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April 09, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-09

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U Thant


House OK's Health Bill


I I I 1111M. I

Johnson's Vietnamese
Conference Proposals


riers at Checkpoint Bravo along the Autobahn. This was the
fourth straight day that traffic between Berlin and the Western
world was halted for periods up to three hours.
Convoy Challenges
Autobahn Blockade
BERLIN (YP)-A U.S.-British convoy last night challenged a Com-
munist order shutting down the Berlin Autobahn for the second
' time within a day.
The convoy of two British land rovers and an American sedan
was held up at Helmstedt at the western end of the Autobahn de-

"Peking Calls
U.S. Plan
Viet Nam Officer
Ousted in Mutiny
tary-General U Thant told Presi-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson -yester-
day he welcomed the readiness
of the United States to enter in-
to unconditional discussions to
end the war in Viet Nam. Thant
assured the President also he will
continue his own efforts toward
that goal.
Moving swiftly after listening
to the President's speech Wednes-
day night, the secretary-general
dispatched a personal note to
Johnson praising the speech as
"positive, forward-looking and
generous." It was relayed through
the U.S. mission to the United
Reaction in many world capi-
tals to Johnson's speech was sim-
ilar to Thant's. But Red China
and the Soviet Union were criti-
A Peking broadcast said John-
son's unconditional discussions
plan was "full of lies and decep-
tions" since it would disarm the
Viet Cong and leave the U.S.
military in control of the coun-
Peking's turndown was expect-
ed. It had been predicted by UN
Ambassador Adlat E. Stevenson
at a cabinet meeting shortly be-
fore word of the Chinese broad-
cast denunciation arrived on news
Stevenson, talking to newsmen
after the White House session,
held out hope that the Soviet
Union would give a m o r e
"thoughtful" response. He declin-
ed to forecast North Viet Nam's
reply-generally regarded as cru-
cial at this stage.
Other White House sources
said Johnson, scanning the in-
ternational horizon for Commu-
nist reaction, does not believe the
Reds are ready for Viet Nam
peace talks now.
Moscow Radio said in a domes-
tic broadcast that Johnson's
speech was aimed at "diverting
the attention of the people who
are wrathfully condemning the
U.S. aggression in Viet Nam."
In Saigon, junior naval officers
quietly mutinied and ousted Adm.
Chung Tan Cang, the Vietna-
mese naval commander, and his
deputy, Cmdr. Lam Nguon Tanh.
Both disappeared and were be-
lieved to be in hiding. There was
no shooting. Vietnamese air force
Skyraiders circled over the city
for a while.
The upheaval apparently had
the approval of the armed forces
high command, the civilian gov-
ernment and other agencies.

passed legislation last night for a
vast enlargement of the social se-
curity system, including compre-
hensive health services for the
aged and a general boost in re-
tirement benefits.
The $6 billion bill goes well
beyond President Lyndon B. John-
son's original recommendations,
but he embraced it enthusiastical-
ly and his supporters acclaimed
it as a move toward the "Great
Society" Johnson advocates.
A 313-115 role call vote swept
the bill to the Senate, where it
faces hearings and other proced-
ural steps probably for at least
six weeks.

The bill results in the greatest es for hospitalization.
single change in the Social Se- The administration's bill passed
curity System since it was enact- after weeks of controversy cen-
ed in 1935. More than 20 million tering on the planned use of So-
persons will benefit directly at cial Security payroll taxes to fi-
the same time that payroll taxes nance hospital benefits.
for most workers and their em- The bill is an enlarged version of
ployers will be raised. the administration's o r i g i n a 1
By writing a health benefit into health care bill. The changes were
the Social Security retirement devised in the House Ways and
plan, the bill climaxes efforts Means Committee under the lead-
dating back to 1942. During the ership of Rep. Wilbur D. Mills
last eight years, these attempts (D-Ark ).Johnson enthusiastically
have been intensified as "medi- endorsed the revisions.
care" has become a fighting word In its present revised form, the
in congressional committee rooms. bill provides the basic hospitali-
Republicans in Congress had zation and nursing care benefits
fought for a substitute measure, originally proposed by the admin-
similar to that proposed by the stration while covering major doc-
administration but lacking the tor bills and many other medical

lB AY "S arcade

Graduation Hat

element of increased payroll tax-

BOGALUSA, LA., WAS tHE SCENE of hot civil rights conflict
yesterday. A passing car fired into the vehicle shown above,
owned by a group of Kansas college students. The activity cen-
tered around the large-scale S.C.L.C. voter-registration drive.
Young Cites Rights Plan*
2,000 Students A id Cause,
ATLANTA (R)-Civil rights leaders are drawing plans for a
southwide campaign to register Negro voters and a northern big-city
crusade to preach-nonviolence.
About 2000 college students from the North East and West will be
enlisted in the voter campaign outlined yesterday by the Rev. Andrew
Young, executive secretary of the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, a movement headed by Martin Luther King, Jr. "We are1

