Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opt)IIIiofllAre *, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICtI. NEWs PHONE: 764-0552 Tfruth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This imnst be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, 7 APRIL 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LAUREN BAHR TODAY AND TOMORROW: DeGaulle and the Alliance --, oft W HY1 NOT ' :?>: i>;;;ii>' , tf5 .{i~,0' ; '+, Realtor Is Shirking Duties; 'U' Should Intervene THE 18-STORY apartment building known by the grandiose name of Uni- versity Towers will be ready for occupan-. cy by at least 500 students in late August. So says the R. E. Weaver Co., real-es- tate agent for the $5 million structure. Anxious students, now in the process of signing leases for apartments in the building, are repeatedly asking their fu- ture landlords whether the apartments will be ready in time for the beginning of the fall semester. To all such queries, R. E. Weaver and his assistants smugly, confidently assure the future residents of their luxury country club that there is nothing to worry about. The "Critical Path Method," they say, ensures proper timing and completion on schedule. But the Critical Path Method has never been used before in building construction in Ann Arbor. Thus, the builders are basing their self-assurance on performance of their "method" else- where. Vagaries of weather, possible strikes by the workers, and shortages of .vital materials are apparently not taken into account. THERE ARE MANY disquieting reports which must cause nightmares for those students who have signed their leases. A recent shortage of steel caused the Critical Path Method to fall at least one week behind. But, say the. realtors, the original target date for completion of the structure was July 1st, so the de- lay will not make any difference. Reports have been spreading (as yet unconfirmed) that the R. E. Weaver Co. has booked a large number of rooms in various Ann Arbor motels for the month of September. The Office of Student Af- fairs will not permit female students to live in motel rooms. Will these girls be forced to ask for a refund of their apart- ment deposit and start looking for an- other apartment when they arrive in Au- gust? What are the chances of finding a suitable, convenient apartment at that time? Other reports say that, if the building Is uncompleted, residents will be housed in the dormitories of Eastern Michigan in Ypsilanti. EMU does not begin classes until the end of September, so the roors will be available, but how will nearly 500 students be transported to and from cam- 7Ji Acting Editorial Staff ROBERIJ.OHNSON, Editor LAURE NE KlR8HBAIIM JEFRE GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH WARREN............. Personnel Director THOMAS WEINBER( ................ . Sports Editor LAUREN BAHR.......... Associate Managing Editor SCOTT BLECH............ Assistnt Managing Editor ROBERT HIPPLER ...... Ass ci ate Editorial Director GAIL BLUMBERG .............. ... Magazine Editor LLOYD URAFF.............Associate Sports Editor JAMES KE8ON................Chief Photographer NIGHT EDITORS: W. Rexfnrd Ben oit, David Block, John Bryant, Michael .uliar, Leonard Pratt. SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, James LaSovage, Gilbert Samberg, James Tindall, Charles Vetzner, Bud Wilkinson. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Bruce Bigelow, Sue Collins, Michael Dean, .lfhn Meredith. Peter Sara- soln, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein. Acting Business Staff CY WELLMAN, Business Manager ALAN GLTJEKMAN.............Advertising Manager JOYCE FEINBERG.................Finance Manager JUDITH FIELI )S................ Personnel Manager SUSAN CRAWFORD...... Associate Business Manager Subscription rates: $4 50 semester by carrer IS5 try mail); $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mal . Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mieb. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning. pus at all hours of the day and evening? Recently, a high University official said he was sure the building could not be completed in time for the beginning of the fall semester. The Off-Campus Hous- ing Office of the OSA, experts on archi- tecture and construction, and some real- tors agree with this viewpoint. Only Weaver and his associates hold the posi- tion that all is going well and no one need worry. THE SITUATION is fairly clear. There is a good possibility that 500 students will arrive on campus in August without adequate accommodations. They have the option of a refund from the realtor or of being accommodated elsewhere at the realtor's expense. A refund will mean that they will have to go out and look for an- other apartment. Finding a suitable one at that late date may be nearly impos- sible, aside from the inconvenience in- volved. Living elsewhere may mean in- tolerable disruptions of normal campus life. Are students being misled and deceived by the R. E. Weaver