Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Viet Cong: Home-Grown' UUJEEM7ITr Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail ,"r r 09-UMMOMMUMMUM NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers, or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, 2 APRIL 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LAUREN BAHR i t he Universit Shouldn't Ignore Its Young Cultural Talent CULTURE, if it ever is to be a widespread phenomenon, is certainly becoming one now. The attention that has been given to cultural activities and facilities in the United States in recent years has produced a massive awareness which has transcended usual social and economic barriers. President Johnson's bill to es- tablish a National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities illustrates the im- pact of culture on the national mentality. However, in the midst of the recent growing recognition of cultural endeavors, one aspect of culture has ben far too often ignored-the developing creativity of young minds. ANN ARBOR has long proclaimed its cultural assets, and with understand- able pride. The University community has provided this area with a range of talent which belies its midwestern loca- tion. Keeping abreast of the repertory theatre movement, Ann Arbor takes pride in such attractions as the Associa- tion of Producing Artists and the Profes- sional Theatre Program. The Concert series annually brings out- standing talent for Ann Arbor audiences, and the May Festival is an attraction which far transcends local appeal. In the field of art, the University's Museum Bliss: In Charge YESTERDAY what may have been a revolutionary change in American party politics occurred at 1625 Eye Street, Washington, D.C. Dean Burch's disruptive reign as national chairman of the Re- publican Party ended. Burch was re- placed by Ray Bliss, the long-time state chairman of Ohio. The differences in leadership will be marked. Burch encouraged citizens' or- ganizations, autonomous running of cam- paigns and ideological controversy. Bliss, on the other hand, discourages voluntary activity independent of the party, runs campaigns from his desk and is non- ideological. Expectations are high that Bliss will bring the Grand Old Party out of the morass into which it was plunged by the Goldwaterites last year. Bliss decries la- bels of "miracle man" and similar char- acterizations of what he will do. THE QUESTION at this point is what he will do. Two changes will probably become ap- parent by summer, 1966. First, campaign activity will be funneled through the of- ficial party organization. Thus, the Citi- zens for Goldwater-Miller, encouraged so much by Burch, will have to work within the party or evoke the wrath of Bliss. Second, Bliss will take a hand in choos- ing Congressional candidates in all like- lihood. Unheard of? Of course, but Bliss has done it before with good results in Ohio. There is little reason to believe he will not do it in other states. Bliss' preferences in Ohio have not been capricious; they have been ground- ed in scientific sampling techniques. By polling a congressional district, Bliss has matched candidate qualities with constit- uency expectations and thus picked "his man," the man who would do best in the district. Both of these changes indicate a cen- tralizing trend in the GOP, citadel of in- dividualism. How ironic. BUT HAS the Republican party any choice? When a party is at as low a point as is the GOP it must innovate or disintegrate. On with the centralization of Bliss! -CAL SKINNER, JR. Acting Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM JEF'FREY GOODMAN Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH WARREN ................ Personnel Director THOMAS WEINBERG ...... .......... Sports Editor LAUREN BARR . ........ Associate Managing Editor SCOTT BLECH........... Assistant Managing Editor ROBERT RIPPLER ...... Associate Editorial Director GAIL BLUMBER0 ......:..,........ Magazine Editor LLOYD GRAFF .............Associate Sports Editor JAMES KESON..................Chief Photographer introduces exhibitions of national note; this year alone the Guggenheim exhibi- tion, the prints of William Blake, and 100 Contemporary American Drawings were available. The spring has seen a series of festi- vals, of which the Creative Arts Festival is perhaps the most notable. Opportuni- ties to see and hear such poets as Robert Penn Warren, Robert Lowell, and John Berryman are rewarding for many peo- ple other than English majors., THIS INFLUX of professional talent provides intellectual stimulation as well as cultural inspiration. But a good deal of its effectiveness is lost when cul- tural awareness stops there. In a university atmosphere it is in- deed unfortunate that those who provide its raison d'etre-the students-are neg- lected. It is ironic that the University as an educational institution neglects the growing artist, the beginning enthusiast. There is too often no way for the em- bryonic