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January 14, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-14

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Variable cloudiness,
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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


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Michigan's economic growth
in' the next decade will largely
depend on the use of state uni-
versity resources to infuse new
technologies into the state's in-
dustrial base, a report released
today by the Industrial Devel-
opment Division (IDD) of the
Institute of Science and Tech-
nology states.
The study, "A Comparison
of the Research Patterns of
Michigan Universities w i t h
State and National Research
and Industrial Trends," was
written by Frank R. Bacon and
Kenneth E. Bayer of IDD.
In analyzing the state uni-
versities' research emphases,
the report finds large imbal-
ances between these and the
present emphases in Michigan
industry. However, the report
explains that the universities'
emphases correspond to the
areas national growth in. in-
"In light of the state's need
for more diversified industrial
growth,the national character
of university research in Mich-
igan represents a positive po-
tential. The existence of strong
research capibilities in the sci-
ence and technology associated
with the nation's major growth
industries can provide the new
technologies which can further
vitalize the state's already
strong machinery and metal
working base.
"This reserve strength is in-
valuable now that the state's
industries need to acquire new
technologies to improve pro-
duction capabilities and to de-

and m
tion w
ing d
ties' rE
be pu
ties in
"the t
of Mic
age fo
the sr

To Spark Growth Cite Value o im
Of Hatcher
new products for further of rubber and plastics produc-
ification into national tion.
The figures on state univer- Assembly tudent co
-on explains that the sities' research are based on r e
sbest hope for economic search activities at the Univer-tdl Eo
h lies in utilizing present sity ($35.7 million in the 1962- By DAVID BLOCK
in Michigan's predomi- 63 fiscal year), Michigan State
industries -- machinery University ($9.8 million in the Student convocations are worth- " "
etalworking-in connec- same year), Wayne State Uni- while ventures and have the po-
vith new technologies be- versity ($4.4 million) and Mich- tential to succeed at the Univer-
(,eveloped in the universi- igan Technological University sity. These were the conclusions
esearch programs. $ (900,000). reached by the student convoca- """
New Industry dgn comparing research in on committee inwareport, re-c a e a t
ry such as electronics or ted ta trepot states the organizational preparation
ace, new technologies can , "In general, the rate of growth made for the first convocation By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM by University President Harlan
t to use in those indus- in unersity rsarc (rom held in November, and which bra- Hatcher. Chaired by Vice-Presi-
already established in 7 milli in 1951 $50. il sented suggestions for such events Although Michigan nailed down dent for University Relations Mi-
gan," Bacon says. This 1 96 c the future. its Rose Bowl victory Jan. 1 chael Radock, it will meet today.
combine existing cap- ably it the gowth f ave The program of the first con- without much trouble, the plan- Refunds
es within Michigan in- search and development per- vocation included an address by ners of the University-sponsored SGC President Doug Brook, '65,
and within the universi- formed by industry in the U.S " jUniversity President Harlan! student tours to the contest re- told the Council last night that
order to achieve growth. Further "The composition of Hatcher followed by a question vealed yesterday that many finan- he
analyzing the state's in- the combined total research ex and answer session. The commit- cial details of the tours are not wa res th ravel n t
, the report states that penditures at the four Michi- tee report stated that the actual yet resolved. $15 for students who traveled by
ransportation equipment, an universities is approximate- conduct of the event "went well," It is alleged that a number of Rock Island Golden Gate railroad.
nery, fabricated metal ly parallel to federal emphasis but termed it a "partial raiture" students are owed money because The travel agency Gibbs Tours,
cts and primary metals in research, with greater stress because of a disappointingly low their travel and hotel accommo- Inc. had written tour- members
ries constitute 70 per cent on social and psychological ci turnout. dations were not satisfactory. in December promising them a $15
chigan's industrial base." ences and agricultural sci-ences The report said that the reasons However, the travel agent for the reduction in fares based on the
iever, the report states at the four universities." for this "appear to be manyfold." tours, University officials and rep- radcrond's aeed d on the
those industries "exper- Imbalances It suggested a re-evaluation of resentatives ofhStudent Gove railroad's by that amount. This
growthbelow the aver- Bacon and Bayer found sig the day, the time and the place ment Council have yet to settles decision was revoked and Gibbs
r all United States manu- nificant imbalances in compar- o iercon of the event's for- A special University committee paid the full amount.
e during the latter por- ing the fields of research at the reconsideration Brook told the Council he is
of the 1950's and early four Michigan universities with mat and topic. to appraise the Rose Bowl ar- also seeking:
Similar adverse trends the relative size of segments of Appraisal rangements generally, including -Refunds of "extra charges for
experienced in several of Michigan industry that might In appraising the value of con- student tours, has been formed double rooms that members of the
maller industries, notably benefit by such research. The vocations, the report stated, the tour never received";
,furniture, adn lumber." two largest discrepancies were "gulf (between student and admm- -Refunds of hotel charges for
Groth rens wth he oto veicl inus istrator) is bound to widen as H ear*A vice those members that left the Alex-
Growth Trends with the motor vehicle Indus- the University continues to ex- andria Hotel an Los Angeles "be-
ng ntoth 190',Mih try and the instruments, elec- itao)i on owdna d ic hs ebr htlf h lx
an's only industries with trical equipment and aircraft pand and become more complex; I lieving that it was unsatisfactory
h trends above the na- industry, any attempts such as the convoca- R ushin accommodations," and
average for all manufac- The motor vehicle industry they restra or at -"Some equitable rebate of ho-
were found to be elec- accounted for 37.6 per cent of the transition from university to tel room charges for those tour
lahne paand instru- S multiversity.' Over 400 fraternity rushees as- members lodged in what could be
and the plastics portion See REPORT, Page 3 The report recognized the in- sembled in the Union Ballroom termed cramped, overcrowded, in-
creasing dimensnsns of student last night at the Interfraternity adequate and unlivable portions of
.Ynf1 ^_ omychit mrh d7.r Council's mass rush meeting to

