Campus Bo EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the firstofsa two-part series dealing with the operations of the Ann Arbor bookstores. By HARVEY WASSERMAN One of the bigger aspects of the University is the bookstores surrounding and servicing it. Last year the six campus area book- stores did approximately $4 million gross in book business. They did not come by this amount of business by accident, nor could anyone hoping to get a good-sized chunk of that impressive volume hope for an easy time of it. According to William Marshall, manager of Bob Marshall's Bookstore, in order to open a competing textbook store in Ann Arbor, one would need at least $100,000 for inventory alone. This is not to mention the expenses of rent over a year's period, upkeep of a building, advertising and office supplies. This is in addition to salaries which run quite high, he said. The book-selling industry is labor intensive-a good deal of the expenses which a bookseller must account for come from paying the salaries of the large num- ber of employes, some of whom must be professionally trained. A good sized bookstore needs from five to seven full-time clerks to keep the store going, according to a report done last year by Christopher Cohen, '67L. In addition, stockboys and secretarial okstores. Mit staff also form a part of the hard-core of workers necessary to a successful operation. Finally, the entire operation must center around a professionally trained bookman, often earning from $10-$15,000 a year, He orders new texts, handles their stocking and selling and generally coordinating the entire textbook operation. Text Business Since a large part of the stores' text business is done in the first few days of each semester, thousands of dollars' worth of business can be gained or lost on a single stroke of the bookman's pen, and indeed the success or failure of a new book operation can hinge on this one man's prowess, Cohen's report said. The presently -established bookstores are open from 50-70 hours a week during pre-semester rush periods, and a new com- petitor might indeed plan to be open longer (the Centicore Poetry bookstore, the area's newest bookstore, is open 72 and more). Profit Clearance Yet even after the battle to get established has been won, the new competitor can expect no overwhelming profits in the text- book business. The Ann Arbor bookstores, according to Cohen's report, clear only 2.25-2.75 per cent on capital invested on new textbooks, considerably less than could be earned on capital in the bank. llion Dollar Despite this however Ann Arbor bookmen have established profit-making enterprises. They also, as far as can be seen, are working in open competition with each other. Follett's, Wahr's, Ulrich's, Slater's, Overbeck's and Marshall's are separate enter- prises engaged in open-market competition. The .competition is not entirely head-on, however, as the various stores are somewhat specialized. Overbeck's, for instance, specializing in medical and law books, is not in direct competition with Ulrich's, which deals more in undergraduate, engineering and architecture material. Marshall's, on the other hand, deals only in trade books. The ever- present question of the possibility of collusion is without, according to Cohen's report, apparent truth; "There is no Ann Arbor cartel." Publishers' Prices Prices on new textbooks are strictly set by publishers. Books come to Ann Arbor already priced. The usual discount allowed the bookmen is 20 per cent off list price on textbooks, and from 20 per cent to 40 per cent on trade books, depending the risk involved. The retailers are not allowed to change prices on the books, however, unless it is to lower them. All new textbooks are fair-traded by the publishers themselves and according to Marshall they can take punitive measures such as withholding distribution and even suing Operations in order to prevent book merchants from raising prices above list. Occasionally price differences may occur, but this is either due to markdowns or to a change over a period of time in the pub- lisher's price. Thus one store may buy a book one month at a cer- tain price. The next month the price hiay change and then-another bookstore may buy the book at the new price, thus yielding a price difference between the two stores. This seems the only way such differences could occur. As stated in Cohen's report, "There is no price-setting among the Ann Arbor bookstores-there is no room for any." Second Report The book publishing industry's rather rigid price structure thus seems to close out much possibility of any substantial price dif- ferentials on new text prices in Ann Arbor as compared to book- stores anywhere else. Yet, according to past research, and to one fairly well-substantiated report in the process of being compiled, Ann Arbor new book prices are as much as 10 and 20 per cent above prices at other campuses. Among those campuses which, according to one of the reports, indicate higher Ann Arbor prices are Colum- bia, Boston University; University of Miami (Fla.), University of Chicago, Syracuse, Berkeley, Michigan State, Harvard and Wayne See CAMPUS, Page 2 UNIVERSITY MUST NOT OVERLOOK TALENTED See Editorial Page C I 4c Sir iauF .416P :43 a t I# SNOW FLURRIES High-36 Low--25 Increasing cloudiness, warmer in afternoon Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 156 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, 2 APRIL 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Wisconsin Conducts Viet Nam Teach-In By MICHAEL MEYERS Nearly 1,000 students crowded the halls of the University of Wisconsin Social Science Bldg. last night to hear the final panel