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April 07, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-07

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wp.DQFbAVY 7 APRIT.1499

YY LV AY, PltL1L18b

6 _:


Discussion of Activities of the
Economic Research and Action Project

. ----..-- ----=----- - ----.--.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organ iation notices are not
accepted for publication.

dents: Those students who have early
regjstered for Spring-Summer (III).
Spring (IIIA) and also Summer (IIIB),
| may pick up their approved class
schedule during the week of finals.
Beginning April 20 and ending April
27 or May 3 and 4 at the Natural Re-
sources Bldg.-Room 1040. Please di-
rect questions to Advance Classifica-
tion, 764-2154 or 764-5520,
Mathematics Statistics Seminar: Prof.
H. P. Galliher, "Preemptive Queueing
and Semi-Exponential Renewal in Air-
port Traffic," 3201 Angell Hall, 4 p.m.,
April 8.

Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Feb.
28, 1936, "Students shall pay all ac-
counts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation: however.
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and
"(a I All academic credits will be
withhed, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will

Multipurpose Room

7:30 P.M.

I- II .... -

3m"re" " " " " " " " w mw" " " " " ".r- -..............m " " " " " " m mrn D octoral Exam ination for John Stew-
mene mm.mmm.m== ===me= ==== ...... ====.== ===.. £ art Locker, Mathematics ;thesis: "An
1 Existence Analysis for Nonlinear Non-
E DELIV ERY Self-Adjoint Boundary Value Problems
1u of Ordinary Differential Equations."'
1 today, 124 E. Engrg. Bldg., 1 p.m.
T H Chairman, Lamberto Cesari.
1 Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth
P e 71-0001 MargaretWeist, English Language &
PhonEe~I~IIV Literature; thesis: "Alfred Kreymborg
# o ain the Art Theatre," today, 1601 Ha-
50;OFF *"lv en Hall, 9 a.m. Chairman, Edwin A.
one ite m pzza
oe1 Doctoral Examination for Raymonid
EGo M Arthur Dannenberg, Education ;thesis:
Coupon Good Monday thru Thursday : "The Relationship of Intelligence to
~1 Reinforcement in a Linear Programmed
" APRIL 5-APRIL 8 1 Instruction Unit Dealing with the Free
s.:".""":""""..""".rm "=m "=="=mmmm .""===="======mmm= Enterprise System," today, 4018 UHS,
-__ _ _ _ __ 12:45 p.m. Chairman, F. W. Lanham.


Undergraduate Honors Convocation: not be released, and no transcript of
The annual Convocation recognizing credits will be issued
undergraduate honor students will be "b) All students owing such accounts
held at 10:30 a.m., Fri., April 9 ,at will not be allowed to register in any
Hill Aud. His Royal Highness Prince subseiuent semester or summer session
Bernhard of The Netherlands will iantil payment nas been made."
All classes, except clinics and grad- University Bibliography of Publica-
uate seminars, will be dismissed at tions: Any University employe who has
9:45 a.m. for the Convocation. How- not yet reported his publications or
ever, seniors may be excused from creative wcrks for the period 7-1-63
clinics and seminars, to 6-30-64. is requested to submit the
The honor students will not wear material as soon as possible. If bibliog-
caps and gowns. Main floor seats will raphy forms are needed, call the Edi-
be reserved for them and for members torial Office of the Office of ResearchI
of their families, and will be heldu n- Administration, 764-4277.
til 10:15. Doors of the auditorium will
open at 10. Public invited. Student Government Council Approval
I of the following student-sponsored
Kasimir Fajans Award Lecture: "Some events becomes effective 24 hours after
Recent Aspects of Purine Chemistry." the publication of this notice, All
by AssistantProf. Richard Loeppky, publicity for these events must be
Universityof Missouri, on Wed., April withheld until the approval has be-
7, 4 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry Bldg. come effective.
5-Hour Special Topics in Chemistry- Approval request forms for student-
Sixth Series: "The Phase Rule from the 1011 o the SAB.r
Standpoint of Simple Function Theory," American Students Union, Confer-
by Dr. L. O. Case, Chemistry Dept., U. ence, banquet and ball, April 2, 3, 6t
of M., on Wed., April 7, 8 p.m., Room pm pi ,1am pi ,52E
1300 Chemistry Bldg. H m ril2A 1Ara.m. April 4, 502 E.-t
130CeityBd.Huron St., Ann Arbor.1
MCA Graduate Fellowship in Creative
Writing ($1500): This fellowship in Foreigan Visitors
writing for the performing arts (thea-
tre, motion pictures, TV) will be of- The following are the foreign vlsi-Y
fered again in 1965-66. Applicants tors programmed through the Interna-
should turn in not more than two tional Center who will be on campus C
manuscripts at the Hopwood Room, this week on the dates indicated. Pro-Y
1006 Angell Hall, by April 9. Appli- gm arrangemnts are eig made by
cants will be interviewed during the Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International
week of April 12. Center, 764-2148.
Law School Admission Test: Candi- Maurice Leroy, rector, Free Univer-
dates taking the Law School Admis- sity of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium,
April 4-7.
sion Test on Sat., April 10, are re- Apmo Who, chief, Information and
quested to report to Room 130 Busi- Public Relations, Finnish Employers
SatssdamInistration Bldg. at :30 p.m. Confederation, Helsinki, Finland April f

