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March 30, 1965 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-30

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Pollard Directs Internal Medicine Course

Study Communications Systems:
(Continued from Page 2)

Prof. H. Marvin Pollard of the
Medical School was general co-
ordinator of a five-day course on
postgraduate internal medicine at
the University of Antioquia in
Medellin, Colombia.
The March 8-12 program was
held in collaboration with the
American College of Physicians.
Also participating was Prof. Stef-
an S. Fajans of the Medical
* * *
Prof. Mary C. Bromage of the
business administration school
conducted a two-day report-writ-
ing seminar recently in Atlanta,
Ga., for the United States Audit
Agency. Attending were 17 parti-
cipants representing Army Audil
Agency offices in Boston, Phila-
delphia, New York, Washington,
and Atlanta.,

4:10 p.m. - Kenneth Cragg of
St. Augustine's College, Canter-
bury, Kent, England, will speak
on "The Mystery of the Quran
(Koran): Its Original Context" in
the Multipurpose Rm. of the
4:15 p.m. - Prof. Harold E.
Wethey of the history of art de-
partment will speak on "Titian
and the Patronage of Phillip II
of Spain" in Aud. A. He is the
Henry Russel lecturer.
4:30 p.m.-Tibor Serly will give
a public lecture on a new music
theory in the Recital Hall, North
8:30 p.m.-The University Mu-
sical Society Chamber Arts Series
will present Antonio Janigro, cell-
ist, in Rackham Aud.

8:30 p.m. - The Professional
Theatre Program, as part of the
Creative Arts Festival, will pre-
sent "In White America" by Mar-
tin Duberman in Trueblood Aud.
3:15 p.m. - Profs. Harold J.
Berman and Jerome A. Cohen of
the Harvard Law School will
speak on "Criminal Procedure in
the Soviet Union and Communist
China" in 120 Hutchins Hall.
3:30 p.m.-David Lewis, archi-
tect of Leeds, England, will give
a lecture on "High-density, Multi-
usage Structures in the Centers
of Cities" in Architecture Aud.
4:10 p.m. - Kenneth Cragg of
St. Augustine's College, Canter-
bury, Kent, England, will speak
on "The Mystery of the Quran

automat is possible. These ele-
(Koran): Its Ruling Themes" in ments are a system of logic,
the Multipurpose Rm. of the memory banks, some form of
UGLI. sensing machinery, the ability to
4:10 p.m.-Prof. Edward Nor- pick things up. the ability to join
beck of Rice University will speak things together, and the ability to
on "Social and Religious Change cut._



in Japan" in 200 Lane Hall.
4:15 p.m.-John J. Manning of
the junior-senior counseling of-
fice will speak on "The Last
Chance Speech" in the Hender-
son Rm. of the League,
8 p.m.-The Gilbert and Sulli-
van Society will present "Yoemen
of the Guard" in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
8:30 p.m. - The Contemporary
Music Festival will present works
by Elliott Carter, American com-
poser, who will speak on "Rule,
Rote and Note" during the second
half of the program in Hill Aud.

A second model was also formu-
lated, based on a checker board
system. A primary automaton was
set up in part of the checker
board and a second was to be re-
produced through transference of
information through the squares.
Von Neumann used 28 different
states of excitation, plus a special
state of no excitation in his
theory. On a computer these
would be variations of electrical
This makes it possible to study
what information has to be trans-
ferred from square to square in
order for reproduction to take

