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April 04, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-04

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Michigan MAD
Trigon: Ins and Outs
By Robert Johnston

U.S. Asian Intervention
Is Approaching a Crisis

e opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mici-.
uth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This juust be noted in all reprints.

which Candidate for Mayor
Is Best for Ann Arbor?

LITTLE ABOUT the present mayoralty
campaign excites Ann Arbor voters.
As they wander to the polls tomorrow,
they may question why there is an elec-
tion, what it is about, and even who is
Various groups have asked questions
of Mrs. Eunice Burns, the Democratic
candidate and Wendell Hulcher, the Re-
publican candidate. Usually the candi-
dates have faced small audiences, the size
of which indicates apathy.
The answers they have presented may
be the reason for this. The two candi-
dates show little difference in positions
or policies. They show differences in
means and differences in some values-
and members of each party will quickly
emphasize that timid assertion. Even so,
in homogeneous Ann Arbor, the end prod-
ucts the vying candidates advocate are
far more alike than they are different.
BOTH CANDIDATES want to increase
business and help Ann Arbor to grow.
Both candidates have council records
showing they support the Human Rela-
tions Commission and a full time direc-
tor for it. And both candidates have
gone on record favoring low cost hous-
ing and fair housing. Wendell Hulcher
introduced the proposal which became
Ann Arbor's Fair Housing Ordinance.
Mrs. Burns opposed it originally, saying
it was too narrow. She has since advo-
vated amending it to broaden its scope,
despite the fact that it is presently
blocked in the courts. Hulcher has ad-
vocated making the civil rights provisions
of the new state constitution a part of
city law.
The answers show the voter little con-
fusing differences in positions and poli-
cies. The question before the Monday
voters, then, is who can lead Ann Arbor
better during the next two years.
IF THERE ARE ANY valid evidences of
leadership, Wendell Hulcher has a
number of them. As an airman and then
an officer in the Air Force during World
War II he piloted a bomber over Europe
and the Pacific. He picked up four air
medals and a Distinguished Flying Cross;
at least some of those could not be acci-
dents. Nor is an MA in business admin-
istration from Harvard to be called hap-
His executive post at Ford Motor Com-
pany adds another dimension to Hulch-
er's training for mayor of a city that
needs to keep on growing and is getting
more complex every day.
Like Mrs. Burns, Hulcher has served
well on the city council from 1960 to
1964. Hulcher has been a teacher-in
industry-as Mrs. Burns has in schools.
ties end. Hulcher's record is one that
should make Ann Arbor proud to elect
him as mayor.
Acting Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH WARREN...............PersonneltDirector
TJOMAS WENBERQ ................. Sports Editor
LAUREN BAHR .........Associate Managing Editor
SCOTT BLECH.............Assistant Managing Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER......Associate Editorial Director
GAIL BLUMBERG ................ Magaine Editor
LLOYD ORAF.............Associate Sports Editor
JAMES KEBON ................. Chief Photographer

NIGHT EDITORS: W Rexford Benoit, David Block,
John Bryant, Michael Juliar, Leonard Pratt.
SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, James
LaSovage, Gilbert Samberg, James Tindall, Charles
Vetzner, Bud Wilkinson.
Collins, Michael Dean, John Meredith. Peter Sara-
sol'n, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein.
Acting Business Staff
CY WELLMAN, Business Manager
ALAN GLrJECKMAN...........Advertising Manager
JOYCE FEINBERG................ Finance Manager
JUDITH FIELDS ............... Personnel Manager
SUSAN CRAWFORD......Associate Business Manager
JUNIOR MANAGERS; Ann Jean Berger, Harry Bloch,
Madeline Gonaky, Jeffrey Leeds. Gail Levin, Susan
Perlstadt, Vi Ptasnik, Jean Rothbaum, Jill Tozer.
John Weiler.
A aiMAV'r'.Tr.MANJAfn'7. Ann ' D...,41,' ad. vn1..n-

