, put them P orini Statetogether and be able to come out working in a field of mathematics which is almost entirely new. This ,OB Eis being forced by the increasing By ROBERT BENDELOW technology of the society, which "We, the residents of the dor- makes adaptation necessary. mitories, strongly protest the sit- The grant will cover the cost uation resulting in the made- of books, teaching and transpor, quate living conditions within the tation of teachers and principal residence hall system. . ." to and from Ann Arbor so that Interquadrangle Council decid- they can participate in the pro- ed to distribute a petition last gram. night "designed to make the Re- Preferencee gents aware of the situation in Jones explained that prefe enf the residence halls, now ,and es-we given tdythoe ''os oi pecially in the fall," as comment- maelyi40 te-hr ho Ari- ed John Eadie, IQC president. mately 40 teachers, who are with- "dJohn adish tC xpresident. in driving distance of Ann Arbor, ...and wish to express our will be included in this program deep concern about: the admis- which will be held every Satur- sions policy of the University re- mn f eeryour-. sultng n te oercrwdig cis-day morning for three h ours. . suiting in the overcrowding Cris- This program is not a new in- 'iC ad snovation. It has been conducted in IQC released figures, gathered the past two years for the bene- by the council, showing a project- fit of secondary school teachers, ed enrollment figure of 7,788 stu- Jones said. "This year we just dents to be living in the residence decided to emphasize elementary halls in the fall. The petition school education," he added. notes that this is 608 more stu- dents than the system's maximum; capacity. The IQC newsletter re-S ports that some 1,020 rooms havees d df a xt o cupant in the fall, raising theI total number of people who canboverR--e t be placed in the system to around 8200. However, a council member pointed out, each year, the pro- The Student Advisory Commit- jected enrollment figure has been tee for the Residential College met too low. The percentage of those yesterday to conclude its discus- accepting admission at the Uni- sion of student-faculty govern- versity, and showing up here, has ment within the proposed residen- been increasing. tial college and to recommend Therefore, it is possible for as people to fill the seats of grad- many as 1000 more students than uating members on the commit- the released figures to show up. tee. The administration has said At the committee's previous that it considers 400 of the 1,020 meeting on March 29, suggestions rooms to be doubled up as abso- for supplying the additional mem- lute last resort cases, 10 of which bers were discussed, and the nine are in Markley. Therefore, they members decided that those peo- don't think that they can handle ple leaving the University may more than 600 extra students with recommend their successors; an- anything resembling livable con- other idea was to have interested ditions. students apply for positions di- "The overcrowded situation is rectly to Dean Burton D. Thuma, undeniably detrimental to the ed- advisor to the student committee. ucation of the students, from the Thuma announced yesterday standpoint of teaching and learn- that he had appointed Jeffrey ing." Goodman, '66, and Mark Singer, -ing._ -'67 ,to fill two of the three vacant seats. Many committee members ' recommended people to fill the Ini S Uce third seat. After almost two hours of dis- cussion the proposed community r Iugovernment of the residential col- lege was finally concluded and ap- proved. The committee has stud- system. IFC, however, is an auton- led this proposition during its last omous group. No other ruling on several meetings and will send the the issue can force IFC to reverse revised plan of the government to its decision, though Trigon may the Residential College Faculty continue to exist as a student or- Committee for further discussion ganization unless convicted under and approval. Student Government Council an- Student-faculty government en- ti-discrimination bylaws. tails cooperation between both To retain recognition as a fra- parties in forming college policy. ternity and a member of IFC, In the past weeks the committee however, Trigon must adhere to discussed curriculum planning, the IFC ruling as only IFC has representation on the college power in areas of fraternity rec- council, and the council's legisla- ognition. tive powers within the college. Group Seeks To Clarify Organization Proposal Referred To Sub-Committee For Further Study By PHYLLIS KOCH Reorganization of the Faculty Senate was "approved in principle" yesterday at the spring meeting of the Senate. However, the re- organization plan was' referred back to the Subcommittee on Uni- versity Freedom and Responsibil- ity for clarification of the actual mechanics and details of the pro- posal. The plan, first proposed by the subcommittee in the spring of 1964, seeks to revise the Senate organization so that faculty can "speak out forcefully and prompt- ly on University policy." The plan was recommended for approval by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs last week. As it stands, the plan would establish a new 65-mem- ber representative Assembly which is to serve as a legislative arm and a nine-member advisory com- mittee to replace the present 19- member SACUA. The Senate, which includes all 1200 professorial-rank teachers, would continue to meet once a se- mester, but the Assembly would be able to speak for the faculty un- less its actions were reversed at the Senate's twice-yearly meeting, Criticism Criticism of the proposal by Senate members at the meeting focused on what the subcommittee meant in certain areas regarding activities of the Assembly. While there was a general feeling for the need to reorganize the Senate, it was felt that the present proposal needed to be clearer about lines of authority and responsibility. Although the proposal was not officially- passed, members of the subcommittee who drafted the plan felt they had received "sig- nificant encouragement." Prof. Claude Eggertsen of the educa- tion school and chairman of the subcommittee felt a "substantial victory" had been achieved, in that "we actually achieved our basic objective." The subcommittee was further encouraged by the fact that the senate defeated a motion for a mail ballot by a vote of 77-75. This was a "significant indication of support," Prof. Arnold Kuethe of the engineering college and a member of the subcommittee