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England Protests
U.S.Gemini Shot ANALYSIS:
Necessary to A r]
bs, Israelis Clash Over Issues
Use of Gas and Napalm Moon Hopes
Vietcong Soldiers
U.S. AIR FORCE F-105 THUNDERCHIEFS yesterday attacked
early warning radar stations at Vinh Son. Earlier attacks have
hit radar at Tiger Island and Vu Con, shown here. One plane
was lost in the Vinh Son raid, btit the pilot was rescued.
Rights Marchers Camp 20
Miles from Montgomery
LOWNDESBORO, Ala. )--Rain-soaked civil rights marchers,
bound for Alabama's capital, huddled last night under tents on a
muddy noll near here after 'plodding 11 miles through heavy
The 300 spirited marchers camped within 20 miles of their
destination-the white-domed capitol in Montgomery. The right-
to-vote trek began Sunday in Selma. National guardsmen and Army
ttroops activated by presidential
Wilson Asks
For Aetions
Air Force Strikes
Expand in North
LONDON UP)-Britain will ques-
tion the United States govern-
ment about the use of napalm and
nonlethal gas in Viet Nam and
about U.S. Ambassador Maxwell
D. Taylor's statement concerning
escalation of the war there, British
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
said yesterday.
The Laborite leader, whose gov-
ernment has officially approved:
the' U.S.-Vietnamesefight against
the Viet Cong and its extension
to air strikes on North Viet Nam,
answered critics in the House of
Wilson said Britain wants an
explanation of a remark by Taylor
that was represented here as a
declaration the United States in-
tends to wage "war without limit"
in Viet Nam.
He referred to a speech by the
ambassador before the Saigon
Lions Club Monday. Taylor told
the club no limit exists to poten-
tial escalation of the war, and he
said the United States may enter
the ground fighting directly if
Wilson advised uneasy members
of Parliament that English For-
eign Secretary Michel Stewart,
making a round of official calls
in Washington, would raise the
question of the use of gas and
napalm fire bombs against the
Stewart said yesterday he had
expressed to U.S. Secretary of
State Dean Rusk "the very grave
concern"felt in Britain and other
countries about the use of nause-
ous gas against Communist guer-
rillas in South Viet Nam .
Meanwhile, the New York Times
reported a U.S. military spokes-
man announcing another Air Force
attack on radar stations at Vinh
Son, said that U.S. planes for the
first time have engaged in un-
planned attacks on North Viet
All earlier raids have been pref-
aced by careful photography and
detailed planning. Today's attack
involved planes searching for tar-
gets themselves and so could rep-
resent some "escalation" in the
air war.
Yesterday's principle target at
Vinh Son was an early warning
radar station some 60 miles north
of the 17th parallel. Returning
pilots reported that the radar sta-
tion had been "virtually destroy-
Also for the first time, no formal
statement on the purpose of the
raid was issued. An embassy
spokesman said only that the at-
tack was "our response to their
continued aggression."
Continued from Page 1
The 12-shot manned Gemini
program, which costs $1.2 bil-
lion, will hold the spotlight again
in June, when the U.S. is to
try its first spacecraft emergence
test, similar to last week's Soviet
feat. Astronaut James A. McDiv-
itt, who will be flying with Ed-
ward H. White, is to at least
partially exit from the craft. How-
ever, Gemini operations director
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. Indicat-
ed yesterday there was a possi-
bility McDivitt might leave the
vehicle completely as the Russian
astronaut, Alexei Leonov, did.
4 Days Aloft
McDivitt and White are to stay
aloft for four days in a trip in-
tended to provide significant med-
ical and scientific data. It will
also be the longest U.S. manned
space flight so far.
Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper
and Charles Conrad are to mak
the third flight late this year, a
seven-day mission, also to gather
medical and scientific data. Both
tests also will practice the vital
maneuvers needed for the sixth
Gemini flight-the first American
attempt to link the Gemini craft
with another orbiting satellite.