THE MAYOR of Ann Arbor has many
jobs-some official, some ceremonial,
and some routine-but the most impor-
tant job the mayor has is that of leader-
And although all forms of leadership
experience provide valuable background
for anyone hoping to become Ann Arbor's
mapor, the most important leadership
experiences-the ones to be given the
closest consideration when choosing the
leader of the community, are those gained
in the context of the community itself.
There is only one candidate for mayor
who has displayed a capacity to lead and
to cooperate with all of Ann Arbor's
community organizations-Eunice Burns.
MRS. BURNS HAS MADE her leadership
ability very much felt in her work
with parent-teacher groups, the Human
Relations Commission, and the Demo-
cratic Party, whose members she leads
on City Council.
It is important that Ann Arbor's may-
or have the quality of leadership in deed
as well as in word, if the city is to be led
in the right direction in the future; for
Ann Arbor is growing rapidly, and a city
that grows rapidly is one that changes
Wendell Hulcher, who is opposing Mrs.
Burns in the mayoral election, proposed
to a meeting of the Young Republicans
recently that relations between the Uni-
versity and the city could be improved
by the creation of a student advisory
board that would meet periodically with
the mayor. Although this solution may
seem well and good at first, a closer look,
the kind of closer look that Mrs. Burns!
takes at all issues facing the city, shows
the serious flaw in this plan.
AS HAS BEEN SHOWN in part by Stu-
dent Government Council's inability
to represent the students, it would be
nearly impossible to form a group that
could express to the city the views of the
student body at large. Mrs. Burns feels
that the students should rather express
their needs to the city through a politi-
cal party, or, if they feel that this meth-
od is not effective, through ad-hoc stu-
dent groups.
Mrs. Burns' stand on Ann Arbor's Fair
Housing Ordinance-misrepresented in
last year's city council campaign-is still
not clear to many citizens who don't fol-
low city government very closely. Mrs.
Burns did vote against the ordinance, but
only after fighting for months to have a
more realistic, stronger ordinance passed.
She explained her vote against the ordi-
nance by saying that a weak ordinance
would hurt the chances for real fair
housing in Ann Arbor, because once hav-
ing passed a fair housing ordinance, city
council would not be likely to consider
the question again for quite a while, even
though the fair housing ordinance passed
might make few substantive steps to-
ward the real fair housing conditions,
Mrs. Burns would like to see in Ann Ar-
Hulcher, on the other hand, who played1
a key role in the passage of the present
ordinance, feels that it is as strong, or
nearly as strong, as it needs to be.
MRS. BURNS' IDEAS about fair hous-
ing in Ann Arbor, her close work with
Ann Arbor organizations concerned with
community betterment, and the judicious
nature with which she views the com-
munity's problems and its future all com-

bine to make her the better qualified
candidate for the position of mayor of
Ann Arbor.
Oh, Basil
SEN. BASIL BROWN (D-Highland-Park),
with 20 traffic violations and four ac-
. -ents, holds the dubious distinction of
having the worst driving record in the
Legislature. This well-publicized fact has
brought forth some interesting action on
the hart of the senator.

