Protest, Learning, Heckling Sp~ark Viet Rally By ROGER RAPOPORT "Get The Daily out of Viet Nam Defoliate the Arb, Deflower the Thetas, Stop the senseless wastej of human beings, Close the Un-' Ion Pool." The sign stood high above a! midnight Diag throng at Wed- nesday night's teach-in. But aside from the few sarcastic onlookers! most of the shivering crowd of' over 2000 listened closely to Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the Econom- les Department saying, "The Y poorest peasant in Viet Nam should have as much right as the richest American. The world has become much too small and crowded for what we are doing.' The midnight rally was thet highlight of the 12 hour marathon teach-in. 3000 Students Nearly 3000 students came to hear one or more of the lectures or take part in the seminars held in Auditoriums A, B, C, and D of Angell Hall as well as six Mason Hall classrooms. "We only expected 500 stu- dents," said Prof. Arnold Kauf- man of the Philosophy Depart- ment, one of the 200 faculty mem- bers who planned the event. Women were allowed all night permission to attend the teach- in and as Jared Stammel, '68, re- marked, "This undoubtedly gave a big stimulus to the event." Auditoriums Filled By 7:45 p.m., 15 minutes be- fore the teach-in began, Auditor- iums' A, B, C, and D of Angell Hall were packed to the walls. Carl Oglesby of the speech de- partment told students that revo- tutions in nations like Viet Nam may be "inspired by the monied few who exploit their power by iniversal bureaucratic corruption, governmental indifference to the condition of men, police-state ippression of honest dissent, no work, and no wages." Three bomb' scares forced evac- uation of Angell Hall and an early' start for the midnight Diag rally. Hecklers abounded in the crowd, much about this," he said, "but after tonight I think we should get out of-Viet Nam." A few feet away the Fishbowl wvas overflowing. Amidst the ar- ;uing and folksinging students. there were bulletin boards full :f clippings on Viet Nam, 50 cent like the one athlete who came buttons asking to "Stop the war iressed in an Alabama football in Viet Nam," and a protest peti shirt (No. 55). A group of 75 Lion to President Lyndon B. John- students marched through the crowd chanting "Better dead than fed." One sign read, "All, the Way with LBJ"-underneath was a huge black bomb. Nearby a student said "this thing isn't fair at all. They aren't presenting the other side. These )eople want another Munich." One of the faculty leader.; quipped to a friend, "That guy is going to' enlist tomorrow." One student remarked, "Just look at who is leading this thing -the philosophy and psychology ion. In the midst of the turmoil was a boy collecting money for the United Jewish Appeal. Not Only Activists Many of the students wading through I. F. Stone's rebuttal t:, the State Department's "white pa- per" or talking to teachers didj not appear to be activists. Manyj :ame-it seemed for curiosity's sake. In the early morning seminars were held. The topics were not planned. They were led by stu- :lents and centered around such issues as student involvement and alternatives to student policy. One professor noted that "Wet are to blame ourselves for the Viet Nam predicament, for we were si- lent and did not let our voices be heard." Ironically, it was Republicans who came to the defense of Pres- ident Johnson's current Viet Nam policy. Chairman Albert Gamson of the psychology department noted that many sign carrying hecklers, "Came into our seminars and en- gaged in intelligent debate. This was our purpose: to promote seri- aus examination of United States' policy." Gaison added. "I learned some- thing I should have known, how bri.,ht and serious our students are. The closeness between fac- ulty and students was most mov- ing." Gamson said the faculty com- mittee will send a delegation to Washington on April 8, 9, and 10 to ask legislative action on Viet Nam policy. They also plan to support a march on Washington April 17. One of the sit-in guest lectur- ers, Arthur Waskow of Washing- ton commented, "This teach-in is in the true spirit of a University where students and faculty learn from each other and not from the calendar." During a 3 o'clock coffee break. See VIET, Page 2 f :,,:.::::"..::::" : ":department. You don't see any political science people here-do you?" E dl At the back of the crowd a soph- omore was parked on a Honda - his girl friend seated behind hinm, ''HE USUALLY UNORGANIZED and ineffective intellectual I'd never really thought very community is beginning to stir. With the phenomenal success - of yesterday's Viet Nam protest and the burgeoning plans for similar activities on campuses across the country, it is clear that at least some faculty and