Sea enty-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED Y STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Michigan MAD Humanistic Engineering By Robert Johnston BLUE RIBBON ISSUES: Board of Education: Power Through Prestige Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIi. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, 28 MARCH 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Federal Law Can and Must Curb the Ku Klux Klan TAE ARREST of four Ku Klux Klans- men for the senseless murder of Mrs. Viola Liuzzo has focused national atten- tion once again on the atmosphere of terror which surrounds the Southern Ne- gro in his quest for equality. In response to public outrage, Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson has promised to offer legislation to bring the Klan "under the effective control of law" through federal agencies and suggested a congres- sional investigation of the "hooded so- ciety of bigots." Meanwhile, Alabama's Attorney General Richmond Flowers has said that he is confident that murder charges would be sought in the slaying. Yet the real effect of the proposed legislation against Klan membership is disputed. Some critics claim that legisla- tion, although pandering to the disturbed conscience of a nation, will have no real effect on the Klan because the Klan will continue to operate underground. History has, however, proved these critics wrong in the past. If the President's pro- posed bill gets through Congress with some teeth remaining, it will be able to cut off the surging growth of the Klan's membership and power. HISTORICALLY, the strength of the Klan is cyclic. It reaches its apex in reaction to federal attempts to broadly impose a new order on the restricted Southern political and social system - such as the civil rights bill or the 1954 Supreme Court decision. It reaches its nadir when federal action is taken to. specifically curb it. The seeming conflict between federal action as the cause of the strength of the Klan and such action as Its chief enemy is resolved by the realization that broad social and political reform is mean- ingless if the Klan is openly condoned and supported by the local authorities which are responsible for enforcing the broad changes. Specific legislation re- stricting the Klan, however, can bypass reluctant local figures and do its work unhindered through federal agencies. The Klan was originally formed dur- ing the Reconstruction period as a re- action to the policies of the carpetbag legislatures. Soon, however, the Klan evolved Into a terrorist organization dedicated to re- turning the newly-freed Negro to pre- Civil War status. At its peak in 1870, the Klan had a membership of over 500,- 000. IN REACTION to the violence of the group Congress passed in 1871 the Ku Klux Klan Act, which resulted in 1,250 federal convictions. Part of the Klan went underground, but the great major- ity of the members was no longer will- ing to take the risk of being punished under the federal law, and the Klan's power declined to practically nil. The Klan experienced a revival in the early 1900's and by 1924 was able to march 40,000 strong down Washington's Penn- sylvania Avenue. Although partially set back in the 1920's by attacks by the press and politicians, the Klan retained some strength until World War II disrupted its activities. In the 1950's the Klan rose once again in reaction to the Supreme Court's deci- sion in the Brown School desegregation case. However, membership was estimat- ed at only about 25,000. Now, however, the Klan membership is soaring because of the Civil Rights Act and the recent Negro civil rights demonstrations. The New York Times estimates that there are currently 35,000 Klansmen and 20,- 000 active sympathizers. The Klan is not operating under- ground now; its activities are in the open. "There are over 42 gun clubs in Alabama which are fronts for Klan activities," ac- cording to a report on the Klan by the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League. ALABAMA CHARTERS the largest Klan group, the United Klan, and its head, Robert M. Shelton, Jr., claims that the Klan's support of Gov. George Wallace is the prime factor behind Wallace's poli- tical success. Regardless of the precise accuracy of this claim, it is quite obvious that local politicians cannot afford to alienate the powerful Klan. Its members permeate the Southern political system, as is evi- denced by a Federal Bureau of Investi- gation report on Mississippi's law enforce- ment agencies which pressured Gov. Paul B. Johnson to dismiss some officers. The Klan's trail of violence is clear, yet the state governments of the South refuse to act from fear of reprisals from their constituents. For example, the FBI believes Klansmen were involved in the murder of Washington educator Lemuel Penn, the bombings of Negro churches in, Birmingham, and the murder of three civil rights workers last year. Granted, federal legislation would drive some of the fanatic fringe of the Klan underground. But many potential members would be discouraged, as has been shown in the past. This is better than in effect encouraging membership for all men who are opposed to the civil rights movement by threatening them with no consequential legal sanction for joining the Klan. THE FEDERAL government must fill the void filled by the state legislatures. The terrorism of the Klan prevents any true adaptation of civil rights laws, and unless the movement is curbed, the hood- ed Klansmen will once again dominate a South paralyzed by