PROBLEMS OF discrimination
in the Greek system at the
University have caused more than
a little heat over the last 20 years.
Between now and Thursday, when
Fraternity Presidents Assembly
will vote once more on the Trigon
case, the heat, coming from many
directions, may become unbear-
There are now two issues in
the field, and, unfortunately,
capitulation on one will mean
capitulation on both, setting
things back about 10 years and
setting the stage for what could
be a head-on confrontation of ir-
resistible forces. Local Greeks,
their nationals and any of several
elements within or closely con-
nected to the University might be
The first issue is discrimination
within University - recognized or-
ganizations. The second is local
chapters' autonomy from their
national governing groups.
It is clear that discrimination
cannot be condoned within the
University. This appears to be a
generally - approved maxim, and
one that FPA is willing to accept
and enforce within the fraterni-
However, the fraternity presi-
dents (and the sorority presidents,
when that issue comes up again)
are in line for a lot of high-pow-
ered pressure from their nationals
to preserve the status quo. After
the close vote on Trigon discrim-
Iination last week, the exertions of
the nationals to preserve and pro-
tect their prerogatives, through
the local presidents, will be re-
ON THAT basis a close study of
last week's vote is somewhat
frightening. First, the margin for
Iconviction of Trigon was only two
votes. Second, five houses did not
vote. Together, these facts mean
that there is plenty of room for
both FPA and national maneuver-
ing (call it politicking, pressure,
threats or whatever).
Whether or not the fraternity
presidents can withstand this
pressure and establish clearly
their right to police the fraternity
system as a part of the University
is the heart of the problem right
now. If this can't be done, if the

whole issue is allowed to jump the
track and get out of FPA, then
new elements may be introduced
which could be really explosive.
The Legislature, for instance,
could decide to take an interest in
the situation. It might ask ques-
tions on why a Christian fraternity
cannot discriminate against, say,
atheists. This misses the point, of
course, since the University is not
(nor should it be) allowed to con-
done or affiliate itself with any
organizations which openly avow
discrimination in any way.
THERE IS, of course, the ques-
tion of how much discrimination
goes on under the table. This can-
not really be pinned down/and no-
body really expects that it can be.
But the discriminatory regulations
can be, and this is the proper
function of internal Greek polic-
ing, at least for now.
However, local Greeks have, in
many cases, progressed much far-
ther towards a non-discriminatory
stand both d' jure and de facto.
If this constructive attitude is
continually and forcibly beaten
back in either sororities or fra-
ternities by national pressures,
there has got to be a confronta-
tion at some point. If the Trigon
vote is reversed Thursday, the
confrontation is going to be un-
comfortably close at hand and un-
der circumstances that could prove
disastrous for both the Greeks
and the University.
IN THE long run, the frater-
nity-sorority system will probably
have to be pushed off-campus or
radically restructured. To borrow
a quote from my predecessor, the
system might, in fact, be "in-
herently discriminatory and in-
herently antithetical to the goals
of a university." But the system
can evolve and change over time
as the University has done, and
it must certainly be allowed to do
so according to its honest apprai-
sal of- the situation in which it
finds itself and the dictates of its
collective conscience.
haps significant that the city
elections have become so irrele-
vant to University life. The main
deduction one can make is that

city government is no longer
enough of a threat to anything
the University wants to do or
wants to get done for anyone
here to worry too much about who,
of those available, becomes mayor.
In fact, University-city govern-
ment ties have come to be pretty
extensive, and in some cases Uni-
versity people are city govern-
ment. It shouldn't be any other
way, for Ann Arbor is the Univer-
sity. While the University hasn't
really taken advantage yet of this
superior position it has built up
for itself, more controversial prob-
lems than have been dealt with in
the past can be expected to come
to the fore.
When enough outside money is
drawn in for apartments and
other area building, the old lines
of authority and control will fin-
ally fall apart, and the University
will be in a position to press for
positive action to ease the plight
of the students in their economic
relationships with the city's com-
mercial life.
Subtle changes in University-
student-city relationships can be
expected to bear not-so-subtle
fruit sometime soon.
THE PERENNIAL bookstore has
been the subject of a good
many inches of type in The Daily
the last couple days. Harvey Was-
serman's articles provide a lot
for those who complain continual-
ly about the situation to worry
The most severe obstacle to get-
ting a working co-operative under
way with new book offerings is
apparently the necessity of find-
ing working capital. If this could
be done, the administration and
Regents might be moved to re-
consider their stand banning a
new-book cooperative on Univer-
sity property.
WHERE IS $100,000 for high-
risk investment to be found? Per-
haps a group of student organiza-
tions could start saving some
money with this goal in mind. In
any case, the money would have
to come from within the student
community. It's worth thinking
about. With 30,000 students here,
chances are good that something
can be worked out.