discussion of a teach-in protesting United States policy in Viet Nam. The teach-in, which lasted from 2 p.m. until midnight, was neither total protest nor debate. Rather, as in the 8-12 p.m. portion of Michigan's teach-in, each of several experts in such fields as Southeast Asian culture, foreign policy and guerrilla warfare, gave accounts of his experiences in relation to the Viet Nam situation. The activities, which were stimulated by faculty-student action at Michigan last week, will culminate at 11 a.m. today with a rally "featuring Mark Raskin, formerly Willow Run House-Senate Rift Delays Rice Irked NMT Presdnt Unit Backs Senior Citizens' Tax Relief By Conduct . Federal Aid By THOMAS R. COPI FOn Campus Receives Support Passage of a measure to provide property tax exemptions for E SAMUEL E. BRADEN Braden Talks At IFC-Panhel Joint Meeting By LAURENCE MEADOW "Fraternities and sororities will survive as long as man is a social being," Vice-President for Under- graduate Development Samuel .E. Braden of Indiana University pre- dicted last night in his keynote address to the thirteenth annual IFC-Panhel Big Ten Conference. "There have always been pre- dictions of the demise of the Greek systems," Braden said, "but complex societies need small groups where people can live in brotherly love." Opens Conference Braden's address opened the annual conference of Interfratern- ity Council and Panhellenic Asso- ciation officers at Big Ten cam- puses. Approximately 100 fratern- ity and sorority leaders will meet in discussion groups today and tomorrow morning and a business meeting will be held Saturday afternoon. A banquet will close the conference tomorrow night. The conference theme is "Lead- ership or Lack of It-In the Greek System." Discussions will focus on the problems of academics, mem- bership selection, and relations with university administrations and individual houses. In his keynote address, Braden said the survival of the Greek system depends on the leadership of IFC and Panhel. The system must adapt to constantly chang- ing e d u c a t i o n a l institutions. with the National Security Council under President John F. Kennedy and now the Co-Director for the Institute of Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. Open Letter On Monday, the Wisconsin Faculty-Student Committee to End the War in Viet Nam issued an open letter to President John- son which expressed "concern about policies and tactics which the United States is pursuing" in Viet Nam. The letter further urg- ed that the Administration "re- spond immediately with positive proposals toward achieving an end to this conflict."s More specifically, the communi- cation asked Johnson to "order an immediate end to escalation" and to "end restrictions to press coverage." Silent vigils were staged around Bascom Hall, the university's ad- ministration building, yesterday and Wednesday concentrating es- pecially around the statue of Lin- coln in front of Bascom Hall. Noon rallies were also held on each of the two days preceding yesterday's teach-in. Discussions Last night, 26 faculty members led discussions on various aspects of the Vietnamese situation. The History Dept. provided the cor'e, as Prof. William A. Williams dis- cussed the American policy and other History faculty members in- cluding Prof. William Taylor and Prof. Merle Curti, a Pulitzer Prize winner, attacked the problem from other angles. Prof. George Mosse of History explored the Munich myth, while Prof. Germaine Bree from the Humanities Dept. explored the im- plications of Sartre and -Camus regarding U.S. commitment. John Gruber of the Wisconsin Daily Cardinal informed the Daily that University Administrators took no official position on the protest, though they readily made facilities available, saying that the teach-in was in the "free' spirit of inquiry" which should exist at a University. Enthusiastic Both faculty and student parti- cipants were greatly enthused about the cooperation between the two. One professor commented that "the plannedaactivities prov- ed that sturdents and faculty can get together without knitpicking!" There had previously been a stu- dent committee which held sem- inars about the Viet Nam situa- tion. Now faculty members plan to join in these discussion groups. A counter-rally of those sup- porting current policy, held yes- terday afternoon, drew 200 per-j sons. At the teach-in itself there were no signs or picketers, but occasionally hecklerscinterrupted speeches. Wisconsin is one of 48 colleges and universities which have al- ready staged or intend to stage teach-ins in the near future. rrh mnv--nt is icn -r-ru The Willow Run Federation of Teachers went on record yester- day as giving strong support to a $188,252 federal war on poverty grant for use in the former Wil- low Village area, as Donald Rob- erts, consultant and counselor in the Ferndale public school system was named associate director of the controversial anti-poverty program. The teachers' group said "we believe. this program - the pre- school program and the attack on the school dropout problem, a rec- reation program and the attempt to bring the community into clos- er working relationships with the institutions in the surrounding areas to be valid and obtainable goals." The grant was made to the In- stitute of Labor and Industrial Relations, a joint project of the University and Wayne State Uni- versity; the ILIR's associate di- rector, Hyman Kornbluh, contin- ues in charge of the Willow Vil- lage project. Met Criticism The project met criticism from some residents of the Willow Vil- lage area, who claimed the anti- poverty grant was unnecessary and a slur on the community. The teachers, in reference to this opposition, said "the federa- tion deplores the attacks on the' programs by right wing and ex- tremist groups, whose influence hampers the effectiveness of the program and alienates many who' stand to benefit from it. "The federation deplores the use of underhanded tactics, mis- representation and outright lies used in distorting the aims and' purposes for political purposes. Commends Board "Further, the federation wishes' to commend the Superior Town- ship and Ypsilanti Township Boards on their position of sup- port on this matter of significantj education importance." Ypsilanti Township Supervisor Roy Smith registered the only vote+ against the grant.