Panhellenic By CAROLE KAPLAN "The problem of national control versus University control of local sorority chapters has been the major problem confronting Panhellenic Association, particularly since the formation of the membership committee in October, 1963," Janet Miller, assistant to the Director and Associate Director of Stiadent Activities and Organizations and advisor to Panhellenic, said last week. a The Membership Committee, authorized by the Regents to investigate possible discrimination in sorority and fraternity membership procedures, requested that sorority membership rec- ommendation forms be submitted to the committee. Panhellenic President Laura Fitch, '66, pointed out that because some of the national organizations are opposed to their local chapters submitting these forms, the University chapters are faced with a conflict of aims and interests. Three Alternatives According to Miss Fitch, the local chapters are faced with three alternatives. First, they can give complete loyalty to their national organizations, risking the loss of their status as recognized student organizations. Second, they can go along with the University, risking the WARNER G. RICE AND PROSPERITY See Editorial Page Faces Question of Self-Determination loss of financial support from their nationals and eventual dis- continuation of their local chapters. Or third, they can independently decide what they think is right on individual matters, and support their decision whether it agrees with University policy, national policy, or neither policy. Third Alternative Miss Fitch said that at the present time, Panhellenic is concerned with the third alternative: whether or not the local chapters have the right to assert an independent opinion, and if they do have this right, whether or not they want to use it and accept the responsibility it implies. Miss Miller commented that both the national organizations and the University have reasonable arguments to support their positions. The national organization, composed of alumnae, feel that they have a right to influence the affairs of their local chapters, she said. For them, sorority membership does not end, with graduation. Much Money, Time Many of them have put large amounts of time and money into their sororities, and they feel strong ties to the collegiate chapters. They also feel that a sorority is a private national organization. and that individual universities do not have the right to demand information. "They are afraid that demands for information will lead to attempts to control. This has already occurred at other universities," she added. Miss Miller explained that the University, on the other hand, sees the sororities as primarily student organizations, which, like all other recognized student organizations, must present proof that they are obeying University rules. Goals Not Same Miss Miller emphasized that the goals of the University . and of the national organizations are very similar. She said, "Both the nationals and the University want the local chapters to change with the changing times and with the changing campus. However, each group wants to be the one to supervise this change." According to Miss Fitch, there are two major problems that have prevented Panhellenic Association from taking some kind of stand on the matter: lack of communication and lack of stability. She pointed out that the atmosphere and the situation on the University campus are different from those of other campuses, in terms of educational goals and in terms of student activism. She said that the national organizations do not understand the situation, and can easily misinterpret any action taken by the local chapters. Until They Understand Until they understand why and how this 'University is different, they cannot understand why the sorority system at the campus must be different," she commented. She also emphasized the difficulty of any unified action by Panhelienic Association, because of its changing membership. 'By the time they have discussed the problem in Panhellenic and with their individual chapters, the year is over and new presidents step in." She said that this problem has had real bearing on the reluctance of local chapters to make decisions. Hope for Decisions Miss Fitch said she hopes that Panhellenic will arrive at a decision soon as to whether or not they want to make auton- omous decisions. She explained that these decisions would concern matters other than membership selection procedures. She said that the main problem in reaching a decision is the problem of authority. r fflfri!3au :4Iaaity CLOUDY, WARMER High--56 Low-38 Rain, with a possibility of thundershowers Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, 6 APRIL 1965 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES GEARED TO TRIMESTER: Curriculum Committee Recommends Revisions By JUDY STONEHILL The literary college curriculum committee submitted its proposal for a revised distribution requirement program yesterday at the literary college faculty meeting. A-meeting to vote on the proposal will be set for later this month, Dean William Haber of the literary college said. The revisions recommended by the curriculum committee seem to be geared to the trimester. The report recommends: - - -Three c o u r s e s in social Senators To AAUP State Conference Study Role Praises Blue Ribbon Report Of Faculty B ROBERT LEDERER Vote Republicans Into Offices of City Council 4 State Medical School Plans 'n Schedule By MARCY PELLY "The statements in the recent- ly released