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January 13, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-13

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Possible snow flurries
and turning clear

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Dems Take over

The first Democratic legislature
in Michigan since depression days
convenes in Lansing today with
citizens wondering just what ef-
fects the overwhelming Demo-
cratic majority will have on pos-
sible legislation and the operation
of the state.
The inexperience of the legisla-
ture-there are 72 freshman mem-
bers-also raises some questions as
to what programs will gain sup-
There have been indications,
however, that there is broad-based
support for such programs as im-
proved workmen's compensation,
tax relief for low-income citizens,
improved state aid to public
schools, and expanded mental
health programs at the local

An aide to Gov. George Romney
said yesterday that the forthcom-
ing session should be "really pro-
ductive," though he admits that
there will probably be some "par-
tisan struggles." Rep. Marvin Esch
(R-Ann Arbor) echoed this opin-
ion by noting that there is "an
element of the Democratic party
that will play political "cat and
mouse" with the governor over
some minor bills, although major
legislation probably won't be af-
fected by this."
Sen. Gilbert Bursley, (R-Ann
Arbor) said that there are several
areas of possible conflict for the
legislature. One of these is the
total amount of the budget, he
said, while others could be points
not covered in Romney's legisla-
tive program.
With the Democrats holding a
71-37 majority in the House and

a 23-14 advantage in the Senate,
there will be new leadership not
only in both houses but also in
all committees. The legislative
leadership has already been chos-
en, with Raymond Dzendzel (D-
Detroit) named Senate majority
leader and Joseph Kowalski (D-
Detroit) elected House speaker.
Robert Waldron (R - Grosse
Pointe) will become House minor-
ity leader and Emil Lockwood (R-
St. Louis) will lead the Senate
When the 1965 legislature is
sworn in at noon today, there will
be at least one member missing
from each chamber. Rep. Walter
Hyso (D-Hamtramck) and Sen.-
elect Paul Chandler (R-Livonia)
have died since the November elec-
tion. Their successors will be
chosen in special elections April
5. So far there have been no in-
dications whether or not Rep.
Daniel West (D-Detroit) will
make an attempt to take his seat.

West was charged in December
with impersonatingaddeceased
SYale Law school graduate, and
has been charged with voter
fraud and numerous federal and'
local income tax violations.
Speaker Kowlaski will ask that
West step aside while the oath is
being administered if he should
show up. Kowlaski will then ap-
, :":iv:>:point a five-man legislative com-
mittee to investigate West's right
to take his seat.
:. During the recess, House mem-
N. ...bers will recount the vote by
:: ::........ ==?which Rep. Carroll Newton (R-
Delton) defeated Democrat Claude
a~s Burton by six votes, and the Sen-
ate appropriations committee will
tour the Upper Peninsula, while
both the House and Senate cham-
MacoberDefends U.S. Aid

The faculty of the education
school yesterday voted to approve
a longer "reading period" before
final exams in accordance with a
Student Government Council re-
The action followea similar
recommendations made by the
faculties of the literary college
and the business administration
school. Other colleges at the Uni-
versity presently have the SGC
proposal under consideration.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns indicated
that if faculty sentiment generally
appears in favor of extending the
present one-day reading period, a
longer study break will probably
be included in next year's aca-
demic calendar. Heyns did not rule
Fixed for Blades?
No more bearded bus boys at
The Michigan State branch
in Rochester banned beards for
student center employes.j
Dean of Students Herbert
Stoutenberg issued the ban on
Dec. 14 and it covered all stu-
dent employes.
'But a protest led by bearded
philosophy departmentchair-
man James C. Haden resulted
in a revised directive and~ now
only students working at the
Oakland center need be beard-
So in the future only clean
shaven students need apply.
out the possibility that such a re-
vision could be made this semes-
ter, but felt that this would be
somewhat unlikely.
The education school approval
did not specifically stipulate the
number of days to be included in
the proposal study period.
In sanctioning the extension,
the faculty further requested that
the class schedule and exam calen-
dar be "subjected to periodic re-
view to consider the possibility of
de-emphasizing final exams as a
method of evaluating' student
achievement," Dean Willard C.
Olson of the education school com-
Heyns submitted the SGC re-
quest to the faculties of the var-
ious schools last December.
"The approval of the Regents is
necessary to effect a calendar
change," Heyns said. "If the facul-
ties report favorably, I will try to
work out any differences in their
recommendations and then convey
their sentiment to the Regents."
The suggestions made by the
literary college and businessad-
ministration school, both more
precise than the general approval
given by the education school,
differ on at least one point.
The literary college proposal
stipulates a four-day exam period
including two free class days at-
tached to a weekend; Saturday
classes would be cancelled. The
business school recommendation
calls for a three-day period run-
ning Sunday through Tuesday.
However, neither Dean Floyd+
Bond of the business administra-
tion school nor Dean William
Haber of the literary college have
anticipated difficulty in agreeing+
on a compromise plan.

