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April 04, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-04

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Warmer, possibility
of light rain

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom



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School Control Bill GainsiHl 01g1
By JOHN MEREDITH lution asking for an amendment controversy.
decisionsto the state constitution, would The amendment, brought up by
f the State Board of Education give the board control over in- Sen. Edward Robinson (D-Dear-
gally binding on individual state ternal university affairs. The con- born) February 23, has been stu-
gallyutb s wmillg ro dalsttestitution stipulates that the board died by a subcommittee on con-
ycowl r b b in an advisory n caity tt i r i i d i t By LYNN A. METZGER


Sou ght
ndav Report Asks

brought out of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee with a favorable
recommendation Tuesday," Sen.
Basil Brown (D-Detroit), the com-
mittee's chairman and Senate ma-
Jority floor leader, reported yes-
"There definitely is a need for
this authority," Brown said, "and
the new state board seems the
logical agency to have it."
However, several state and Uni-
versity officials- questioned the
wisdom of altering the board's
status before the present system
has been tested over a period of
Gives Control
The proposal, a concurrent reso-

"The state board would still only
advise the legislature," Brown ex-
plained, "and elected governing
boards for each institution would
be maintained. However, the state
board would make the final de-
cisions on matters of internal
He said that the state board
would probably be most active in
decisions on finances, long-term
planning, and matters affecting
the state as a whole.
The University's decision to ex-
pand its Flint branch this fall is
in this category, but Brown em-
phasized that the proposal is not
simply a reaction to the Flint

s ULUonai revision curing te pasts
several weeks. The full judiciary
committee will hold a hearing on
the proposal Tuesday and, ac-
cording to Brown, probably send it
to the Senate floor.
Two-Thirds Approval
Such an amendment needs ap-
proval by a two-thirds majority
in both the House and Senate
before going into effect. In ad-
dition, Brown said that if the
proposal is passed, one or two
other amendments probably will
be necessary to make other parts
of thenconstitution conform to
the change.
He called the bill a reaction to
the constitution's "ambiguous"'
definition of the state board's


Following the University's teach-
in a Michigan State faculty com-
mittee will stage their own teach-
in April 8.
Three weeks ago 200 members
of MSU faculty signed a state- By THOMAS R. COPI
ment demanding immediate peace
in Viet Nam, regardless of the The voters of Ann Arbor go to
methods necessary to achieve that the polls tomorrow to elect a
peace. Members of the University's mayor and five city council mem-
faculty reading that statement, bers in what has been called one
were prompted to act. of the most important local elec-
The results of their action was tions in recent years.
the first teach-in on the Viet Former Republican city coun-
Nam issue. Now Michigan State cilman Wendell Hulcher will op-
will stage their own all-night dem- pose First Ward councilman Eu-
onstration following the same for- nice Burns in the race for mayor.
mat as the University's. Mayor Cecil O. Creal chose not

GoQ to Polls Mo

Call Civil Rights Top Goal
For Campus Republicans
A recently released final report of the University Young Republi-
can Blub's ad hoc committee on Civil Rights stated that "the erad-
ication of racial discrimination must be a primary goal of each of
us as citizens."
The report called racial discrimination the "darkest blot" on
our federal system. It charged that those who join in demanding state

fRegional YR
Clubs Elect
Dale Warner
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-Dale Warner, '65L,
was elected chairman of Region V
(Michigan, Ohio; Indiana and Illi-
nois) at the annual convention of
the Midwest Tung Republicans
here yesterday. The post has been
strictly honorary and non-func-
tional in the past.
In reaction to Warner's elec-
tion, Jim Conrad, chairman of the
Ohio delegation announceduthat
Ohio would withdraw from further
participation in the convention "to
protest the deal that Warner has
made with the Midwest machine."
Michigan has traditionally join-
ed Ohio in its unsuccessful at-
tempts to elect the chairman of
the Midwest Federation (a group
of 13 state groups). This year
Michigan refused to s u p p o r t
Ohio's favorite son, Conrad, in his
losing race against Gary Fair-
child of Wheaton College, Illinois.
The Ohio delegation charged in
a two-page indictment of the
Midwest Federation that "the Fed-
eration has as its role raison
d'etre the fulfillment of the per-
sonal and political ambitions of
several individuals, and there have
been no solid lasting accomplish-
The most exciting of many po-
litical addresses. was given by
' Charles Percy who was defeated
for governor in Illinois last year.
"I intended to shock them,"
Percy commented in an interview
with The Daily, after delivering
a 19-minute speech outlining "a
formula for Republican defeat."
Its thesis was that Republicans
cannot win if they run on plat-
forms similar to Goldwater's.