fear. -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN THE ENGINEERING college held its annual convocation last Thursday and, even as the self- congratulatory, honorific' fiunction it was meant to be, it was pretty depressing. The speaker's topc, "Engineer Management." turned out to be a series of suggestions .of how the fledgling engineer should admin- ister some of the duller details of his life and job. He spoke to a hall empty except for robed dig- nitaries, recipients 6f awards, their parents and very few- others. The convocation was a, shatter- ing example of specialization and self-centeredness gone to extremes. The engineering college produces engineers of the highest caliber. but it has become so absorbed in this function that it trains its students as machines instead of men. As long ago as 1944 the Ham- mond Committee, a national group studying engineering education, recommended that a minimum of 20 per cent of the undergraduate student's time be spent in hu- manistic-social science study. The objectives of this non-engineering work, as the committee listed them, are at least as important now as they were then. THEY INCLUDED: -"Understanding of the evolu- tion of the social organization within which we live and of the influence of science and engineer- ing on its development; -"Ability to recognize and to make a critical analysis of a prob- lem involving social and economic elements, to arrive at an intel i- gent opinion about it, and to read with discrimination and purpose towards these ends; and -"Development of moral, ethi- cal and social concepts essential to a satisfying personal philosophy, to a career consistent with the public welfare and to a sound pro- fessional attitude." Yet today, 20 years later, the University's engineering college offers no organized program in humanities-social sciences study. Course requirements in these fields are set up by the individual de- partments and range from 5-15 per cent of the 140 credit hours required for graduation. At California Institute of Teen- nology the student is required to spend a phenomenal 42 per cent of his time ((99 units out of 234 required for graduation) in hu- manities and social science studies. Eighteen units of English litera- ture, 24 units of advanced litera- ture {'advanced study of major literary works in various forms" . 18 units of-history, 12 of economics and 27 chosen from economics, English, history, languages, phi- losophy and psychology are man- datory. MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology has for many years set the pace in producing gradu- ates trained to deal with any prob- lem that might confront them as engineering and science-oriented professionals working in a complex and highly interdependent world. MIT no longer cotsiders itself a technological institution but a "university of limited objectives." A minimum of 20 per cent of the students' time must be spent in social sciences and humanities courses. The first-year student there takes what might be called a humanities survey course, an "in- troduction to history, literature and philosophy through intensive reading and discussion of impor- tant works from classical, medieval. and early modern periods." The second-year student may work on either "Modern Western Ideas and Values" or "The Mod- ern World and Social Science." Courses for the third and fourth years are drawn from a wide variety of offerings of a more spe'alized nature, with three of the four required courses to be taken in one field. The literary college might take heed of this example of how a ra- tional, integrated program of hu- manistic-social science studies can be put together for undergradu- ates. THE engineering college faculty has thus far been unable (which is to say unwilling) to let its stu- dents stray very far from the engineering fold. It has grudgingly Abuilt into the curriculum some English requirements as well as engineering oriented training in economics. The rest is catch-as- catch-can. The English program is strongly geared, unfortunately, to teaching students how to write and speak, something for which college stu- dents shouldn't even get credit since these skills should have been learned in hWgh school. I AS CHANGE and develop everywhere accelerate and as cial ties proliferate, it is beco an increasingly useless and1 less task for as outstandin engineering schools as the versity's to continue to trai tudent not for dealing wit] ciety as engineers but for a ing engineering techniques. The student versed in acqt skills, knowledge and inform when and where they are ne well able to deal with social, tical and economic comple (as opposed to engineering+ will be of more value both to self and to his society th technician who has spent his learning a specialty. The engineering school! uate should be an engineer, civil, chemical, electrical or chanical engineer. He mu broad-minded, well-read, pe tive and steeped in the rigo good engineering and tem with an appreciation of the science from which engine proceeds and of the society which he must deal. With the whole resources a University at its doorstep, th gineering college can easily to the front rank in impleme significantenew approaches t dergraduate engineering et tion. RELATED aspect of engi ing at the University that some serious attention is th sition the Willow Run: engi. ing-oriented laboratories ai occupy. The choice is betwe education and an industria search type of role. Whichever role is chosen new, yet-unchosen director s be able to implement it with vigor and forefight than the vious one