at Housing,
iomic Status

cowl Tour

Group Calls
For Positive
PreVious Bluestone
Criticism of Council
As Too Wide-Spread
Student Government Council
last night moved to redirect and
concentrate its efforts in specific
areas of student off-campus hous-
ing and student economic welfare.
Realizing that its present ef-
forts were too wide-spread to give
proper consideration to any one
proposal, the Council decided to
concern itself -with action that
conceivably would result in posi-
tive benefits before the upcoming
March 1 elections.
Over the hesitancy of som--
Council members, President Doug-
las Brook, '65, pushed through the
new program with the verbal aid
of Barry Bluestone, '66, and Ann
Wickins, '65, president of the Pan-
hellenic Association.


tours, which included transporta-
tion, tickets, meals and accommo-
When the groups started arriv-
ing in California, the Alexandria

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Adopt Master's Bioengine(

This time two years ago, a
bioengineering program aimed at
the engineer, the qualified student
in science and the medical student
was adopted by the University's
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies. According to Prof. Glenn
V. Edmonson, dean of the engi-
neering college and one of the
main coordinators of the program,
it was designed to cause "an in-
teraction between two equally
strong, equally capable practicing
professions, both of which have
the objective of serving society,
but in different ways."
In a speech delivered to the
National Electronics Conference,
Bdmonson stated that three rea-
sons might be cited for recent
decisions of American universities
to study this interdisciplinary ef-
fort and to train students for
careers in bioengineering.
First "it must be recognized
that the engineer has evolved in
the last fifteen to twenty years
from a person capable of dealing
with essentially steady-state phe-
nomena to a person capable of
understanding and dealing with
complex, nonlinear systems that
are always in a state of transient
The engineer finds that he be-
haves in many ways similar to
the complex, nonliving systems
with which he deals. He finds
that his methods of analysis are
applicable to biological systems.
"Secondly, the rapid techno-