- responsibility are frequently those
who wish to use the strength of
the federal system to continue ra-
cial discrimination in their own
The report made specific con-
clusions and recommendations in
regard to Ann Arbor and the Uni-
Rights in City
The committee concluded that
the Young Republicans should
continue to acquaint themselves
with the civil rights problems of
the city of Ann Arbor.
, Specifically, they suggested that
the Student Government Council's
Human Relations Board send a
representative to the weekly meet-
ings of the Community Coordi-
nating Council. This representa-
tive would then submit weekly or
monthly reports to each political
action group concerned.
The report added that the com-
Smittee recommends that the
Young Republicans conduct stud-
ies in three areas: discrimination
in Ann Arbor real estate tax
rates, Negro participation in civic
affairs and discrimination in Uni-
versity employment practices.
SGC Participation
In regard to the University, the
report suggested that the SGC
Human Relations Board be reviv-
ed to the extent that regular meet-
ings are held and that all politi-
cal groups as well as other in-
terested groups be permitted to
be represented on the board.
The committee added that the
Human Relations Board should co-
ordinate and publicize all civil
rights activities of the various
University organizations and that
the board should seek to alert the
University to racial discrimination
incidents and practices, as well as
to work with the Community Co-
ordinatiig Council to seek the
elimination of racial discrimina-
tion throughout Ann Arbor and
Washtenaw County.
Furthermore, the report said
that "club action in civil rights
cannot be rationally limited to the
state of Michigan. Every Ameri-
can is threatened if even one
American is denied his civil

authority. Spokesman for the Michigan
Thomas Brennan, state board State faculty is Prof. John Dono-
chairman, said he "might have hue of MSU's anthropology de-
some reservations about the bill," partment. Donohue, who lived in
but preferred not to comment in Viet Nam for several years, was,
detail until studying it more care- one of the key note speakers at
fully. the University's teach-in.
More Stringent Measures Donohue said one of the main1
"There may be a need for more things that is coming from the
stringent measures than those Viet Nam demonstrations is a net-
provided in the constitution, but I work built among the college cam-1
would like to see whether the puses of this country. Beside the
board can act effectively in an University's and Michigan State's
advisory capacity first," he said. teach-in, 48 other schools in the
"Perhaps the present system of country have held, or will be hold-
voluntary cooperation with the ing, similar protests.
board is better," he added, "but Cooperation
it may be unworkable." "The cooperation.and assistance
Brennan said that the board's between the different college cam-
decisions in the next two weeks puses is extremely heartening. It
will indicate whether its advisory is bringing the entire academic
opinions will be respected. The world closer together," Donohue
board probably will make a recom- stated.
mendation on Flint expansion "Michigan State's administration
next Wednesday. has been giving our committee
Prefers Present System their "complete cooperation,"
University' President Harlan Donohue si They arer gi
Hatcher declined to comment on free use of the necessary buildings
the amendment, but reaffirmed and have also given permission to
the University's preference for the have all-night curfews for the
present system of autonomous MSU co-eds.
governing boards. The administration's general
Executive Vice-President Marvin feeling towardthe teach-in was
Niehuss echoed President Hatcher's if you want to teach at night and
sentiments, adding that it "might students want to come and hear
be well to give the new constitu- soudets wan thm nd.
tion's provisions a trial before you, that is fine with us.
" h }The three key-note speakers to_

to run for reelection, thus leaving
the post up for grabs.
Democrats are hoping to add to
last year's near-sweep of council
seats, when they won four of the
five seats being contested. Four
of the five seats not being con-
tested in tomorrow's election are
presently held by Democrats, so
they have to win but two seats
tomorrow to gain a majority on
Democratic Majority

