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March 25, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-25

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Lt for
down to 130 for the meet. Billy
Jo's chances for the title seem
slim, since Oklahoma State has
entered Yoshiri Ueteke, who won
the Olympic Championship at 13(
pounds this year. Also bracketed
here is 'Don Behm, MSU's Big




Michigan has exceptional rea-.
sons for sending a full team for
the first time to the NCAA Wres-
tling Championships, which will
be held today through Saturday
in Laramie, Wyo.
In fact, there are 10 good rea-
sons for having a full contin-
gent representing .Michigan; and
they weigh anywhere from 115
pounds on upward. Five are Big
Ten champions on a squad which
has won 31 cpnsecutive dual meets
and set a record in winning the'
Big Ten championships.
How should they stack ur
against the, competition? Of
course they will be shooting for
the top, but other factors enter
in. These "other factors" number
over 250 and represent nearly 7C
teams, including perennial na-
tional champion, Oklahoma State.

Coach Cliff Keen has altered
his lineup considerably for the
grueling three-day meet, because
there are 10 weight classes in-
stead of the usual eight. Keen
has five men wrestling at weights
different from where they com-
peted during the regular season.
Tino Lambros, who defeated
Terry Finn, the defending NCAA
champion at 123 pounds during
the Midlands Tourney, will han-
dle chores for Michigan in the
115 pound class. Lambros was
defeated by Wolverine Bob Fehr,
for the tourney title. He has seen
action in three meets this year.
Fehrs, who finished his first
Big Ten season unbeaten and c
conference champ, will wrestle
in his usual slot at 123. The
sophomore has pinned. six oppon-
ents this year.
The Big Ten champion at 137
pounds, Bill Johennesen, moves

weight all year, and often out-
weighed by his opponent. The1
muscleman is afforded a solid
chance in his division, havin.
placed third last year.a
Handling the unenviable task
of wrestling in the heavyweight

one man from Podunk can rainy .
thunder in any weight class. An(
there are a lot of good teams in
the U.S.A. We have an awful
good team and if we get a fair,
shake we should be among th(
top five or six."

Ten champion. division is Bob Koehler, secon! Keen mentioned seven other
After wrestling all season at 147 string all year to Spaly. schools from which he expect.
Cal Jenkins has been dropped tc Keen stressed how good the stiff competition: Syracuse, Le-
137 pounds. Jenkins has been competition would be. "You jus high, Penn State, Iowa State, Ok
bothered by a sore ankle in re- can't tell what is going to hap- lahoma State, 'MSU, and Min-7
cent weeks, which may hamper pen. A lot depends on pairing nesota. "Oklahoma State will havr
his effectiveness.breaks, and just plain desire. Not a terrific outfit back. They con-I
Lee Deitrick returns to the all is based on the big teams centrate on this meet. That's.

their conference-the NCAA," h(
The Cowboys boast Ueteke, the
Olympic champ, plus four run.
ners-ul of previous years. Bob-
by Douglas, 147, and Greg Ruth
167, are Olympians, and Jack
Brisco was 191 pound runner-up
Oklahoma State is ranked numbei
Iowa State, number two na
tionally, features defending 157
pound champion Gordon Hass-
man, in addition to undefeated
Roger Sebert (115 or 123) and Bo.
Buzzard (137).

Go Home



weight at which he was crowned
Big Ten champion last year. Al
though he finished third in the
Big Ten meet at 157 pounds, Dei-
trick must be considered a prime
rnn.4. 1 A'7 Avy ht14ur his ww