talent to express itself, to expose itself to a wider audience than friends and family. Two shows have been organized by stu- dents this spring for the purpose of dis- playing art work. The quality of the works that have been displayed is not of primej importance; the pertinent fact about the . two shows is that they were organized solely and independently by students. The students worked against adverse condi- tions in organizing the shows, for the University has no permanent place where students can display their works. In addi- tion, it neither has or proposes plans for facilities for frequent, temporary shows. SIMILARLY, the student interested in writing seldom finds a forum for dis- cussion and development at the Univer- sity. Creative writing classes may be elected under the auspices of the English department; however, a class of thirty strangers held within the confines of An- gell Hall is hardly conducive to a Ger- trude Stein atmosphere. And although literary magazines pro- vide an opportunity for personal expres- sion in print, their range is limited and conservatively selective-often including only Hopwood award winners and above. The creation of "Offset" shows recogni- tion of the void presently existing in for- ums of student expression. The creation of a discussion, reading and writing group would be more valu- able to a larger number of people, and would be an experience of longer-lasting validity. Recently, the jazz scene has expanded in Ann Arbor, as evidenced by the Sabo Club and the Jazz Festival. But although jazz interest has grown from its obscure beginnings, the folk music perspective is less encouraging since the demise of the Golden Vanity. In a University which consistently compares itself to Harvard, the lack of a coffee house leaves a con- spicuous void. Perhaps a liquor license is necessary for the financial support of genuine folksinging, or perhaps the cam- pus community is satisfied with an an- nual Limelighter concert as its folksing- ing experience. But in a University of this size it would seem that there would be enough genuinely interested people to support a more permanent establishment, than that which the seasonal Folk Music Festival provides. THE UNIVERSITY prides itself on a more cosmopolitan atmosphere than afforded most Big Ten schools. Its facili- ties are impressive and its influence ex- tensive. However, in the field of culture there is a definite lack of consideration for students. Although a folk music cof- fee house would have to be initiated by independent commercial interests, a stu- dent art show or a writers' forum would not. Since one of the main benefits of a college education is that of personal growth and development, it seems obvious that the creation of a forum through which students could express their inter- ests and ideas before a critical audience would be an important occurence. ARTISTS ARE OFTEN seen as being born with the qualities which will By WALTER LIPPMANN THE WAR in Viet Nam has reached the point where the President is wrestling with mo- mentoustand fateful decisions. For what has happened is that the official theory of the war, as pro- pounded by Gen. Maxwell Taylor to President Kennedy and by De- fense Secretary Robert McNamara to President Johnson, has proved to be unworkable. The government in Saigon has not been able to pacify South Viet Nam even with the help of American munitions, money and 25,000 military advisers. The cru- cial fact today is that for all practical purposes the Saigon gov- ernment has lost control of the countryside and its followers are increasingly holed up in the cities. The roads and the railroads connecting the cities have been cut by the Viet Cong. The cities now have to be supplied in great measure by air and by sea. This condition of affairs has been well reported by Richard Dudman in a series of reports to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and his findings are confirmed in all essentials, though not yet publicly, in the well-informed quarters in Wash- ington. THE SUREST evidence that Dudm an's reports are substantially correct is that in the Pentagon and the State Department there is mounting pressure for the com- mitment to Southeast Asia of American infantry. The current estimate is that the President should be prepared to send 350,000 American soldiers, even though this would compel him to order a mobilization of reservists and draftees. This call for American ground forces is the logical and inevitable consequence of the virtual collapse of the Saigon government in the villages. Having lost the country- side, Saigon has lost the sources of military manpower. This de- prives it of the means for win- ning the war. The official estimates today are that the Saigon government com- mands forces superior to the Viet Cong by a ratio of not quite five to one. Experience showsethat no guerrilla war has ever been sub- dued with such a low ratio of superiority. It 4s estimated that in Malaya, the