Th hbere has not been a Vemocra- rise building policy and the ex-
tic majority on Ann Arbor's City pansion of Ann Arbor's streets
Council since the 1930s. and roadways, including the pro-
Republicans presently hold a posed Huron Parkway. The can-
6-5 majority on the council, which didates want to maintain Ann Ar-
they hope to expand or at least bor as a whole community - to
maintain in tomorrow's election. prevent it from becoming frag-
Both party chairmen predict mented through too rapid expan-
victory in the election, but dis- sion.
agree in their appraisals of the Both of the candidates for

City Republican Chairman Ray-
mond Smith said there "was a
problem with the campaign" in
that the partys' platforms were
quite similar.
'Good Job'
C i t y Democratic Chairman
George Coash maintained that the
Democratic candidates "did a
good job of pointing out the dif-
ferences between the two parties."
Both sides pointed out the need
for city planning as well as in-
creased contact between the citi-
zenry of Ann Arbor and the City
Council. Democrats and Republi-
cans alike hope to attract new
industry to the Ann Arbor area
while at the same time preserving
large amounts of open space and
the natural beauty of the Huron
River Valley in which the city is
Included in the city planningj
issue are such things as high-

mayor emphasized the leadership
role they hope to play if elected,
and agree that city planning
should be done in close coopera-
tion with the University.
Although there are no major
issues to be decided in tomorrow's
election, the city clerk's office
predicts a voter turnout of 19,000
of the city's 33,085 registered vot-
ers. Last year 14,480 voters went
to the polls, representing a 51.8
per cent turnout. In the last
mayoral election, in 1963, a record
70.9 per cent of the registered
voters turned out.
First Ward
In the First Ward, Democrat H.
C. Curry is facing Republican F.
Del Coates, while Republican
Douglas D. Crary opposes Demo-
crat Mrs. Phyllis Wright in the
Second Ward. The only incumbent
seeking re-election is Republican
Paul Johnson in the Third Ward.
He is opposed by Democratic Prof.
Joseph E. Kallenbach. Last year
the usually heavily Republican
Third Ward went Democratic by
173 votes.
In the Fourth Ward, Democrat
Jay Stielstra is vying against Re-
publican John R. Hathaway. The
Fifth Ward has Democrat Robert
W. Carr opposing Republican
Richard E. Balzhiser.



Big Ten Greek Meeting Ends

making cianges.
Parents Okay
Overnight Per

start the demonstration will be
Prof. Alex Eckstein of the Uni-
versity's economics department,,
Prof. Stanley Millegt of Briarcliff
College who has spent a great deal'
of time in Viet Nam, and possibly
Hans Morganthau of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, an authority on

By MICHAEL BADAMO lege, criticized the Greek letter
societies for their lack of involve-
Stanley Levy, associate dean of ment in what he termed the
students at Cornell University, "awakening of concern of under-
ended the three-day all Big Ten graduates" about their education.
Interfraternity Council and Pan-
hellenic conference in an address He accused . fraternities and
at the conference banquet last sororities of being oblivious to the
night. changes in undergraduate educa-
Levy, a graduate of the Univer- tion which are in progress. He
sity and former administrative said, "Change is indicated and
assistant to James H. Robertson, change is in order ifethe system
associate dean of the literary col- is to survive." He gave a number
- --of suggestions as to how the sys-
tem could be improved including
l.J ' S ym phony the possibility of closer relation-
Tf'-3- 7 -ships between fraternity - sorority
members and members of the
Band Travels faculty.
hAbout 80 representatives from

asked to consider the problems of
membership selection, academics,
the obligation of IFC and Pan-
hellenic in respect to the univer-
sity community as a whole and
the roll of IFC and Panhellenic in
respect to the individual chapter
IFC President Richard Hoppe,
'66, said that because Big Ten
IFCs and Panhellenics are so dif-
ferent and varied the discussion
groups accomplished more in the
way of trading ideas among the
representatives than in formulat-
ing new policies.
It was decided at a business
meeting yesterday afternoon to
establish a central all Big Ten in-
formation center at the Univer-
sity. The center would be sup-
ported by the various members of
the Big Ten IFCs and Panhel-
lenics and would co-ordinate all
pertinent fraternity - sorority in-