expenses under a supplementary
insurance program in which par-
ticipants would be voluntary.
Persons over 65 would automat-
ically receive the basic benefits,
financed by increases in the So-
cial Security payroll tax. Addi-
tional coverage would be avail-
able to those over 65 who enroll-
ed in the voluntary plan and paid
premiums of $3 a month. Half of
the voluntary plan's cost would be
financed by federal subsidies of
about $600 million a year from
general tax revnue.
The basic provisions of the bill
provide for the right to a maxi-
mum of 60 days hospitalization
and 20 days nursing home care
for each illness. The patient would
pay the first $40.
An additional insurance plan
covering doctor bills and some
incidentals would be available to
the elderly on a voluntary basis.
The cost of this additional cov-
eragedwould be $3 per month, de-
ducted from Social Security pay-
ments or collected directly. The
benefits would apply after the
first $50 of annual expenses, pay-
ing 80 per cent of the remainder.
Old age retirement payments
under Social Security will be in-
creased 7 per cent with a mini-
mum increase of $4 per month.
Thus, any person over 65 could
sign up for the optional health
insurance and still have more cash
on hand each month than he now
The cost of the hospitalization
benefits and the increased old age
payments would be met by in-
creasing the payroll tax. Both
the rate and the wage base on
which it applies would go up in
steps over the years.
The first increase, effective next
year, would mean that a worker
earning as much as $5600 would
pay $69.90 more during the year
than he now pays, and his em-
ployer would pay a similar
To recoup some of the subsidy
paid by the general treasury for
health insurance on elderly per-
sons with enough income to be
subject to tax, a change would be
made in the revenue code.
At present, those 65 or older
may deduct all their medical ex-
penses. The bill would impose the
same basic rate that now applies


16 Nickels Arcade-of f State St.

Listen to this tale of romance
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In the early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface wigwam
Wigwam one of friendly Great Chief,
Came they forth to take their token,
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling rednmen;
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and trembling
Stood around the mighty oak tree
Warriors choice of paleface nation
Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warriors, painted demons
Swooped and caught their prey like eagles
Loud the war cry stirred the stillness
As they seized their hapless captives
Forth they bore then to their wigwam
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they are around the glowing bonfires
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
Smoked the pipe of peace and friendship.
Thus there came to Michigamua:
Harlan Bloomer, George Canam are, Tom
Cecchini, Charlie Cooper, Gary Cunningham,
Oliver Darden, Jim Evashevski, Bill Farley,
Bob Gilhooley, Karl Hedrick Mike Holmes,
Rick Hoppe, Bill Johannesen, Bob Johnston,
Billy Keating, Larry Kirshbaum, Jim Kropf,
Kelly Rea, Cazzie Russell, Mel Wakabayashi,
Rich Walls, Tom Weinberg, Cy Wellman,
Bill Yearby.
Honorary Sachem: Roger W. Heyns

by Well's
for the GRADUATE


spite vigorous U.S. and British


protests. A Soviet officer said the
Autobahn was being closed for five
hours and there was nothing he
could do about it.

Cuba's Sugar
Crops Assist
Her Economy
HAVANA (P)--Communist Cuba
appears to be on the verge of a
dramatic comeback in sugar pro-
duction that could mark an im-
portant breakthrough for Fidel
i Castro's troubled economy.
A government announcement
said yesterday that this year's su-
gar output has already topped the
four - million - metric - ton mark,;

The Communists excused the
shutdowns of the Autobahn by
saying the road was needed for
Soviet-East German military ma-
neuvers. They risked a crisis such
as the one in the fall of 1963
by stopping military traffic, some-
thing the British, French and
American odcupying powers in
Berlin say they have no right to
Angered by the dangerous So-
viet air maneuvers Wednesday
over Berlin, the United States
sought to demonstrate its often-
proclaimed right to uninterrupted

Senate Committee
Broadens Bill
voting - rights guarantees far
broader than those recommended
by President Lyndon B. Johnson
were written yesterday into the
administration's pending bill to
.end racial discrimination at
Southern polls.E
A bloc of nine senators - six
Democrats and three Republicans
-pushed the new terms throughE

,'are planning to see how many we
can get registered from Alabama
to Virginia including north Flori-
da," Young said in an interview.
He said the Negro voter drive in
Alabama would continue to ex-
pand. SCLC staff members are
working now to mobilize or bol-
ster the campaign in six counties.
The Alabama House approved
and sent to the Senate a pro-
posal to limit the state voter lit-
eracy test to the ability to read
and write.
At Selma, County Judge Hugh

I ;

.._ _ _

with still another month to go be- use of the highway during the
fore the harvest ends. Cuba pro- morning.
duced an estimated 3.8 million For the first time since the
tons of sugar last season, one of Communists began periodic cls-
the lowest yields in history. ing of the Autobahn three days
"The battle of the sugar crop ago, a 22-vehicle military convoy
is practically won," Castro said in was sent to the Helmstedt check-


Mallory jailed two Negroes for

the Senate Judiciary Committee. contempt when they refused to to younger persons, 3 per cent of
The proposal changes include a move from one section of the income. But everyone would be al-
ban on poll taxes in state and courtroom to another. One was lowed to deduct one-half of health
local elections. the Rev. James Bevel of SCLC. insurance premiums.

a communique.
In a reference to the economic
boycott against Cuba by the Unit-
ed States and other nations in
the Western hemisphere, Castro
hailed the increase as a new form
of protection for the island na-

point in West Germany with or-
ders to proceed on through.
Meanwhile, the Russians stop-
ped a U.S. convoy of three trucks
that had been cleared through the
Berlin checkpoint before the close

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