4 1

MICHIGAN'S THREE TRAMPOLINISTS, Gary Erwin, Fred Sanders, and John Hamilton, completed
their collegiate careers last weekend at the NCAA finals. Their best showing came last year when
the trio finished one, two, and three in the country. Erwin, a two-time national titlist, also won the
world crown this year.
Trampolinists Bounce Out



National Corporation seeking full-time summer
help for Michigan area. Car necessary. Sales ex-
perience helpful but not needed as complete
training is given each man. Opportunity for
above average earnings plus scholarships. Inter-
view in Room 3G, Union at 4:00 P.M. April 8.

Doctoral Examination for Stanley
Morris Munsat, Philosophy; thesis:
"The Concept of Memory," today, 2213
Angell Hall, 9 a.m. Chairman, W. P.
General Notices
Dept. of Speech Films Showing: Cine.
ma 4 will present four new films, Fri.,
April 9, 8 p.m. No admission charge.
Dept. of Anthropology Lecture: Fran-
cois Bordes, Universite de Bordeaux,
France, "Recent Developments in Pale-
olithic Archaeology," Thurs., April 8,
4:10 p.m., Aud. D, Angell Hall.!
Phi Delta Kappa Omega Chapter: Will
hold its initiation ceremony at 6 p.m.,
Thurs., April 8, East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg.; to be followed by their
banquet, Vandenberg Room, Michigan
League, 7 p.m., Dr. Alvin D. Loving,
speaker, "Education in a Changingi
Phi Delta Epsilon Annual Lecture-
ship: William B. Bean, M.D., editor,
AMA Archives of Internal Medicine,
professor of medicine and chairman,;
Department of Internal Medicine, Uni-I
versity of Iowa, "Physicians and Books
as Illustrated by the Gold-Headed
Cane": 5th Level Amphitheatre, Med.1
Sel. Bldg., 8 p.m.
Notice to LS&A and Rackham Stu-


The 1965 season has ended for
the Michigan gymnasts, and the
concluding event was tinged with
unhappiness for coach N e w t
In last weekend's NCAA cham-
pionships, the three highly-touted
Wolverine trampolinists did not
quite live up to their expected
heights. But it is the fact that all
three are finished, not their order
of finish that really sadden Loken.
The trio-Gary Erwin, Fred
Sanders, and John Hamilton-
are all seniors and the nationals
marked the end of their collegiate
"I was disappointed in the re-

French and German Screening Exam-
inatiohs: The screening examinations in
French and German for Doctoral can-
didates will ,be administered on Thurs.,
April 15, from 3-5 p.m. in Aud. B,
Angell Hall. Doctoral candidates must
pass the screening examination before
taking the written test in French or,
German, unless they have received 13}

-. P. Sinha senior speciaist. In- i
stitute of Advanced Projects, India, sults," said Loken afterwards,
April 6-7. "but I was disappointed because
.Chief S. 0. Adebo, ambassador from they were so great and had to
Nigeria to the United Nations, acco finish on a low note."
panied by Mrs. Adebo, April 9-10. ______

