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January 13, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-13

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Rurc wmn
On Docks Republicans Face Showdown
WASHINGTON (P)-House Re- Frelinghuysen 48 is from New i feated Charles A Ra-llpe

111 , 7 I *0-1

!k rif Ti.


publicans cleared the ground yes- Jersey with an Ivy League back-,
terday for another painful all- ground who inherited the politi-
'in-the-family squabble-a fight cal bug from distinguished fore-
that involves the prestige of their bears. He has a reputation in the
new leader, Rep. Gerald Ford of House as a scrappy, argumenta-
Michigan. tive adversary against Democr,;tic
Ford yesterday endorsed Rep. labor and education legislation.
Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen of New

of I

That Man From Ohio

If political scientists were prone
to single-factor analysis, Ray
Bliss, newly designated national
chairman of the Republican Party
would be the element to choose
in explaining the phenomenal
success Republicans have enjoyed
in Ohio since 1948.
Republican leaders now hope for
similar results at the national
level. '
Unlike Dean Burch, the man
Bliss will replace this spring, the
Ohio state Republican chairman is
neither ideologically oriented nor
a beginner in politics. Bliss served
his . apprenticeship as Summit
County (Akron) chair'man before
assuming the state position in the
organization of the late Senator
Robert Taft. During the last six-
teen years Bliss has molded the
Ohio party into a model political
organization, losing only two elec-
Bliss is basically a technician
Who carries out the policies set
by others. As a professional he
does not stoop to the ideological
level except when intervention is
necessary to prevent defeat. Exem-
plifying this is the advice he
offered Republican office-seekers
during the 1958 elections. That
was the year that businessmen
and amateur politicians succeeded
in placing the right-to-work issue
on the Ohio ballot.
Bliss Analysis Correct
Bliss determined that identifi-
cation with the issue would spell
defeat for Republican candidates
and advised all to steer clear of
the referendum. His advice was
not followed, but his prediction
was borne out. The Republicans
suffered their first defeat under
his reign.
The GOP comeback was quick.
In 1960, Nixon scored a 300,000-
vote upset victory over Kennedy.
In 1962, all Republicans running
for state-wide office swept into
office on a 500,000-vote victory
wave except the candidate who
lost to incumbent Sen. Frank
Lausche (D-Ohio). Both times
Republicans carried most of the
large cities in Ohio.
Turns Offer Down
After the 1962 landslide, the
national news magazines took note
of Bliss. One prominent magazine
even asked permission to do a
cover story. Bliss turned down the
Herein lies one of the prime
reasons that Bliss is considered
acceptable to all wings of the
party. He avoids public exposure,
leaving relations with the public

Party Split
Is Avoided
Former Chairman1
Belatedly Resigns
PHOENIX O)--Dean Burch will
resign as Republican national
chairman April 1 and Ohio GOP
chairman Ray C. Bliss has agreed
to take over the job with the
blessing of Barry Goldwater.
In an effort to avoid a party-!
splitting fight, this was announc-I

60,000 East- and Gulf-coast long-
shoremen threatened yesterday to
spread to other waterfront unions,
even as organized labor backed a
once-rejected peace pact as a
means of halting the costly walk-
The federal government hinted,
meanwhile, that a long and costly
tieup could bring compulsory ar-
bitration to the shipping industry.
Liners Marooned
The United States line canceled
a scheduled sailing tomorrow to
Europe of its flagship, the United
States, stranding 800 passengers in
New York. The move was prompt-
ed, the announcement said, by
indications that union crewmen
aboard the vessel would refuse to
cross picket lines of the striking
AFL - CIO International Long-
shoremen's Association.
'ro niar Cate orm th

ed yesterday at a conference "t - ne oecame tie
teded byd Golwater, he prs first of the big luxury liners to be
1964 Presidential nominee, Burch marooned in the two-day strike
Bliss and William E. Miller, Gold- that has tied t some sTheis
water's running mate. of the longshoremen's strike to
Burch said he will submit his the nation's economy was estimat-
resignation at a meeting of the ed at more than $20 million a day.
Republican National Committee in Later, the Moore-McCormack
Chicago Jan. 22-23 and added line cancelled today's sailing of
that unity cannot be achieved by the liner Argentina on an eight-
forcing a vote over his chairman- day Caribbean cruise. A spokes-
ship in Chicago. man said the strike prevented pro-
Bliss, 57, a veteran Ohio State visions from being put aboard.
GOP chairman, said he has con- The longshore union has order-
sented to become chairman if the ed a new vote on a proposed dock
national committee wants him. contract, which New York long-
Change of Plans shoremen rejected last Friday by

ACCOMPANIED BY RAY BLISS, (from left to right) William
Miller and Barry Goldwater, Dean Burch announced that he will
submit his resignation as Republican national chairman at the
National Committee meeting in Chicago. The resignation climaxes
the power struggle within the GOP.