"Would you allow your daughter i internatibnal relations.
to stay overnight in a man's Large Student Group
apartment?" Michigan State will also have a
Too many people said yes. The large student group traveling to
result-much surprise and an in- Washington, April 17, for the
vestigation into discipline and march from the White House to;
morals at the University of Ore- the Capitol to show opposition to1
gon by an Oregon legislative sub- current United States policy to- i
committee. ward the Southeast Asian nation.
Cards distributed to the parents At present there are 100 students
of women living in the university definitely going and the hope of
dormitories ask if the girls have more. The funds for the group
parental permission to sign out, have been raised through campus
overnight, for stays at hotels, ski fund raising projects and dona-;
lodges, women friends' apart- tions from faculty at Michigan
ments, married friends' apart- State.
ments and men friends' apart- Locally, University President
ments. Harlan Hatcher said Friday hea
The cards are used by the dean had received a very large number
of women's office to restrict over- of letters expressing dissent over7
night signouts by women to those last week's teach-in in Ann Arbor.
places approved by the girls par- While most of the letters protest-7
ents. "The only university restric- ed the faculty strike-plan, which
tions on your daughter's signout was eventually cancelled for the
and her overnight privileges are teach-in, others indicated that the
those you as her parents stipulate lteach-in was unpatriotic.
on this card unless her living or- ! Vice-President for University
ganization has additional restric- Relations Michael Raddock said
tions," says the card. that letters directed to his office'
The questionnaire has been were virtually all negative and
withdrawn and will be replaced represented perhaps the largest ex-
by another, not bearing the ques- pression of public dissent on any
tion. University matter in recent years.

LSA Faculty To See
Proposal Tomorrow;
Response Uncertain
Acting Managing Editor
The literary college faculty will
take its first look tomorrow at an
omnibus proposal to reduce and
overhaul the college's distribution
It stresses the student's obliga-
tion to select courses on a quali-
tative rather than a quantitative
basis by advocating a new distri-
bution arrangement which should
cut the average student's distribu-
tion load by about 15 hours.
He is currently required to ful-
fill 44-60 hours of distribution
courses depending upon his for-
eign language proficiency.
Lively Discussion Expected
Even if accepted after what
promises to be a long and lively
discussion, the multi-faceted pro-
posal will probably not take effect
before the fall of 1966. It does
not apply to students currently
enrolled here.
The proposed changes are be-
ing offered as a report submitted
by the literary college curriculum
committee, a faculty body, fol-
lowing a detailed study which in-
cluded the solicitation of student
The suggested changes would
relax requirements mainly in the
social sciences, natural sciences,
and the humanities. This lib-
eralization is aciT-edW by replac-
ing the semester hour, bulwark
of current regulations, with a
distribution system based on the
total number of courses fulfilled.
The revisions seek to improve
the student's latitude in planning
and fulfilling his academic pro-
gram and to encourage him to
take courses which are meaning-
ful but which would not have pre-
viously fit the distribution re-
quirements, a committee spokes-
man said.
Prof. Louis Orlin of the Near
Eastern languages and literature
department, chairman of the cur-
riculum committee, would not
comment on the report.
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college has also declined to
comment on the content or pros-
pects for the proposal.
However, reliable sources yes-
terday disclosed these features in
the report being unveiled tomor-
Social Sciences. The report rec-
ommends only three courses be
required in this' area. Two of the
courses would be taken in the
same department, but present se-
quence and minimum-hour re-
quirements would be dropped.
Current regulations provide a stu-
dent must take a minimum of 14
semester hours in at least two
departments, including a two-se-
mester sequence in one depart-
Natural Sciences. The commit-
tee urges the requirement to be
reduced to three courses here al-
so with the sole stipulation that
one course be a laboratory and
two of the three courses be in
the same department.
The current rule requires a min-
imum of 12 semester hours includ-
ing an eight-hour two-semester
sequence in a laboratory course.
Humanities. The present regu-
lations would be eased, requiring
the student to take three courses,
with two in one department.Cur-
rently, students must take 12 hours
of work divided into a two-semes-
ter sequence and a four-hour
course in separate humanity
groupings - literature, fine arts
and philosophy.
Math-Philosophy. For students

who desire more math and philos-
ophy in their programs, the com-
mittee is recommending they be
allowed to substitute one course
for a required course in the so-
cial sciences, natural sciences or
humanities. T h i s substitution