In the 1963 finals, Erwin took
first, Hamilton second, and Sand-
ers third for a rare sweep. But
this time Erwin finished sixth,
Hamilton fourth, and Sanders
While Loken did not want to
make excuses, he did point out
that there were extenuating cir-
cumstances in each case.
Hamilton had a preseason oper-
ation on his knee and there was
question as to whether he would
be able to compete at all this
year. "He was handicapped all
season, but he still did a marvel-
ous job all the time," Loken ex-
plained proudly. "John's perform-
ance shows what a fine competi-
tor he is."
Back at the Show
Sanders repeated his third
place finish, but he also had a
handicap. After Friday's prelim-
inary round, the trampolinists
took some extra practice and
Sanders injured his leg.
When he returned to the tramp
on Saturday, he was hampered
but went on to complete a rou-
tine which earned him his third
place finish, only half a point out
of second.
Sanders, who does his tricks
with machine-like perfection, had
very limited trampoline exper-
ience before coming to Michigan.
"It really took a lot of work for
Fred to get where he is today,"
Loken commented.
Erwin with a world title and
two national crowns to his credit,
is the most famous of the three.
He is one of the few men in the

world who can do a triple back-
somersault and he has superb
form to go with it.
But in Saturday's finals, Er-
win's heel just barely went over
edge of the trampoline surface
and he toppled over backwards
onto the supporting springs.
Erwin, however, is not the type
who folds under pressure. In fact,
he claims his scores are higher in
situations requiring his best acro-
batic maneuvers.
Tripped Up
Loken revealed that Erwin too
injured himself after the Friday
opening session where he had
taken the lead with a 9.6. On Sat-
urday, he was extremely stiff and,
according to Loken just couldn't
get the height necessary to twist
and turn in his usual manner.
With all three men departing,
it would appear that Wolverine
gymnastic fortunes are literally
on the way down. Loken praised
the trampoline trio as "unques-
tionably the three greatest we've
had in years." He admitted that
it would probably take quite a
long while to replace them.
But he quickly turned to his
freshman crop which . includes
Wayne Miller (AAU titlist and
third in the world this year be-
hind Erwin and NCAA champ
Frank Schmitz), Vic Conant
(state champion of talent-rich
Illinois), and Steve Davis (state
champion of West Virginia while
only a junior).
Michigan domination of the
trampoline might still be bounc-
ing full steam ahead.



Max Shulman
for Kellogg's
(By the author of Dobie Gillis,
Rally Round the Flag, Boys, etc.)


- - , 11 - c
or better in French l
Those who fail the
take it again whent
istered in July.
Candidates are asks
own number 2 pencils



this week
State St. at N. University

11 or German 111. INTERVIEWS:
examination may ACCION-Terry Holcombe will inter-
the test is admin- view individual students, men & wom-
en, Mon.-Wed., April 12, 13 & 14. Group
:ed to bring their interviews on Mon, at 2 & 3 p.m. All
s. students interested in Latin America
---_ are urged to come to one of group
interviews in addition to individual
interview. ACCION, a privately support-
ed corp. promoting social & econ. dev.
in Latin America, including commu-
nity organization & dev., forming 1o-
cal industry & small business enter-
prises, seeking persons with trng. or
expe,*in organizational activities, busi-
ness, soc. work and/or tech, fields.
For appointments call 764-7460, Bureau
of Appointments.

Barton Distilling Co., Bardstown, Ky.
-Ass't. in operations. Grad, bkgd. in
engrg. & bus., 5 yrs. exper. in opera-
tions'in consumer products. Prefer un-
der 35 yrs. .
City of Wheaton, Il1.-City Manager,
supv. & coordinate work of municipal'
depts., prepare budget, make reports
& recommendations ,etc.
* * *
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Mother's Helper, Birmingham Mich.
-Receive salary, room & board in re-
turn for light chores, evening & oc-
casional daytime sitting.
Wolverine Girls State-22 college girls
needed for counselors at Markley Hall
June 13-22. Salary, room & board pro-
Irish Hills Girl Scout Council, Camp
O' the Hills ,Mich.-Girls 21 & older
for unit leaders. Also one foreign stu-
dent. Interviews April 8.
Jobs for Students 2nd Half of Sum-
mer-Students going to first 8 week
session come in & see listing of all
camps starting June 27 or later.