logical advances that have been
made in instrumentation, largely
electrically oriented, have en-
couraged the biologist to acceler-
ate his research." Under this sec-
ond' point, Edmonson mentioned
the electron-microscope as being
a particularly important develop-
Third, said Edmonson, comes
the "immediate pressure of our
man-in-space projects" which
"have stimulated a very close col-
laboration between the engineer,
the medical doctor, the physiolo-
bist, and the psychologist that
few other projects in the past
have fostered."
There is, he added, "no doubt
that the opportunities :or pai ici-
pation by competent bioengineers
are expanding."
By way of illustration of the
possibilities of the program, Ed-
monson cited a civil engineer at
the University who is engaged in
cardiovascular research, although
his particular engineering field is
hydraulics. Edmonson also de-
scribed chemical engineers busy
with research connected with
chemical processes in tae psysio-
logical system, and also with bac-
teriological problems associated
with drug manufacturing and food
Going further on the same sub-
ject, Edmonson maintained that
the faculty of the department of
electrical engineering have been
establishing a world-wide reputa-
tion in signal detection, of which
one facet is sensory intelligence.

apathy on campus, out empi-as zea
I that this would not necessarily
deal a fatal blow to the prospects
for successful student convoca-
bring D egree tions. It said they should be held
at least once a semester and
stressed that "continuous experi-
Edmonson said that these ac- mentation and re-evaluation."
tivities and others, although being The topic of the convocation
conducted to contribute to grad-t was "The President and Students
uate programs in the College of Look at the University's Future."
Engineering, did form the research The report states that this was
base on which the bioengineering chosen in an attempt to please
program was built. everyone, but suggests that con-
So far, one bioengineering stu- ceivably the topic was too broad
dent has completed 'iis master's and as a result appealed to no
preliminary exams and is a can- one.
didate for a doctorate. Four more Recommendations
students are ready to 'ake their It recommends that in the fu-
preliminary exams, and 15 other ture more specific and concrete
students are in various stages of topics should be chosen which ap-
the program. peal more strongly to a more
15, to 18news'tuidents will beselect group of students for a given

receive information about winter Reimbursement
rush from IFC Rush Chairman Andrew Gibbs of Gibbs, Inc. ten-
Kelly Rea, '66, and IFC President tatively agreed yesterday to reim-
Lawrence Lossing, '65.{ burse students who paid for but
Reaencouraged the rushees to did not receive double rooms. He
visit as many houses of various also agreed to reimburse students
sizes as possible and not to con- dc
fine themselves to any one house ia.
too early. However, he declined to pay the
Fraternities and rushees have $15 for the Rock Island since
dual selectivity in that both the Gibbs Tours paid the railroad full
dualele ity n thath ot hvthe fare and . . . the passengers on the
fraternity and the rushee have the Golden State Train did enjoy the
opportunity to make a choice, he tour and the accommodations."
said. He left open the possibility that
An understanding of this mutual if students write expressing their
appraisal helps to avoid disap- disapproval, the reimbursement
pointment by the fraternity and will be reconsidered.
the rushee, Rea said.
Once the decision is made, sign- No Liability
ing the IFC pledge card finalizes Gibbs, who met with SGC and
a shee's fraternity chore.administrative officials yesterday
a rusht c afternoon, made it clear that his
Lossing presented the rushees firm accepts no liability for hotel
with reasons why they should not accommodations.
only rush but also pledge frater- He told the meeting, however,
nities. "The philosophy of Univer- that he was filing suit with the
sity fraternities-brotherhood-al- Alexandria Hotel for alleged mis-
though sentimental, deserves con- representation and damage to his
sideration," he said. reputation.
Fraternities produce socially pol- Brook said SGC will meet with
ished, self-reliant, well-rounded the hotel also to try to gain the
leaders, he said. And if the rushee rebate money.
is looking for a narrow place to Not Equipped
live, that is, a place just for study University officials have private-
or just for athletics, he had bet- ly complained that the University
ter re-evaluate his position. was not equipped to handle the
tour arrangements - particularly
on such short notice. Michigan
N ear only defeated Ohio State to assure
N ear EndLr~~r =
a' trip to the Rose Bowl in late
November. -
charges be dropped. When the ul- A student-administrativecom-
d D mittee was set up to plan the


taken into the program this year.
Edmonson reports that 189 in-
quiries and 16 applications have
been received by the department.
Edmonson says that a further
indication of the success of 1,he
program came with the grant it
received from thesNational In-
stitute of Health, as of last July
1. The grant is for $100,000 per
year for at least the next three
See ADD, Page 2