The exercise will involve precise
steering from which the first three
flights are to lay the ground-
work. A total of six rendezvous
missions are planned in the pro-
gram, all aimed at perfecting this
vital. maneuver for Project Apol-
lo manned lunar landing. A two-
man voyage of 14 days also is
Apollo Program
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration hopes to
complete the Gemini flights by
the end of 1966 to clear the way
for the first manned earth orbit
flights in the Apollo program.
Apollo aims at landing two men
on the moon in 1969.
U.S. space officials dispute the
current status of the U.S.-Soviet
space competition.
Dr. Robert 'Seamans, assistant
administrator of NASA, declared
"I don't accept the premise we are
behind the Russians. In many
things we are doing, we are well
ahead," while the Soviets "are
doing some things before us. Ours
is an extremely good program."
On the other hand, many space
officials were saying after last
week's Soviet space spectacular
that the U.S. may be up to two
years behind the Russians. These
experts also noted that Russia is
apparently planning an all-out
effort to reach the moon ahead of
the U.S.
Soviet Capsules
It is known that the Soviet space
capsules are larger than the
American ones, while the thrustE
of the Russian launching rock-
ets are many times greater than
the U.S. rockets. Whether this
means the Soviets will be able tc
reach the lunar target first is
doubtful, some experts say. '
The mdst reasonable assump-
tion at the present time is that
the U.S. and Russia are approx-
imately at the same point in the
space race although they are per-
forming important tests and ex-
periments in a different sequence
these experts add.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the verted. Hence, a dangerous situa- salt into the Arab wounds, had4 cannot agree on many vital issues
ing the current Arab-Israeli crisis. tion develops to which there is no only given Nasser more cause for except one, Israel.
easy solution, especially when the preaching unity among Arab na- The Israelis prompt all the more
By JOSHUA BARLEV Arab nations will not agree to tions and only made the chances hate and greater risk of war be-
any third-party solution, and when for war between the two that cause they are managing to solve
Ten years ago it became quite Israel will not agree to a plan dis- much greater. their problems without internal
apparent to Israel that with its rupting their own water project. Arabs Lose dissension. The key to understand-
scarcity of both good land and Another Issue And the Arab nations lost much ing in this problem of the Middle
saei t hd tosfindrobemsay ofi'In the last several months, an- more than aid from West Ger- East today is to realize the tre-
couldsgnotepossiblyssupportoitsother issue has been develop'ng many. Through their own dissen- mendous role that chauvanistic
Scoulnot ossiysuport. which will also have significant tion, they could not even show a pride has in shaping each issue.
great flow of immigrants, implications on Arab-Israeli re- united foreign policy front against For the Israelis, it is a matter of
A plan was drawn up by the' lations and consequently on world Israel: only three of thirteen Arab honor to be stubborn when deal-
Tennessee Valley Authority to di- peace. In this situation, West Ger- foreign ministers agreed to an ing with the Arabs, and any com-
vert the Jordan River so Israel imany became the middle-man economic boycott of West Ger- i promise is taken as a sign of weak-
would get 40 per cent of its waters. and tried to please both sdes, but many. Nasser was the biggest loser ness. The Arabs can only look to
Jordan 45 per cent and Syria and finally caused dissatisfaction to of all when only six of thirteen the future and promise them-
Lebanon 15 per cent. both while hurting its own image. Arab nations would agree to his selves that they will never again
Israel decided it would proceed' It egan when West Germany demand for recognition of East suffer such humiliation from such
with the plan over Arab objec- was forced to cut off arms ship- Germany. a small nation. Neither will con-
tions and by 1964 had completed ments to Israel because Nasser As the situation is now, the cede. It seems that the problem
the necessary pipelines going all had threatened to recognizeEast Arab countries are still disunified.' will not be solved without more
the way to the Negev desert. Grany if the shipments oTheir own unstable governments strife from both sides.