Citizens' Commission "blue ribbon" report on higher ed- ucation are ambiguous, and do not affect our plans to proceed with our two-year medical school," Dr. Andrew D. Hunt, Jr., dean of the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University, com- mented recently. He remarked further, "I think the report hedges the issue" in its discussion of the MSU medical school. "It simply states as a fact that MSU is doing this." But the "blue ribbon" report states: "The committee concurs with the recommendations of the report of the committee appointed by the Michigan Coordinating Council for Public Higher Educa- tion, which was basically that the nedical school facilities at both Nayne State University and the University of Michigan be en- larged before considering the es- tablishment of either a two-year or another four-year state sup- ported medical school." 1962 Statute "The MSU medical school is get- ting started on the basis of a statute passed in 1962 which gave the authorization to go ahead," Hunt explained. "The school was recommended by a committee re- port of the Michigan Coordinat- ing Council prior to the 'blue rib- bon' report." H o w e v e r, the Coordinating Council Report actually . states "There is no evidence at present of an unmet need of sufficient magnitude for clinical service in the Lansing-East Lansing area so that this need would justify the establishment of a medical school and university hospital." One spokesman for the MSU school said that it would fill a vital need. He said that every year about six per cent of medi- cal school students drop out, usu- ally in the first two years. Arithmetical Vacancy Dr. William Hubbard, dean of the University Medical School, ex- plained that this is an "arithmeti- cal rather than a real vacancy since no medical school staffs for one hundred per cent completion." Thomas Brennan, chairman of the State Board of Education, said that the board is not going to consider giving an advisory opin- ion on MSU's medical school im- mediately since their plans will not be affected by legislative ap- propriations., Hunt explained that there is "no issue as far as he is concern- ed regarding appropriations from the Legislature." sciences, two taken in the same department;, -Three courses in the natural; sciences,.two in the same depart- ment and one a laboratory : course, and -Three courses in humanities, two in one department. The English and foreign lan- guage requirements would remain the same. A student is currently required to take English 123 and achieve fourth - semester profi- ciency in a foreign language. The report recommends that a student desiring more mathe- matics and philosophy in his pro- gram be allowed to substitute such a course for a required natural science, social science, or humani-; ties course. Currently math-phi-. losophy constitutes one of the groupings in the humanities re- quirement. One of the main bones of con- tention of the curriculum com- mittee's report is the status of advanced placement courses taken; in high school. The report recom- mends that a student who has taken advanced placement coursesj enter the University on a higher level but not be exempt from the, distribution requirements in the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities., State Board To Consider Flint The State Board of Education will meet in Lansing today to con-9 sider the University's plans to de- velop E four-year program at its Flint branch next fall. According to Thomas Brennan,, board chairman, the meeting; p r o b a b I y will be continued Wednesday, and a decision may1 be announced then. The board is empowered to 'issue an advisory opinion to the legislature as to whether money for Flint expan- sion should be included in the University's budget for next year. .1 The state council of the Conference of the American Association of University Professors met last Saturday in East Lansing, endorsing the recommendations of the "blue ribbon" Citizens' Commission and Senator Edward Robinson (D- supporting the stand taken by the chapter at Ce'ntral Michigan Dearborn) has asked that a com- University in regard to faculty-administration relations. mittee of five senators be ap- The council is comprised of the presidents, or their 'representa- pointed to study the relationship tives, of the 30 AAUP chapters in the state. Twenty-five repre- between faculty and administra- *sentatives were in attendance tion in forming policy in Mich- igan state-supporited schools. Saturday. legislature may well be faced with The cferees reacte. Gaorgl decisions in the area of faculty- iN e e lRomney's "blue ribbon" Commis- administration relationship, a n d sion on Higher Education. Prof. that it thus should become in- I:Wilfred Kaplan of the University, formed on the role of the faculty chairman of the Committee on in oliy-akig.Co 'a pleedPromotion of a Co-ordinating He said that the recent Senate o t Board of Education, said that the resolution concerning the Univer- representatives endorsed the rec- sity faculty's original plans fora; ARommendations "very enthusias- k ss esByXIARK R. KILLINGSORTHtically." sti'ike to protest the government s!SeilTTeDiyStogRl policy in Viet Nam is an example Special To The Daily Strong Role of legislative involvement but did TUSKEGEE, Ala. - University In particular, the proposed not motivate his request for an and Tuskegee Institute students strong, -co-ordinating role of the investigation. said goodbyes yesterday morning State Board of Education was en- Prompted by Situation as the