to "the glory boys," the elected
officials. Bliss will not, compete
with would-be party spokesman
for national exposure.
Another of Bliss' appeals politi-
cians stress is his proven role in
coordinating and unifying Repub-
licans' of different ideological
stripe. Ohio contains such lib-
erals as Rep. Charles A. Mosher
and conservatives as Rep. John
Askbrook. Bliss has managed to
forge such elements into a win-
ning team.
Had anyone but Goldwater been
nominated, Bliss might be na-
tional chairman already. Inform-
ed sources said that both Gover-
nors William Scranton and Nelson
Rockefeller would have chosen
him to lead their campaigns if
they had been nominated.
Bliss Neutral
But Bliss did not endear him-
self to the Goldwater forces prior
to the convention. Through his
efforts, Bliss kept the Goldwater
backers from entering the sena-
tor's name in Ohio's presidential
primary. Many have speculated
that Goldwater might have won a
smashing victory in Senator
Robert Taft's old electoral base.
Even so, Goldwater received all of
Ohio's votes on the first ballot.

That this represented going
along with an irreversable tide
rather than a strong commitment
was demonstrated by the replace-
ment of Clarence Brown, a known
Goldwater supporter, by Bliss as
national committeeman, thus giv-
ing him two votes on the national
committee (one as state chairman
and one as committeeman).
Viet Entrance
Of Korea Hit
TOKYO (MP-Communist China
reacted angrily yesterday to South
Korea's decision to send 2000 non-
combat troops to South Viet Nam
to aid in the war against the
Communist guerillas.
Peking called the Korean deci-
sion "an exceedingly grave move"
and said it had a duty to defend
peace in the area.
Meanwhile, in Saigon, a U.S.
Army light plane was shot down
near the Cambodian border and a
U.S. Air Force plane crashed in
the same area. North of Saigon,
sporadic fighting broke out be-
tween Vietnamese units and the
Viet Cong.

Burch had insisted last Monday
that he wasn't about to leave his
post saying, "I plan to go to
Chicago as chairman of the Re-
publican National Committee and
return to Washington as chair-
man of the Republican National,
Burch began his rapid climb in
Republican politics as a key aid
to Goldwater and it was, he argu-
ed, as a symbol of the conserva-
tive Arizonan that he faced the'
storm of opposition which led yes-
terday to his resignation.
With Goldwater, who chose him
for the post, standing by, Burch
stepped out to avert a showdown
vote when the national committee
"Even if I won under those
circumstances, neither I nor those
who opposed my chairmansh"p
would be comfortable, and my ef-
fectiveness would be impaired,"
he said.
Building Opposition
The opposition had been build-3
ing ever since Goldwater' land-
slide loss to President Johnison
in the Nov. 3 election.
Goldwater wrote the national
committee members Dec. 26 that
the ouster of Burch "would be a
capitulation on the part of those
Republicans who have supported
me and the principles for which
I stood." Goldwater said it would
be "a repudiation of me."
Along similar lines, Burch wrote
on Dec. 31 "my resignation under
pressure at this time would clearly
be interpreted as a full repudia-
tion by the Republican party of
all those voters who identified
themselves with responsible con-
carvatia Ronhlirnc 11i o a

about 900 votes. No date for the
re-balloting was set. The proposed
pact had been expected to set a
pattern for local agreements in 40
other East and Gulf coast ports.
Fear of loss of jobs through
automation apparently lay behind
last week's repudiation of the con-
tract. Union President Thomas
Gleason summoned delegates from
all locals along the 520 miles of
New York piers to "set the rec-
ord straight."
They were expected to return
to their rank-and-file with the as-
surance from Gleason that "no
man will lose his employment."'
Federal pressure to halt the
strike also was evident, although
President Lyndon B. Johnson
withheld any direct intervention,
except by means of the Labor De-
p Compulsory Arbitration
Asst. Labor Secretary James J.
Reynolds, close to the longshore-
men's deadlock for many weeks,
was understood to have raised the
specter of compulsory arbitration
if the dock tieup persisted. He
is said to have reported some con-
gressional sentiment for such leg-
In its second day, the strike
had not yet affected the general
public to any wide extent. How-
ever, the longer it continued, the
more relentlessly its economic tid-
al wave was expected to roll in-
land. A 34-day walkout in 1962-
63 cost the nation's economy an
estimated $1 billion.
The proposed contract, spurned
last week by New York dockers,
was called by ILA leaders "the
best contract in the 72-year his-