students are seeking a greater role in shaping American policies. These activities must continue. In general, the larger the number of people openly expressing opinions on policy issues- whatever their views-the more viable our democratic processes will be. Specifically, this particular series of protests raises some; fundamental questions .about United States policies in Viet Nam, and if the protests do not affect policy, they can at least pressure the Johnson administration into presenting a full de- VOL. LXXV, No. 150 fense of its position. DECISION NOT R BUT THE SUCCESS of yesterday's protest should not preclude more radical actions in the future. Faculty and students at the University should not forget the issue which originally F P A e- confronted them when they were planning a teaching strike in- stead of a "teach-in." That issue is whether teachers have the i~< de facto as well as de juris right to make final judgments on the T rig o n 1 relative value of differentreducational activities and whether this right extends, without legislative or administration sanctions, to political protests which require class time. By LAUREN( Given the original faculty group's deeper immediate con ;. t The Fraternity President Asses cern for Viet Nam, however, we feel the decision to cancel theTeFraternity Ceint Ese the Interfraternity Council Exec teaching strike is tactically justified. The faculty group would Trigon discrimination case last nigl not have been able to present as large and effective a program The appeal was heard last nig as it did yesterday if it had had to fight on a second front at decision on the case. A statementt the same time. at an FPA meeting planned for ea With respect to Viet Nam, a number of questions raised at will also be written. Wednesday's protest deserve serious consideration: On March 11, FPA moved to d sired -To what extent is our presence in South Viet Nam de- ing that Trigon had not dealt in sired by the people there and to what extent do they support the - Viet Cong? Caneel -Are there alternatives to the policy of escalating the war by bombing North Viet Nam? . -Would a Viet Cong election victory in South Viet Nam i r 'eV 4 eventually validate or refute the "domino theory" of. foreign af- fairs-i.e., the theory that Communist rule in one country makes it inevitable .that Communist rule will eventually be established Last night's scheduled meeting between the Young Republican Sin that nation's neighbors? .Club and Joint Judiciary Coun- Could North Viet Nam, if bombed into surrender, halt io was cancelled. i 'insurgent action by the Viet Cong or is the Viet; Cong sufficient- Joint Judiciary was to have ly indigenous that war would continue indefinitely?. :ii* served as a fact-finding group in -What is the likelihood that continued bombing will bring the dispute between the two fac- d h R tions of the YR's, each of which Communist China into the fray-and perhaps Russia?I.Lishso theReco ich wishes to be the recognized cam- pus YR organization. THE VERY FACT that these basic questions are being raised Lyle Stewart, Grad, elected last with such vigor points to the possibility that our policy in November as YR president, stress- Viet Nam is not in the best interest of the U.S. or the Viet- ed that this is "not a moderate- namese. The war there has tremendous military, economic and = conservative fight, it is strictly humanitarian implications about which everyone should be con- between personalities." He said "it cerndaiand1aboutawhichtheuacwdemicecemynity sould ve n is the feeling of the executive cerned and about which the academic community should have _^ board" of the YR's that the group much to say. headed by Ronald Gottschalk, '65, -THE ACTING SENIOR EDITORS be reinstated on probation in the group that Stewart heads. Stew- , : :...:.. >...... .:"........,...,.,art's group was the recognized YR "TfHERSTO FOLL OW:organization last semester. T E ., ,, T LL 'Cr Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom &tit1P ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, 26 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES EVEALED: ,valuates tas Case CE MEADOW Montgomery March Ends A.i; mbly decided to hear an appeal of. utive Committee decision on the ht, reversing action taken March 11. ght but FPA refused to reveal theirf will be released after it is approved rly next week. A dissenting opinion eny Trigon the right to appeal, feel- good faith with the fraternity sys- tem. It was understood, however, that, at some later date FPA could vote to hear the appeal. Last Jan. 12 the IFC executive committee had found alleged re- ligious discrimination in Trigon's constitution and rituals-a viola-1 tion of IFC by-laws.1 The executive committee ruled Jan. 26 that Trigon