~ eEducation Aid Pe
- $1.6 Billion



-Associated Press
President Lyndon B. Johnson welcomed Japan's Prime Minister, Eisaku Sato, yesterday and assured
him that the United States has "no higher goal than the achievement of lasting peace with free-
dom for all nations of the Pacific." The two chief s then moved into talks centering on U.S. policies
in the Far East and Red China's drive against American influence in the Pacific.
Proposal Praised, Criticized



Examining charges that the
United States foreign aid pro-
gram is "too expensive and too
exclusive a burden," William J.
Macomber, Jr., chief administra-
tor for the Agency for Interna-
tional Development's bureau for
the Near East and South Asia,
declared yesterday that its $3.3
billion budget is only 3.4 per
cent of government expenditures
-a downward trend.
Moreover, Macomber added, U.S.
allies contribute 40 per cent of
total "free world" expenditures. At
the same time he complained that
interest rates and maturities of
other contributing nations are oft-
en too high and too short.
r Ninety per cent of the current
U.S. program in Macomber's area
of the world is in loans which
must be repaid in U.S. dollars and
must be spent on U.S. products.
The loans are extended accord-
ing to tle country's ability to pay,'
the more wealthy the country the
shorter the term expected for re-
payment. Macomber emphasized
that to date all loans have been
or are being repaid.
Other Programs
The other 10 per cent of the
program consists of technical as-
sistance and unrestricted, suppor-
tive assistance. The latter pro-
gram, which supports Jordan and
Yemen, receives five per cent of
the AID Middle Eastern funds. As
Jordan approaches the goal of eco-
nomic self-sufficiency, the unre-
stricted grant program declines in
importance, Macomber, a.former
ambassador to Jordan, said..
The program of technical as-
sistance combats the shortage of
competent technical personnel who
can develop and execute the aid
projects. At present approximately
1400 U.S. technicians are abroad
while 1600 foreign students and
officials are in the U.S. studying
and observing "our economy, poli-
tical, educational and social sys-
SGC Takes Up
Old Proposals
Student Government Council
will meet tonight in a closed-door
"Committee of the Whole" session
designed to pave the way for fu-
ture action on the many proposals
and projects remaining from last
semester's sessions.
Ranging from proposals for the

In addition to loans, gifts and
technical assistance there are aux-
iliary programs. The surplus agri-
culture or Public Law 480 grants
and loans to American business-
men interested ii investment pos-
sibilities ineunderdeveloped areas.
Nine Less Countries
People often claim that once the
U.S. starts pouring money into a
country, the amounts never cease
and always increase, Macomber
said, adding by way of refuta-
tion that since 1963 U.S. commit-
ments worldwide have decreased
by nine countries and are expected
to be further reduced in the near

Several problems still exist con-j
cerning the attitude of recipient
countries and the administration
of the AID program itself, Ma-
comber said. Two problems he
mentioned included the difficulty
of evaluating a program's signifi-
cance and the determination of
where to apply aid vs. where to
let private industry take respon-
Macomber added that one grow-
ing AID trend is to contract pro-
grams with outside agencies such
as universities. "More than half
of the people in technical assist-
ance programs now come from the
outside," he said.