Tankers Bid for NCAA Crown

Backfield Coach Duifek
Cites Experience Factor

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
third of a series of articles analyz-
ing the 1965 Michigan football
team. Today's article deals with the
defensive backfield.)
A reporter has about as much
chance getting concrete informa-
tion on next fall's football pros-
pects from Don Dufek as he does
getting statements on the Viet
Nam policy from Maxwell Taylor.
Both, however, have good rea-
bns for their relative silence.
Dufek, who presides over the
aefensive backs and lnebackers,
van't be blamed for simply saying,
"It's too early to tell much about
next season." After all, several top
candidates aren't out for spring
practice and even those who are,
can't show too much with the
team only kicking up the dust in
Yost Field House.
Expect Good Backs
But no matter how silent Dufek
wants to remain, the chances of
a top notch defensive backfield
and line backing corps are pretty
Of the five positions, four start-
ers will be returning. The lone ex-
ception being halfback Dick Rind-
fuss who will pick up his diploma
next month.
Rick Sygar, a junior-to-be, is
(tt for baseball, but last season
he was the first-string safety in
addition to throwing a touchdown
to beat Michigan State.
Rick Volk, also a junior-to-be,
is also out for baseball, but will
'probably still find his old starting
halfback spot waiting for him next
Up for Grabs
The vacated.,post will be a toss-
up among several contenders. One
of the most likely is John Rowser
who started two years ago, but
missed all last year with a leg
Dufek says, "If John plays like
he did before the injury, he'll have
a good chance of starting. But as
yet Dufek doesn't know because
Rowser is not fully recovered and
not out for spring ball.
Other possibilities are returning
lettermen Dick Wells, Mike Bass
and Louis Lee. Dufek is also high
on several freslimen including
Ernie Sharpe, Rich Smith, Doug
Nelson, and Jim Berline.
Experience To Help
bufek feels that the backfield
could well be stronger than last
year's because of the many letter-
men returning. "At these.positions,
experience is a big asset," he
points out.
Returning lettermen and exper-
ience will also be the password at
the linebacking spots. The position
is so strong that three starters are
Los Angeles (N) 12, New York (A) 2
St. Louis 3, Detroit 2
Cncinnati 9, ueroit "B" 2
Boston 11, San r rancisco 7
Pittsburgh 5, Houston 3
New York (N) 5, Mi'.aukee I
'Baltimore 5, Chicago (A) 4 (11 inn)
Washington 12, Kansas City 2
Philadelphia 6, Minnesota 4
Chicago (N) 8, Los Angeles (A) 7
Cleveland 4, Los Angeles (A) 2
Toronto 3, Montreal 2
Philadelphia 119, Cincinnati 117 (ovt)
Baltimore 168, St. Louis 105

available for the only two posi-
One sure bet is Captain Tom
Cecchini who last season led the
team in tackles and won all-Big
Ten honors. His running mate will
be either Frank Nunley or Barry
Last year, Dehlin drew the start-
ing job, but when he was injured,
Nunley took over. He did such an
outstandng job that some people
thought Dehlin would have the
same fateasa thefirst baseman
who got sick allowing Lou Gehrig
to get a chance.
Nunley is presently one of the
gang out for baseball, but Dufek
says that next fall Nunley will get
the first chance since he is a re-
turning starter.
I=M Title
If your professor hobbies into
class on crutches sometimes within
the next week, it is a good pos-
sibility that he didn't just sprain
his ankle by slipping on the Ann
Arbor spring ice.
It is more likely that he incurred
the injury participating in the
rigorous student-faculty competi-
tion which is currently nearing
completion at the IM building.
About 500 of Michigan's faculty
have entered the program this
Speaking of the interamural
competition between the students
and faculty, Earl Riskey, the di-
rector of the intramural program,
said yesterday that such events
"are very unusual in the United
States. No one can conceive of any
intramural programs which re-
quire large-scale participation
from the faculty."
"Other universities marvel at
the fact that we have been able
to establish such a comprehensive
schedule between the faculty and
students," he adds. The student-
'faculty competition includes 10
Volleyball, basketball, and bowl-1
ing have already been completed
in the program. The students were
victorious in eight of 15 basketball
contests, but the faculty held the
edge in both volleyball and bowl-
ing. The teachers finished with
16-4 record in volleyball and
scored victories in four of six
bowling matches.
The students are still battling
the faculty in handball, tennis,
squash, and table tennis. All the
events are scheduled for comple-
tion by the end of March.
Champions of the IM basketball
Going home?.
__-_ A