Co.? Or do the real- tors sincerely believe their building will be completed as planned? Although there is no clear evidence to support either conclusion, let us be generous and assume there is no intent to mislead on the part of the realtors. In that case, Weaver seems to be guilty of poor planning as well as faulty management. The possibil- ity of the building not being completed by the target date should have been clearly pointed out to prospective tenants from the beginning. If this had been done, and if the building were not com- pleted in time, there could be no grounds for charges that the realtors were oper- ating on bad faith. APPARENTLY, there is little the stu- dent as an individual can do to pro- tect himself from the apparent exploita- tion of profit-conscious realtors who are using their prospective tenants' deposits to help finance construction of the build- ing. In such cases, the University should come to the aid of the student. For if the administration does not help look out for the students' welfare, and the student is unable to do so, who will take this re- sponsibility? What can be done by the University to help the students who may be left without a home at the beginning of the fall term? Unfortunately, there are only a few steps which can be taken. First, the Uni- versity should insist that Weaver be frank with the students, even at this late date, and release a candid report on the prog- ress of University Towers. Second, th Office of Student Affairs should waive the automobile restrictions on residents of the structure so that, if they are tem- porarily housed in quarters far removed from the central campus, they will at least be able to come and go when they please. IN A CASE such as this, where the re- sponsibility is clearly beyond the stu- dents' control, the University is called upon to play an important role. It is to be hoped that the University will meet its responsibility both now and in future cases of this nature. --CLARENCE FANTO By WALTER LIPPMANN AFTER SEVERAL VISITS to Europe during the past year it has become fairly plain to me that President Lyndon Johnson has been right in saying that "the Atlantic alliance is not in the midst of crisis, but it is in the midst of change." Our prime need is to come to an understanding of that change so that our attitude and our policy may deal with the real world as it is today. The Cuban confrontation of 1962 brought a successful testing and stabilization of the balance of nuclear power between the So- viet Union and the United States. The changes within the Atlantic alliance have been in theumaking since the late 1950s. But since the Kennedy-Khrushchev con- frontation in 1962 the almost uni- versal European conviction has been that the world is not in the near future faced with a nuclear war. This has released the forces of change throughout the whole continent and indeed in the Soviet xUnion as well. If we keep this in mind, it soon becomes evident that the question of whether the Western defense shall be "European" or "Atlantic" is a false issue. All European policies, French, German, British, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Yugo- slav, start from and depend wholly on the maintenance of the balance of power which was reached in 1962 and has been accepted both by the Soviet Union and the Unit- ed States. WHEN I SAY accepted, I mean that the United States has accept- ed the commitment to maintain its nuclear power and that the Soviet Union has accepted the existing relations between its nuclear power and ours. This was sealed and ratified in the test ban treaty which was an abandonment by both countries of the search for an "absolute weapon." Everyone in Europe starts from this premise, be he General De Gaulle, Mr. Wil- son, Chancellor Erhard or the leaders in the Kremlin. Where then do the differences w'th General De Gaulle begin? Not on the fact that the peace of Europe depends on the big Ameri- can nuclear force rather than on the small French force. Not on the fact that Western Europe wishes to keep the six American divisions on the Continent. On the contrary, despite all that is said about the independence of Europe, the French government is count- ing upon and hoping for the continuing presence of American troops for at least 10 years more. As one Frenchman who speaks with authority said to me in dis- cussing the recurring question of reducing the American forces in Germany: "We know you will not ,keep them there forever, but we would rather have four divisions that stayed for 10 years than six divisions that stayed for only three years." There are no important dif- ferences on the basic view of East- West relations - that the two halves of Europe are drawing to- gether through increasing eco- nomic and cultural intercourse, or that the reunification of Germany will eventually come as part of this process, or that the Sino- Soviet conflict is irreconcilable for some yearsuto come and that Russia will thus draw closer to Europe. There are, surprising