must revise their constitution and rituals or E face possible expulsion from IFC. Insufficient Notice Trigon filed an appeal to FPA: and the executive committee set . March 11 as the date of the ap- peal. Trigon contended that they! were not given sufficient noticee of the date and, therefore, were' not able to prepare a defense for= March 11.l Their request for postponement was denied and a motion was pass-; ed denying Trigon the right to appeal. Executive officers felt postponement would be a "greatE inconvenience to all concerned in the IFC and the FPA."I A motion to hear the appeal was4 passed at last night's meeting and FPA moved immediately into the appeal in a closed meeting. Fra- ternity presidents were instructed, not to discuss the hearing and the outcome was not revealed. Three Alternatives The choices open to FPA were to uphold the executive commit- tee decision; find Trigon guilty but revise the penalty; or find them not guilty. FPA is Trigon's last channel of appeal within the fraternity sys- tem. However, if they are found not guilty they are still subject; to indictment by Student Govern- ment Council membership com- mittee. ..L 3L ) Thousands Enter City -Daily-Robert Shefheld PROF. KENNETH BOULDING of the economics department, Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the philso- phy department, Justice Paul Adams of the Michigan Supreme Court and Peter Schneider of the Institute for Human Adjustment listen to one of the speakers in the faculty sponsored teach-in. All four men participated in the Viet Nam protest that lasted from 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 24, until 8 a.m. Thursday, March 25. Faculty Teach-In Gets Wide Spread Recognition By ROBERT MOORE "It's hard to imagine better response," smiled Prof. William Gamson of the sociology department,'the spokesman for the Faculty and Student Committee to Stop the War in Viet Nam. As telegrams and calls of support come in from universities all over the country, and as administrators .continue praising Wednes- day's teach-in, the all-night, all-morning protest may become a mile- stone in University political action and initiative. Over 2250 people attended the series of lectures by three foreign policy experts that began the 12-hour teach-in. Earlier, faculty and Gottschalk wants no penalties of any kind to be levied. He said that "purges, expulsions and pro- bations are not part of the prin- ciples of the Republican party." Gottschalk said he does not want the dispute to be settled by Any groups not within the par- ty, mainly Joint Judiciary Council. At a meeting this afternoon, the executive board of the YR's would not allow the Gottschalk faction in without probation. Stewart said that three members of the smaller group had been reinstated, but four are still re- maining in Gottschalk's group. U Studentsg in Assail Policy or _1 Of Inaction, S.. Aog ot Petitioners Unable "By refusing to take action, the University is supporting what is To Confront Wallace happening in Alabama," Barry With Voting Rights Bluestone, 65, said last night. Bluestone was expressing a gen- MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AI-More eral consensus among students than 25,000 persons marched yes- who traveled to Alabama recently terday with Rev. Martin Luther --that public inaction, particular- _.King to Alabama's capitol in the ly inaction by public institutions most massive civil rights demon- such as the University, is in a stration of the South's turbulent sense a sanction of events there. racial history. "The problems I was confront- The march moved along the ed with in the South are not same route taken . by Ku Klux merely the results of a few nas- Klansmen in a motorcade protest- ty people. The whole system must ing the march four days ago. The be changed," Bluestone, one of flag-waving thousands, cheering five students who described their "freedom now!" poured into a Alabama experiences at an open broad street almost beneath the meeting, said. verywindows of Gov. George C. He added that the trip was Wallace's office. educational, because "I realized -Associated Press Soldiers Lined Route that President Lyndon B. Johnson Soldiers lined , the route of is not doing anything about guar- MARCHING IN CIVIL RIGHTS PROTEST to Montgomery is march. Helicopters clattered in anteeing the right to protest as Martin Luther King Jr. (right center) and, to his right, his wife the humid overcast. The entire he promised in his recent speech." and Dr. Ralph Bunch of the United Nations. four-mile " march was sealed off Richard Horowitz, '63, pointed by police and hundreds of Na- out that the Student Nonviolent tional Guardsmen and regular Ar- Coordinating Committee is not SPONSORSHIP OF EVENTS: my troops called up by order