displayed. * * * A SUDDENLY-AMBITIOUS ment of the University's gated faculty has taken it itself to get U.S. policy in Nam re-examined and po overhauled. It is a truly a able effort, but as an underg ate constantly subjected to lectures, terrible counseling,, century non-curriculum and trained instructors, I would a plea that, while some fa struggle with U.S. foreign p they not forget their respon: ties on the home front. ament spe- )ming hope- ig as Uni- in its h so- pply- uiring ration eeded, poli- xities ones) him-Q an a time grad- not a me- st be rcep- )rs of pered pure Bering with )f the .e en- move nting ,o un- duca- neer- needs e po- EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last- in a series of articles on the issues discussed in the ret~ort of Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee on Higher Education. By JOHN MEREDITH THE REPORT of the "blue rib- bon" Citizens' Committee on Higher Education envisions a State Board of Education whose decisions, simply through prestige, would be the major consideration in formulation of educational pol- icy on the state level. It urges the board to develop the potential for strength inher- ent in its vague assignment to "plan and coordinate" state edu- cation in Michigan. Yet, it keeps the definition of the board's du- ties in the nebulous terms of the state constitution-on issues con- cerning institutions offering bac- calaureate degree programs, the board retains its purely advisory function. The board, in short, must earn the prestige that can make it a truly influential body in dealings with state universities; but para- doxically, if the board follows the course of action necessary to make its advice an asset to the state, it is more apt to become univer- sally unpopular than generally re- spected. For coordination, while un- doubtedly necessary and poten- tially invaluable, can also destroy the essence of higher ducation if it caters to the wishes. of the gen- eral public, the Legislature or the vested interests of various state universities. ANN ARBOR CIVIL RIGHTS: Needed: Good Council Member ineer- re to A DEGREE of coordination is en an necessitated by cost efficiency. The d re- state of Michigan, like the typi- cal Ann Arbor student, is perpet- , the ually short of cash; it cannot af- hould ford the luxury of programs un- more necessarily duplicated at several pre- state supported schools. There must be some group that can give overall directions to the 3 seg- rapid development of additional varie- educational facilities that will be upon needed in Michigan during the Viet next decade. ssibly The blue ribbon report briefly dmir- discusses four alternative ways of radu- coordinating such expansion of large higher education: determination 19th of each institution's role by leg- un- islative assignment, planning by enter a state board with authority to aculty make binding decisions, coordi- olicy, nation among state schools on a sibili- voluntary basis, and direction pro- vided by an advisory board as outlined above. THE FIRST TWO possibilities are unconstitutional in Michigan. Yet they cannot be dismissed on this basis, since the committee 5 could easily have recommended a constitutional amendment elimi - nating the present requirement t the that each state institution have an This autonomous governing body. tempt While the report d6es not elab- f the orate on the first possibility-di- eeling rect legislative determination - ioral- this alternative can and should be rejected both as impractical and undesirable. It is impractical be- An cause legislators have neither the Ala- time nor often the interest to give Ala- higher education the attention Mrs. needed to develop coordination on ion in a statewide level; it is undesir- ha n able because the average legisla- r pro- tor's background isn't apt to give pro- him a keen appreciation of what ever, An higher education in Michigan e and should be. the The committee dismisses its sec- izens. and idea-creating a state board e the with arbitrary, binding authority, n Ar-- -for the stated reason that sim- and ilar arrangements in comparable Mayor situations have not worked well il the in other states. MOST INTRIGUING is the fact that the authority of the pres- tigious board apparently envis- ioned by the report would, in practice, approach that of a board with a much broader legal defini- tion of its power. The committee seems to be asking for a board with informal powers almost tan- tamount to the official authority it refuses to sanction. One can speculate that the com- mittee would indeed like to have education firmly directed by a board at the top, but hesitates to advocate such comprehensive power to a system as yet un- proved. In other words, the group may fear that the untried state board might not exercise its au- thority wisely. TO PLAN WELL Michigan's ed- ucation, the board must determine the educational needs of the state, and these do not correspond to popular conceptions, The needs of the state are not solely to find a slot for every "qualified Michi- gan student." Many critics argue that the guidance essential to providing a curriculum that will preserve the university as a center of creativ- ity and intellectual development can come only from the intellec- tual community. From this prem- ise, it is often argued that coordi- nation by a board independent from the centers of learning will destroy the university in its ideal form. Autonomy with voluntary coordination, some educators con- tend, is the only answer. YET, MEMBERS of the intel- lectual community are no