Have you ever met a kid who
didn't hate his own name? Of
course you haven't. Take a typi.
cal case-me.
When I was an infant and my
parents kept saying "Max" to me,
I didn't pay too much attention.
I thought it was just another one
of the expressions they were al-
ways throwing at me, like "Heel!"
and' "Fetch!" and "Down, sir!"
Then, suddenly on my first birth-
day came the horrifying realiza-
tion that I was Max-Max was
me-me Max-Max forever! "Oh,
calumny!" I shrieked at my par.
ents."Oh, foul!" I howled, belt-
ing the cat with my pacifier.
"Max! Oh, what a crummy trick
to play on a helpless baby!"
Cussing mightily, I stomped to
my room and took an oath that
as soon as I was allowed to cross
the street, I would head for the
nearest judge and get my name
changed to something more suit-
able-Trigger, for instance.
Well, today I think more kindly
of my parents, for I am a parent
myself and I know what a dia-
bolical job it is to find names for
kids. When my wife and I were
waiting for our first baby, it was
nothing unusual for us to spend
ten, twelve, even fourteen hours
sifting and discarding the Wil-
liams and Marys and Johns and
Janes and Toms and Dicks and-
Harriets and every other name
in the book.

our children. They complain bit.
terly about their names of course,
all three of them, but let me tell
you that my wife and I can say
with clear conscience that we
searched long and diligently, ex-
ploring every possibility, before
we decided to call them Flopsy,
Mopsy, and Cottontail.
You know what's even harder
than finding a name for a new
baby? Here's what: finding a
name for a new breakfast cereal.
Take, for instance, what hap.
pened a few years ago in the
boardroom of the Kellogg Com.
pany in Battle Creek, Michigan.
"Gentlemen," said the chairman
of the board to all the executives,
"our laboratories have just per.
fected a new cereal which is 45%
high-quality protein, 99% fat.
free, and contains defatted wheat
germ plus 1Q vitamins and miner.
als. A one-ounce serving of this
cereal-only one ounce, mark
you-provides more nourishment
than many a full meal. You can
eat the cereal as it comes; you can
sprinkle it on other cereals, or add
it to casseroles, salads, desserts,
or practically anything.... Now,
gentlemen, I have called you here
to help me tlhink of a name for
this new cereal. So concentrate!"
The executives furrowed their
costly brows and pondered
deeply, silently.



United Aircraft Corp. Systems Cen-
ter, Farmington, Conn.-Human Fac-
tor Analyst Trainees, grads with MA
in exper. psych. or engrg. psych. In-
terest in indust. human factors engrg.
Also PhD's.
Michigan Union
Chartered Flights
still have a very few

Hard-Hitting Varsity'
Rocks Frosh Rosema

I i

will be accepted until 5:00
Interviews for Junior Staff will be tonight
in the Gargoyle Office in the
Student Publications Bldg.
starting at 7:30.

Details at Summer Placement ,212
Management Intern Candidates: In-
terviews for students who passed the
Mgmt. Intern Exam in Jan. or Feb.
will be held on campus Tues. & Wed.,
April 13 & 14. Candidates will be noti-
fied by U.S. Civil Service-the Bureau
does not have a list of names.

seats left
on Flight II May 4-Aug.


Contact Union Travel Com.



SAE Presents ;

3m mm " - - - mm--- j
Attention SENIOR &
* GRADUATE Men Students :
S -U.S. Citizens
s Needing Nominal FINANCIAL
HELP to Complete Their Edu- I
j cation This Academic Year-
I and Then Commence Work-
Cosigners Required. Send Tran-
*script and Full Details of Your
I Plans and Requirements toE
* INC. s
j 610-612 Endicott Bldg.,
s St. Paul 1, Minn. a
E A Non-Profit Corp.
============r U

Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
La Sociedad Hispanica presents "La
Zapatera Prodigiosa," Wed., April 7, 8
p.m., Aud. B.
Near East Studies Club, Lecture: Dr
Grabar, April 8, 8 p.m., 200 Lane Hall.
* * *
University Lutheran Chapel ,Lenten
'Vesper Services, April 7, 7:30 and 10
p.m., 1511 Washtenaw Ave.
U. of M. Libertarian League, Regular
meeting at 8 p.m., April 8, Michigan
Union, Room 3C. Changes in consti-
tution, budget, and future plans will
be discussed.