I ;Geman itth sipmnt o
Less than Half American-made weapons did not
Israel has been using less than cease. Then, because of Nasser'stph e-_ _ .___
I te 0 pr en ofth waeritenthusiastic recept on of Ulbricht - _______
was entitled to, but Arab nations from East Germany, the Bonn
are so outraged that it is using government canceled economic aid
any at all that several have begun to Egypt. To further humiliate Tomorrow'at 8 P.M
to divert the waters themselves. the Arab nations and to sootheOW.
The divergence of the Jordan Israel's anger over the arms ship-
River has already resulted in sev- ments, West Germany established
eral border incidents, - but the diplomatic ties with Israel and
Arabs, with the proven might of was prepared to pay for the arms j DR. JOSEPH C. LANDIS
the Israeli army fresh in their if a third party, such as France
minds, are not considered likely or the U.S., would deliver them. Associate Professor of English, Queens College
to go to war. Nasser, as unofficial The immediate result was that Author, Editor, Translator
head of the Arab world, would like Israel had won a moral victory
to use the entire situation as a by getting West Germany to makeHI
source of unity, something the certain commitments to her while HO NEEDS Y.DD SH.
Arab nations have never had. And giving up certain ones with Egypt.
so it is probable that they will However, as Newsweek has point-
try to defeat Israel by depriving ed out, no one was a winner, and
her of water, rather than by wag- everyone was a loser. Israel had Hillel Foundation and Beth Israel Congregation
ing a losing war. won West German recognition, 1429 Hill Street
However, it is just as probable and .gotten back their cancelled
that Israel will not stand by while weapons, though indirectly. But -_
its precious waters are being di- their victory had only poured
NEWEST BOOKSTORE The Centicore Bookshop
First Manual
Flight Finished,
(Continued from Page 1)
It was the misadventure that
led to the nickname for yester-
day's ship, the "Molly Brown;"
Officially christened Gemini 3, she
was named after the Broadway
musical, "The Unsinkable Molly
Brown,", in the hope that she
would float the astronauts until
they could be picked up by the
carrier Intrepid.
The shot had an all-star watch-
ing cast.
President Johnson looked on by
television in Washington. Vice-
President Hubert H. Humphrey
was here to give pep talks and
congratulations in person.
Orbit Change
The spacecraft changed its path
on the orbit, gradually dropping
down so it began going around
the world in an almost perfect
circle, from 97 to 105 miles high.
Originally the orbit had ranged
from 100 to 142 miles above the
Grissom and Young became the
18th and 19th members to enter
outer space. Of these, 10 men and
one woman have been Russians.
Russia was first with a multi-
manned flight when three of
their Cosmonauts went into outer
space last Oct. 16. Five days ago,
two more Russians were shot into
outer space, and one of them
scored a dramatic and historic
first by stepping out of his craft
and floating freely on his own.
order ringed the camp of the
marchers for the third night.
Rev. Martin Luther King, lead-
er of the Alabama civil rights
drive, left the march before it
started yesterday. He went to
Cleveland, Ohio, but planned to
return today.
March leaders said hundreds
more would join the demonstration
today on the four-lane stretch
which starts one-quarter mile
from last night's camp.
King has called for thousands
to march the final leg of the
pilgrimage tomorrow.
Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, King's
closest associate, also dropped out
yesterday and returned to Atlanta.
There he described the march as
"the greatest demonstration for
freedom in the nation since Ab-
raham Lincoln signed the Eman-
cipation." At a news conference
Abernathy said that after the
march ends Thursday Negro lead-
ers will mobilize voter campaigns
in 10 counties of the Alabama
"black belt."
Abernathy said he plans to go
to Louisville, Ky., for a program
he hopes will raise $6,000 for the
voter drive.
A nun and several priests joined
yesterday's march.
In Montgomery, Police Commis-
sioner L. B. Sullivan at a news
conference appealed to all citizens
to go about their business and
stay away from the demonstra-
Twelve white and Negro pickets
-yesterday tried to walk on the
sidewalk in front of the capitol.
State troopers kept them off the
sidewalk and city police ordered
them out of the street.
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