of trying to integrate lunch coun- President Lyndon B. Johnson. ters and rest rooms, but is going "iA te to The marchers flowed up Dex- to the root of the evil in attempt- annel Focuses A ttention ter Avenue to the Capitol and ing to change the social system. spread into ranks -of about 24 In other campus civil rights ac- " * j . abreast, filling the broad street tion, all but two cooperative hous- O n 1i R ights uestions ned y troops and wooden bar- ing units are either not serving ricades. food for a day or taking up col- "Everyone wants freedom!" lections to raise money for the Civil rights was the focus of attention at yesterday's Panhellenic sang the marchers. activities of SNCC. Presidents' Council meeting. "I never saw such a thing be- The participating cooperatives As a result of Panhellenic's endorsement of last week's civil rights fore. It's the most wonderful thing are trying to get other housing A euto ahlei' nosmn fls ekscvlrgt in the world," said a disabled Ne- units torin the inhr p utting march, several alumni asked for explanations of Panhellenic sponsor- in tern, eld atthe Ke- units to join them in putting Ares- shpo uha vnPeieto ahlei ar ic, '6,. gro veteran, elderly Matthew Ken- sure on Alabama because of the ship of such an event, President of Panhellenic Laura Fitch, 66, said. nedy. illegal arrests. "The reason for concern is a federal law requiring sororities to Hundreds of persons, clergy, .-- - - ----y federal taxes if they support political and labor leaders, col- any political group," Miss Fitch lege students and housewives - explained. . from throughout the nation were Last week the executive council in the march. Dr. Ralph Bunche of Panhellenic gave its approval of the United Nations staff, to Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority for marched in the front ranks. sponsorship of a civil rights 'We Shall Overcome' march by a group of University "We shall overcome," sang the B Hstudents. "Sponsorship is neces- massive throng when it moved in- By KAY HOLMES . sary for any sorority, event that to the street facing the statehouse Created in the midst of controversy, the latest literary birth is University-wide in order to use -over which fluttered the Ala- on campus, the Offset staff is not superstitious. Volume 1, Number 1 University property, in this case bama flag and the Confederate on ampstheOffetstaf i nt spestiiou. olue 1 Nmbe 1the Diag," Miss Fitch said. flag. was published on the Ides of March. Aigg,"pMis20Fitch ragh.rfag. Going on sale in the fishbowl yesterday, this issue is of prime "Sponsorship of the march was I A group of s20e civil righters, who importance to Offset. The financial and literary success of this purely organzational, not poli voting rights petition, were later first issue will determine the future of the magazine-or if it will scal, she said.p proalenic admitted to the state Capitol, have one at all-according to stipulations of the Board in Control method of demonstration (the only to be told the governor's of- of Student Publications last October. peaceful march), and its support fice was closed. Purpose of Offset of the right of any group to ex- The group went up the capitol The purpose of Offset is to fill "the need for a non-specialized press its opinions. This does not steps past about 75 state troopers periodical which can be a vehicle for the publication of non-technical necessarily imply endorsement of were met by Cecil Jackson, the articles and varieties of fiction, poetry' and drama which do not at its political views," she said. wer e eci soe . findnnm.1p on nmis." write offset editor. Michael The council also discussed a new who advised them the nealtol was U.S. Diplomats Enter Debates On Asia Policy Kenneth T. Young, the former United States ambassador to Thailand, and Robert Warren, a * State Department representative stationed in Viet Nam for three years, spoke to a half-filled Rack- ' ham Auditorium audience last night on the nature of American policy in Viet Nam and the dis- advantages of immediate with- drawal or negotiation. student committee spokesmen had spoken of 1500 as "a bit opti- mistie." After the lectures about 450 stu- dents and faculty members stayed around to attend seminars. Committee 'spokesmen had pre- dicted a turnout of 250 for the midnight to 6 a.m. seminars. Dean William I-aber of the lit- erary college, who stayed at the teach-in until 3 a.m. himself and attended five seminars, said the affair was "most impressive." 'Worth Exploring' He said the possibility of other teach-ins was "worth exploring," but said "the all-night affair did have considerable interference with the next day's classes; an- other schedule might have been Imore nractical." SUCCESS DETERMINES FUTURE: Offse~~t LtrayM ~: t 'r