There were no embellishments around the literary college
1. Executive Committee's January report.
It was blunt: "As a result of the expansion of higher edu-
cation, the demand for well-qualified college teachers is already
acute. The demand will become even more pressing in the im-
mediate future. There is a serious danger that in their search
for new faculty, colleges will lower their standards and employ
teachers whose abilities and training do not measure up to those
which they obtain at present. The National Education Association's
bienniel report has produced these statistics:
-75 per cent of all beginning college teachers do not have
-15 per cent have less than a Master's degree;
-37-38 per cent begin college teaching just having received
a Master's degree.
Sees Danger
The literary college Executive Committee, an influential group
at the University, has seen the danger. The Michigan Scholars
in College Teaching program, now in its fourth year, also has
recognized what lies ahead.
The Michigan Scholars Program is holding a conference
today at the University with a session at Rackham Amphitheater
beginning at 10 a.m. The afternoon and evening meetings will
be held at the Michigan League.
The program's six participating schools include: the Uni-
versity, Albion College, Alma College, Calvin College, Hope College,
and Kalamazoo College. Financed by the Ford Foundation, the
Program seeks to link the last two years of undergraduate study
(at one of the six institutions) with the first year of graduate
study (at the University), so that the student interested in
college teaching will spend three closely-coordinated years in
obtaining a Master's certificate,
Research Opportunity
Ample research opportunity is allotted. Seminars for the
participating scholars, whose admittance into the Program is based
primarily upon faculty recommendation, give insight into college
teaching. Moreover, the Program offers many of the scholars
actual teaching experience. William W. Jeilema, director of the
Program, says the results are exceptionally well-trained under-
graduates, one-third of whom (and the number is rising every
year) elect to pursue graduate study.
Many administrators insist that the Ph.D. is 'still the best
preparation for college teaching. At a time when the number of
Ph.D.'s is grossly inadequate for the need, however, Jellema
says that such insistence becomes rather empty.
Ph.D. Problem
As long as the argument continues that the Ph.D. is the
only preparation for college teaching, many students of potentially
high qualification as college teachers, but who are not considering
a Ph.D. program, will be ignored. Why not support, then, a good
Master's degree program, one which is the best preparation for
a Ph.D. program? It could have research, contact with superior
professors, and actual teaching experience integrated during
three years of study. The fact is that almost all Michigan Scholars
go on for their Ph.D. A few do not, but as Jellema explained,
they are at best Master's degree holders who have spent three
years mainly preparing for college teaching.
The program has operated efficiently at the five small
colleges. Teaching is stressed over research and class enrollment
is small so that teachers can become better acquainted with the
Awards Given
Last year at Hope College in Holland, Mich., among the 19
seniors participating in the Michigan Scholars Program, seven
received Woodrow Wilson Fellowships, two were awarded scholar-
ships from the Danforth Foundation, and another Scholar received
one of the 24 Marshall Scholarships given throughout the nation.
No one involved in the Program will claim that this is to be
expected as a common occurrence. Jellema says that the example
does serve to show what can be achieved when highly-qualified
students are identified early in their college career, spurred
on to high academic performance, and provided with some form
of actual teaching experience.
Jellema says that at the University, where the faculty is
very research-oriented and somewhat wary of programs with
the word "teaching" in them, results have been only fair. Uni-
versity professors and instructors are not as interested in a
program which detracts from the emphasis on research, Jellema
notes. As a result, effort to point out students whom they believe
would strongly benefit from such a program has not been as
successful as desired. Jellema admits that it is not as easy to
identify students at a large university as at a small college. Yet
the faculty, he insists, must realize the danger that lies ahead
as the bull-dozers dig, the buildings rise, and the students pour in.
Interest Increases
Interest in the Michigan Scholars Program is increasing each
year. The Director says that it could be better and for the
Program really to click, the Faculty must become more, involved.
They must recommend superior students. The "model" teachers
here must be willing to devote time to the potential college
teachers in their department.
Departments need to work out carefully-planned programs for
the scholars, including supervised teaching experience; a Scholar
might, with guidance, prepare a .lecture for an introductory
course; he might lead a discussion group outside of class; he
might work with students on research projects. There are
numerous possibilities.
But Jellema insists the Program is being restricted by the
improper emphasis on Ph. D. degrees and research.
See Editorial Page
ilk 43a
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
* * * * UNCERTAINTY: Statement Requests
Enrollment Meet To Revote Autonomous School
Predicted for
Summer On
Trigon Case
Spring Term
Hardest Hit
By Response
6000 Anticipated;
2,496 Registered Now
Faculty department heads
throughout the schools and col-
leges here indicated yesterday the
University's third, or spring-sum-
mer term, is sufering a severe
enrollment deficiency.
The latest figures showed 2,496
students in all schools, graduate
and undergraduate, had registered
for the summer term, according
to Director of Registration Doug-
las R. Woolley.