University Symphony Or- dorsed by the AAUP. The con- "My proposal was prompted by chestra left this Alabama town ferees thought the board was the situation at Central Michigan after its concert here Sunday. somewhat hampered because of University," Robinson said. "A re- The orchestra had presented its the deficient budget accorded it. cent tour of CMU and contact concert to a near-capacity aud- The AAUP 'will recommend in- with people at the school have ience of over 3000 townspeople terim funds for the board, accord- given me the impression that its and Tuskegee students. After- ing to Kaplan. faculty does not have adequate wards, Tuskegee students held a The problem of implementing means to convey grievances to the reception for the orchestra at the proposal for a strong boardl administration." which their choir director, Relford was discussed at the conference.! Robinson insisted that he does Patterson, told them, "Thank you The council wants to do more not have preconceived notions of for your beautiful music - and than to just praise the "blue rib- what the facultys role should be your beautiful souls." bon" recommendations; it seeks and emphasized that he does not A emn oefBat h ways to administer the findings, believe the legislature should be- r A beaming Josef Blatt, the Kaplan added. come more active in internal af- orchestra conductor, then told the Kalnadd faiis of state schools. Tuskegee students, "If I was able The council reviewed the fac- He said he requested that a to tell my orchestra that they ulty-administration relations at legislative committee make the have done an unusually good job Central Michigan University. The study instead of the State Board --and I rarely say that-it's be- local AAUP chapter had voiced of Education because he does not cause of the great goodness and its approval for faculty complain-N feel the new board is equipped to great kindess we have found here ing of lack of involvement in uni- handle the investigation at this throughout our stay." versity policy. The controversy time. However, he added that the Students sat up outside dormi- was heightened a few weeks ago committee's report could be .turn- tories on the campus in the balmy when a bill was introduced in the ed over to the board. 75-degree weather talking and Senate calling for a committee to Blasted Earlier singing after the reception. investigate such relations. Robinson had earlier blasted Leaving the next morning, the Local Report CMU for excluding the . faculty students described themselves as The council heard a report from from the decision-making process, tired but delighted with their stay. the local chapter and subsequently an allegation quickly, denounced Several were discussing plans for acknowledged and approved of in a telegram signed by a report- continuing the musical exchanges, the stand of the local chapter. edly large group of faculty. which Tuskegee inaugurated in Prof. Ralph Loomis of the engi- However, Robinson noted that spring 1964 with a concert in neering school and president of signatures on the telegram includ- Ann Arbor by its world-famous the Michigan AAUP said that the ed names of administrators, deans choir. council "re-affirmed the convic- and many faculty members with- One idea under consideration tion of the National AAUP." out tenure "who could be subject was a joint University orchestra- The latter has for a long time to administration pressure to sign Tuskegee choir performance of, a urged for the consultation of such a telegram." requiem or oratorio on both cam- teachers in matters of university "I have received a number of puses next year. policy. letters favoring my stand from The exchange of musicians is The AAUP's recommendations, CMU faculty members as well as ; part of an overall exchange rela- Ifor supervision and planning inI from several professors at other tionship which. the University and higher education date back at state schools," Robinson added. Tuskegee are now developing. least to last September.' ANN ARBOR'S NEW MAYOR, Wer wife in attendance at a pre-election feated Mrs. Eunice Burns in last Democrat was elected to the council's Hulcher victory returned a Republica The council seats have been evenly and Democrats with the mayor holdi MOVE TO AUTONOMY: -Daily-Robert Sheffield ndell E. Hulher, and his engagement. Hulcher de- night's polling. Only one s five contested seats. The n majority to the council. split between Republicans ing the balance. IndividualDepart'ments To Give Graduate Aid EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond in a two-part series on gradu- ate education. By ALICE BLOCH A large portion of graduate school fellowship funds will be administered by individual depart- ments this year, in accordance with the current policy of gradu- ate school decentralization. In 1963-64 the graduate school recorded over $2.5 million in fel- lowship aid, about one-fourth of which was administered by the graduate school itself. These di- rectly-administered funds consist of Rackham funds, general funds, and endowment funds. The executive board of the grad. uate school, a 10-man administra- tive board composed of members )f the graduate faculty, voted this year to distribute most of the di- rectly-administered funds to de- partments, which then decide the ;ype and amount of fellowship for each applicant. Describes Decentralization Dean Stephen H. Spurr of the graduate school, describing this decentralization, said, "More divi- sional activity in the graduate school is inevitable. The graduate