SUNDAY. 4 APRI .__14A5
PAGE SIX TUE MIChIGAN DAILY ~TTh1flAV A AP1~Tf iaa~ tf~fl&A a, TX L.a .W.* *U.
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Sophomores & Juniors
The Department of the Navy announces a new two-year
Navy ROTC college program leading to an officer's com-
mission. This program is open to qualifed juniors with two
years of undergraduate work remaining and sophomores
who are in good standing at the University.
Applicants for enrollment in this program will attend a spe-
cial six-week summer training session at Purdue University.
Successful completion of this training session will make the
candidate eligible for enrollment at the junior level of the
NROTC Program at the University. Upon graduation, stu-
dents will receive an officer's commission in the U. S. Navy
or the U. S. Marine Corps."
Interested students should contact the Professor of Naval
Science, Room 103, North lall, The University of Mich-
igan: telephone 764-1498, before 27 April 1965, for further
"Well, I really liked sports, but
I was too small for basketball
and couldn't swim very well-so
I tried wrestling."
That's how the wrestling ca-I
reer of Michigan's Bob Fehrs be-
gan-acareer whichnowoincludes
two national prep school cham-
pionships, a Big Ten 123-pound
crown, a Midlands Tournament
championship, and a second-place
finish in the NCAA tournament
-and Fehrs is just a sophomore.
Coach Cliff Keen attributes
Fehrs' success to many factors.
"He has lots of natural ability,
poise, coordination, and motiva-
tion. He works very hard, always
working for precision of execution,
trying to perfect his moves and
his holds. Even thoughhisstart
wasn't too auspicious, he had good
potential and has made tremen-
dous improvement throughout the
"Any sophomore who can defeat
the wrestlers that Bob has this
year, has really distinguished him-
High School Champ
After winning the high school
crowns at 115- and 120-pounds in
two successive years, Fehrs came
to Michigan because of Carl
Rhodes, captain of Fehrs' Her-
shey, Pa., high school team.
Rhodes, also a 123-pound wres-
tler for the Wolverines, told Fehrs
that he would find coaching that
was second-to-none at Michigan.
Despite Fehrs' impressive tour- came back to win four straight internal ceiling structure of Yost
nament record, his career has not matches and take the champion- and other field houses by scor-
been one of continuous success. ship in the 123-pound class of ing falls in his next two matches
As a matter of fact, his varsity the Midlands Tournament, defeat- against opponents from Indiana
career at Michigan started out ing teammate Tino Lambros, who and Iowa.
on a very dismal note-he lost his was wrestling unattached. In the final dual meet of the
first two matches. Three Straight Falls season, Fehrs came from a 3-0
Early Losses In his next three matches, deficit to edge Michigan State's
In his first match against Penn against thex123-pounders of Gary Smith5-4 with a takedown
State, Fehrs was beaten 10-6. Pittsburgh, Illinois and Wisconsin, in the final 10 seconds.
In the second match against Fehrs proved that his tourney
Cornell, he moved up to wrestle victory wasn't a fluke by scoring Fehrs led the Wolverines in pins
at 130 pounds on account of Bill three consecutive pins. this year by scoring 7 of them,
Johannesen's injury. In the following meets with five in dual meet competition.
"In the Cornell meet I was kill- Ohio State' and Northwestern, Goes for Pins
ing the guy. I had a 4-0 lead, and Fehrs won 7-3 and 6-1. Against "I definitely try for the pin in
I had riding time on him, too. the Buckeyes' Mike Beery, he all my matches. The guillotine is
Then I ended up losing 8-7." came very close to a pin and was probably my favorite hold and I
"I was pretty discouraged after awarded three points for a near use it to get most of my falls.
that. I almost felt like calling it fall. "Strangely enough, I've had
quits right then." jIFehrs continued to give his op- more pins this year than I did
Two weeks later, however, Fehrs ponents interesting views of the even in high school," Bob notes.
"Because he always goes for the
fall, he is a very interesting wres-
tler to watch; he has a lot of
color," says Coach Keen. "He's
very aggressive and is offense-
minded. He sets up his own ma-t
nauvers and establishes the pace
of the match himself, instead of
} waiting for his opponents to make
After sweeping through his Big
Ten opponents in the dual meet
season, Fehrs continued to defeat
them in the conference champion-
Tournament Pin
In his first match in the tour-
nament, he pinned one of the men
Use Dail
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-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
SOPHOMORE BOB FEHRS uses his favorite hold, the guil-
lotine, to victimize Mike Beery of Ohio State in their 123-pound
final match in the Big Ten Championships. Fehrs won the
match, 5-2, and became the first of five Wolverines to win
Big Ten titles.
j 607 South University-across from the AA Bank
9:00-5:30 Mon. & Fri. till 8:30
Before the matches, Bob tries he had failed to pin in a dual meet
Bforre thmtchsBob mesy earlier in the season-Bill Ander-
to"When I goprepare into a match,mentallyhink son of Northwestern.
about the ones I loast and how I Fehrs continued his winning
feabotteoe losig t andhow" ways by decisloning Jerry Ander-
felt after losing them." soyof Minnesota, 7-5,and then
Like most wrestlers, Bob likes defeated Ohio State's Beery for
wrestling because of the independ- the second time this season, 5-2,
ence and responsibility involved, to take the 123-pound title.
"When you win, it gives you the In the NCAA tournament, Fehrs
feeling that you're the best; when followed form by winning his first
you lose, you know it's your fault three matches; but he lost an
alone-you can't 'blame anyone 8-5 decision to Lehigh's Mike Ca-
else." ruso in the finals and had to
Bob feels that Assistant Coach settle for runner-up spot.
Dennis Fitzgerald has helped him Fehrs' reaction to the second-
improve more than anyone else. place finish is a mixed one: "I
"Fitzgerald always helped me work was pleased with second, but I
on my moves and holds after feel I could have done better.
practice, after everyone else had Caruso is good, but he isn't the
gone." best man I've wrestled."
Gridders Beat Weather
With Indoor Serimimage
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Head football coach Bump El-
liott turned his back on Ann
Arbor's inclement spring weather
yesterday, and held a scrimmage
in spite of it-a simulated one in
Yost Field House.
With a portion of a football
field chalked onto the soft, but
dry, dirt floor of the field house,
the squad went through normal
scrimmage plays and patterns.
"We're making some progress,"
Elliott commented after practice,
"but of course we can't do some
of the things we'd like to do." And
if nature doesn't ameliorate the
condition of Ferry Field soon, they
might not get out until fall.
Nevertheless, Elliott is getting
some satisfaction from the indoor
practices. "We're getting a good
look at the new players," he said.
He was pleased with the perform-
ances of guard Paul Johnson and
end Roger Rosema, and also men-
tioned Dave Porter (tackle), Joe
Dayton and Paul D'Eramo (cen-
ters), and Dennis Morgan (a full-
Elliott remarked that the play-
ers who were injured last season
were coming along fine. Quarter-
back Dick Vidmer and fullback
Barry Dehlin are both in good
shape. Ken Wright, a junior
guard, injured his knee during
practice yesterday, but it is not
yet known how serious it is.
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