The first convocation was held
on a Thursday night. The report
stated that the attendence at a
future one might be increased if
it was held on a Friday night or
late in the afternoon on a week
day. The former would allow the
convocation to become a "date-
type" affair, and a late afternoon
scheduling would draw students
who stay on campus after their
classes before returning home for

Berkeley Confrontations

Hotel, which was supposed tota First Step
about half the load, was reported- Brook hailed the move as be-
ly unprepared and unable to han- ing "outstanding first steps to-
dle it. Massive changes of rooms ward making SGC meaningful to
and crowding took place and a students on this campus."
number of students were dissatis- H adh a vr lae
. . He said he was "very pleased
fied with their accommodations. that Council members committed
themselves to act energetically in
E U CaT these areas."
"If we're successful," he contin-
EivU Campuscu
ued "there should be no doubt as
et Tpto the worth of SGC on this cam-
Six Week Program
B NextYear In the next six week§, Council
17 will, among other moves, attempt
Michi U sty' to bring pressure to bear on prop-
erty owners for the relief of rent
campusareamhydokble nextconditions, to investigate prices
year if the school picks up P being charged by local merchants
tions it now holds on land in the and to use all possible means to
Ypsilanti area. secure price reductions if they are
EMU's Vice-President for Busi- found to be exorbitant.
ness and Finance Lewis Profit said Bluestone, who earlier had sent
yesterday that, although plans a critical message concerning the
were very vague at this stage,l Council's inaction during the fall
the area under option "might be semester to each member, said,
used for a stadium, service fa- "The big juestion now is if."
cilities, residence halls and possi- "If SGC goes ahead and puts
bly a residence college." "fnC oed eadrndts
However, before EMU can pick' concentrated effort into the two
up the option on the site of over areas of student, housing and gen-
150 aeaoption n hseof nancingeral economic welfare, we just may
150 acres, a means of financing be able to insure some progress
the purchase must be found. b bet nue oepors
EMU officials are hoping that this semester for SGC and the
the Legislature will appropriate student body.U
enough money to cover the $3500 " If Unsuccessful
per acre price of the land. How- "If SGC cannot succeed in this
ever, Profit said that if the Leg- attempt, it might just fade away."
islature does not allocate suffi- Brook opened the session with a
cient funds, alternate means of message aimed at acquainting the
financing such as bond issues will members with the critical state
be used to purchase the tract. of Council.
He emphasized that although
Profit noted that EMU needs Council has taken steps that have
more land to handle its burgeon-d amn
ing enrollment. He estimated that traesectin forethedoranian
by next year there will be a 17 it has not taken enough steps
per cent increase in the numbers relevant to student concerns.
of students on the EMUca uCommitment
cm Urging the members to commit
TEGR1ATION: themselves to work in the selected
areas to the completion of the
projects involved, Brook claimed
® many of the Council's problems
i p i could be traced to inactivity on
ghS plitofthe citiede t
Bluestone then criticized the
wid-speadnature of Council ef-
fort andurged for an "eighteen-
things well instead of an eighteen-
M BENOIT man commitment to work in areas
inwhich they find theirinterests."
traditional Communist doctrine, Elaborating on this idea, Miss
sized yesterday that the diverse Wickins urged that the whole
,mmunist countries will cause an Council work as a committee in
d party movement. one or two specialized areas.
neaningless term, as has happened 'Wickins' Proposal'
en Communist parties in different poal" thenCouncil then sele e
old Soviet ideologies to fit their housing and economic welfare as
the areas for consideration.
quit the party in 1929) explained Urging Council members not to
rushchev destroyed the myth of neglect matters drawn from areas
p toward destroying the myth of other than the selected ones,
munism. Brook emphasized that the in-
Challenge creased Council concern with the
Soviet supremacy originated in housing and economic programs
ed Khrushchev's policy of coexist- was not lbedne at the expense
lligerent stand toward the United In its next meeting, the Council
will select from a list of ideas ob-
changed the party line with the tained in a brainstorming session
and an announcement that the the means by which to attack the
a halt to terrorist police activities. specific problems.
way for the Russian Community Council's action follows a year of
wy fir ligteo siangCommuti criticism of SGC as a "do-noth-
ence in light of sagging production ing organization and attempts by
tinued. Red China was forced to ....--f iigf a ant m