as per- haps it sounds, no fundamental differences over the association of Great Britain with Europe. The eventual inclusion of Britain in Europe is assumed by the French. The question, as the French see it, is whether and when and how Britain will adjust its vital inter- ests in the remaining empire, in the commonwealth and in the sterling area, to the European situ- ation. IF THE CONFLICTS within the alliance do not arise from vital issues, what are they about? They are about what to expect and what to prepare for in the next 10 or 15 years. General De Gaulle, knowing that the present Soviet- American balance of power will not last forever, assumes that the immediate business of Western Europe, as distinct from the Unit- ed States, is to begin to prepare now for the emergencies which may arise some 15 years from now. His mind is fixed on the years immediately ahead of us when there is still time for Europe to prepare for the future. About that future he makes certain basic assumptions. One is that in the course of a generation the United States may not be will- ing to bear the burdens of pro- tecting Europe which it has as- sumed since the Second World War; the United States has vast and complicated interests in Asia, Latin America and Africa which will demand increasing attention. Moreover, he assumes that the European nations will not forever be willing to depend for their de- fense on the United States. The task of the West Europeans in this post-Cuba era is to begin to unite politically and to prepare for their own defense. The field of Franco-Amercan discussion is this coming 15-year period when Western Europe, se- cured within the balance of power achieved by the United States, must seek to find its political unity and an effective defense of its own. I made a special effort to understand concretely the French view of what the American role during this period would be. THERE ARE a number of plans for European unity in circulation, a French, a German, a Belgian and an Italian. All of them, I think, begin with the proposal for regular meetings, say quarterly, of the heads of the European gov- ernments. Each has its own trim- mings dealing with such matters as a European secretariat and European parliament. The essen- tial and common idea in all the plans is that there must be reg- ular consultation at the highest level by the French, the Germans, the Italians and eventually the British. If we think of these European meetings we shall not go far wrong in understanding General De Gaulle's purpose when he lays down the essential French con- dition: It is that no European country shall take its problems to Washington until there has been a European consultation. The French say that Europe will never be united if London and Bonn and Rome are each trying to make special arrangements with Wash- ington They must first deal with one another and not compete for the favor of the United States. This is the basic reason why France opposes the entry of Britain into "Europe" at this time-because the British count upon a special relationship with the United States which has priority over the interests of Europe. This is why the French are so strongly opposed to the American plan for the MLF -because it is in their minds a special German-American military alliance outside of NATO. WHETHER or not the French conception of European unity will work is a question that cannot be answered unless anduntil it has been tried. It is not hard for the American traveler in Europe today to see strong reasons why a unification of Western Europe is exceedingly difficult in view of the divergent national interests and preoccupations of Britain, parti- tioned Germany and Italy. The 'Right' Wisdom AM OBLIGED to confess that I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thou- sand names in the Boston tele- phone directory than in a so- ciety governed by the two thou- sand faculty members of Harvard University ... In the deliberations of two thousand citizens of Boston I think one would discern a respect for the laws of God and for the wisdom of our ancestors which does not characterize the thought of Harvard professors-who, to the extent that they believe in God at all, tend to believe He made some terrible mistakes which they would undertake to rectify: and, when they are pay- ing homage to the wisdom of our ancestors, tend to do so.with a kind of condescension toward those whose accomplishments we long since surpassed. -WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY in Rumbles Left and Right r| The Anti-Bias Rule: Liberalism Blinded By Jeffrey Goodman CURRENT STYLES of thought have a habit of becoming immut- able, all-encompassing laws of nature in the public's mind. The validity of these notions notwithstanding, this situation is dangerous, for it reduces out-of-hand the acceptability of creative alternatives and stifles the open conflict of ideas which is the only way better styles of thought ever take hold. Right now its is cool to be against racial