o It






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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
lal responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TVPhWlt1TLN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Satuiday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
munm of two times on request; IDay
Calendar items appear once anly.
Student organtnation notices are not
accepted for puiication.
Day Calendar
Conference on Great Lakes Research-
Rackham Bldg., 8 a.m.
U-M Blood Bank Association Spring
Clinic-Michigan Union, 9 a.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Richard Kruse, clarinetist: Recital
Hall. School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Alta Gail
Singer Rosenzweig, Romance Languages
& Literatures; thesis: "A Spectographic
Analysis of Consonant Length in Stand-
ard Italian," Tues., March 30, E. Coun-
ail Room, Rackham Bldg., 10 a.m.
Chairman, Ernst Pulgram.
Doctoral Examination for Clare Al-
ward Gunn, Landjscape Architecture;
thesis: "A Concept for the Design of a
rourism-Recreation Region," Tues.,
March X0, 15 Landscape Architecture
Bldg., 10 a.m. Co-Chairmen W. J.
Johnson and W. L. Chambers.
Henry Russel Lecture: The Henry
Russel Lecture will be delivered by Har-
ald E. Wethey, professor of the history
3f art, Tues., March 30, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Aud. A of Angell Hall. His lecture
topic is "Titian and the Patronage of
Philip II of Spain." The Henry Russel
Award will be made at this time.
Doctoral Examination for Leslie
Gyorki Grayson, Economics; thesis,
"Economic Considerations of a Com-
mon Energy Policy In the European
Economic Community," Tues., March

30, 206 Econ. Bldg., 1 p.m. Chairman,
W. G. Shepherd.
Biological Science Lecture: Prof. Claes
Weibull, Central Bacteriological Labora-
tory, Stockholm, Sweden, "Bacterial L-
F'orms and PPLO," 1528 E. Med. Bldg.
at 4 p.m.
General Notices
Admission Test for Graduate study in
Business: Candidates taking the Admis-
Sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi-
ness on Sat., April 3, are requested
to report to Room 130 Bus. Ad. Bldg.
at 8:30 a.m. Saturday.
National Program for Graduate School
Selection: Application blanks for the
rraduate Record Examination are avail-
ible in 122 Rackham Bldg. The next
administration of the test will be on
3at., April 24, and applications must
be received in Princeton, N.J., by April
9. .
Spring-Summer Early Registration:
Early registration will continue througl
April 16. All students currently en-
rolled who plan on taking courses in
the Spring-Summer (Ill) or Spring
Half (I11A) terms should make ar-
rangements to be counselled now. The
May 3 and 4 registration will be for
new and readmitted students only,
University Chapter of the American
Association of University Professors
Meetng: Panel discussion, "Faculty
Responsibility for Academic Freedom
:f Students," Wed., March 31, 8 p.m.,f
E. Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has be-
come effective.
Approval request forms for student-
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Voice Political Party, U. of M. Stu-
dents and Alabama, Thurs., March 25,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Voice Political Party, Civil rights
planning meeting, Mon., March 29, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union.
Near East Studies Club, Lecture, April
B, 8 p.m., Lane Hall.

Foreign Visitors
The following are the foreign visi-
tors programmed through the Interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
this week on the dates indicated. Pro-
gram arrangements are being made by
Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International
Center, 764-2148.
Peter Strebens, director, Language
center and prof. of applied linguistics,
University of Essex, Colchester, March
Mrs. Fatimah Hamid Don, linguistics
and language instructor, University of
Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March
28-April 2.
A. A. Gutmann, representative, Com-
pania Shell de Venesuela, Venesuela,
April 2-3.
of Appointmnents-Seniors & grad stu
dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint-
ments with the following:
Army Special Services, Wash., D.C
-Men & women. Degrees in Gen.
Lib. Arts, .Journ., Dramatics, Recrea
tion, Phys. Sd., Lib. Sci., etc. for posi-
tions as Recreation Specialists & Li
brarians (MLS) around the world. Serve
as civilian personnel in service clubs
libraries. rports entertainment, etc.
State Farm Insurance Co., Marshall