conTJra t V ir. Zi 1By JIM LaSOVAGE good chance to win.t
ries are a gimpy ankle, a weak
keadBbyDouglas, Okla- FutemebroheMc- The Trojans have another ace1
knee, and Bobby D uglas k-F7e mrs thM -in backstroker Bob Bennett. He1
homa State's runner-up at 147 ir igan swimming team today begin will face the competition of In-1
last year's NCAA meet. Deitrick 'competition in the NCAA Swim- diana's Pete Hammer, Michigan(
a senior, will be closing out hiI ming and Diving championships State's Olympian Gary Dilley,(
career. at Ames, Iowa, against Big Ten and the Wolverines' Ed Bartscht
The only Wolverine to move u1 champ Indiana, Yale, and favored and Russ Kingery.
a weight class is sophomore Jim Southern Cal, t h e defending Yale's best bet for a first place
Kamman, who takes over at 157 champion. is Steve Clark in the freestyle
the class above his normal weight. Michigan swimmers are favored sprints. Michigan and MSU both{
Kamman won the Big Ten 147 to finish high in almost every offer good competitors in this
pound championship, after beinl event. Olympians Bill Farley and stroke. Bill Groft won the 50-
second man to Jenkins most o Carl Robie are the biggest threats yarder for Michigan 'in the Big
the season. in the 500-yard freestyle and the Tens, while State's Jim MacMillan
Captain Rick Bay, 167-poun 4%0-yard individual medley races captured the 100-yard title.
Big Ten champ, figures to giv to be held this afternoon. USC The Wolverines also will use
anyone in his class a tough bat has the best challengers in these Rich Walls, Bob Hoag, and Tom
tle. Bay, bothered by a bad kne( events with two defending champs, Williams in the freestyle events.
all season, became stronger as th Roy Saari in the 500-free and Spartan tankers who will offer
year progressed. In a tournamen Rich McGeach in the 400-IM. strong competition are Dennis
where he could have to wrestl Defending Champs Hill, Darryle Kifer, Ed Glick, and
six times in three days, endur- Saari, a junior, is the currentI Ken Walsh.
ance will be a key factor, and thi record holder in the 200-yard free- Robie and Tom O'Malley will be
will be determined primarily b7 style, 1650-yard freestyle, and the Michigan's entries in the butter-
how well his knee holds up. Tor 200-yard individual medley, as fly events, where Fred Schmidt of
seeded in this weight class is de well as owning a spot on the 400- Indiana will try to defend his 200-
fending champion Mike Sagel yard medley relay team. Along yard title. Southern Cal's Bennett
from Oklahoma. with Saari on thearelay team is asnd WlyRchrdson, Minne
At 177 for Michigan will be 'Bill Craig, who also holds th e adefendyigchampso, ae the.
Chris Stowell, who finished firs present records in the 100- ando
in the Big Tens. Stowell lost 200-yard breastsroke races. Wol- biggest guns in the 100.
only one conference match al verine sophomore Paul Scheerer, Dominate Diving
season. who took both titles in the' Big dh Bi Th i expected
Bob Spaly, Michigan's 191. Ten meet three weeks ago, will dominate both the one- and
pound entrant, wrestled at heavy be the top challenger, with a three-meter diving events. Ohio
-State's Randy Larson, Indiana's
Rick Gilbert and Olympic champ
- Ken Sitzberger, and Michigan's
t(aces13rawseto Close souEd Boothman and Bruce Brown
should fill the top spots as they
did in the conference meet. Gil
circuit were crowned recently. uled to begin this week but was bert, who won bol-h Big Ten title's
Lambda Chi Alpha captured first "snowed out." The only other l is defending ciamp on the low
place in the A division for the events left are foul throwing and board, while L ursop holds that
fraternity title. Phi Gamma Delta indoor track. honor at three meters. In last
took the top spot in the B division. Point Totals year's meet the top eight places
First place finishers in the resi- Residence Halls: Wenley 1371, Cool- in both events were filled by Big
dence hall division were Gomberg ey 1231, Taylor 1215, Gomberg 1214, Ten divers.
and Huber 1200.Ininwilgwthhesm
and Michigan. who earned the !Social Fraternities: Delta Tau Delta Indiana will go with the same
laurels in A and B, respectively. 1355, sigma Phi Epsilon 1328, Sigma squad it used in the Big Tens,
The Law Club placed first in the Alpha Epsilon 1317, Phi Gamma Delta and its depth will be a big factor'
professional fraternity competi- 1278, and sigma Alpha Mu 1240. in the new rules of the meet. In
profssinalAll-Star Basketball Teams !inltheinew uleswioftheBme eIn,
tion, and the U.D.'s were leaders of Social Fraternities: Ed Petrick and following suit with the Big Ten,
the independents. Steve Smith (Lambda Chi Alpha), Box
Events taingx place this week Timberlake and Dick Hildreth (Delty
Ek aTau Delta), and Jerry Phipps (Delta SPORTS NIGHT EDITOR:
include the finals of fraternity 'Upsilon).
water polo and the volleyball play- Independents: Tom Wood and Den JIM LaSOVAGE
offs. The swimming meet for the nis McGinn (U.D.'s), Bill Valle and
independents and professional fra- Schrgze (Ned's (Falcons), and BriarI
ternities will be held on Tuesday, Residence Halls: Craig Kirby an'
March 30, at the varsity pool. The Wally Gabler (Gomberg), Clayton Wil-
Law Club and AFIT will be de- hite and Dan Purple (Taylor), and
James Brawn (Adams).
fending their titles. All-Star Ice Hockey Team
Only three other events remain L.w.-Lee Marttila, R.W.-Dave Hirth
theyhprogram for the year. Cen.-Jerry Lee, R.D.-Castor Marcotte,
on the IM L.D.-Ray Hermiston, Goalie - Phi'
Horseshoe competition was sched- Passon.
-h- -

the NCAA meet will feature 12
point producing places this year,
under the same scoring system the
Big Ten uses. However, a total
of 56 individual events may be
entered by each team compared
to 40 in the Big Ten. Any one,
swimmer is eligible for four events
-either two relays and two in-
dividuals, or three individuals and
one relay.

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