more free of vested interest than poli- ticians- institutional prestige and pet projects of private donors be- come inextricably mingled with the ideas in which the dynamic qual- ities of the university are rooted. On this issue, voluntary coordi- nation-the third alternative re- jected by the committee - fre- quently, if not invariably, breaks down. Thus, there is a clear need for coordination of higher education by an organization separate from individual state schools-a body free from political and institu- tional prejudices alike. The ques- tion is whether the state board suggested in the blue-ribbon re- port can fill this role. the state board, at present, has nothing vaguely resembling an adequate advisory staff. More- over, its eight members are all trying to carry on regular jobs in addition to their work on the board. One wonders whether even the most dedicated men could dis- charge their responsibility under such circumstances. * * * HOWEVER, if, as the "blue rib- bon" committee apparently hopes, the state board develops into an informed, objective group respon- sive to ideas emanating from the entellectual community without be- coming involved with institutional prejudices, one wonders if it could function effectively with only ad- visory powers. For, by diverging from the "numbers game" concept of the university higher education - a concept incompatible with the preservation of the university in its traditional form - it would alienate many in the political and public sectors of the community; and, by striking down the cost- ly, superfluous pet projects of in- dividual institutions, it would cre- ate enemies in among educators. BY DOING ITS JOB, it would lose support, the basis of its po- tential prestige; and only through prestige could it give proper direc- tion to higher education in Mich- igan I I' Selma's Lawsuit: An Outrage jHAT FRIGHTFUL GALL, what as- tounding nerve it must take for the City of Selma to sue Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other civil rights leaders for $100,000 to pay policemen who worked overtime "trying to control demonstra- tions!" To say such an action is adding insult to injury is to realize the stark limitations of commonly-used expres- sions. For "injury" is a pathetically feeble understatement to use in reference to the vicious clubbing and gassing Selma Sher- iff James Clark and his posse have ad- ministered to scores of demonstrators in the name of "police action." THE INSULT involved is also painfully obvious. By no stretch of the imagi- nation can it be claimed the policemen of Selma acted in any way as an agency of protection or reasonable control where the civil rights protestors were concern- ed. In the first place, many? of Sheriff Clark's posse are Ku Klux Klan members, Acting Editorial Staff a group not noted for racial tolerance; and, many others of Selma's Finest were conservation officers or other officials apparently sworn in and handed billy clubs in one swift movement. Together they formed a brutally efficient obstacle to any semblance of police justice in Selma. Furthermore, the attitude of the citi- zens of Selma, condoned or aided out-. right by the duly-appointed police force, forced the situation so far out of con- trol that even a police force geared to- wards true justice would have proved in- adequate. The good townfolk of Selma harassed, threatened, assaulted and even murdered until the outside world final- ly began to take a more concerted inter- est in the issues at stake. But by'then it was too late for some: the crumpled form of Rev. James Reeb was mute testi- mony to the quality of protection and control afforded the demonstrators by the Selma police. NO MATTER what the officials in Sel- ma may say, they cannot obscure the fact that American citizens fighting for their constitutional rights in Selma were brutally treated, not only by the citizens but by the officers supposedly sworn to Second in a Two-Part Series By JULIE W. FITZGERALD A NN ARBOR City Council's party-line votes have severely delayed, if not curtailed, local civil rights progress for the past several months. Though the city is presently in- volved in a legal tie-up as it ap- peals Municipal Court Judge Francis O'Brien's ruling that the ordinance is unconstitutional on "procedural grounds," the coun- cil's six-vote Republican majority has both delayed and prevented civil rights progress in the mean- time. ALL CIVIL RIGHTS action since last May has been presented to council by the Democrats. At that time, First Ward Democratic Councilwoman Mrs. Eunice Burns offered the first proposal to amend the Fair Housing Ordinance, which had been passed in the fall of 1963. The ordinance is still subject to amendment, since the city's appeal of the Municipal Court ruling effectively stalls the effect of that ruling. The law prohibits racial dis- crimination in buildings with five or more separate dwelling units. Mrs. Burns' amendment would have extended the ordinance's cov- erage to commercial space and the rental of rooms. Council voted to refer the amendment to a working session after the Republicans defeated the possibility of a first reading on the amendment the following week. The amendment regarding com- mercial space and rooming houses 'was brought up again in July but was voted down by a five-to-three vote. All five Democratic members voted for it, but because they did not have the, six-vote majority needed to pass the ordinances, the amendment was defeated. Mrs. Burns then moved the amendment be reconsidered after the court case involving