British and the Malayans, who were fighting the indigenous Chinese guerrillas, reached a su- periority of 50 to one. In Cyprus, which they gave up, the British had overwhelming force. In Al- geria, though the French army had unmistakable superiority, the country became untenable. It is the deficiency in South Vietnam- ese military manpower which ex- plains why the pressure is now on to put in American to fill it. AFTER two months of bombing North Viet Nam, it has become manifest also that the bombing has not changed the course of the war. As a result of this disappoint- ment, the President is now under pressure to extend the bombing to the populated centers around Hanoi and Haiphong. There is no doubt that Ameri- can air power can devastate North Viet Nam and, if China intervened, could do great damage in China, But if we had an American army of 350,000 meninhSouth Viet Nam, and extended the war in the air, we would have on our hands an interminable war without the pros- pect of a solution. To talk about freedom and na- tional independence amid such violence and chaos would be to talk nonsense. In order to rationalize, that is to sell, the wider war, we are being told by Secretary McNamara and others that this war is a decisive test for the future. It will decide the future of "wars of liberation." THIS IS a profoundly and dan- gerously false notion, and it shows a lamentable lack of knowledge and understanding of the revolu- tionary upheavals of the epoch in which we live. It assumes that revolutionary uprisings against es- tablished authority are manufac- tured in Peking or in Moscow and that they would not happen if they were not instigated, supported and directed from one of the capitals of communism. If this were true the revolu- tionary movements could be sup- pressed once and for all by knock- ing out Peking or Moscow. They little know the Hydra who think that the Hydra has only one head and that it can be cut off. Experience shows that there is no single central source of the revolutionary upheavals of our epoch. What is there that is com- mon to the Irish rebellion, to the Jewish uprising in Palestine, to the civil war in Cuba, to the Arab rebellion in Algeria, to the Huk revolt in the Philippines? What is common to them all is violent discontent with the established order and a willingness of a mi- nority of the discontented to die in the attempt to overthrow it. What has confused many well- meaning Americans is that in some of these rebellions, though not by any means in all of them, Communists have become the leaders of the rebellion. But that does not mean that they have owned the rebellion. The resistance to the Nazis in France and Italy contained a high proportion of Communist among the active par- tisans. But 20 years later it is Gen. Charles de Gaulle who pre- sides over France. IT WOULD be well to abandon the half-baked notion that the war in Southeast Asia will be de- cisive for the future of revolution- ary upheavals in the world. Rev- olution is a home-grown product, and it could not be stamped out decisively and once for all-sup- posing we had such delusions of grandeur-by stamping out Red China. In Southeast Asia we have entangled ourselves in one of the many upheavals against the old regime, and we shall not make things any better by thrashing around with ascending violence. WizY Nou.Fz- The Oversocialized And the Discontented Byi Jeffrey Goodmant "One of these days there may be a student march somewhere on some university administration building, ending in the dismem- berment of every computer in the place, and then everything may simply come to a stop, and provide time for re-examination." -James Reston, News York Times, March 31 R ESTON IS talking metaphorically, of course; the anguish of those who would stage such a march can hardly be blamed on the computers per se. Machines are only symbols-of our universities and our other socializing institutions. But the general strike he talks about hardly seems possible here. Hundreds of students have slept on cots in dormitory libraries; realtors and local merchants charge atrocious prices for poor service; too many classrooms are overcrowded with unstimulated students and unstimulating teaching fellows; too many courses are irrelevant and students are without recourse; students are hamstrung too often by distribution requirements and pushed where they might not want to go by grade points and exams; students are treated like children by administrators, etc. By and large no one cares much. The explanation most would offer for this apathy is that there is still enough flexibility in the system, that it still manages to do fairly well given its goals and resources. That's true to an extent, but at the same time that very proclamation points to the deeper problem, which is precisely that no one cares much. GETTING BACK to computers, everyone knows they have a program and inputs and outputs. The program here is the world's store of