The long dispute over politi-
cal activity at the Berkeley cam-
pus of the University of Califor-
nia seems to be simmering down.
However, the full impact of one
of the most serious confronta-
tions between a university's ad-

Bible Central to Civil Rights

ministration and its students in
recent years has yet to be felt
outside California.
The four-month controversy be-
gan last September when Berke-
ley's student government and at
least 20 student political groups
protested an official decision bar-
ring the distribution of political
material at the entrance to the
campus. Both liberal and conserv-
ative organizations participated in
the initial picketing.
The new restrictions, which in-
cluded a ban on recruiting of
members and solicitation of funds
for political organizations had
their roots in a California state
law which prohibits such activi-
ties on a university campus.
Leaders Arrested

timatum was ignorea on i.ecem ver
1, more than 1000 students began
an all-night protest sit-in at
Sproul Hall on December 2.
Violence resulted from this new
protest. On orders of Gov. Ed-
mund Brown, police were sent in
and arrested 814 students. There
were charges of police brutality.
The FSM promptly called for a
student strike which was generally
Faculty support of the students
grew as many professors protested
the intervention of police. Faculty
members provided bail for the ar-
rested students and many teach-
ing fellows supported the student
Senate Action


"Unless the philosophy of the
meek is soon adhered to, then
there will be no earth to inherit,"
Bayard Rustin said yesterday at
the semester's first Office of Re-
ligious Affairs lecture.
Rustin, the well-known civil
rights leader and organizer of the
1963 March on Washington with
A. Philip Randolph, stressed that
the Bible "has the lessons about
what we must face in today's age
of revolution, for the Scriptures
abound with revolution-with
justice and how to obtain it."
"There's no idea that made ne
more furious when I was young,"
Rustin declared,. "than 'the meek
shal inherit the earth'."
The Meek
"'Ro.+twhr Pa m. maek 9 T'hp

dangerous ways, Rustin maintain-
The Scriptures have great rel-
evance, Rustin declared, for the
civl rahte mvamni-nn ha JP

Sees Stroi
In Marxis
Predicting a disintegration of
Prof. Richard Lowenthal hypothe
internal needs of the world's Co:
irreparable split in the once-unites
"Communism" will become a n
to the designation "socialism," wh(
corners of the world adjust the
countries' needs, he said.
The one-time Communist (he
that when ex-Premier Nikita Kh
Stalin, he unwittingly took a stet
Moscow as the brain center of Comr
Another (
Another major challenge to
Peking when Mao tse-Tsung reject
ence with the West and took a be
States, he said.
Then Khrushchev radically c
introduction of incentive plans
class struggle had ended, bringing
But while this was the only
Party to ensure its continued existE
iand disillusioned workers, he con

tion of violence. Thus, in dealing When eight student leaders were Tensions eased when the Aca-
with men such as "Bull" Connor, arrested for defying the new ban, demic Senate adopted a, resolution
the former police chief of Mont- hundreds of students angrily pro- calling for more freedom for on-
gomery, Ala., "one must take a tested. They surrounded a police campus political activities and the
responsibility for them. By de- car containing a non-student who dropping of university discipline
limiting the power which has was also arrested and for 31 hours for students involved in off-cam-
blinded them, one must eliminate the car was trapped in the mob. pus political activities.
their power to destroy, rot by de- Later police dragged demonstra- However, on Dec. 18 the re-
stroying them, but by convcrting tors out of Sproul Hall, the ad- gents reaffirmed the earlier re-
them." ministration building. strictions on these activities.
Rustin emphasized the role of A temporary truce was achieved Meanwhile, pressure grew for
nonviolent action, saying, "I ask on October 3 with an agreement to the dismissal of Chancellor Ed-
you to make nonviolence relevant lift charges against the arrested ward Strong. Early in January he
to whatever situation may arise non-student and to review the new t.was replaced by Martin Meyerson
in the future." He noted the long restnictions on political activity, who worked rapidly to prevent new
period of demonstrations that Intermittent demonstrations per- trouble. Meyerson issued a set of
preceded American independence sisted until California's regents rules allowing more political activ-
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