Administrators a n d professors
yesterday ranged from optimism
to skepticism in reacting to the
proposed course description book-
The booklet will be prepared by
eight student organizations. It will
be designed to give students spe-
cific information related to courses
and their professors stressing such
things as the preparedness of the
professor, the number and types#
of papers and the value of the
reading list.
Associate Dean Charles F. Leh-
mann of the education school
seemed optimistic about the un-
dertaking. "I think it is a good
thing. Student comments have a
place and a value and should be
sought," he said.
"Professors will have to pay at-
tention to it if it is done in any
kind of objective manner," he
Lehmann was a little skeptical
about the possible effects on pro-
fessors rated as poor. "People
who are poor teachers and don't
care won't pay attention to any
kind of evidence anyway."
Prof. Wilbert J. McKeachie,
chairman of the psychology de-
partment, felt that student evalu-
ations can be very successful
judging from his experience in
this area within his own depart-
He was a little hesitant about
the somewhat unsystematic ap-
proach that is being taken.
According to McKeachie, such
capsule cryptic comments that
may be used to criticizea poor
teacher may make him even more
scared to get up in front of a
The worth of the entire project

depends on the values of the
people doing it, McKeachie com-
mented. "If they are only concern-
ed with saying that a course is a
lot of work and discouraging stu-
dents from taking it, then I would
question its value," he said.
."But if they stress educational
values such as the idea that a
course is a lot of work but worth
the effort, then I feel that it will
serve a constructive purpose."
Prof. Stephen J. Tonsor of the
history department didn't see any
harm in the idea but at the same
time, he thought that there are
other ways of accomplishing the
same ends.
"There is a grapevine now that
the students have unofficially set
up. Counselors are asked to find
out about courses from other stu-
dents who have taken them and
pass the information on," he said,
"If I were a student I wouldn't
refer to a book, but I would go to
hear a professor lecture before
taking a course from him," Ton-
sor explained.

Regarding its effect on profes-
sors, Tonsor didn't think they
could learn anything from the
booklet that they don't already
learn from the University course
evaluation forms that are filled
out every two years by the stu-
Associate Dean James H. Rob-
ertson of the literary college felt
that the booklet should make "in-
teresting reading."
Another professor who refused
to have his name used reacted
negatively to the whole idea. "I
think that sometimes these book-
lets can be a little cruel, sometimes
really vindictive," he said.
He thought that it would hurt
more often than not and that
"student evaluations are alreaty
being done in the individual de-
partments where they are not
made public."
Roger W. Heyns, vice-president
for academic affairs, did not wish
to express an opinion one way or
the other. "I'd like to see how well
it is done before I comment," he

Would Help,
Church Units
Catholic Clergymen
Register Approval
Of Fund Proposal
WASHINGTON (/P) - President
Lyndon B. Jphnson proposed Yes-
terday an unprecedented program
of federal aid to education, a $1.6
billion package for both public
and private schools, with the ac-
cent on children of the poor.
Battle lines in the legislative
fight ahead already have been
drawn. Generally speaking, it was
learned, the Catholic clergy a-
proves. Groups opposed to federal
aid to parochial schools Mare
against It.
Johnson said the first-year
price tag of more than $1.5 billion
"is a small price to pay for de-
veloping our nation's most price-
less resource."
New National Goal
The President called for "a na-
tional goal of full educational op-
portunity. Every child," he said,
"must be encouraged to get as
much education as he has the
ability to take."
The President's proposals range
all the way from pre-school pro-
grams for slum children to college
scholarships for needy and worthy
high school graduates. They in-
-$1 billion for assistance to
public elementary and secondary
schools serving families with less
than $2,000 annual income, with
public and private schools encour-
aged to cooperate in such pro-
grams as shared time;
-$260 million for higher edu-
cation, including 140,000 scholar-
ships, partial payment of the in-
terest on guaranteed private loans
to college students; aid to small
colleges, and support for colege
library resources;
-$150 million for pre-school
projects to prepare culturally de-
prived children for classroom work
as part of his budget for the eco-
nomic opportunity act;
-$100 million in grants to the
states for the purchase of library
books and textbooks, with about
15 per cent of the total going to
private schools;
-$100 million for supplemen-
tary education centers and ser-
'ices, with public and private
school students alike sharing spe-
cial courses in science, mathrand
foreign languages, remedial read-
ing programs, summer schools for
deprived children; and programs
for the physically and mentally
-$45 million for regional edu-
cational laboratories to undertake
research, train teachers and im-
plement research findings; and
-$10 million to strengthen state
educational agencies by helping
them formulate long-range plans,
identify e m e r g i n g educational
problems, and expand educational
research and development.
Bill Sets Records
An administration spokesman
said the $1 billion proposal for
aid to public elementary and sec-
ondary schools is "by all odds, the
biggest ever presented to the
Because it openly welcomes pri-
vate school involvement, it also
seems certain to be the focal
point of the legislative battles
The program Johnson presented
to Congress yesterday carried a
price tag for only one year, al-
though various parts of the pro-
gram are designed to extend from
three to five years.
No projections of future costs
were available from administra-
tion sources. Washington educa-
tors, however, believe the annual
cost may eventually reach $3-4