7E NEVER 'learn.
The U.S. has many years of
military history for guidance and
some of its own citizens have lived
through four wars. It still doesn't
learn anything.
What does it do when Robert
McNamara says "the choice is not
simply whether to continue our
efforts to keep South Viet Nam
free and independent but, rather,
whether to continue expansion in
What does it do when Sen.
Thomas Dodd says, "Whether we
decide to abandon Southeast Asia
or try to draw another line out-
side Viet Nam, the loss of Viet
Nam will result in a dozen Viet
Nams in different parts of the
world. If we cannot cope with this
type of warfare in Viet Nam, the
Chinese Communists will be en-
couraged in the belief that we
cannot cope with it anywhere
THE U.S. JUST sort of sits back
andsays "go to it boys, give 'em
hell." Does it try to examine the
evidence at hand and figure out
some reason why U.S. soldiers are
in Asia bombing schools and
churches and coconut trees and
an occasional (if they're lucky)
guerrilla? Why bother? They know
what they're doing. They can
handle it.
Unfortunately they can't handle
The U.S. spends billions of dol-
lars on "that dirty war" and what
does it get? A few rifles, a couple
of machine guns and a few pea-
sants who don't know anything--
but who will say almost anything
to keep from being struck with a
rifle butt.
Why is the U.S. there? What
good is it doing?
THE ROOTS of the Vietnamese
problem go back to 1954, before
the Indo-Chinese peninsula was
split into the warring factions
which compose it today.
In 1954, after the Viet Minh
under Eo Chi Minh had killed
400,000 Frenchmen, a number of
countries determined it was time
Indo-China was given its inde-
pendence. They held a convention
in Geneva. In the case of Viet
Nam, theydecided to partition the
country near the 17th parallel
and reunify it later on.
The French were to retain con-
trol of the South; Ho Chi Minh
and his Communists got the
North, with the stipulation that
free all-Viet Nam elections would
be held in 1956. The United States
didn't sign the treaty, but Presi-
dent Eisenhower did say that the
United States would at least not
undermine it.

Can't You Be Like We Tere?

iding proportion of American
made weapons captured as oppos-
ed to those produced by the Com-
Over a recent three-year period,
for every Communist-made weap-
on captured by government forces
75 American weapons were re-
captured. From this evidence it
would seem that instead of the
Communists supplying the Viet
Cong, it is the United States which
helps keep them fighting. In addi-
tion to the above figures for every
75 weapons recaptured from the
Viet Cong, more than 100 are lost
to them.
Because North Vietnamese are
captured in the South the United
States government feels justified
in its charge of conspiracy. It
would be fare more significant,
however, if Chinese or Russian
soldiers were captured in aiding
the Viet Cong. None have turned
U.S. MILITARY tactics in Viet
Nam seem no longer aimed at
simply controlling the Viet Cong
but rather are aimed directly at
Hanoi and Peking. General Max-
well Taylor seems to be taking
the same position General Douglas
MacArthur took during the Ko-
rean War-a position of the in-
evitability of a full-scale war with
China. President Johnson recog-
nizes the inadvisability of such an
action and prefers, at least in
public, expanding the war only in
a limited effort to gain a favor-
able bargaining position.
While official U.S. and South
Vietnamese government organs
play up the atrocities committed
by the Viet Cong they neglect to
mention the atrocities committed
in the name of the United States.
While the use of non-lethal gas
on the Viet Cong may not figure
significantly in casualty rates, the
international implications a r e
mammoth. The United States'
use of gas as a tactical military
weapon is in direct violation of
the World War I Geneva conven-
tion, which prohibited the use of
chemical warfare in any form.
Vice-President Hubert Humphry's
recent statement justifying the
United States' use of gas on the
grounds of atrocities committed
by the Viet Cong does nothing to
vindicate U.S. violations of the
convention's aims.
The United States' use of na-
palm, schrapnel bombs and satu-
ration bombing of large areas
shows U.S. determination to ex-
terminate the Viet Cong at the
expense of great numbers of inno-
cent Vietnamese peasants who
happen to get in the way.
UNITED STATES intervention
in Viet Nam is rapidly approach
ing a crisis point. Before long it
will be necessary for the U.S. to
decide where its true obligations
lie. Should it continue its policies
of aggression and eventually in-
volve itself in a massive war with
China, the results of which are
dubious? Or should the U.S. with-
draw its military support of the
crumbling South Vietnamese gov-
ernment and let Viet Nam deter-
mine its own fate?
As Mephistopheles s a i d to
Faust: "At the first step you are
free, at the second you are a
A ction
WE ARE NOT civilized enough
to meet an issue before it be-
comes acute. We were not intelli
gent enough to free the slaves
peacefully-we are not intelligent
enough today to meet the indus-
trial problem before it develops
a crisis. This is the hard truth of