The Office of Academic Affairs
has made plans for 6000 students. THOMAS MAYER (LEFT) PR
In order to meet this estimate, Wri itNmo rpsl
officials have said the University' War in Viet Nam on proposals fc
ofiil aesidteUiest fessors and administrators in W=
student total must surpass 4000.
No Comment spokesman for the group and a
Vice-President for Academic Af- television hookup to link teach-i
fairs Roger W. Heyns declined
comment on summer enrollment' Faculty
3 pending further talks with the
deans of the various schools and
In an interview, however, he did By ROBERT MOORE
promise that teachers hired for and LYNN METZGER
the third term will be paid. The Faculty-Student Committee
Most Serious to Stop the War in Viet Nam,
Term IIIa, the seven-and-on- grown in less than a month to
half week spring portin of the nationwide prominence, is working
third term, was described in the on three fronts now in its drive
most precarious enrollment shape. to change United States policy in
This session must be populated touches ta t
almost entirely by University stu- .
dents. At Michigan State University, a!
According to Assistant Dean faculty teach-in protesting United
Arlen R. Hellwarth of the engi-Steioay an Vietm.adcnine
neering college, that school had beg ta a 8 p.m. and continue
made plans for approximately 550 through the early morning hours.
students this summer. To date, The three fronts of the Uni-
they figure the actual enrollment versity's faculty committee drive
may be 400. are:
The psychology department also -Tentative plans are being set
has striking discrepancies between for a May 8 Washington, D.C.,
predicted enrollment and actual teach-in that would cost "tens of
Fraternity Presidents will meet tonight to revote on their decision
in Trigon's appeal of its discrimination case, a decision which may
set a precedent for discrimination cases across the country.
A rationale for both the affirming and dissenting sides
will also be considered for approval by the Fraternity Presidents
Assembly, the legislative arm of the Interfraternity Council and
appeal body in judicial cases.
Voting irregularities in the appeal hearing at the March 25 FPA
meeting, during which the IFC executive committee verdict of guilty
was upheld by a 22-20 margin, prompted IFC President Richard'
Hoppe, '66, to call for a recount at tonight's reeting. Though Hoppe
is in favor of the executive com---
mittee decision, he felt "unques-
tionable fairness is necessary in a SGC Rules
case of such importance."
Last Jan. 12, the IFC executive On Housin
committee, consisting of the five
senior officers of IFC and rep- Off
reenatve fo echoffie-Cam pus
fraternity districts, had found
alleged religious discrimination By LILLI VENDIG
in Trigon's rituals, a violation of
IFC By-Law Article X, Section I Student Government Council
which prohibits discrimination in passed two motions about off-
membership selection. campus housing at its meeting
Trigon's case is the first to come last night. The motions were bas-
before IFC under the by-law ed on Robert Bodkin's report on
which was passed in October, 1963. supply and demand in apartmentI
housing and the off-campus hous-
ons i o s padviry committee report by
p ective members to swear a belief ~av'r omte eotb
in ". . . Our Lord Jesus Christ" Martin Zimmerman.
and that he will strive each day SGC will expand the commit-
to live "as His follower and ser- tee into an active organization
vant should live," according to a which would attempt to convince
letter sent to all fraternity presi- the University to expand its ven-
dents by David Hall, '66, president ture into apartment type dwell-
of~~ Trion to relieve market conditions
Ruling Asks 'U' Withdrawal from
Flint; Governor Declines Comment
The State Board of Education recommended last night
that the University go ahad with plans to admit freshmen at
its Flint branch next fall. However, the board stipulated
that an independent four-year state-supported school should
replace the University's branch as soon as possible.
Although the board would permit freshmen entering
Flint in the fall to complete their baccalaureate degree pro-
gram at the University branch, it asked that no freshman
classes be admitted after this year.
The board's statement is an advisory opinion issued at
the request of the Senate Appropriations Committee which is
beginning to consider appro-
.-Daiy-Jamnes Keson
ESENTS HIS report to the Faculty-Student Committee to Stop the
or a nationwide teach-in centering on a confrontation between pro-
ashington, D.C. Prof. William Gamson of the sociology department,
cting chairman, listens as Mayers tells of plans for a nationwide
ns at campuses all over the country.
'ets Canital Teach-lIn
priations for higher educa-
Gov. George Romney, who
did not include money for a
four-year program at Flint in
his budget recommendations,
refused to comment on the
state board ruling.
In spite of the governor's ob-
jections, the University has con-
tinued to insist that it will ex-
pand its present two-year jun-
ior-senior program at Flint in the
University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher remarked last night that
the board's recommendations have
"implications which the Legisla-
ture will want to study."
He added that the University
will carefully consider the board's
opinion, but declined to comment
in more detail.