the or- dinance was completed, but this motion lost by the same vote. UNDAUNTED, Mrs. Burns re- turned in November with three amendments: to extend the cover- age of the ordinance to rooming houses, to prohibit discriminatory practices by real estate agents In February, chairman of the HRC Paul Wagner reported the commission's recommendations on the amendments to council. Council exploded into party fac- tions. The Republicans supported full housing coverage-but only on a state-wide basis. They prom- ised to vote down the amendments because the "constitutionality of the ordinance had not been de- termined." The Democrats replied that. further discussion was use- less unless the GOP position changed. The amendments were defeated, however, on the first reading the next week. REASONS BEHIND the party- line split and resulting civil rights snag are varied and have been from the beginning of the amend- ments controversy. But one im- portant difference has been that the Democrats have been pushing specific local coverage while the Republicans seem to think a gen- eral statement sufficies to protect the rights of the city's Negroes. A recent fly in the civil rights ointment, consideration of the "Hulcher" amendment, illustrates this difference. In January, Wen- dell Hulcher, Republican candidate for mayor and former city coun- cilman, wrote a letter to city council asking they meet with the State Civil Rights Commission to consider the possibility of incor- porating the state's civil rights article in the city's ordinance. This article very broadly pro- hibits discrimination. Its inclusion in the local law would give the Re- publicans added leverage in their fight for broad state-:wide protec- tion, but the Democrats oppose the amendment precisely because it does not give the needed specific coverage to the Ann Arbor Negro. THE REPUBLICANS have used the Hulcher amendment as a lever against the Democrats, supporting it both- as "needed civil rights action" and because it is in ac- cordance with state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley's opinion that the state should have sole jurisdiction in civil rights matters. Hulcher, who proposed the original Fair Housing Ordinance in September, 1963, says his amendmnent would give the comn- the Democrats will never ge specific coverage they ask. is unfortunate, for their att reflects an understanding o civil rights problem and fe for the equality the Negroes m ly and now legally deserve. After the recent march in Arbor to protest the brutality to local demonstrators in bama, mayoral candidate Burns contended discriminati Ann Arbor is more subtle ths the South, and so it is as to combat. Also, the need for tection is not so obvious. Hov the psychological brutality it Arbor needs quick, effective specific action to combat wrongs suffered by local cit It is interesting to note march was sponsored by An bor civil rights groups churches-and led by i Creal, who didn't decide unt last minute whether or n could lead the march becau of a "previous commitment," Better that he had kep "previous commitment," fo participation manifests the pocrisy the Republican c members practice. Surely, they will reply the in favor of civil rights "broadly." But the Consti of the United States "bro guarantees equality. Why b with "specifics?" BOTHER because the "b coverage results in no prot at all. Negroes in Selma and) gomery.- are also "broadly" tected, but theycertainly hk been allowed their civil r Although the situation in Arbor is not as volatile< Alabama. the situation he certainly worthy of improve The Democrats participati Ann Arbor's march were act accordance with beliefs they been expressing for over a y council chambers. Obviously Republicans are willing to pathize" but are not willing t The Hulcher Amendment, K opinion and the State Civil F Commission are no solutioi Ann Arbor. Hopefully, in the April 5 tion Ann Arbor voters will gi Democrats the two seats they ot be use of t his r his hy- ouncil ay are -but tution sadly" other road" ection Mont- pro- aven't rights. Ann as in ere is ment. ng in ing in have ear in Y, the "sym - to act. elley's ights n for elec- ve the y need A SHOWMANSHIP Glee Club Concert: Spirited Nostalgia At Hill Auditorium THE MEN'S GLEE CLUB is one of the few performing groups on this campus that is able to maintain almost professional standards while infusing its performances with that enjoyably anachronistic "college spirit." This isn't to say that the Club does not have its musical limita- tions. A two hour program of only men's voices, some trained-others not, could easily challenge the features at local theatres for boring fare, if it were nt for the musicianship and showmanship of Director Philip Duey. First there's Duey's choice of program material and arrangements. It's obvious that he sees the Club as a group of entertainers, not a stagnant "institution." Such diverse material as Jacob Handl's "0 Magnum Mysterium" and Anton Jobim's "Girl from Ipanema" ap- peared on the program, giving the group a chance to demonstrate its versatility and freeing it from dull, musical traditionalism. The material with which Duey works, about 80 enthusiastic men, evinces two indispensable qualities, innate musicionship and stamina. Duey has sought out and features soloists who prove that the Club's components are of the finest potentiality. First, Norm Brody handled his well-trained baritone voice with dexterity, shifting effort- lessly from a lyric baliad into the comedy of a Beethoven novelty and a Gilbert and Sullivan parody. * * * I 4 i