the matter.
And that is why no honest stu-
dent of politics can plead that
social movements should confine
themselves to argument and de-
bate, abandoning the militancy of
the strike, the insurrection, the
strategy of social conflict.
Those who deplore the use of
force in the labor struggle should
ask themselves whether the ruling
classes of a country could be de-
pended upon to inaugurate a pro-
gram of reconstruction which
would abolish the barbarism which
prevails in industry.
* * *
DOES ANYONE seriously be-
lieve that the business leaders,
the makers of opinion and the
politicians will, on their own in-
itiative, bring social questions to
solution? If they do it will be for
the first time in history. The
trivial plans they are introducing
today . . . are on their own ad-
mission an attempt to quiet the
rest and ward off the menace of
NO, PATERNALISM is not de-
pendable, granting that it is de-
sirable. It will do very little more
than it feels compelled to do.
Those who today bear the brunt
of our evils dare not throw them-


I saw a picture in this morn-
ing's paper - of you standing on
an Alabama picket line. I want
you to know that your mother
and I are furious.
We gave you a hundred dollars
and the Mustang to go to Fort
Lauderdale. So what do you do-
you spend your spring vacation
agitating in Alabama. Are you
trying to change the world or
I know you've been cooped up
in the dorm all winter studying
your courses and you had to blow
off steam somehow. That's why I
was happy to give you the car to
go south when you asked. But I
thought you were going to Fort
Lauderdale to booze it up and
chase some girls around like any
normal college man.
BUT NO not you. You had to
get involved with all those social-
ists and beatnicks. You have no
business trying to tell those people
how to run their state. How would

you like it if a bunch of kids from
the University of Alabama came
up North and told you how to
run things in our state.
What's gotten into you any-
way? Mother and I have always
seen that you were well fed and
clothed, and we've let you have
almost anything you needed. So
why do you have to try and make
trouble for us.
I mean you could get arrested
down there. Thatwouldn't look
very good on your school record.
WE SENT you to school to
learn about society, not to try
and change it. Sure we hoped you
would learn about integration. But
we didn't want you to actually
become involved.
How could you risk your entire
future. You should be thinking
about getting a good job with
IBM, finding a nice girl and
settling down in a nice little ranch
house in Southfield, Skokie, Scars-
dale or Shaker Heights.
But no not you, you had to go
down there and try to antagonize

the police. You had
hatma Gandhi.
I simply fail to
care if only 1 per
Negroes in some obs
County can't vote.Z
trying to do, make -u
that you were never
Negro cleaning lady
like you are the cat
trouble in Alabama,
left well enough
would be peaceful.
You see, son, you
wrapped up in the w~
to understand. Thes
move slowly. You ca
world overnight. Al
going to Alabama
the townspeople.
SO TAKE my adv
car, drive on down1
and forget about th
movement. Let the
tion take care of t
after all we haven'tc