A government source said there
are about five million youtngsters
in the United States from families
with less than $2000 annual in-
Award Funds
Ta I nurntarn

Board Discusses Survey
Of Off-Campus Housing
The possibility of a comprehensive survey on student off-campus
housing needs was discussed at last night's meeting of the Off-'
Campus Housing Advisory Board.
The board, meeting with officials of the Office of Student
J Affairs, also considered other aspects and possible solutions to the
off-campus housing problem.I
Advisory Board Chairman Martin Zimmerman, '67A&D, said he
sees six problems in this area including the rent structure, safety'
standards, alleged discriminatory practices in rentals, general traffic
and parking problem,s and the over-demand for present off-campusj
student housing facilities.-
Zimmerman said a strong Uni- KAUF IAN WANT
versity policy is needed because AVii 1l
students have allegedly been ex-
ploited by realtors in the past. He
also said the stu'dent has a defi- ndLe isl
nite responsibility to the landlord g
and that off-campus housing pre-
sents a two-way problem.
"In order to fully understand
the problem and exactly what stu-
dent needs are, I feel a survey of
their ideas should be considered," :
Zimmerman added.
Thomas Smithson, 65, Student
Government Council representa-
tive to the board, suggested ex-
; a n d e d apartment inspections,
which would alleviate many of the
substandard apartment problems.r
Other discussion centered on the
problem of high rents and one-
year leases. The board considered'
the possibility of shortening the
present one-year lease to an eight-
month lease but they said it wouldP
probably involve higher rents.
Bringing in outside interests to
invest in the Ann Arbor housing
market in order to create a more
competitive housing situation was

ture Asked To Unsha

Result of Trigon Hearing
Delayed Until Thursdayv
Interfraternity Council Executive Committee reached a decision
last night concerning alleged religious discrimination by Trigon
fraternity, but refused to make the decision public.
Executive Vice-'President Stephen Idema, '65, said the decision
would be released in written form after another IFC Executive
Committee meeting Thursday night. The reason for the delay is
to avoid rumors and misinterpretations which might result if the
decision were announced without including the rationale used by
the committee, he said.
Trigon's indictment and hearing last night were the result
of investigation by the IFC Membership Committee into private
"sections of Trigon's constitution
and secret rituals. IFC Member-
ship Committee Chairman David
Miller, '65, said that his com-
mittee worked with Trigon last
cK le spring in efforts to remove those
clauses which were possible viola-
tions of the IFC by-law which
Y ROSICK prohibits religious discrimination
the philosophy department said in membership selection.
ure should grant the University Stalemate'
Trigon's Grand Council rejected
ped for handling the increase in the proposed changes because it
o h n tdecided that alterations of the
ase as possible in the quality of original constitution would destroy
the "spirit" and meaning of the
sman-at-large Neil Staebler spoke fraternity, Miller said. After the
oung Democrats at the Michigan committee reached what it con-
sidered a stalemate, it began for-
he Legislature: mal indictment preparations, he
fficiency" at the cost of stifling saiTrigon is found guilty, maxi-
mum penalty is removal of TFC
celebration" of scholastic functions recognition, which would exclude
Trigon from organized rush, intra-
he state's educational institutions, mural athletics and other collee-
s comes the temptation to focus tive fraternity activities.
ation and to turn out students SGC Action
John Feldkamp, assistant to the
:tion of the University to lead a director of student activities and
ne in which he holds his opinions organizations, said even if Trigon
is found guilty by IFC, it would

Professor Arnold Kaufman of
last night that the state legislat
"freedom to experiment."
New methods must be develo
in enrollment with as little decre
education, he said.
Kaufman and former Congres
at a program sponsored by the Y
Kaufman also suggested that ti
-Not reinforce a "cult of ef
-Put more emphasis on the "t
than on athletic functions; and
-Coordinate the efforts of all t
With the increase in student
on the technical aspect of educ
as "slot fillers," he said.
He added that it is the func
student to live an examined life, o
,-nflonrPan n ta oyx


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