"A good athlete who should
make a definite contribution to
the team this fall" is coach Jocko
Nelson's opinion of Roger (Rocky)
Rosema, a "standout" freshman in
this year's spring football prac-
tice sessions.
Rocky, along with 30 other
freshmen has been undergoing the
switch to playing with the varsity.
And spring ball is the time for
the rookies to get accustomed to
the new life.
Head c o a c h Bump Elliott
doesn't like to single out indi-
vidual players this early, but he
does consider Rosema ose of the
brightest prospects.
Rocky is not unaccustomed to
having attention drawn toward
him. As a high school player at
Grand Rapids Central H i g h
School, Rocky, a 6'3," 210 pound,
all-around athlete, gained all-state
recognition in his junior and sen-
ior years. First as a junior playing
tackle, and then as a senior at
Last fall, as a member of the
freshman squad, Rocky spent most
of his time at halfback. But heavy
losses at the offensive and defens-

,, cE Rrrxjj T

of Chevrolet Engineering
Speaking On
"Some Aspects Of
Automotive Design"
with emphasis on High Performance
Thursday, April 8
7:30 P.M.
Room 229 W. Engineering
Everyone Welcome-

,i! I

in Eurape'
Total services: Registration, Insur-
ance, Returned Return Shipment
Rates. Exclusively yours through
NO 3-5540 Ann Arbor

ive end positions, coupled with
great depth at the halfback slots,
made the coaching staff _decide
that Rosema's future was on the
He was switched to an end po-
sition and has remained there
throughout the spring drills.
Hard Hitting
Commenting on the differences
between playing on the freshman
and varsity teams, Rocky singled
out the team spirit and "hitting."
"On the freshman level each
individual works more as a sepa-
rate unit attempting to ready
himself for a varsity assignment.
However, the minute you begin
working out with the varsity you
know that you are a part of a
real team which is behind you as
an individual."
Rocky says that "hitting" on
the varsity level is a great deal
harder than on the freshman
squad. "You get some experience
against hard-hitting in the fall
scrimmages against the varsity
reserves but it's still a major ad-
justment," he said.
New Problems
Rosema said that his recent
switch to end has also created
some problems. Learning new
pass patterns and undertaking dif-
ferent blocking assignments are
all part of the transition. ,
Apparently the switch has been
made successfully. Coach Nelson
says, "For what he's been asked
to do ' thus far, Rocky has made
the switch easily and at the
present time he is pressing for a,
starting spot."
Rocky mentioned the coaches as
having been extremely helpful
during this period of adjustment.
"They take extra time to make
sure that you understand the plays
and what. is expected of you."
However, Rocky says that the
weather has definitely hampered
his work both on offense and de-
fense; nevertheless, he is looking
forward to playing in the annual
Spring Game on Saturday and to
making that "definite contribu-
IkA I n j njC (4.Ja r I1




Office of Student Affairs, No social
events may be held 7 days preceding
the first final exam.




"Dear," I said to my wife at
the end of one fruitless all-night
session, "let's do this scientifi-
cally. What, exactly, are we look-
ing for ini a name?"
"Something different," she re-
plied. "If it's a boy, for example,
what would be a really unusual
name for him?"
"Margaret?" I said hopefully.
"Yes, unusual," admitted my
wife, "but not exactly what I had
in mind. The important thing for a
boy is a name that connotes
strength and majesty and
"Simba?" I suggested.
"Tell you what," said my wife,
let's drop boys for a minute and
try airls. Maybe they're easier."

"Concentrategentlemen. con-
centrate," urged the chairman
of the board as the ninutes
ticked by.
Then, all of a sudden, the chair-
man leaped to his feet. "Eureka!"
"Eureka!" he cried. "That's it!"
The executives all crowded
around and pumped his hand.
"You've done it again, Boss!"
they cried. "What a name for a
cereal-Kellogg's Eureka!"
"No, no, no!" said the chair.
man crossly. 'Kellogg's Con-
And Kellogg's Concentrate is
what they called it. And you will
find it in a little gold box at your
grocer's. And you will be glad
you found it.

NEW! Set of forty signs:
"Hello, You're Cute, Go Away,
Surf's Up, Let's Talk ... etc."
4" x 51/2-$1.50, 7" x 11"--$2.00
Send Check or M.O. to Sign Talk
Box 68, Brooklandville, Md. 21022
Money Back Guarantee, COD's OK.

______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________''___-, I




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