and religious dis- crimination, so of course the -Regents, SGC and fraternity and sorority officers have proclaimed that Greek houses shall not dis- criminate. This is not only a safe and thus hypocritical means of "going along," nor is it just anti-democratic. Somehow the very loudness with which Greek bias is denounced also means that anyone with a different slant ends up looking decidedly uncool. ALL THE CLAIMS of all the fraternity and sorority presidents that their chapters are integral components of the University's aca- demic mission will not change the fact that the chapters are social clubs: they exist for the purpose of institutionalizing definite styles of dressing, behaving and thinking. For some they provide an anchor on an impersonal, confusing and anxious campus, thus minimizing the personal estrangements which would make the rest of the educational process meaningless. These are valuable functions, and if the University community is so meaningless that fraternities and sororities must perform them for some people, then the houses should be left alone for now and more comprehensive changes made. But it must be realized that it is with these functions that the relevance of the Greek system to education ends. THE TROUBLE is that what fraternities and sororities do offer all depends on cameraderie and intimacy, and these require dis- criminating judgments about who is to be included and who excluded. To the liberal zealots who have swallowed civil rights in one un- differentiated lump, this requirement is inherently bad, and so mem- bership clauses must be made non-exclusive. As in so many other areas, however, our initially well-meaning missionary spirit oversteps its ethical bounds. In the civil rights field we enact laws ostensibly to open doors to the Negroes, though actually we mean them to enforce our morality on others. With respect to the Negro, the result does not usually depend on how we view the purpose; the danger is that our real motivation leads directly to anti-bias rulings in universities. IF CIVIL RIGHTS legislation is eminently necessary to allow Negroes the advantage of certain basic opportunities, one must never- theless draw the line when it comes to private friendship circles, for no one is going to benefit from forcing his way into a narrow circle which does not want him. On the other side of the coin, no public agency has the right to dictate the composition of friendship groups. Even to charge that the University, SGC and Greek officers, unable to free themselves from the current social necessity to be unquestioningly liberal, are blindly reacting in a very illiberal manner would be too generous. For in the back of everyone's mind is the realization that anti-bias clauses do not eliminate discrimination. All they really do is gloss over guilt feelings and make nice public relations. Since hash sessions will still be secret, exclusivism and the system will continue and everyone will be happy because, de juris, there is no more discrimination. THE SUGGESTION has been made several times-eloquently a year ago by Regent Allen Sorenson-that the University revoke the student organization status and privileges of fraternities and sorori- ties, thus freeing the clubs to operate as they wish. Again, however, the pervasive power of current thought-fads is evident: the Greeks would then have to admit publicly that they are indeed private social clubs and that by nature they discriminate in selections. Thus going off-campus would undoubtedly destroy too many illusions and make the system look far too uncool. If the Greek system and the University want to be at all honest and ethical and consistent about the whole matter, they should accept the system for what it is and allow it to operate in that manner -as non-University-affiliated private clubs. Where any opportunities opened would be meaningless and where the attempt to alter morality would be obnoxious and ineffective, legislation and punishment are silly and vulgar. I *.I ,, k f LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Urges Participation in Protest March on Capital To the Editor: THE CURRENT WAR in Viet Nam in being waged in behalf of a succession of unpopular South Vietnamese dictatorships, not in behalf of freedom. No American- supported South Vietnamese re- gime in the past few years has gained the support of its people, for the simple reason that the people overwhelmingly want peace, self-determination and the oppor- tunity for development. American prosecution of the war has de- prived them of all three. The war is fundamentally a civil war, waged by South Viet- namese against their government; it is not a "war of aggression." Military assistance from North Viet Nam and China has been minimal; most guerrilla weapons are home-made or are captured American arms. The people could not and can- not be isolated from the guerrillas by forced settlement in "strategic hamlets;" again and again gov- ernment military attacks fail be- cause the people tip off the