re- marked after the meeting. Mail Ballots The proposal would probably have been defeated in the event of a mail ballot, according to Eg- gertsen. "It would have been an uninformed vote, since so many Senate members would have re- sponded in an off-hand way," Kuethe added. Vice-President for ; Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns declined comment on the proposal. Further Senate action is requir- ed on the proposal before it can be presented to the Regents. Ac- cording to Kuethe, however, "With this encouragement, the subcom- mittee can come up with an ac- ceptable motion for the next Sen- ate meeting in the fall." I find better living quarters imme- diately;" -Long-term action-"We shall cooperate with State and Federal programs which can aid in provid- ing better housing for low income residents." In addition to this, the new Republican mayor asked the Coun- cil to reconstitute its Housing Committee, and come up with an over-all plan to rectify the hous- ing dilemma. Community Groups This committee "should call up- on all community groups and in- dividuals to step forward with their ideas, plans, and support for helping to build new or fix up old housing units," Hulcher said. Bringing the civil rights issue to the civic front, the Mayor recommended that the Council adopt the provision of the State Constitution which guarantees that no one "be denied the en- joyment of his civil or political One of the suggestions present- ed was the elimination of maid service in the residence halls, which is presently included in the dormitory fees at a cost of $10.21 per student. The elimination of Sunday evening meals ($12.79 per student) and tablecloths at week- day dinners ($3.20 per student) was also considered. A proposal that all students be required to bus their own dishes at early breakfast met with agree- ment. 10, but other number bases are used. The stress is on understand- ing these different number bases. It seeks to point out the differ- ence between the concept of a number and the name of a num- ber, Jones explained. Many of these concepts ar.e- even unfamiliar to teachers who have been teaching only 10 years. New concepts are now being used in many texts. A teacher has to be informed. He cannot just turn a child in REVERSES PREVIOUS VOTE: t 8 Board Opposes Grant rAfter Seeing Petitions Trigou To Request Alan Before Determining Futi r t By THOMAS R. COPI rights or be discriminated against in the exercise thereof, because The controversial community self-help program being carried out of religion, race, color, or national in Willow Village-and financed with federal war on poverty funds- origin." has met new opposition from the Ypsilanti Township Board. However, Hulcher said, "legals But Charles Rehmus, director of the Institute of Labor and Indus- opinions do differ as to the power trial Relations, said that the action of the board-a 5-2 reversal of of a city to adopt local laws in its previous approval of the $188,252 federal grant-will have no effect decide that question." on the project. Hulcher, a Republican mayor The ILIR is a joint project of the University and Wayne State in a Council whose 10 members are University, which is carrying out the Willow Village project in co- evenly split between the Repub- operation with the Willow Run Association for Neighborhood De- licans and Democrats, endorsed, velopment (WRAND). the two-party system on the lo- The board action followed weeks of protest against the federal cal level. It is advantageous, he grant on the part of Ypsilanti Township residents, who feel that the said, in two respects: grant is a slur on the area, and that they are not "poverty-stricken," -"Specific principles and issues as the grant seems to imply. aecaiidtruhwa sot en politely referred to as 'partisan Controversy d aiogue The major point of controversy has been over the ILIR report -"Each of the parties provides sent to the Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington request- an ongoing organization and ing the federal funds. The report, which started off with "Willow means by whereby candidates Village by any standards is an impoverished community," has been are enlisted and choices are pro- blasted as inaccurate and outdated by residents of Ypsilanti Town- vided to voters through a rela- ship. tively orderly process." _ _ [ 1wL~y PrnI cc By LAURENCE MEDOW 1 Trigon has formulated no planst for further action in its religious discrimination case, Robert Plez- nac, '67, president of Trigon, said last night. "Our alumni will meet{ within the next two or three weeks and plans will be made then," Pleznac said. In an appeal to the Fraternityt Presidents Assembly, the legisla- tive arm of the Interfraternity Council and appeal body in judi- cial cases ,the action of the IFC executive committee was upheld last week. The executive committee, com- posed of the five senior officers of IFC and representatives from each of five fraternity districts, had found religious discrimina- tion in Trigon's ritual, a violation of IFC Bylaw Article X, Section I, which prohibits discrimination in membership selection. The executive committee ruled that Trigon must change its rit- ual by September 1, 1965, or face expulsion from IFC. Loss of IFC membership would deny Trigon participation in IFC- organized rush, fraternity intra- mural athletics, IFC sing and oth- er privileges coexistent with IFC membership. to be declared invalid. A revote was taken April 8 and the executive committee decision was upheld by a vote of 21-20. "Since the official vote found us guilty, 21-20, I think the executive committee can ill-afford to con- sider the FPA decision an over- whelming show of support on this1 issue. Trigon considers this issue to be far from over,' 'David Hall, '66, past-president of Trigon, said. FPA was Trigon's last channel of appeal within the fraternity v Willow Village, actually an unincorporated entity, lies in both Ypsilanti and Superior Townships, just north of Ypsilanti. The Su- perior Township Board gave unanimous approval to the federal grant. The Ypsilanti Township Board's move followed action by a citizens' group called REPLY - "Return Every Penny and Leave Vnsilanti " Gnrdnn Mattsnn chairman nf REPLY. showed Detitions -Oraery rrocess This "orderly process" was dem- onstrated when the Council elect- ed its mayor pro tempore. Coun- cilman O. William Habel, a Re- publican, was nominated as was nemncrt Counilwoman Eunice :. _ . u : . : :. . .. .L - .. -.: ' ... . . ..U.:. d atr u ? xN . . . .... . 6: ''