knowledge, categorized and set to be applied through developed teaching techniques. The inputs are society's demands for educated and trained personnel, plus the concepts of teachers and the general public about what a man should and should not do with his life. The program is the material used in solving the problem which is put-in. Which means the form of the output is determined by the input, that the limits of social needs and the. conceptions of propriety become the limits within which the graduate thinks, feels and operates. Education today does not simply transmit information or even transmit the capacity to question, participate and decide: to a large extent it shapes the very questions, the very means of par- ticipation and the very decisions themselves. In fact, it is exactly by this process that societies maintain them- selves. By definition the function of socializing institutions is to overcome the mortality of one generation by raising the next in its image. An individual can still make a number of different moves, but the rules of the game (indeed, the necessity of playing the game in the first place) are established ahead of time, and he is taught them so early he rarely has the ability to conceive of different rules or different games. FORTUNATELY the process never succeeds and there are always those who somehow do not get socialized. Whether or not they later come to realize that their isolation is a positive asset with which to launch a campaign, they are an essential and healthy part of society. For no matter how perfect the public may deem itself, almost necessarily it is being fooled itself because it has missed whole experiential worlds. It is these other worlds which the misfits bring and the more glaringly the better, for they are themselves creatures of the society and a society should always be forced to look at what it has wrought. This all leads back to our apathetic students, whose problem is being oversocialized: they take the pressures and discomforts and injustices as all part of an inevitable system which they can always complain about, can perhaps improve but can never revolutionize. The few random problems in modern education mentioned above are not themselves the great issues. Rather, the issue is that they exist and do harm and people either do not care or talC of the practical exigencies of contemporary politics. Always the excuse is that men and institutions must compromise with the given forces because those forces exist and therefore have a claim somewhere; few ask if the claims are legitimate, few ask if there is not a principle here (like the ability of universities to do a respectable job of trans- mitting respectable culture, which requires that universities manage their financial and value inputs for themselves). NO, MR. RESTON, there will not be a grand march at this university: the inputs to our big computer have been made too well. We can't even hope for some restrictions on political activities to spark something. Unlike Messrs. Kerr and Strong, the men who watch the blinking lights and whirring tapes here still think they have an ideology to guide them, and this makes them just shrewd enough to know how to keep most of us blissful. Nor, unfortunately, is it always worthwhile for a few of the unsocialized to suddenly stage that march on the administration building themselves, for they are seldom taken seriously and too easily shrugged off. So if those who are discontent, being already too small a minority, are to have any force, most of the hope lies in a very gradual and very unspectacular corruption -of the majority. Protest marches can provide emphasis and a few victories, but they begin with conclusions instead of basic assumptions. Beyond the spoils they provide, their value depends on a public receptivity virtually impossible for minds which have rarely ranged beyond standard limits. Desocialization can be successful only if the victories sought are those which can be won, while at the same time the public is taken through an extended, careful, intimate and profound process of discovery. And this process requires an ideology be established at the most fundamental levels of dialogue and experience. UNFORTUNATELY, such an ideology for university reform does not yet exist. (We heard Mario Savio here only briefly, and if the Free Speech Movement has developed anything more comprehensive and basic, not enough people know about it.) If Reston's naive prophecy is to be fulfilled, the most important steps may be those taken in ink. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: A rab-Israeli Controversy To the Editor: J OSHUA BARLEV'S recent ex- amination of the Arab-Israeli conflict was an excellent example of the numerous innuendo-laden, oversimplified and distorted edi- torial diatribes that have been so frequently provoked by this issue. Not only is the editorial a grave injustice to the Arab posi- tion but it is also an affront to any "objective onlooker" attempt- ing to gain a clearer understand- ing of the problem. For example, the contention that the conflict "revolves around the urgent need of the Arab na- tions to find some force which would unify them by drawing con- cern away from their own local problems and directing it toward one element" suggests the author's ignorance of pertinent events prior to 1948. The crux of the problem is to be seen in the con- frontation of Zionist efforts to establish a homeland and the fact that the area chosen to be the homeland was already occupied and cultivated by Palestinian Arabs who considered it their homeland. While it may be legiti- mate to argue that recent Arab unification movements are using the conflict as a vehicle for pro- moting Arab nationalism, it is unfair to gloss over the back- ground of this issue and to present the problem in its most recent phase and to assert that this phase is the issue. Furthermore, the view that Arab nationalism is a convenient means for ignoring internal problems is both untrue and a complete mis- understanding of the nationalistic movement. Probably no one is more aware of the overwhelming problems of his country than is the educated Arab himself, and the Arab League's creation of an Arab Common Market is just one example of efforts to promote the economic welfare of the individual Arab states via concerted action. I'M NOT SURE just what the insertion regarding the Nazi per- secution of Jews adds to the author's position but I vehemently protest the insidious implications of such a statement. Too many similar attempts have been made to becloud the Arab-Israeli issue by analogizing the situation to that of the Nazis and the Jews and, of course, attributing the villainous qualities to the Arabs. In regards to the author's com- ments on the Sinai campaign of 1956. I am, tempted to simply laugh off the assertion that the Egyptian soldiers are not accus- tomed to wearing boots! However, the seriousness of the remarks demands that I remind the author that not only were boots dis- carded but that also hundreds of Egyptian lives were "discarded" because of the Israeli attack, and that, had it not been for the British and French collaboration in this attack (thus explaining their veto votes in the UN on the resolution regarding this attack), Israel would no doubt have been soundly condemned by the United Nations for her methods at that time. Another example of the author's distorted presentation of this con- flict is to be seen in his labeling of the Arab countries as over- populated at one point (when it goes well with poverty-stricken and illiterate and serves to de- grade these states) and as capable of admitting the Palestinian Arab refugees at another point (when it serves to present the Arab position as one of intran- sigence and unreasonableness). THERE ARE other controversial statements in Mr. Barlev's edi- torial, but I have cited the above points in particular because they exemplify the kind of foggy, banal and intellectually dishonest think- ing that has frequently been of- fered on this issue. Mr. Barley in his second para- graph hinted that there might be a legitimate difference of opinion involved. Unfortunately, the clear thinking that might havedbeen hoped for and expected did not follow. -Nancy Badgero, '65 News'Policies To the Editor: AS WE SCANNED the March 19 Daily we were pleased to learn about the faculty walkout on Wed- nesday, which we have been hear- ing about all week, and the delay in the launching of a particular University rocket because of ad- verse weather conditions . . . However, we noticed a little scrap of news on the third page with regard to a certain cosmonaut who was the first human to walk in space. Does the fact that he happened to be a Russian automatically de- mote him to the third page, or does The Daily really believe this storyadid not warrant first page coverage? We feel The Daily has a respon- sibility to its readers to use the proper perspective in the report- ing of articles of international im- portance, whether they are favor- able or not to American prestige. If this is The Daily's policy, where will we find the news of the first lunar landing? In the want ads? --Gary B. Brown, '68 Bruce W. Stark, '68 EDITOR'S NOTE: We blew it. -LJK G~cA1 M~A1~, VIMCEI 1'A~ II' FEIFFER IT5 AMERICA!- TIME. FOR? A SES' PeEK tk)- SIDE AN # AMERICAN' TARDO GHTW6 MIR-~ ACL-E OF MOVDiM eLECTRQOJ(C THE VERY SAME) 9A1.\ VJJRh 6WCu) IM6 PceUMA1TV Y OUPR A., PCO~CE AM) YOUR INVAPEC, ~L2 TONIGHT 9VI INVAO6 E'm mVAC1OF MP? MPWMIS. A. H. MAIM OF ES MEAXVW, L-OIJ KWl2.)IT SU CU ~R 6ST CAMRA5 AID2 AUDIO V{c 5 APE7RARING TO 601 AWJAYfMR. ANML2l15A.N. MAIMA /FEh l .t j ,I CATCH4 ALL OFTIHAT' 77 YrCs I Dip GATY!TO REiPRISE FOI9 OUR VIEWIN5M AUDIENCE, A5 WE~ TUME'.IW O ME~ MAIMS. MR MAIM H15TQfY IIITHE MA00 C, VINCE I ISm 0 om ENT'6~ W~ 6P ACK WITH A SLOW4 MOTION) PW.v WK -~ME AMIMhF--z7N1( AW THIS 15 VIM CCNYT vcYEL)R R6HINL4X16 VOL THAT ON~L-YAM OFfl\) 0Xt&TY CAS} 86 FL)II i