guer- rillas. Each repressive government policy, each napalm bomb, each instance of torture creates more guerrillas. THE WAR is a losing war. Well over half of the area of South Viet Nam is already governed by the National Liberation Front- the political arm of the "Viet Cong." In the guerrillas the peas- ants see relief from dictatorial FEIFFER government agents. Thousands of government troops have defected -the traditional signal of a los- ing counter-guerrilla war. The war is self-defeating. If the U.S. objective is to guarantee self- determination in South Viet Nam, that objective is far better served by allowing the South Vietnamese to choose their own government- something provided for by the 1954 Geneva Agreement but sabo- taged in 1956 by the American- supported dictator Ngo Dinh Diem and never allowed since. THE VIETNAMESE, North and South, have no taste for Chinese domination-these two countries have fought one another for over 1000 years. It is a war never declared by Congress, although it costs almost $2 million a day and has cost billions of dollars since the U.S. began its involvement. The facts of the war have been systematical- ly concealed by the U.S. govern- ment for years, making it appear as if those expenditures have been helping the Vietnamese people. We are outraged that $2 million a day is expended for a war on the poor in Viet Nam, while gov- ernment financing is so desperate- ly needed to abolish poverty at home. What kind of America is it whose response to poverty and oppression in South Viet Nam is napalm and defoliation, whose re- sponse to poverty in Mississippi is . silence? BUT THE SIGNS are plain that Americans are increasingly disaffected by this state of af- fairs. To draw together, express and enlarge the number of these voices of protest and to make this sentiment visible- S!tudents and a meeting with both students and adult speakers. Sen. Ernest Gruening of Alaska and journalist I. F. Stone have already agreed to address the body. THOUSANDS of us can be heard. We dare not remain silent. Those interested in the march are invited to attend a meeting to be held in the 3rd floor conference room of the Michigan Union at 8 p.m., tomorrow night, April 8. Plans for the march and ways of gaining academic help in prepara- tion for final exams will be dis- cussed. (Several faculty members are willing to provide tutorial help for students en route to Washington.) Further enquiries can be direct- ed to Jeanne Jackson, 761-1632. --Roger Manela, '68SW SNCC and King To the Editor: IT IS WITH INTEREST and some cynicism that I have fol- lowed the recent tempest concern- the maturity and responsibility of SNCC relative to the other civil rights organizations working in the south. The question of maturity and responsibility is essentially irrele- vant, but let us clear the record on two points: 1. That SNCC has been in Sel- ma for two years reflects the true dedication and maturity of that organization. As evidenced by re- cent police brutality, Selma has long been one of the most re- sistant areas in the South. Those two years were spent developing a community organization strong enounh tonmake it nnosihh for SNCC spearheaded the Mississippi Summer Project, with minimal help from the SCLC. Who was mature last summer? Who was re- sponsible in their approach to problems? BUT LET US now focus on more important questions. The lesson of Selma and Montgomery, as I see it, is that there are large numbers of Negroes in the south, and sympathizers in the North, who are willing to take action on civil rights. The disturbing fea- ture is that nobody really knows how to channel the good will and energies of these people toward real solutions of the problems of Negroes living in the South. * President Johnson initiated the voting legislation that essentially the demonstrators were after. But how much will the right to vote help? What will be the conse- quences of a Negro sheriff in Dal- las county, of a liberalized legis- lature in Georgia, of an ex-Sena- tor Eastland? Could the political power in Ala- bama and Mississippi find jobs for those Negroes displaced by the declining and automating cotton economy, even if it wanted to? No. Those states do not have the facilities to cope with these prob- lems. And I doubt that the Negro electorate would ever bcome large enough to create a body politic of such good will. While it is clearly imperative to develop an informed, organized Ne- gro electorate in the south, this is not enough! Real solutions are going to have to come from out- side the states of Alabama and Mississippi. I think SNCC realizes this, hence its plans to organize a stronger lobby in Washington. Im TH6 It USED TO S 1N AU-. MY T65115. AWAY( Ik i / '_ . " .". r d AW AU~f ASK WA, P'O IT, NOW3LA W~ NF, PewA t - I. THEM,' PLAY WA.ITH ME A Y'MOfR ME TH.L MM550, R 1 I VA reft i t . P R ' .. C., EMN MY FATHfR! "'I WOTr YO0 TO NORMAL BOY!"' HE YEUEP AT H6A. I5 SR5A' 70 BE Tf~i&U&Hr nF k5 t~, i :t AW'J AU.- ~fIF KDS D'lU AS' UP a~nAIi I