To Tuskegee
Special To The Daily
TUSKEGEE, Ala.-The Univer-
sity of Michigan Symphony Or-
chestra flew here yesterday to per-
form a peaceful demonstration.
The demonstration will be the
orchestra's concert at the Tus-
kegee Institute set for this eve-
ning., The trip to Tuskegee is
part of an exchange program
which the University maintains
with the Alabama college.
After departing on a chartered
flight from Detroit, the group
landed at Montgomery, Ala,
Police Escort
Two squad cars of Alabama
state troopers provided an escort
for the three bus-loads of musi-
cians on the uneventful trip from
there to Tuskegee.
Before the trip, University of-
fi i ±uluzibntaui +ha uezi


all the Big Ten universities at-
tended the conference. Small dis-
cussion groups yesterday and Fri-
day dealt with some of the spe-
cific problems faced by Big Ten
Greek letter societies. Groups were

The Week in Review:
Quiet Campus
Acting Associate Managing Editor

'65 Michiganensian Captures Great Ye

Because alumni reminiscences usually 'start with a misty "re-
member the time we . . ." and continue with a recount of past
adventures, the 1965 Michiganensian is. a book of memories-it cap-
tures the undergraduate in action.
The 'Ensian's 22-page introductory section spotlights scenes
of action: the fishbowl ledge, the Engine arch, the classroom, the
car, the Diag, the football stadium.
"Campus organizations offer all students the opportunity for
active participation," states the introduction to the Organization
section. Some of the best memories for alumni come from student
organizations, where the action is: the staging of Soph show,
rehearsing for Musket, publishing literature and the news, cam-
paigning for SGC.
Living Units
Midnight snacking, beautifying, cramming, TGing, serenading,
and other undergraduate sports are captured in the section called

iciais had contacted the iFederai
Bureau of Investigation; and Tus-
kegee President L. H. Foster re-
quested the state trooper escort
after several worried orchestra
= members' parents had voiced con-
?Ila'cern over the trip.
But the Montgomery airport was
completely idle and nearly de-
serted yesterday, and faculty and
administrators in the party ex-
pressed surprised relief.
"We'll save the violence for the
concert, I guess," joked one viol-
inist. The program includes
Strauss' "Till Eulenspeigel's Merry
Pranks" and Prokofiev's "Classi-
cal Symphony," both boisterous
_ compositions.
After arriving at the Tuskegee
campus in mid-afternoon, the or-
chestra members, with help from
the members 'of the Tuskegee
Choir and Band, settled in resi-

All was quiet on the University front after protests of the last'
two weeks.
The University of Michigan Student Employes Union requested
President Harlan H. Hatcher to prepare a statement of the admin-
istration's position on student economic welfare. This will help,
eliminate the breakdown of communications between students and
the administration on this issue, it said. Student Government Council
passed a motion supporting UMSEU's request.
At the same time the University's Faculty-Student Committee
to Stop the War in Viet Nam was not idle. The group announced
its plans for the future which include an all-campus "Pay-In" to
be conducted April 8 to 15 to collect funds for further activities.
Activitiesnow in the planning stage include a nation-wide teach-in,
a delegationto participate in the faculty Viet Nam lobby in Wash-
ington April 17, sending representatives to other universities to
help them organize similar activities and giving assistance to those
people who will be attending the march on Washington.
Role of Student
Discussion of the role of the student in the University was
prevalent this week. The question of Academic freedom was discussed
by a panel at the University's chapter of the American Association
of University Professors. The panel agreed, though for different
reasons, that the establishment of a board to review student
allegations of prejudice or error in grading would be unfeasible and
perhaps detrimental.
John J. Manning, administrative assistant in the literary college
junior-senior counseling office, giving the first in a series of "Last
Chance Lectures" emphasized the need for greater student-faculty
contact in-order for the student to form an integrative principle of
education and give himself some direction.
Dean William Haber of the literary college, Prof. Arnold Kauf-

ence units and met with their man of the philosophy department and Prof. Donald Brown of
new roommates. The Tuskegee the psychology department asserted that the students position in
n~v1-uat ef-hening M evaluating faculty members is more complicated than it seems. The


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