Jersey as his personal choice for
his second-in-command, or House
But the old whip, Rep. Leslie C.
Arends of Illinois, is fighting to
keep the job he has held ;or mere
than 21 years under two previous
Republican House leaders.
Party Vote
The issue will be decided to-
morrow morning at a party con-
ference by secret ballot.
Arends, 69, a politician of the
old school, is banking on a large
fund of personal friendship and
respect he has built up among
his Republican colleagues over the
years. He is not the type to step
on toes and make enemies.
GOP Convert
Is Facing Loss
Of Seniority,
WASHINGTON (P)-Indications
grew yesterday that Sen. Strom
Thurmond (R-SC) will not be
given exactly the committee as-
signments or seniority he is seek-
ing as a new Republican.
The problem was discussed at
sessions ofbthe conference of all
GOP senators and of the commit-
tee on committees which handles
legislative committee assignments
for Republicans.
Thurmond switched from the
Democratic to the Republican
party during the presidential cam-
paign last year.
No final decision was taken by
the committee on committees, but
several sources said it appears
likely that:
-Thurmond will be left on only
one of the two choice committees
on which he served as a Democrat
-armed services and commerce.
He had asked to stay on both.
-The South Carolinian will not
be given the seniority he sought.
He had asked that he be given
credit on the Republican side for
his years of service on the com-
mittees as a Democrat.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY), a
member of the committee on com-
mittees, said he felt the group
was pretty well agreed that such
a transfer of seniority rating from
one party to another would not be
Tues. & Wed. 9 p.m.-1 :45
215 S. Ashley

Outcome a Tossup
Republican sources most closely
involved in the battle between
Frelinghuysen and Arends rated
the outcome as a tossup, as of
Ford's public endorsement of
Frelinghuysen lays his own newly
won position and prestige on the
If Frelinghuysen is defeated, it
would be a stinging setback for
the new leader, who narrowly de-

ia,-' L11al1 l 4. ,,alluc& nU - 11
diana for the job just last weuk.
That vote wag 73 to 67. For this
reason alone, it is felt that Ford
will bend every possible effort
toward seeing that his man wins.
At the same time, Ford pledged
to Arends his secret ballot chance
to keep the job. Arends, who said
"anything can happen in a secret
ballot," in turn has pledged full
loyalty to Ford if he should win.
Arends has been whip since
June 1943, serving under Ford's
two predecessors, Joseph A. Martin
of Massachusetts and Halleck.
The whip, besides helping form-
ulate party policy, rounds up party
members for important votes and
sees to it they are on the House
floor at the right time.

THE POWER STRUGGLE between Rep. Leslie C. Arends (R-Ill)
and Peter H. B. Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), right, for the position
of House of Rtpresentatives whip will test the prestige of the
new Republican minority leader, Rep. Gerald Ford of Michi-
gan, left, who has endorsed Frelinghuysen.


Deputy Director,
the U. of M.'s 1964 Summer Series on
"The American Negro in Transition"
1963 March on Washington; Leader
in CORE and FOR; participant in
(Bayard Rustin is the first in the spring

U.S. Vetoes UN Arrears Plan


series of University'
by the Office of

Lectures sponsored
Religious Affairs.)



By The Associated Press
States has rejected a key part
of an Asian-African plan being
advanced by Secretary General U
Thant as a basis for resolving the
U.N. deadlock over peacekeeping
assessments, U.S. sources disclosed
Thant persisted in his efforts,
but chances dimmed for avoiding
a confrontation on the issue
when -the General Assembly re-
convenes next Monday after a
New Year's recess.
U.S. sources said the United
States accepted the provision in
the plan calling for voluntary
financial contributions to restore
the solvency of the United Na-
tions, but opposed another provi-
sion which would set aside the
U.N. charter's no-vote penalty for
nonpayment of assessments.
JAKARTA, Indonesia - A for-
eign office spokesman charged
yesterday that Britain is prepar-
ing to attack Indonesia by creat-
ing "another Suez incident" in
this part of the world.
In a statement, spokesman
Ganis Harsono said the British
military buildup in neighboring
Malaysia "is unprecedented in
peace timhe."
Harsono said Britain used
Egypt's seizure of the Suez Canal
as a pretext to attack the Egyp-
tians in 1956 and such an action
"will be repeated by Britain by
using the Malaysia dispute as an
great cloud of dust and a fireball
bright as the sun blossomed brief-
ly on the desert yesterday as
scientists deliberately exploded a
nuclear rocket engine to see what
I 1I

'might happen in a launching ac- European unity. servanve puucanism. .tie aiu tory othe union."
cident. Erhard will meet with De Gaulle it would cost the GOP the finan- In the face of increasing mech-
The spectacular blast came as Jan. 19 and 20. In his first major cial support and votes of millions. anization of the docks, the union
scientists ran a Kiwi reactor up speech inside divided Berlin since Until he capitulated yesterday, agreed to a reduction of the pres-
to full power. he took over as chancellor of the Goldwater had insisted Burch had ent 20-men work gangs to 17 men
*x * Bonn government in 1963, Erhard a four-year contract to run the during the four year life of the
BERLIN-West German Chan- said he is confident that differ- national committee. proposed contract.
cellor Ludwig Erhard indicated a ences that now exist can be work- " -____'
willingness yesterday to compro- ed out. Erhard added he is willing
mise with French President Char- "to go the limit" in his Paris talks
les De Gaulle on the extent of with De Gaulle.
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