PAGE TWO 11,11F MICURGANT IbAll V A. 11 r. 172aL.N It1H IN "uAix TUESDAY, APRIL 6 1965 i Cigarette Bill Stirs Cl I- n r ACROSS CAMPUS: 12msa a ailii enate Cou By HARVEY WASSERMAN The Surgeon General's report that lung cancer may well be con- nected to habitual smoking has left a wake which is still boiling. Before the Senate Commerce Committee is a bill introduced by its chairman, Warren B. Magnu- sun (D-Wash) which would re- quire all cigarette packages and cartons to carry in prominent type the words: "Warning: Continual cigarette smoking may be hazard- ous to your health." Senator Mau- reen B. Neuberger (D-Ore) has added a companion bill which make it madatory that the nico- tine and tar content of the cig- arette brand be printed on the package. The controversy stems from Surgeon General Luther L. Terry's extensive report, "Smoking and Health," published by the Public Health Service in January, 1964. tween cigarette smoking and lung cancer." Yet the findings have by no means been unanimously accepted. Many doctors have experiment, without success, in an effort to produce lung cancer in animals. Main opposition to congressional action on the issue comes from DIAL 8-6416 "A WILD AND WONDERFUL TIME !'" -Time Magazine "WILD AS A RUNAWAY TRAIN! A LULU! FUN FOR FUN'S SAKE!" -New York Times itroversy tobacco company officials and to- bacco-state senators. Bowman Gray, of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., testifying before the Commerce Committee said that, "Many distinguished scientists are of the opinion that it has not been established that smoking causes lung cancer or any other disease." He contended that the public has already been "inundated" with warnings, and that if a warning label is to be required, it should be "short, simple, direct and fair." Yet despite the extensive con- troversy, whose general trend seems to be in favor of a definite relationship between cancer and smoking, cigarette sales seem to have been little affected. After the report, cigarette sales took a sharply noticeable drop, then zoomed back up to normal within a short period of time. Thus one of the questions be- fore the Commerce Committee is not only whether or not the re- quired adverse publicity is war- ranted, but also whether or not the effort will have enough effect to warrant the $1.9 million that Terry is asking Congress to give his committee to educate the na- tion on the purported health haz- ards of the smoking habit. Kraus To Speak on Oceans TUESDAY, APRIL 6 Museum of Zoology will speak on I- tipurpose Room. 8 a.m.-The Cooperative Educa- "Systematics: An Integration of 8 p.m.-The Department of tion Club Conference will be held Disciplines" in a Department of Speech University Players will at the Rackham Bldg. Zoology Seminar at 1400 Chemis- present Bertolt Brecht's "Gali- 4 p.m.-Eric B. Kraus of Woods try Bldg. leo ' in Trueblood Aud. Hole, Mass., will speak on "The 4:10 p.m.-Rudolph Wittkower 8 p.m.-Prof. William B. Bean of Mixed Layer of the Ocean" in will speak on "Classic and Ro- the University of Iowa will speak Room 5500 East Engineering. mantic: Architecture and the Gar- on "Physicians and Books as Il- 4:10 p.m.-The Department of den in Eighteenth Century Eng- lustrated by the Gold-Headed English will sponsor a lecture by land" at Aud. B. Canes," at the Fifth Level amphi- John Holloway of Queen's Col- 4:15 p.m.-U. T. Place, from the theatre of the Medical Science lege, Cambridge, England, about University of Chicago, will speak Bldg. "Form and Originality in English on "The Status of Mentalistic 8:30 p.m.---Norman Brody, bass- Romantic Verse," at Aud. A. Explanation in Psychology" in Rm. baritone, will give a recital in the 7:30 p.m.-Students for a Dem- 2003, Angell Hall. School of Music Recital Hall. ocratic Society and VOICE Poli- tical Party will present a "Once 7:30 p.m.-VOICE Political Par- 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music Friends Concert" to raise funds ty will present an informal dis- will present a lecture demonstra- for economic research and action, cussion, "Organizing the Northern tion on "Japanese Music: Nagauta in Aud. A. Poor," about the activities of the and Matsuri Bayashi" by William 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music Economic Research and Action P. Malm of the University Japa- will present works by student com- Project. It will be presented in nese Study Group in the Rackham posers in a public Composers For- the Undergraduate Library Mul- Lecture Hall. um in the music school's Recital - Hall. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 Your Sheraton Man on Campus has a free Sheraton Student ID 8:20 a.m.-Harold I. Lief of Tu- Card for you. (if you're faculty, ask for a Faculty Guest Card.) lane University will lecture on With it you'll get discounts on room rates at Sheraton Hotels "The Teaching of Sex Informa- and Motor inns all over the world. Even in single rooms. (With tion and Marital Counselling to h i a Medical Students and Residents in two or tGree in a room. you ave even more.) Good Dea. Psychiatry" at Children's Hospital Get in touch with your S. .C.: Aud. 9HM 4 p.m.