school is not really a school, but rather a coordinating faculty overlaying the rest of the Univer- sity." Freeman D. Miller, associate dean for fellowships and research grants of the graduate school, concurred with Spurr and added that departmental handling of fel- lowships is the most practical way to distribute the many new fellowship grants available. Miller explained that 10 years ago the graduate school was al- most the only source of fellowship funds. Thus, centralized handling was relatively practical. Vast Number Recently, however, a vast num- GOP Keeps Past Majorit Of Six-Five By JULIE W. FITZGERALD Ann Arbor votei's returnied a Republican majority to city coun- cil in yesterday's election by vot- ing in ,a Republican mayor and four Republican council members. The Republican election sweep gives them a six-to-five majority on council, the same as it was this past year. The Democrats, who retained four council seats, had only one council candidate elected. They needed two victories to gain a council majority. Ann Arbor's new mayor is Wen- dell E. Hulcher, who defeated his opponent, First Ward Council- woman Mrs. Eunice Burns, by 3,695 votes. Hulcher is a former fourth ward councilman. The total vote cast was 10,978 for Hulcher and 7,283 for Mrs. Burns. Only Democrat New first ward councilman, H. C. 1 Curry, was the only successful Democratic candidate. He defeat- ed Republican F. Del Coates by a margin of 231 votes. The total vote cast was 1478 for Curry and 1247 for Coates. In the second ward, Republican Prof. Douglas D. Crary of the geography department beat his Democratic opponent Mrs. Phillis Wright, 1337 to 885 votes. His mar- gin was 452. Republican' incumbant Pa ul Johnson retained his third ward council. seat by a margin of 363 votes, beating Democrat Prof. Joseph Kallenbach of the political science department. The total vote was 2,496 for Johnson and 2,133 for Kallenbach. Largest Victory The largest Republican victory was in the fourth ward, where John R. Hathaway swamped his Democratic opponent Jay Stielstra by 1,096 votes. Totals were 2,437 for Hathaway and 1,341 for Stiel- stra. In the fifth ward, Republican Prof. Richard E. Balzhiser of the chemical engineering department whipped Democrat Robert W. Carr 2,796 to 2,117 votes. Balzhiser's margin was 679 votes. Hulcher said he was pleased to serve as mayor of Ann Arbor and that Ann, Arbor is a wonderful place to live. Privilege "It is a privilege to serve the community." He cited the major problems Ann Arbor will be facing as civil rights and planning for the rapid population increase. Mrs. Burns, Democratic can- didate for mayor, said she was sorry the Democrats lost the elec- tion but from the things the Re- publicans have said, the Demo- crats can look forward to some progress in the field of civil rights, low-cost housing, planning and youth progi'ams. Still Fight She added that the Democrats will still keep fighting for the issues in which they believe. The last time prior to 1964 that the Democrats won a city elec- ITO LEAVE IN MAY: Stasheff To Provide First Israeli TV Service By JACK REISMAN Jordan are some of the Middle East countries that may use the Prof. Edward Stasheff of the .apeff e i programs if they have receiving speech department ,a pioneer in equipment. educational television, is leaving During the first year of broad- for Israel at the end of this month casts, the television station will to set up that country's first offer seventh- and ninth-grade television station. ' English, mathematics and sci-' This first television station, ence. These programs will be pre- which will be operational by Jan- served on video tape and used for uary 1, 1966, will broadcast pro- the next year's broadcast. During grams directly to 30 schools. The the second year, the program will television service, designed to cope i be expanded to include eighth- with the teacher shortage in Is- and tenth-grade mathematics,j rael, will divide its time between English, and science and a few elementary and secondary school other subjects. The third year the courses. i station may expand both ways to The Rothschild family group, the fifth-, sixth-, eleventh-, and that is financing the television twelfth-grade subjects while still nm eit will ,ir'p tthe no m . . .. .. .. .. Washington, D.C., for an excellent ber of fellowships have been add- teacher who also knew the tech- Ied, including those sponsored by aiques of broadcasting, the associ- the National Science Foundation, ation recommended Stasheff. Prof. the National Defense Education Stasheff has worked for WPIX Act and the United States Public WNYE in New York, and has Health Service. served the Ford Foundation as Miller said, "The departments special consultant on the educa- have had to guess and balance tional uses of television in the their needs. Also, the departments four know their own plans better than Middle East. He has written wedo." books on the subject of television we d." production or educational broad- For this reason, the executive casting, and serves on the edi- board, under the direction of for- torial boards of several journals. mer graduate school Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, began five years ago Stasheff's first task in Israel to experiment with decentraliza- will be to train the studio teach- tion plans. ers in educational television tech- First Time niques, and to train the studio This year is the first time that staff in the methods of television decentralization of f e 1 o w s h i p 3... ~ ,~3. .*~mu~ - a