Sen. GarlandLane (D-Flint),
chairman o fthe Senate Appro-
priations Committee and a strong
backer of the University's Flint
plans, questioned the proposal to
replace the present branch with
an autonomous institution.
While pleased that the board
sanctioned expansion in the fall,l
Lane said he "will not favor an
autonomous four-year school as
long as the city of Flint remains
happy with the University."
Lane said he foresees practi-
cal complications if the University
branch is forced to close as a new
The IFC rebuttal, first enunci-
ated by former IFC. President Law-
three or more days for students Viet Nam for several years, and rence Lossing, '65, is that "to the
who take three days off to join Prof. Anatol Rapoport of the Uni- mind of most thinking Amer-
the protest, although no one at the versity's mental health researchh cans, today-and particularly i
meeting was in a position to make project. the minds of college people-the
general statements. In addition, 20 spot speakers,' criteria of race, color, creed and
The keynote speakers at Mich- seminars and a convocation of all the like are not in any way justi-:
igan State will be Prof. Alex participants will follow. Women fiabie bases of discrimination be-
Eckstein of the University's eco- may sign out until 2:30 a.m., after tween men.
nomics department, Stanley Mil- which a rally has been scheduledE
lett of Briarcliff college's political by faculty spokesman Prof. John BYLAW
science department, who lived in Donohue. Section I. It shall be the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -all be- -h
whicnforce spiraling prices.
Fthical Standards
It would also try to commit the
city to insure high ethical stand-
ards on the part of realtors and to
inspect housing on a yearly bas-
is. The organization, in addition,
would demand that the student
pay rent only for the time he is
actually occupying an apartment.
SGC also will immediately urge
the University to build high-rise
dwellings as a model for desirable
conditions. They are also asking
for a statement by the University,
Deny Reports
Of High-Rise
Building Delay
Robert E. Weaver, one of the
owners of University Towers, de-
nied reports that the owners were
renting motel facilities for the be-
ginning of the fall semester and
once again predicted completion
of the high-rise by August 15.
One report said that the own-
ers of the high-rise had reserved
numerous rooms in Ann Arbor
motels in order to house the pros-
pective 800 residents of University
Towers until the building was
Other reports had claimed that
the prospective residents wouldhbe
housed in Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity dormitories which would
not be in use at that time.
Weaver denied the validity of
both reports and claimed that such
alternate plans were "never con-
sidered by the owners. None of
the Ann Arbor motels admitted
accepting reservations from the
owners for next fall.
Weaver also answered other
current charges against the own-
ers. He said the deposits from al-
ready signed agreements to lease
are not being used to finance the
completion of the building. "The
$9000 now on deposit is in a sep-
arate account and is not suffi-
cient to finance even one apart-
ment anyway."
According to Weaver the build-
ers have a "more than adequate
supply of steel' 'and there has
bean no work delay due to any
shortage of steel as one report
Weaver also reaffirmed the
prerogative of any student to
creak his agreement to lease and
demand a refund if he doubts the
expected completion date of the
A high University official had
enrollment in the courses it is thousands of dollars" and would
offering. unite the anti-war intellectual
According to figures computed community in a confrontation
last Friday, Psychology 360 has with government spokesmen.
zero enrollment. Psychology 411 -F i v e University professors
has an enrollment of two students. from the committee will meet with
Psychology 410 has registered four legislators and newsmen today in
students. Psychology 101 has an Washington as part of a 60-uni-
enrollment of 40 students-but en- versity 'academic lobby.'
rollment in that course was ex-ng
---~a+~ ri~rnim+a or aimI -Definite pl;ans are being se!
policy of the Interfraternity
Council that member fraterni-
ties shall not discriminate in
selection of members on the
basis of race, color, creed. re-
ligion, national origin or an-
It was this logic, IFC officers
contend, which spurred the system
to vote 16 months ago to. delete
these stipulations as prerequisites
for membership.
In the course of the executive
committee hearing Trigon pointed,
out that:
-Trigon does not ask a pros-
pective member his religion or
-No person who applied was
to private interests of its com- institution is developed.
mitment in off-campus housing. In announcing the board's rec-
< fnt th' ar roan'sting ommendations, Thomas Brennan,
that the University recruit the board president, emphasized that
most reputable realtors to fill gaps last night's action is not a policy
in the current housing shortage. decision on expansion through
It. Term I11ve'tors branch institutions.
The action came in the wake of He explained that the board
a report . submitted by council ? will not attempt to resolve the
member Robert Bodkin, '67. The ; controversy over the relative value
document recommended that long of branches and autonomous
term investors "who provide better schools until development of a
quality and service" should be en- master plan for higher education
l couraged to enter the housing in Michigan.
market. Bodkin's report suggested Brennan added that the pro-
that the publication of official posed new college in Flint would
University ratings on apartment be entirely separate from Flint
buildings might help students and Community College. The Universi-
better-quality investors. ty's - branch currently shares fa-
-ww N,