to play Ma-

Gargoyle: The Worst Eve

SO WHAT did the U.S. do? In
see why you 1955, without being asked, it pres-
cent of the sured the French into giving over
cure Alabama all responsibilities in the South to
What are you the United States. Contrary to
zp forthe fact the Geneva agreement the U.S.
r nice to our approved the shutdown of trade
? between North and South and
further signed the SEATO defense
E that people agreement with the South-also
use of all the contrary to the agreement.
aIf you just In 1956, when all-Viet Nam elec-
alone things tions were to be held, Ngo Dinh
Diem, the U.S. puppet, refused to
are simply too hold elections. He claimed that
vhole situation the Communists would not con-
se things must duct a fair election in the North.
n't change the His charges were completely un-
1 you do by substantiated and his unpopular-
is antagonize ity grew. Also in that year, Diem
held a mock referendum to decide
the question of permanent separa-
ice, get in thetion. Only 15 per cent of the
to Lauderdale South's population was permitted
ie civil rights to vote.
older genera- It is evident that the govern-
hese things- ment the United States is sup-'
done so badly. porting in South Viet Nam is not
Love, Dad representative of the people of
South Viet Nam; its decisions do
not in any way reflect the will of
the South Vietnamese.
* * *
U.S. POLICIES in Southeast
Asia reston two mistaken assumps
. # tions. The first is the idea that
North and South Viet Nam are
two separate countries, split apart
nor magazine, for all time. The second is that
heir life that the whole war in South Viet Nam
is. Then may- is engineered and directed by
in Gargoyle, China. Both assumptions are sim-
udents of the ply contrary to fact.
gan," will be- The territory known as Viet
Nam is a unified ethnic entity.
Viet Nam and other ethnic units
el Ault, '68E were part of what was known as
--- - Indo-China under the French. In
1954 it was decided to give the
various ethnic units their inde-
The situation in Viet Nam was
I1 Is tricky, because although most of
the country was pro-Communist
there was a large anti-Communist
faction in the South centered
around the French-speaking elite
in Saigon. Ho Chi Minh was given
control of the North and the
French were to retain supervision
the National in the South.
rps' coordina- The terms of the Geneva agree-
atterning and ment - the last legal settlement
applying to Viet Nam-arranged
for only a temporary division. The
included on country was to be re-unified in
not interest- 1956-and might have been, had
he ballet not Diem blocked free elections.
** *


To the Editor:
S Universityhave again express-
ed their infinite talents in creat-
ing that paragon of trash, Gar-
goyle. Page after page we are
treated to the hogwash of col-
legiate "humorists." The April
Fool's issue marks a new level of
the filth and degrading debauch-
ery that comes from the "modern"
collegiate literary machine.
The miasma of muck, smut, and
libidinal vomit that flows from
the pens of the pseudo-artists of
college is insulting to the real
artists who strive to be as good
as, if not better than their an-
cestors such as Rabelais, or Swift
or Twain or even Thurber, to
name only a few. It is time-a
time long overdue-to throw deep
into the garbage disposal the mor-
bid "intellects" who dream of
masquerading as (sic) phallic

and good humor we can be proud
of. And it is high time these idola-
ters of muck and smut take a
long, hard look at themselves and
their "accomplishments."
I HOPE the students of the Uni-
versity will take action and write

a real campus hum
setting ideals in tt
will help them do thi
be the inscription
"Published by the st
University of Michig
come truth. Or is it?
-L. Micha

National Ballet F
Short of Potenti
At Hill Auditorium
GEORGE BALANCHINE'S "Serenade" highlighted -t
Ballet of Canada's program last night. After the Cor
tion smoothed out, Balanchine's delightful geometric pa
subtly unclassical movements were clearly visible.
The dances from the second act of "The Nutcracker
the program were a mistake. They are choreographically
ing enough to justify being done out of the context of th

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