Fewer States
"W'epretty sure that it can
be done in fewer states, as indi-
cated by biological evidence. Right
how to reduce the number," Burks
Another aspect of research cog-
Mich.-Men, any major for positions nated with the communication
in elec. computing, insurance (home sciences department deals with
office, claims) and related areas. Lo-
cated throughout U.S. the automation of speech. Peter-
son, director of the communica-
POSITION OPENINGS: tion science laboratory is working
Wilson & Co., Chicago - Markets extensively in this field of re-
Merchandising MWanager. Degree in mar- search, which could contribute im-
keting or advtg., exper. in advtg. or mensely to formulating a theory
sales promotion helpful. 6 mos. trng. of language
prior to permanent assignment. O agae
Warren Consolidated Schools, Warren, Automation of speech includes
Mich.-School Accountant, grad, major aspects of speech recognition, syn-
in accig. Exper. rel. to school business thesis, and production.
pref Available April 1-May 15.
Cooper-Bessemer Corp., Mt. Vernon, Speech Recognition
Ohio - Attn.: Seniors - Accounting Speech recognition is primarily
Trainees, degree, bkgd. in acctg. concerned with converting con-
Bell Telephone Labs., Inc.; Behaviorar tinuous speech into symbols for
Research, Murray Hill, N.J. - Attn.:
Seniors-Research Asst. in exper, psych. use i a computer. Peterson be
Men & women, BA or BS bkgd. in lieves that the best way to attack
psych & res. labs. desirable. Prepare this problem is to reduce speech to
& conduct experiments & analyze data, its acoustical parameters.
Start in June or July for min. 1 yrs. AcodnjoPte'ooc h
assignment. According to Peterson, once this
ai'- is done the computer can compare
For further information, please call the acoustical parameters of the
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- input speech waves with defined
pointments, 3200 SAB.;inuspehwvs itdfnd
acoustical patterns of the speech
SUMNER PLACEMENT SERVICE: waves in its memory banks. When
212 SAB- , it finds the parameters which
Camp Arbutus, Mich.-Girls. Will in- compares most closely to the para-
terview Wed., March 31 at 10:30 a.m. meters of the input wave, this
Girls for waterfront instructor, cabin constitutes recqgnition.
counselor & secretary. For example, the word "box"
....:....:h..... . has an extremely complex sound
wave or acoustical pattern. The
computer has stored the most
O N NCpertinent parameters of this word
plus those parameters which dis-
. :::.:...:.:.: .:.';f : tinguish it from similar sounding
words such as sox, rocks, and
Summer, Tues., March 30, 4:15 p.m., locks. With this basis it is possi-
218 N. Division. ble to compare the parameters
University Activities Center, Lecture, and make recognition.
John J. L~anning, Jr., assistant ad- Complications
niinistratol of the Junior-senior coun-Copcaon
seling office, will give a "Last Chance Unfortunately there are several
Lecture" (what he would say if this problems connected with this pro-
were his last chance to speak to the cedure. As Peterson explains it
students) on Wed., March 31, at 4:15 s very difficult to define the lim-
p.m. in the Henderson Room, League. iseo fulanguagefan thereor
* *its of a language and therefore



THIS IS A DIAGRAM OF A CELLULAR MODEL of a von Neumann self-reproducting automaton. It
was developed by J. W. Thatcher, formerly of the Logic of Computers group directed by Prof. Arthur
Burks of the philosophy and communication sciences department. The Tape Unit (lower right) sends
instructions on how to construct another automaton to the Coding Tape Outputs. Sent along the
Channel, the electrical impulses are then decodedon is collected and translated into instructions for
and sent to the Supervisory Unit where informati by the Decoding Supervisory Inputs (upper left)
the Construction Unit. Information is recoded again in the Coding Supervisory Output and sent to
the Construction Unit where it is decoded and the instructions are acted upon. The electrical im-
pulses are also sent to Decoding Tape Inputs and back to the Tape Unit as a check to make sure that
the information is carried out and as an informer as t8 what has been done.