+ senior citizens has been delayed by disagreement between House and Senate Democrats over what should be included in such a bill. A tax relief measure was rushed through the House last week, but was apparently going to be delayed for study in the Senate taxation committee. However, in a six-hour meeting Wednesday, the Democratic caucus came up with a bill that passed the Senate by a virtually unanimous 35-1 vote. The Senate bill deleted from the House-passed measure a provision that would allow property ------" tax relief for renters over 65, 40 Over 60 Attending 'U' There are 40 students at the University over the age of 60, ac- cording to a report released re- cently by the Office of Registra- tion and Records. Today's University student has an average age of 23.3, contrasted with an average of 23.5 in 1959.- The report was prompted by a desire on the part of University officials to see if there was any substantial difference in the average ages of students here and in age distribution according to school since the 1959 report. As expected, these factors have re- mained fairly stable. Unlike the late forties, when former soldiers flocked to cam- puses in droves, today's elder un- dergraduate is usually looked upon as a rarity. However, the University has hundreds of students over the age of 30, mostly in graduate and professional schools. Officials have reported that many of these are older married women who want to begin a career in teaching, doctors returning to school for training in new methods, and people whose education has been interrupted by practical necessities after four years. In the engineering school, Dean Stephen S. Attwood reported that most older students are graduates doing government-sponsored re- search at the University instead of in. industry and are taking engineering courses on the side. saying that such a provision would make the bill unconstitutional. The Senate also inserted a $5000 maximum income as a require- ment for receiving the aid. The House, which argues that coverage for renters in addition to property owners would be per- fectly legal, had set no income- ceiling requirement for recipients, of the tax exemptions. The cost of the House bill has been estimated at from $21 mil- lion to $40 million, while the Sen- ate bill would reportedly cost only $12.3 million. House Speaker Joseph Kowal- ski (D-Detroit) and Senate Ma- jority Leader Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) agreed that there is "no serious split" over the tax exemption measure, and both hope for passage of a bill today. Dzendzel, who called the dis- agreement "merely a difference of opinion," said that "the Senate won't budge on this issue." He added that the Senate bill repre- sents "equitable, reasonable legis- lation that is unanimously sup- ported by the Senate." Although immediate House con- currance with the Senate bill was originally predicted, House mem- bers are insisting that renters also be covered in a tax exemption measure. The Democrats have been blast- ed by both the Republican legis- lators and Gov. George Romney for taking "irresponsibily hasty" action on the bill. Romney is awaiting a citizens' committee report on tax relief for the aged before he makes any specific recomijendations in this area. The report, originally sched- uled for release April 15, may be given to the governor today. In a "Memorandum on the Restoration of Discipline AmongI Members of the University," Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman of the English department, criticized the attitude and attire of both stu- dents and faculty at the Univer- sity. Rice feels that many under- graduates exhibit not only bad taste but a "decided preference for vulgarity" in their dress, man- ners and "indifference to the us- ages of civilized living." He also finds it "equally dis- couraging to catch glimpses of young faculty members endeavor- ing to maintain their academic freedom by going jacketless and tieless to classrooms, where they consume belated breakfasts or early snacks while they teach their classes." Failure Rice's memorandum states that the University is failing to per- form adequately its function of "shaping and tempering the character of each pupil through the enforcement of standards which apply not only to intellec- tual matters, but also to moral and social conduct." Because of the administration's refusal to demand proper behav- ior outside the classroom, Rice feels a "considerable fraction" of the student body takes "delight in vandalism, stealing clocks, telephones and other moveable objects and destroying "thousands of dollar's worth of new plantings on the University lawns." 