-George M. Davis of the 95 Sheraton Hotels&Motor Inns 4+. _. Japanese Music Group Will Perform THE MICHIGAN JAPANESE MUSIC STUDY GROUP, under the direction of Prof. William P. Mahm of the Music School, will present a concert of Japanese clasiscal music this evening at Rackham Auditorium at 8:30 (admission free). The group, composed of 17 University students and faculty mem- bers, will perform in costume, and Maim will preface each work with a short talk and slides ex- plaining the music. The first selection in the program will be from a Kabuki drama entitled "Kan- jincho." Next the group will perform Shinto festival music which Malm, who has written two books on Japanese music, calleds "indigenous Japanese jazz." The final selection will be a Lion dance, "Shishi Odori," which will be performed by Malm himself. ORGANIZATION NOTICES FOR CARDS, INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS CONTACT BRUCE HILLMAN, 663-1392. For card only send a stamped self-addressed envelope to 610 S. Forest, Apt. 5, AA. ':r:: i.:{r...1lt. MMJ,..4M"#."N,"r:: ..r........y.Fr::e'::'.:L":Y.11"."r:::F:F:Fr::nJ:::::. ::r:. .'.':.":r:r::r..:::M::.":::::r::F:: ...:......r ...........................................r n....... ".",...... .. t. .. .....1.... .r........LM.":"M :. ....... ............ ........ .. ............ .... n. "..... r.. 1. .r.r" ... r.... ^""::r ::M.:Mrr,. ". "... rL..^} ....... ...... :....r,........................::V:. .......r ........ ".. ... ««... .. . ......r...,.... «r .: ".:,... 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General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. DIAL 5-6290 Ending Tonight CONTINUOUS POPULAR PERFORMANCES I I PRICES I STAND F RAMER ITS A MAD, MAD, MAD, PANAWSIOr MAD TECHNICOLOR W WIEDARTIM WEDNESDAY Student organization notices are not Chairman, H. E. Bradley. accepted lor puication. Doctoral Examination for Merle Clar- ence Potter, Engineering Mechanics; TUESDAY, APRIL 6 thesis: "The Stability of Plane Couette- Poiseuille Flow," today, E. Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chair- Day -4a ettar man, C. S. Yish. Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- Doctoral Examination for Jean Cath- sonnel Techniques Seminar-Michigan erine Waterlund, Education; thesis: Union, 8 a.m. "The Relationship between Counselor School of Music Student Composers Candidates' Self Perceptions and Ef- Forum-Recital Hall, School of Music, fective Counseling Performance," to- 8:30rm.cday, 524 UES, 7 p.m. Chairman, G. R. 8:0p.m. !Walz. Doctoral Examination for David HillW . Benzing, Botany; thesis: "The Pri- (ieneral Notices mary Vascular System of Woody ,Ran- alian Angiosperms," today, 1139 Natural Kasimir Fajans Award Lecture: "Some Science Bldg., 1:15 p.m. Chairman, C. Recent Aspects of Purine Chemistry." B. Beck. by Assistant Prof. Richard Loeppky, University of Missouri, on Wed., April Doctoral Examination for Dana Duane 7, 4 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Squire, Industrial Engineering; thesis: _ _ Product Profit Optimization Consider- 5-Hour Special Topics in Chemistry- ing the Managerial Decisions of Price, Sixth Series: "The Phase Rule from the Marketing, and Inventory," today, Standpoint of Simple Function Theory," Faculty Lounge, W. Engrg. Bldg., 5 p.m. by Dr. L. O. Case, Chemistry Dept., U. of M. on Wed., April 7, 8 p.m., Room i 1300 Chemistry Bldg. will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or surmmer spso ii i i DIAL 662-6264 Shown at 1:10-3:00 5:00-7:00 and 9:00 Ending Wednesday ... I MG presents A PANORO S BERMAN PRODUCTION You 'of irate a lOu r /oom in'. STARiiG PANAVISIOW meMETROCOLOR' RobEff NaNY RobEDf rim, r THURSDAY < ANN ARBOR CANTATA SINGERS with orchestra DANIEL POLITOSKE guest conductor I. BACH, J. S.-Missa Brevis in G 11. BRAHAMS, J.-Motet based on Psalm 51 Ill. DELLOJ010, N.-Psalm of David (51) CHAPEL CONCORDIA LUTHERAN COLLEGE 1 MCA Graduate Fellowship in Creative Writing ($1500): This fellowship in writing for the performing arts (thea- tre, motion pictures, TV) will be of- fered again in 1965-66. Applicants should turn in not more than two manuscripts at the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall, by April 9. Appli- cants will be interviewed during the week of April 12. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admis- sion Test on Sat., April 10, are re- quested to report to Room 130 Busi- ness Administration Bldg. at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. French and German Screening Exam- inations: The screening examinations in French and German for Doctoral can- didates will be administered on Thurs., April 15, from 3-5 p.m. In Aud. B, Angell Hall. Doctoral candidates must pass the screening examination before taking the written test in French or German, unless they have received B or better in French 111 or German 111. Those who fail the examination may take it again when the test is admin- istered in July. Candidates are asked to bring their own number 2 pencils. *Students: If you need to order a transscript without grades for the pres- ent term, you are urged to call in person at Rm. 515, Administration Bldg. not later than April 22. *-Does not apply to students in Law and Undergraduate College of Engineer- ing. Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac- counts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed, are subject to this regulation; however,, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the Unl- versity and "(a) All academic credits will be; withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such accounts1 ODUO~ucb 6u~etei ca ui mesession i antil payment has been made." University Bibliography of Publica- tions: Any University einploye who has not yet reported his publications or creative wcrks for the period 7-1-63 to 6-30-64. is requested to submit the material as soon as possible. If bibliog- raphy forms are needed, call the Edi- torial Office of the Office of Research Administration, 764-4277. Foreign Visitors The following are the foreign visi- tors programmed through the Interna- tional Center who will be on campus this week on the dates indicated. Pro- gram arrangements are being made by Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International Center, 764-2148, Maurice Leroy, rector, Free Univer- sity of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, April 4-7. Osmo Wiio, chief, Information and Public Relations, Finnish Employers Confederation, Helsinki, Finland April 5-7. D. P. Sinha senior speciaist, In- stitute of Advanced Projects, India, April 6-7. Chief S. O. Adebo, ambassador from Nigeria to the United Nations, accom- panied by Mrs. Adebo, April 9-10. Placement PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint- ments with the following:I THURS., APRIL 8- College Life Insurance Co., Indian- apolis, Ind. - Men, degrees in Econ., Educ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Math, Geog., Geol., etc. for insurance sales. Located throughout U.S. Sunbeam Corp. Detroit-Men, degrees in any field. Sales repres, for all Sun- beam products throughout U.S. POSITION OPENINGS: B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio - Various openings including 1. Interna- tional Bus. Analyst, MA, bkgd, in res. methods, mktg. statistics, econ., lan- guages. 2-5 yrs. exper. 2. Applied Math or Physicist, MS, in math or statistics, 4-8 yrs. exper. 3. Trng. Repres.-Data Processing, degree in Bus. Ad. pref. Strong math bkgd., systems & data prooessing exoer. State of Ohio, Dept. of Health, Co- lumbus-Review Specialist, BA plus 2 yrs. exper. in hospital planning and/or hos. admin. Grad study in hos. ad- mi. will substitute for exper. Exten- sive .travel. Assist with surveys of med. facilities & rel. State of Michigan-1. Child Day Care Consultant. Degree, bkgd. in elem.ed- ucation. 2 yrs. exper. In nursery school or elem. teaching. Deadline April 19. 2. Liquor Enforcement trainee, degree, exper. not req. Also several openings for psychologists and social workers. Master's degree req. plusl 1-3 yrs. ex- per. Trainees req. no exper. For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- Mistake!eMac Woods Dune Scooters -Will interview April 7 not April 8 as announced. North Star Camp for Boys, Wis.- Sailing instructor & village or unit di- rector, 21 or older. Salary range from $4000-6000 pluls room, board & trans- port. Details at Summer Placement. Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. * * * Near East Studies Club, Lecture: Dr. Grabar, April 8, 8 p.m., 200 Lane Hall. ** U. of M. Libertarian League, Debate on majority rule, April 6, 8 p.m., Mich- igan Union, Room 3-C. Chairman and secretary of U. of M. Libertarian League taking the affirmative, against the chairmen of the Young Republicans and Young Democrats for the nega- tive: Resolved: That majority rule is an oppressive and Immoral principle for government or any other endeavor, followed by a question period, Voice Political Party, ONCE Friends Avante-Garde Concert with Gordon Mumma, Robert and Mary Ashley, Rob- ert Sheff, Mark Slobin, Russell Peck, David Andrew, Tues., April 6, And. A, Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. Proceeds to economic research and action project of SDS. i U of M FOLK FETIVA L APRIL 9, 10, 11 friday night 8 30 p m MIKE BLOOMFIELD and his RHYTHM and BLUES BAND union ballroom $1 .25 saturday 1:00 p.m. WORKSHOP SAB free saturday 3:00 p.m. DANNY KALB aud A, angell hail $1.00 IV FRIENDS OF SNCC BUCKET DRIVE 60 U. of M. students were in Montgomery SNCC needs dollars for projects in the Deep South GIVE DOLLARS FOR FREEDOM Drive on Mon., Tues. and Wed. Diag, Union, Eng. Arch, and the Hill from 9 to 5 I saturday night 8:00 p.m. HOOTENANNY with RAY' lydia mendelssohn theatre TATE $1.50 sunday afternoon 2:00 p.m. STU RAMSAY and his BLUEGRASS BOYS aud A, angell hall $1 .00 tickets: herb david's, discount records, disc shop, union desk. for tickets by mail, write U of M Folklore Soc., SAO Bldg., Ann Arbor f I Geddes Road 8:30 P.M. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WITHOUT Tues., Apr. 6 CHARGE h present 0 GLENN FORD and GERALDINE PAGE in "DEAR HEART" £ University Players Dept. of Speed GALILE 4 by Bertolt Brecht ''t 1! I I I I I A