Use of This Column for Announce-;
ments is available to officially recg-
nized and registered student r niza-
tions only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
Alpha P'hl Omega, Pledge meeting,
March 31, 4 p.m., Room 3545 SAB.
** *
Alpha Phi Omega, Semi-annual elec-
tion and report meeting, March 31, 7I
p.m., Room 3C, Union.
* * *
Canterbury House, Perspectives in
Modern Literature, discussion, DavidI


panhellenic and assembly associations pr
ISSUES: 1965
a series of seminars on vital issues
of the day and their implications
for you-the college student

Young Democrats, Executive Board highly :impractical to considr the
neeting, 'lues., March 30, 9 p.m., Room construction of general speech
3516, SAB. recognition machines within a
particular language. The acousti-
cal elements of words vary with
their pronunciation both by the
-same and different individuals.
The tone of voice, dialect, dif-
ferent physiological production of
esent word sounds, the emphasis given
to diffelrent parts of the word, and.
the voice frequency itself-all can
change the acoustical parameters
of the input wave and make it dif-
ficult if not impossible for the
computer to make a "recognition."
Peterson suggests the possibility
of the storage of a large range of
possible values of the parameters
for the same word might help
solve this problem. He also feels
that by limiting the scope of the
computer input recognition might
be easier.
Inverse Proposition
As vocabulary is decreased, dia-
lectal range may be increased, he
Other aspects still to be consid-
ered are context, tone as it effects
context, synonyms and antonyms

TOMOJI YANAGITA of the pharmacology department of the Medical School is shown working with
the models of excitable heart cells. They were designed by -Prof. Henry H. Swain of the Medical
School in order to study fibrillation. The graph in the background shows the distribution of re-
sponse of all five units to a series of stimuli delivered during the relative refractory period. When
sufficient delay of conduction through the units accumulates the fifth unit is able to restimulate the
first unit. This establishes the fibrillation rhythm.

plies instructions of what to do to
electronic circuits 'which synthe-
size the wave into speech and play
it over a loud speaker," he con-
"We have worked out quite a bit
of a general description of English
through our work as well as a
fairly general theory of phonemics
which applies to all languages,"
Peterson explains.

the structure of a language is,
and to be able to describe a spok-
en language.
There are still problems of word
order, and punctuation to consider
in the recognition of speech. As'
yet there is not even an agreed
upon linguistic definition of a
word, Peterson says.
Communication among heart
cells as well as among people is a
f o c u s of the communication
sciences department.
Communication Breakdown
Prof. Henry H. Swain of the
Medical School is researching a
theory that explains fibrillation-
random action of the heart cells-
as a breakdown of heart cell com-
munication. "Heart cells have no
insulation," he explains.

This is another aspect of


as they effect recognition, and search which is essential to the
new words which are constantly productioh of a general automatic
being generated in any language. speech recognizer which Peterson
"The converse of the speech says "we are a long way from be-
recognition problem," Peterson ing able to produce.
says, "is to get a computer to Prerequisite
speak to us." It is almost a prerequisite to
Supplied Description understand what the units of a
"In this case the computer sup-Ilanguage are, to understand what



Lnge to
lARCH 30, 1965

"Stimulate the heart at any
point and its cells will all respond
at the same time. Simultaneous
firing allows the cells to enter 6
refractory period, when they can
not fire, at the same time. In this
way a constant rhythmic pulsation
is maintained.
Heart Control ,
This simultaneous communica-
tion enables a group of "pace-
maker" cells, which fire faster
than most of the heart cells, to
control the heart, Swain explains.
"Fibrillation is a breakdown oY
this communication. The heart
beat starts out normally, but
something happens and the or;
derly sequence - fire, refractory,
fire-is replaced by randpm activ-
ity. Some cells fire while others
remain in their refractory period.
The result is a continuous, dis-
organized firing of the cells," he
In order to study this phenome-
non, which Swain terms "circus
rhythm," he has used an electron-
ic model of five excitable cells.
No Interferring Properties
"The reason for making the
model," Swain says, "is that it can
be constructed to follow any be-
havioral pattern and has no inter-
fering properties itself. This is ar
advantage because, in biological
systems, things are occurring si-
multaneously, and it is very easy
to assume a causal relationship
among them."
Swain has found that he can
duplicate the regular rhythmic
firing of the cells as well as thie
"circus rhythm" characteristic of
fibrillation. Performance of the
model suggests that thet length of
time a cell takes to conduct stim-
uli to the next cell may be related
to fibrillation, which is self}
"In the model, this self-perpet-

4:15 P.M. WO

A %) itii'l V


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