'Excess' "We have proceeded far along the road of excess; indifference and permissiveness have speeded our progress. Some of us are ex- periencing strong disgust and should like some evidence that there is going to be an effort to restore order, decency and de- corum among the adult and the juvenile delinquents with whom we must associate. We are ready to help." By NEIL SHISTER - ' i Harden was reached by phone yesterday, but refused to comment on developments. He verified that his resignation was still in, despite reports about a retraction. He said that any further an- nouncement would come from Ed- win George of Bloomfield Hills, the president of the board. In an interview last night, George expressed the hope that Harden would continue as presi- dent. He said that there had been a telegram from the campus ex- pressing the complete support of the faculty, students, and citizens of Marquette. Clarification He clarified the disagreement as a difference over "programs on expansion," and basically as a conflict between Harden and Frazier. Frazier was out of town and could not be contacted. He said earlier that his differences with Harden could best be classed as a difference of philosophy on gen- eral administration. "I don't want him to resign from the university," said Frazier in reference to Harden. "I think probably the university would be better served if I resigned rather than he, but that hasn't been. decided yet." Harden's resignation will be acted on at a board meeting on Monday. With the board's sup- port, Harden could continue as president. Enrollment Stilzn Doubt. Vice - President for Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns said yes- terday that his office is gathering information on the problem of enrollment for the summer tri- mester term. The office had originally esti- mated that 3000 students would attend term 3-2. On the basis of student questionnaires, this num- ber was raised to 6000. However, it has been suggested that not that many students will enroll. The most serious enrollment question at p r e s e n t centers around the problem of what to do about teachers who have commit- ted themselves to teaching under- enrolled courses. However, the problem rests on the outcome of many other ques- tions. Among these are: -Whether there will be general underenrollment in all courses, or only in some; -Whether whatever underen- rollment there is in an area is serious, and -Whether a11 commitments made have been firm ones to at- tend or not to attend. Harden's Recent Resignation Stirs Conflict; Board, Romney Involved By ROBERT KLIVANS Edwin George, president of the board in control of Northern Michigan University, offered the "full _support of the board" for Edgar Harden, the school's president, who has submitted his resig- nation. The president of the Marquette institution was reported to have had a dispute with the board, which can accept or reject resignations. Board member Lincoln Frazier of Marquette had submitted his resignation to Gov. George Romney following Harden's statement. Resignation In WORM RUNNING: McConnell Studies Focus on RNA Learning Role By BARBARA SEYFRIED The flatworm may well conquer the field of learning. Planarians are being used by Prof. James McConnell of the psychology depart- ment and editor of "The Worm Runner's Digest," in a series of studies on the chemical changes that take place in learning. McConnell has run numerous experiments using planarians. The most basic is the simple classical conditioning experiment. In this experiment a worm is placed in a trough, where a light was turned on for two seconds, then the worm was shocked for an additional second. At the beginning of training the worm responded an average of 25 per cent of the time. After pairing the light and shock 150 times, the worms responded to the light an average of 50 per cent of the time, McConnell explained. Using this as a basis, McConnell has varied his experimentation to study what has gone on within the worm to make it respond to the light when it is not paired with shock. Worm Feeding In one experiment McConnell fed worms which had been condi- tioned to worms which hadn't. He found that there was a significant decrease in the number of trials required for the worms in the second group to "learn" to respond to the light in the conditioning situation. In an effort to investigate this, McConnell went further. He extracted ribosenucleic acid from worms which had been trained and injected it into an untrained worm through its pharynx. The un- trained worms learned to respond to the light more quickly than the The method of extracting RNA and purifying it is not an easy job. But it can be done, McConnell maintained, if there is a lot of it and one can afford to lose it. RNA Reaction McConnell also explained that the RNA must come from worma trained to respond to light in the conditioning situation because the RNA, assuming that learning is based on it, has to have the same changes within it. This is because it takes more than one worm to provide the necessary RNA for the injection experiments. Although the RNA may differ because of different "learning" experiences by the planarians, if they are trained, then the RNA will have one thing in common. It will all have the same characteristic changes, that occur in RNA due to the same learning experience. This would serve to dilute the effects of any special changes due to indi- vidual learning experiences outside of training, McConnell explained. Another reason for improving the methodology, McConnell main- tains, is that if you get dull results in running rats, people will believe them. If you get some really significant results using worms, which are exotic animals, some people won't believe you no matter what you do and others take a great deal of convincing. Comparison "The research in our experiments," McConnell maintained, "are probably better controlled than 99 per cent of the experiments run with rats." For example, experiments are run on a double-blind in every